The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 28, 1920, Image 2

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•• ».
♦ •*?t » t
to have our country try to quit
the game
W hy will the people be
so silly as to play the Wall street
We speak of Wall street aa the
Entered at the
tortice at Scio,
of the men who profit l>y
Oregon as second class matter.
tUMU'KimoN. IN All VANI"«
N<>w the treaty'and league is not,
T. L. oriKJsa. rumili ano poop
AtivgjrHMNi; hatkh :
Local advertising per line first in­
Each suhaequent insertion per fine. .(16
Display advertising First insertion
per inch ............
Esch au>MMM|u«-nt insertion....................15
Advertisements should reach thia office
not later than Tuesday to insure publi­
cation in the current issue.
All foreign advertiM-rnents must be
paid fur in advance of iHiblirstion.
/ pled,
Vianet lo m\> flat ana
Ike l<
Z\alnin. indtvuikle, irilh liberty ana
lattile fot all.
Ht TO. OREGON. (MT. 2N. 1920
and republican candidate for presi­
dent m 1916. offered seven amend­
ments. five of which were adopted.
Elihu Root presented six amend­
Scio Produce Company
ments and five nf them were adopt­
ed There was no "one-man gi-vern-
ment" in formation of the league
Wants Your Business
protiably. as any one fiurticular na­
The American Germans are almost
tion would have had it. All signa­ univeiaally opposed to the league.
tory nations hud to concede some­ Why? Herausr they expect America
thing of their desires. They had to to make a separate |n*ace with Ger­
meet in the spirit <>f Compromise. many and ex|n-ct bettrr terms to I m *
But all <>f them were tired of war given their native country.
and were in a humor which made every German, almoot to a man. is a
the league or a league possible. At Harding supporter.
no other time in the previous history
of the world waa a league of any
Scio believes in progreoa. aa the
kind possible
vote for additional Ixinds at the
Now if the final result is a failure
special election of laat Saturday ver­
of this league, which will be the
ifies. Now the power project will
caae unless the U, S. shall become
be pushed <»n to completion, if not
a member nation, it may be many
this year then next.
years liefore the nations of the world I
will tie willing to make another trial.
That wiu a good audience which
Defeat will so disturb the mutual
greeted Senator Chamberlain laat
confidence as between nations that
The hearty handshake
any league will be impossible.
of the senator indicated hr was glad
This is the price that Mr. Hard-i
to mwt the people for old friend­
ing and his aup|H>rtrrs a«ks the
ship sake.
I rrit>-I Stjib-i I l-a.7
Yet these league oppnarrs say
Mrs Ma M Cummings, candidate
they arc honest in their views. Such to succeed hemelf na county school
is a doubtful species of honesty for superintendent, asks re-election sole­
a |»*are loving American to enter­ ly upon the record she has made as
tain which refuses to even try to superintendent of the Ijnn County
substitute peaceful arbitration for wch<>. .Is
She has visited all of the
schools annually and haa encouraged
In comparison to the d«f<-atof progress all along the line. Her ex­
the league of nations the election of pense to run the Linn county de­
cither Cox or Harding fades into in­ partment of schools has l>een ma­
Either, if elected, Is terially leas than waa formerly the
but for four years, but to defeat caae, yet has maintained the stand­
the league may indefinitely ptwtpon.- ard in every way. She deserves re­
another attempt, if indeed another election.
effort la ever made. It is a terrible
responsibility league opposera are
Get s sample ballot, mark it a*
trying to force upon the country.
you want to vole, and you will not
Foreign nations, with the league fail to vote as you wish next Tues­
defeated, may well point the finger day.
of scorn al us if we further t»>se ns
Mayor McSwinney, the Irish hun­
a (eace loving nation. The defeat
striker, is dead, having fasted
of the league will lie the heaviest
Forced feeding at the last
blow our commerce with other na­
the death.
