ANTI-COMPULSORY VACCINATION MEASURE Th* Roman CcHsaum. The Roman c-.||«mn> «aa the laryrat I and m*»«t «filetulld of the buildings At th« «lest ion, November 1. the known In anhllrcturw as amphithea­ voter« of Oregon must dec Id« oa a ters. which the Roman» Invented for gwetloa of th* mu*t vital importance exhibiting gladiatorial comhata. tight« to th* health of this stats On th* of wild he«sl* and other »pcctacl««. ballot they* will b*—Natnber Sih—• The repetition of arch beyond arch bill, »atit led. "Asti Compulsory vac and «lory over story give« thia amphl- einvtloa ameadmenL" theater Its imposing grandeur. This While thia progueed ■wdeare par principle of reduplication of parts, of porta, upon lu far*. Io b* a bill de which the Onthk* architects after- signed to preveal oo called undue com want* made »>> much u«e. Is carried to puleory activltloa oa the part st health a greater »«tent than in any other Ro­ officers as al pree<«t cuMtltutad. Ita man building It did not have a roof. provisions ar* declared by competent The up|>rr story Is not arched I the the legal «d«l»«r* absolutely to Ha the three lower «t»rl««. hut »olid and with batida of tbea* health affhaca ao that, pilasters. Some architects think It ia ease of ua epidemic of diMWoe at was ic.-ant • holly for the purpose rf any kind—no matter bo« aerloua to supporting and working the great «► a community-' -ao «trinaeat measure« larlum or silk awning that covered the couid be lawfully takes to protect the arena during the representation, people which tuny not have been attempted Officials of the cities and roantlea when the amphitheater was first erect- and even the Governor, would be «•■ topped from esmpelling vaccination or iaoculntion In th« gravest of epidem­ The Psaeten foe Hasta. ics. should this bill become tb« la« A Japatiree luirán visited the fnl- at Or< gun. It Is held by lawyers ot the verstty of California, and on leaving highest standing All of the progrtwelve worh sf the was put atMMinl ■ partly fill«! local State Board of Health end say aaao car. elation ot people organised for the At tita Junction the party transferred pwrpuee of dlscaae prevention would to a much rrowdad through rar. Jaló­ bo rendered helpb-se under the provi­ i an«we courtesy «gathered the tret ao sions of thia projK>*ed law, for «tv«n far as manners went, but the baron the curbing ot ven«-r«-wl dUraeea. now could not re-slat the question : “Why ts-ing so sm-veaefully carn«d on for did we leave the comfortable car for the general public welfare, would be this one. which Is so crowdedT" rained. He was told: “Oh. we save two Ail of the ■-ipr-rleuce of as«-*, gath­ minutes getting Into Ran Francl«*»«.“ ered al terrible co*» to human life- "Ah. said he. "and what will we do all efforts nt preventable objective with th«- two mtnuteaF’ would be annulled. If thia proposed measure should become the la« of the A ORAVA HEALTH MENACE state. While purporting to go only to the estent of accomplishing the Whatever view one may tab* upon prevention of compulsory vaccination. th«- straight question of vaccination, it Its language would prohibit the en- would »eeui. aft»? careful perusal *f forrement ot mtasuree long known to lb« ao-cslled 'Anti-Compulsory Vac b>- nec«eaary In the protection of the al nation Atu< udiu-nl.” on the ballot people tor November 1. that It should be de- The beet •sibariti«* oa health leg la­ t ney. 1» the declaration of m< u The river Tyburn, which, along with end wom-ti who have given II the m- st the Thame«, helped to make Wealntln- careful scrutiny. ■trad - «-cured «•¡«••where. The fuuMUig«' of this measure would force the withdrawal of the million« of foreign capital which ia today loamsl on factoriea. buaiMraa and real eatate in the «tale and «end your local money owner» outaide the atate to better investment« I’asaagr of tht« measure would mean forecloaure of thousand« of mortgages, would result in financial paralysis, ami would mean widespread unemployment. You. n<> doubt, understand the v •musnesn of thia measure, but have you talked to your neighbor» and friends al«out it? We urge you to do everything you can to defeat this measure. Oregon's reputation as a sound state f->r inv«-«tmenls re«|uirv* that this tm-asure be overwhelmingly defeated. Vote 315 X NO AND I'KGE YOUR FRIENDS TO IX) LIKEWISE Paid Adv. STATE TAXPAYERS LEAGUE RIVERS TURNED INTO OF LUXURIES How She Will »pend »M0 Inaurane* Left by Her Husband * A middle aged negro vornan of Richmond waa left some *»««> Inaur- ance by her husband, and shortly aft­ erward. when asked by the lady for whom she had rooked for many years what »he Intended to do with her money, declared that she meant to «lnt ring, an’ marry Jack Thomp»ou" Mandy drHarrd happily. •Marry Jack Thompson) "hy. Mandy, he 1» nothing but a worthless loafer, a drrased up dude who tries to he a ’sport F" "Ya»«um. Ah knows d«t." Mandy agreed “hut. lack Ah »aid. Ah wants aome luxuries My ole man was a good nigger, bnl he - of ihr tuli «a» a m«»t > mer at I limi II should be rail'd a III for the la«M>e tu mortality lu >-hil dr- u ” “Never before have I been la a community ah rv matt« r» per talnlng to puidh- health have b n taken out of the hand» of experta and put to a vol«- before the p-'-ple." di t larerl l»r Wiley. “I do not 'hink that a panni in thia state who baa children of school «g» «IH «ota tor this nuMur». because It means that the whool children will not be protected against contagious dia- eaa-s " I Remember! IM Manufacturer« UelnaThreaded Rubber insulation That in the St til Hot tor Wit lord the Threetled Rubber InauUtMsi 1« the Aingwer Iml pert of the tmltery. That tn »he ordinary battery 2 That tn the Still Better Willard the wear is cuf in hthm tor both plates and ineulatkx» wcer Threaded Rubber Ineulaticm doe« not wear out: It Is not affected by the solution. That with the ordinary battery J That with the Btill Better Wll- tbe big expense and ri«k cwne . . — .. Inrd the Thrrwied Rubber In Wilation prevents thia e apenas wtvrn you have to tear down the battery and put m ww Insula- and ritk. ttcas -perhaps with the result that you ruin the plates. That in the ordinay battery, the insulation between pblri car- boraxes, causing lenknge of cur­ rent; and perforates, causing «hurt circuits and permitting “treeing." That with Threede»l Rubber In- tula tu-n these fault«, which greatly reduce the efficiency of the bettery, oennof oocur. That the ordinary battery ha« to be «hipprd and «tore«l wet or partly wet -aging and deteri- arattoa are almaat «ire to take place. That the Still Better Willard with Thrrnded Rublwr InauU- tion ia «hipprd “bono dry not a drop of motsture in it. It b»gin» « «vice in your enr a» frrvli •• whrn built. Of the 191 possengrr cars and trucks using Willard Batteries ns standard equipment, 1.18 have adopted the Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation. Bartu Motor Co., Scio, Or. «iiiÂÎNkJri*::- AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE, Albany, Oregon