THE SCIO TRIBUNE Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party VOL. XXIV SCIO, LINN COUNTY. OREGON. OCTOBER 21. 1020 NO. 10. ♦............................................................. ♦ LOST BATTALION COM c MANDER FOR LEAGUE But Does Not ♦ SCHOOL NOT®. ♦ NOTES. ................. The Scio public school has now completed its first month's work. The records show an enrolment of 4N in high school and 113 in the grades in spite of work al home and bad weather, the percentage of attendance has hern 96 6 and 90 pupila have hem neither al>eent nor tardy. Parents, pupila and teachers are to be congratulated for the in­ terest they have shown in keeping this mark high. Presume to Dictate to Buddies as to How They Should Vote. CHAIRMAN WHITE SAYS TIDE TURNING Harding Has Clarified Issue League for Controlling Voters, Declares Statement. 11.76 THE YEAR FORTY DAYS TOO SHORT. Th« Oregonian makes no objection 10 CENT COFFEE HELD 1900 PER CENT PROFIT on its merits to the referendum bill . for a constitutional amendment ex- tending the legislative sessions from Boston District Attorney Declares 40 to 60 days. Nor d»**« It fir.d it­ Han Sandwiches Bring 399 self dismayed that compensation of the members 1« to t>e raised from $3 | to 16 per diem If the services of a, legislator are worth anything, they! Per Cent Returns. New York, Oct. 17. — George Boston. Oct. IN Restaurant are worth $i> a day or |300 for the White, chairman of the democratic keepers who were called on by Uni­ session Some legislators are dear at national committee, declares that ted Stales Attorney J >aniel J Galla­ 13. and others earn for the public "the political tide, which last Satur­ gher at an open hearing today to far ni»re than the moderate turn of day was at the turn, is now sweep­ "explain away if possible the convic­ «6. The remedy is to keep the |3 ing toward the democrats." tion in the mind of the public that (er men at home and «end to "It is loo late for the republicans you are gouging them In the prices Salem only the tor more) talent. to arrest it," he added. "The Cnn-1 charged for food,” said they could Yet the | ublic is perverse. Occas­ trolling voters who have been wait-' not reduce prices nt thi« time. An a ionally too often it prefers the 10 ing with great patience for Senator consequedes the federal attorney cent demagogue to the 100 per cent Harding to take an honest stand for announced that he intended "to find Amcr.c-tn ctti.u-n of experience and some a ay tn give |M-r«< n« charging the great issue accepted what he consecration in public service. excessive price« n chance to satisfy said at Des Moinea a» his real con-1 Yet the Oregonian thinks that the a court and jury on their charges” viction. They felt he had broken experiment of a divided legislative Ham sandwiches that cost fl 29 the bones of deceitful strategy just session another nwasure on the once.” cents November ballot should lie tried. ‘ and " * sold ' for ' r 30 cents, a profit Senator Harding*« statement that The plan is for 40 day. of work in °f 399 prr “nt: whl<* •howe<’ he stands for rejection. Mr Whit«* which no bills (except appropria-i a profit of :uxi per cent, and pie, Oosting 4»l to 4* cents, which sold said, made a clear issue between the lions for the «lategovernment) shall for 11.60. figured in the items the league of nations with clarifying and be pn«aed, then for a recess of 60! attorney made the «ubject of ques­ protecting reservation« and no league days, and for a doting 10 days in,"' tions. at all. The peapie accepted it and which all measure« shall be finally JORDAN ITEMS Other items which he thought re­ the rush to th«- league side- Un­ acted upon, with no amendments democratic side—began quired an explanation included al­ except by four-fifths vote. leged profits running to 1900 per 1 Chairman White earlier declared A curious objection to this plan is Frank Linderman and family vis­ cent on vegetables; sale of corn at he could visualize Senator Harding offered that, during the 00 days' In­ ited Mount Angel Sunday. 