But the camp­
tions has ever had
aign has tMM-n »> manipulated that
hrtlnf Market bien Patti
to vote for Harding is to vote against
the league, while to vote for Cox is For produce, cream, eggs. Veal,
poultry, etc. Bring your produce
lo vote for the league,
and get your CASH AT ONCE We
do not tmy station prices, but Port­
land market prices.
The Supreme Coart.
F. Giselman, Prop.
The purity and greatness of the
supreme court of the United States
Initiative measure numtier 310 on
is something that is dear to every the I ml lot t<> be votted in Novemlier
Amiyican's heart nnd the fact that will give to Oregon A port equal to
any port on the Pacific Coast. You
four new meml>cni very probably
are vitally Interested in the pannage
will lie appointed by the next presi­ of thi« bill.
It will not increase
dent is a matter for deep considers your taxes.
The cost is borne by
lion in thiselection
Four memtiers the Port of Portland, but all Oregon
of the court are now eligible for re­ must vote on the measure. Vote
310 YES on the ballot November
tirement on account of age, ami It
in probable there will I m * four vacan­
cies on the court to I m * fill«! within ' Should Oar Disabled Soldiers
the next four yearn.
Given Preference?
Thoughtful people. therefore, will
ponder the point recently made by
H»w mnnv public officeholders do
Governor Cox to the effect that the
v«*u know of who are giving prefer­
senatorial oligarchy haa for its aim
ence to service men as employes?
not only the control of the execu­ Hr. how many candidates do you
tive through the election of Senator know who are pledged to do so in-
Harding, but through him the ap­ stead of using their appointments to
pointment <>f four members of the reward personal friends?
Henry Nolan, democratic nominee
United Staten supreme court, nnd
for the office of county clerk, is
thus, to bind the country to reset ion qualified for the office he seeks and
for the better part of a generation. is pledged o give preference to dis­
able,! » -Idiot-i as deputies whenever
it can I m - done without low« ring the
Let It Be Remembered.
efficiency of the office.
If you would like to see this policy
inaugurated in public offices you ran
It should I m * constantly borne in
help by voting for Nolan. No. ♦» I on
mind that the league of nations is the ballot.
I'd Adv
not one man's work, not one man’s
Notke ot 1 in»I Seltk-menl
The prime ministers of other
Notice is hereby given that th*- ad
great reunifies participated with
mini«tr»tnx of the estate nf i harl«-« A.
the American delegation in its for­ Everett, deceased, has her final
account with the county clerk of l.inn
mation. and President Wilson con­ COUl
ty, O n *ML and the county court
sulted not only with democrats but ha» fixwl Saturday. the 30th day of No­
with republican leaders, and many vember. Itrjo. at the hour of 1 o'clock
p. m. tor the final h- arin« of »aid ac­
of their suggestions were adopted count and
11lemrnt of said estate.
and all persons having objections
and incorporated in the covenant of Any
then to are hereby required to be pres­
the league
ent and make the same on or before
Cover It up with other issues as
deefdy as wc can and we cannot get
bv the fact that the adoption or re­
jection of the league of nations is
the most important political issue
now c.mffntihg the Amer /in | m *
pie. It is more important than the
auccrss of cither Mr. Cox or Mr.
Now the people of the United
Slates prefer, of course, reserva­
tions that will make the league as
eubmitt«*d tn the senate laat July by
President Wilson more of an Amer-
(can document than it is.
Rut when we consider that this I*
the first attempt during the entire
history of civilization, by the nations
of the World, to sere«* lo try to get
along without war. and to eliminate
the vast expense of an ever readi­
ness for war at almost a moment’s
notice, the people lielievc that the
United States government should be
among the first of all nations to join
in the effort.
The United States is a peace lov­
ing nation. We pride ourselves in
not being ever ready for war
would rather submit to injustice in
the settlement of such disputes as
we may have with other nations
rather than to go about with the
proverbial chip upon our shoulder
So when these other nations have
manifested a willingness to enter a
league of peace, for us, the usual
leader of peace movements, tn balk
and hold back, is s disappointment
to civilization.
