LOCAL NEWS BREVITIES Mieses Lulu Clark and Myrtle ! Hollis went to Salem Saturday. Mrs A. W. Hagvy went to Port­ F. B. Frost of near Waterloo auld land Thursday returning Monday. ' his farm at an advance of $3000 Hava you noticed how quiet it has over what he paid for it two year* ago. been since the election? Kenneth Vestenhouse is staying Wanted, a No. I fresh Jereev or Guernsey cow. J. F. Weeely. 14 2 al home now and making daily W. A. Ewing left for Portland I horseback tripe to school. Monday. J. P Quigley of Harrisburg was ATTENTION Attention. Farmers! Hie Sanitary Market, Shelton A If you liavo any fat hog* I dirge, wish to announce that they I ready for whipping atop in will conduct a cash business, or cre­ ami soe dit for St) day* only Ail book ac­ counts must be paid in full within HOLECHEK BROS. the next 15 days. We thank you for your patronage and would like We will give you thu highest to give you more time on accounts, market priee. but we have to pay cash for our Wo ar«- in tho market for -atth* and most of our supplies so liogn every w«-«-k. will have to demand cash or 30 days S helton & L arge . George Sloddart la assisting Agent here Tuesday looking after business ' interests. Bragg al the West Scio depot. Wanted, geese and ducks. 1 want Vanda re Bilyeu thia week aol (cit­ Miss Father Humphrey spent the as many grew and ducks and other ed the town for the support of the week end at her home in Portland poultry a* you can bring. Swift A Mias la-la Buckner and Percy Red Cross work. Co. Produce. Scio. J. F. Parker returned Tuesday Thomas were married last week. Fur sal«- or trade Matched team Mrs. R. J. Morris visited her sis­ from a week’s visit al Centralia. 6 years old. weight about 2500 A young fr« *h Jersey cow A 600-11» tar. Mrs. S. W. Games, Friday last. Wash, Miss Roue Shindler, who la at­ M. Svoboda left for Albany Tues­ tending business College in Salem, day morning. spent the week end at home. Uncle Johnnie Gaines was in town Dr. and Mrs. T. K. Sanderson Friday. of Woodburn spent Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosprafka mo­ the P. H MacDonald home. tored to Albany Monday. Mrs. Katherine Kester spent from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaelecka Thursday to Sunday in Portland vis­ were shopping in Albany Saturday. iting with her mother. Glen Clark of Corvallis spent the The following Scio pc->glc were in week end with home folks. Albany on Armistice day: John B. Edwin Holland and wife are again Couey, W. E Arnold. J II. Hil­ located on their farm near town, dreth. Rudolph and Mrs. Weoely after having worked at ('«mas for and Christine Shindler. some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shelton re­ H. W. Carry was looking after turned Sunday from a three week« businera interests in town Wednes­ trip to Southern Oregon. They re­ day. He is taking a course in a port real dry weather down that business college in Portland, way. William Rhoda sold his crop of The Crown .Mining company held turkeys last week which yielded him its annua! meeting al The Tribune $6.70 per head. office Tuesday afternoon, re-electing Miss Ijtverno (line was a Sunday • the old board of officers The futuic guest at the home of Mrs. W. C. prospects for the mine look bright. Westenhouae. The new daily auto bus line from D. H. Hildreth and 7. J. Clark Scio to Albany, bv way of Jefferson, are attending the Portland stock will lx a great convenience to many show. people in Scio and vicinity. It will Quite a gfMul manv Scioans at* .give some six hours in Albany to tended the Armistice doings in Al­ look after business matters and the bany last week. fare is reasonable. The next stated communication of the Scio Masonic lodge will be on Administrator's or I xeautrix' I Inal Nattee. Saturday evening. To all whom it may concern: Notice Arnold's jazz orchestra will give a is hereby given that the undersigned dance at Weselv hall Thanksgiving executrix of the estate of Albert 8. night. George P. Warner of Albany spent last Sunday In Scio as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Art Shelton. Sternberg's $50,900 tannery was destroyed by tire in Albany, early Sunday morning. Mrs P. II. MacDonald returned from a trip to Portland by way of Woodburn with Dr. and Mrs. T. K