» r OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor­ mation of Our Readers. There are eight tnehe* of snow la th«- mountains south of I’llol Rock. The Jackson county farm bureau, with 70«> number«, has tie­ largest farm bureau In th«- state. Cottage Grove mills report that the car situation, although greatly Improv­ ed. has not yet attained normal It Is eipnetcd th«- general average of taros this y«ar In the towns of Coos ^jay county will not be short of & t»r it nt. It cause of a scarcity of stock the planing mill of th«- Willamette Valley l. umber company at Dallas has clow-d down I'ailng of 11 block* of P>-ndlcton city strict* will *tart next week and bld* have bron made on four more blocks. Lloyd Hcjrne, IFy-ar-old Albany boy. was kllbd In an automobile accid-at on the Cascadia road, four ml Us from Foster. Frank Cllngman, 52. a farmer who llv«w two tulle» «outheast of Peoria, was killed when hl* tractor fell back upon him. Herman I’ri **e. Oak Grove rancher, kill«-d two fat bear» near Hood River after they had killed two of Mr. I’regg'-'s sheep. A hill of potatoes on the propertv of j F. Harris In Mountain View addition to Oregon City produced 78 good slxed potatoes. A prof<*slon»l|y trained «ecrotary E F Van Scholct. has been engag'd to manage the affairs of The Italic* chamber of commerce. To reduce the working force to the ha«li of a year ago. 15 mm In the Southern Pacific railroad »hop* at Al- bany have te - n laid off Eighty thousand lamb« have been puri haf <1 and «hlpp- <1 from ladtevlew «Ince September I by a «hropbuylng concern of Salt laxke city. Walter Kaino. M. will probably die of a wound received from a rifle In th«- hand« of T M Colver, a neighbor, who mistook him for a deer. On account of the low price of starch and potatoes being scarce at Beaverton, the Pacific Potato Starch company will not operate there this w-ason. A general farm products show, to be lu-ld In Eugen* December 13 to 18. Is being plaiin««! by the agricultural council of the county grange State highway bond* In th«- sum of I1.5CO.OOO will l>- sold al a meeting of the stale highway commission to be held In Portland November •. Within a month an Iron foundry will be In uperat Ion at Cotta*'- Grove It will be able by Jam«-« Ferney. to handle a casting up to three Inn» Roblie rs dynarnltid the safe la the Morn of John Hedden, postmaster and plonc-r merchant of Scottsburg. and *scap«-d with betweru |3o.oo® and IJU. MO. Rumor has It that I5«o mon Wilt find employment In th«- construction if ti». railway from Willamina to Grand« Ronds before th«- winter is •vsr. Marshfield ami North B«nd Anor lean Is-gion p««t jointly will oboerve the si-ennd auiilv«rm'roy, city health of Her The Colton Water Company of Col ton. has filed with IVrry Cappsp, State ng lucer application roveri ng th* ap­ propriation of water from Canyon ,'te«k tor domestic and Irrigatio« pur ptmes Thia development eoutrmplates th»- construction of an < Ight inch pire- 'Ine. approximately two um I> s la ieiigth A rh<~ h for |!3 2><4 «-«nerthf «al<- of dlatillate and raaullue In Ore-go* by the Standard Oil company of Call- fornla. tor Septemhc e, was recel»' 4 at the office of the »'-crciary of alate, The t»>dy found royally on the beach near Fort Canby has been Idea titl'd as that of Mayer Johansrn. a rtshrrman who wo» drowned at the -nouth of the river on May • last. Clayton I- oiik . expert hortlculturallat of th«- rxtemdnn »« tv Ire of Oregon Agricultural » k n n>. jät. and < I :|X p m ft*r for Klititk.tr« Munk or* r And th« X Ray were ttmeovered In 1WK. the latter prove* and demun «trate» the former. DK R II. HARRIS Cusick Rank Albany, Oregon JOHN Kt HACK A GtaKIJf AN Notice ta hereby given that the under signed. *dmini»trat«>r of the .-»'ate of Frank hruml, »Irrram-d. ha» til'd in the Arrival and D«'|>-irtur«> of I'anrn'titfi'r County Cour* for Linn County. Oregun. Traina Brokers hi» final account aa *uch adminiatrat.tr, and that Monday the tiret day of Xowm Woodburn Sitting tn-ld Hranch SURI OREGON t>er. at the hour >>f 10 o'clock in WEST SCIO the forenoon, ha« Iv-n fur.I by »aid North 7:66 am. court *» the lime for f aring of objpc tiona to *aid account and the rettirment 5:13 p tn. Sodth thereof Corvallis & Eastern The first publication hereof m Sep­ MUNK EILS tember .