And why are we
thus blocking this, the first attempt
at "|M*ace on earth and good will
toward men"? Just to please and
satisfy a small class of men who are
ever readv to reap profit from war.
And what do wc. the common
people, gain by going to war with
other nations?
We accumulate a
great national debt; we place our
young men on the altar of our coun­
try; we undergo harnships. etc.,
under the name of patriotism while
a special class of our people laughs
in glee at the opportunities soon to
be theirs.
And these are the same fellows
who fought confirmation of the
league in the senate. and who arc
now using every possible power to
prevent the election of officials who
an* ready to m**et the other nations
of the world in the effort to do
away with war.
Such men are traitors of the worst
Thev are enemies to human­
ity and not one of them la willing
to expose his life in defense of his
Country. No. These men are ready
to profit by the war. but never a
one of them will get into ths trench­
Yet these same men are ap­
Former President Taft suggested
pealing to the party prejudice of four amendments ami thev were all
the people to keep up the war game adopted, t'harlea E. Hughes, for­
for their benefit. They are uawill- mer ju-slio- of the supreme court
aaeeseaseeeeeassaeeeeeeeseeaesssseeseaaseeaeaaaeaaaa 1
th,- date above named.
listed thi« the I “th day of October,
Weatherford A Wvatl, Attomevs for
Will jmy Caah for Eggs. Poultry. Veal. Hogs. Hides
Will buy Cream in any quantity and pay
the highest cash price foi it.
Let ua get acquninted.
If you have a grievance
make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it.
Bring Us Your Cascara Bark
Wc will give you a Square Deal
Now it- tin- Time to Purchase Your
Ask the-. w. II known men why they purrhastxl our plant:
I. H Cop.-land. < . A m Volkman, Crabtree: Walter Blackburn,
sen, <«•
h r-i. < rat.lrse; O. B. Koehler, Mbanon; Walter Po­
land, She«'d
And many others.
Paul Automatic M ater Systems
Perfection Milking Machines (Natures Milker)
Anker I lolth C ream Separator».
anced Bowl
I he Only Self Bal­
iring by I ácenserl nnd Bonded Men—Estimates
Cheerfully Furnished
Krt W
I t
First st
< 30.
OH P. O. Building
E do all kind« of amateur kodak finishing, film
developing, copying, enlarging and photograph­
Sampk-i of <>ur work on hand for y.-ur inspection.
If you have uny trouble in getting good results
out < f y<>ur k < nk >r camera, call on ua; we can no
doubt help
■ with suggestions that will help you get
result* <.nd good, dear pictures, We have had over 20
years experience in this work so no doubt can do you
some good. So I m * not backward in asking for help in
this line. Your kodaks examined free.
Our prices are as follows, alueayt cash on delivery
of your work; plea*- remember this;
2}x3}, or smaller, 40c dozen
4x5. or smaller. 50c dozen
3)x5j, and [XMitcards, 60cdozen
Film rolls, any size, 10c each
Film packs, anv size. 20c each
Plates up to 5x7, 6c
Plates above 5x7. 7|c
Mail ->rdrrs solicited and attended to promptly;
mu«t be accompanied by cash, any oyer remittance
will I m * promptly returned
We thank you for | mu B and solicit yjur future
l>atr<>nage. Yours for good work,
IT IE I h »I ’sE OF t^l'Al.ITY
Carrie» a tine of il>< 1« l
on the market, knowing from experience
as a feetier that quality i» the important joint to consider in buying feed
especially for the h«<, dairy cow, laying hen or young atnek.
We s I m > exetinng« Fisher’s Blend Hour a atrirtly Montana hard
wheat flour) fur wheat. Wc need and ask yuur patronage.
The detrae way Makes Fanning Pay
I las the I Icxxl, Racine. Aja« Tires and Tubes
I hr Shell. Monogram and Monomobile Oils
I he Detroit Batteries - Battery Service Station
Electrical Work a Specialty
W. L COBB, Proprietor.,