Sanderson. Our city dads talk of building ce­ ment crosswalks in the business sec­ tion of town; that is to say they just talk of it. If there is a muddier street in any town in Oregon than our Mill street is at the present time, the people should lie pitied. Last Friday evening Joe Oupor, D. C. Thoms. Dr. S. C. Browne and , Frank Cary went to Jefferson to j attend the Odd Fellows lodge. They * got home about 2 a. m. Saturday, reporting having had a good time. SCIO Thanksgiving Night. November 25 DANCE Arnold's Jazz Orchestra A Good Time Assured to All WELCOME Flour Prices Morris«, deceased, ha« this day hied her Anal account in said estate and the honorable county court of I.inn county, Oregon, has fix»-d am] appointed lie ccmbcr 20. IK». at the hour of 10 o'clock a. tn. of said day, at the county court­ house in the said county and state as the time and |dacs for the hearing of any objections to such final account, and fur th«' settlement thereof. Dated this loth day of November, 19!». EMMA MoltRlSS. Executrix of the estate of Albert H. Mor rias, deceased. V. A. Goode. Stayton. Ore.. Attorney for estate. Bote first publication Nov. IX. 192O Date last publication Iksc. |6, 1920 purchaser. Call on or writ* Mrs. Lnuss* GaMfwr, May tun, Oregon. Phone 2HM. Route 2, box XI. 14 4t Most of the Civil war veterans who cum posed the S. A. Hunter post of the G A. it at Stayton are dead J. L. S. R nr produce an«l get your CASH Al ONi'E We do not pay station price», but Portland market pric--«. Just receive«! from the factory in New York a large shipment of heavy copper wash boiler*. Owing to the increasc in freights the No. 9 heavy copper boiler will be $7 50 leas 10‘.lr for a short tin e. Some prices <>n mattreaaee; 45-lb art ticking mattress, excelsior cotion $8.50 Soft. delux bleach«*«! felt«*d cotton $1850 Yum Yum springs, full size $4 00 All metal springs $8.00 to $16.00 9x12 wool filwr rugs $21.00 9x12 matting rugs $8.00 A nice assortment of matting per yard, from 50c to 60c Ten per cent discount will be al­ lowed on above prices. These art- only a few of the bargains offered, none la-lter made Make uo your mind quick as others are waiting to buy. Other go«>ds will lie in in a few day* to replenish good* sold. ¡0% discount still remains on the best stovi-s and ranges made the PortlanJ («denial line; buy home made goods. All enamel steel range large sire 20x18 in. oven, blue, white ! or gray, $145.00, leva 10%. They I are beauties N. I MORRISON • S^’IO Private office for examinations Have you ordered your F«»rd yet? If not, why not order it t«vlay while. deliveries are po-wible Order yours’ today anencils and fountain pens at Kelly's Drug Store. Farmers, remember Swift & Co. Produce boyars. Scio, pay the high- «•st market prices fur mb 14 2t The league of nations council is For Nab- Farm of M) serve, three mile» in session in Geneva, Switzerland, cast of Scio. 60 acres In cultivation, th»'rest in timber and pasture, Will The U. S. has no delegate but has a sell for $75 per acre on terms to suit looker on there It might save you some money to gel our prices before buying yutir next fiour They are always In line with the market. regardb-M of cost. Today's prices Fisher's Bleed *3.15 A strictly hen! wheat Hour. made from Montana wheal. Aemsvllle *2 56 One of the beat Valley flours. YOU AUTO WEAR GOGGLES Why come Ixxck from your auto trip with your eves inflamed from dust and wind, when y«»u can protect EARMER.S. ATTENTION. them al a small cost? Don't delay We are in tho market for poultry* buying them, and thus save your and veal of all kindi. Handle noth­ eyes. ing but good stuff. Call and get prices Iwfore selling elsewhere. All tlm h«ig- are wwighed on Morrison'« «« .ik* uu«l *«• take them Ironi there. |. S. Sticha 3OO. OREGON BRYANT PARK Pl ACE STOCK FARM Registered Shorthorn Cattle Diiroc Swine Write or call wnen at Albany. Farm I adjoins city. Some bulla of service­ able age at prices you can afford to pay. C. C. B riant . Prop. J. M. W agner , Supt. Real Kilalt Rroller and Notary Public ^'Iktlruib Obtained, faamined KIO - . . OREGON nfc. BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW an 2 New First National Bank I'ldg. ALBANY OREGON Morrison & Lziwe UNDERTAKERS («Ila Attended to Promptly Dav or Night SCIO - - - OREGON