■*>. !v3D I. G. FAI.H’S. Administrator. I 1st your farm with u* ate I we will •< Tn Albany Mil am it for you I »nai rommiaaiun charge C. C. liRYANY. Attori., y. To Ih'troit 1:44 p m Railroad 1 ime 1 able Estate Two masked and armed mm inter- <-en^e«l ha» Delays In securing a roadstead to filed in the county court of luiin cuunty. Its hold I ng* on the water front In Orefici, ber final account ss »neh ad ministratrix. anf N «remlicr, ash« Wood* n»»f company, which on 1930. at ih«- hour of t«-n ««'clock in th«- templet« d constructing a large plant forenoon of Chat day, ss the tino- for thè hearing of ubjeclions to «ai«l final ac this fall, to abandon the Id«-* until count and thè eettJem< it therrof. spring Any and all |>«r»on« having objectKuia The Columbia Valley Power com to sani final aocuunt «re hereby notifiod pany. with headquarter* In N«w York. to be pres» ni at «awl tu >• Ih thè Cuunty court room in the l.mn coanty court has made application fur a permit tor house in the city of Ailuiny. l.mn court power developin' nt on the D'HM-hutea ! ty, Oregon, and then sigi thore «nake river In Wasco and Jefferson counties 1 such objoction« MARY BtiRiiVICKA. The application was fllud with the Admini'-tratrix of reld Estate. federal power eunituiselou. Hill A Mnrka, Attornuys f«r Admini»- It la unlawful In lit- gon tn hunt for tralria. 9 5t or have tn possession mountain «beep, goat, antelope, elk. uuh » m -. caribou, female deer or «potted fawn, etcept for »cl. ntlflc or breeding purpose*, ar » cording to a legal »pinion given by I H Van Winkle, assistant attorney genet al. as • result of the tbreo-lncb »now- fall, laiae county far nient In th» Goose latke valley will suffrr a ln*a of more than ||i">w»o. A three-inch covering of snow la the only protection for GUNS RIFLES thousands of acres of wheat «tlii stand AMMUNITION Ing m the »hock which probably n«v«*r Rin i i can be harvested. CARTRIDGE BELTS Improvement of the Portland Tilla GUN OIL. GREASE m<>ok highway, which »a* made liu HOPPE’S SOLVENT No. 9 passable twaus. of the operations of CLEANING RODS. BRUSHES the W illamina a Grand Kondo Rail road company, la being pushed with all possible ape«d. a«lording to a letter DUXBAK HUNTING COATS received al the otflce* of the Oregon TROUSERS anv> m W. A. Ewing, A. E. Randall t> r l& to 21 Pr> yident Vics I'rea. ire pear rrop for the Medford iH» F., D. My-*aon nroviii«- for your future. You will find a ch-eking ac­ year. ‘<7 cars, of which up to data count vary creivenh-nt f«r your 74 l have been forwarded Io the eastern l«u»ine«v Iran-art ion« We pay auction mark» is. Th«- s> aaon's apple 4% interest on time dcpus.t*. «hipping crop, ho»-»er. will only be one half that of I.- ,,-t y».nnn Wllllstn T. It«« d of Kansas I'lty. Mo On \X • <' irndnys and Snlur has fll>M with ib< slate engiu-er ap days oí each week I lolachek pilcailon to construct the Winona reservoir on Jnmpoff Joe creek for Bro®, will sell meat at Special the storage <»f 1*78 acre bet of «Gier. Prices, go call on these days The development contemplates the eon struct Ion of a dam of *3 feel In height and get cheaper ineat. SCIO MEAT MARKET at aa estimated cost of lloo.iwo for I Hunting Season Giselrnan A. Kukacka Motor service disc« in tin ued. »r rwaiMw l*»s«it>«rv*W F. Gill Sacturvta*, l>. C. Thoma t J J. I Harne», W. F. Gill, A Bilyeu, J.R Heren», Mr*. Jennie Warna». UNIVERSA! STOVES < > < * HEATERS AND RANGES < t Tliia line of »lovw wau bought laat Kubruary; «ilice then «love« advanced 25% Buy your «toye now When tifi* lot i* gone the next ahipment will !><• 25% higher R. M. CAIN, Scio < » NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY* WEEK i » »»♦♦««♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦re . HAUSER BROS "Where Everybody Buys THL UNIVERSAL CAR TIIESHII M.lTEliWh H. B. Cl IF5S Attorney •< Law Comfort No danger in traili«- a clcar Vision in «Il directtons. No flapping curtain», no drnft» "ti yuurlrtMMl Xoheavy irverrnat» or gloves. As much air from outside a» you want and no more, A* much warmth front inset«- an wsnt and no more, All plate glass window» and wind shieltls open or clo*e in a moment'* Urne lo anv perni tion you wtsh. In re il, snuw. wmd or «torme; in »timrit'-r beai or «un, thè comfort rar f'- (Fregi" is thè For | dar. ì h«t teli« you bri«-fiy why l ord clossd car «alea in Oregon bave in- rrvascd 1-410 i«*r cent in 1900 ovsr 1919. That explain» why you ,«w* so n any of tlwm everywhcre now, on country rumi*, mounlatu trips or city «tri-e'S. All tlw «turdy d« |>cr>d»bilily sih I economy of th«- Forti chassis and all thè beauty "f an e Ieri rie, at a prtee you «annoi rosai. Gst yixir toni Sedan now < K hnos $ 166.20 Runulwiut, without starter 629 M Rutialwiul, with «tarter 60?, 73 Touring, without «tarter 676 70 Touring, with «tarter. 6/9.68 G»upe, with starter and demountable wheel*. K94.28 Sedan, with demountable rim* and »tarter 916 34 Truck, with pneumatic tire* and demountable rima 674.78 FORDSON TRACTORS hub 36 Ihr okifr prtct» arr Stia prirrt und inc ludr and war la*. FRED T. BILYEU, Authorized Dealer SciO, Of