10 cents n , r, coffee at 10 cents a | "shaking in his shoes because of his terval all measures would be exposed Hal Shelton moved to I^rons and *p«*ech at Indianapolis Friday night." cup, and pie at 20 cents a cut. to public diseuwion. and that the joined the Aim of RalsigvrA Son. In hi« speech Mr. WhiteamerUM the new«p«(M-rs would have much to say. Mrs. John Jungwirth was dia- republican candidate had attempted You are vitally interested in Ore­ There is pretended fear of newspa­ charg«*«i from the Scio hospital Fri- f to deliver to 31 republicans who re­ gon having a port equal to any port per government. day. eently advocate*! his election on his on the Pacific Coast Initiative mea­ Th criticism is almost too puerile Mrs. John Rohwein was taken to league of nations «land what hi« for consideration. Your newspaper sure No. 310 on the ballot to be managers promised them, "if they ' the hospital at Scio Sunday. is the voice and eye« of the public voted in Novemlier will provide Or­ The cost Ros. Pettit mov«*d to the fine Jim would come to his rescue." and in its report and comment on egon with such a port. I “What effect the Indianapolis will be bornr by the people of the Shelton farm Friday. any matter of inter« st or importance wobble may have on Senators John­ Port of Portland, but all of the state it Is performing a public service. Mrs Henry Jungwirth, who was son and Borah must be seen." said 1 must vote on it. Vote 310 YEM on There sre other agencies, but none taken to th«* hospital rrc«*ntly. is re­ Mr. White. "I. for one. give John- ' the tiallot on Novemlier 2d. Athe Haman . are sincere in their opposition to | scope, merit an regularity of per­ Senator ('hamtx-rlain's date for formance of this indispensable func­ Shelton place Friday. Scio is next Saturday morning and I ’the’ league and *a* league and will t Roy Crabtree and family were not accept a wink of the other eye I tion. goes from here to albany for an ev­ The chief reason for the legisla- Albany visitors Friday. i Senator Harding only once broke i ening meeting. : five recess 1« to <>p«n up for general Miw Sv I via Bilyeu, who has been away from his guards and spoke his ♦ |diacua«i>>n ail the work of the lcg>s-| assisting her mother at the board­ real feeling and the democratic cam­ lature. If it will not stand the light! ing house, went to Shelburn Friday. paign has taken that as his stand. I it should never t>e permitted to em- ’ Miss Ella Fink has taken a posi­ T do not want any clarifying reso­ erge from the dark If thenewapa - lutions.’ he said at Dea Moines *1 tion in the Jungwirth store. 1 per» all o«w alike, there might pro-I Mrs. Ender« wsa called to the I want to turn my hack on these obli­ [a rly l*e alarm about their influence.! Scio hospital Monday to assist in gations. I stand for rejer of the men Oregonian, I Jeu tenant - Colonel Charlee W*. Whittlesey. former commander of the "Lout Battalion" who told the Germans to go to hell, when they demanded the surrender of hie Many pupils have been kept at troops, has announced his support of home during the pa«t week by a the league of nations and intention mild but contagious skin disease. to vote for Cox. Basketball practice has Iwgun for “I em in favor of the league as it both boys’ and girls* teams. The stands, or with reservations." Colo­ early start Is made in the belief that nel W’hittlesey said. “I don’t think "the early bird catches the worm.” that this or any other country can Last Tuesday afternoon the Nth stop the ultimate operation of the league, and think the sooner we get grade debated "Fire is More Des­ Edward into it the letter it will be for the tructive Than Water." world. For that reason I am going Prosiwl. Blanche Barnes and Willie to vote with the party that wants Johnston took the negative while Grace Long, Bobby Thayer and El- the league of nations now." Colonel Whittlesey probably saw den Knauf look the affirmative and as much fighting as any other Am­ were awarded the decision. erican in France. Military decora­ tions testify as to how hard he fought, so he may be considered an expert on the matter ot war when he says that "almost any price is not too great to pay to stop it." "Opposition to the league la sim­ ply the manifestation of a reaction­ ary spirit with which every great movement in history has had to cun- I am tend." said Col. Whittlesey, I am not frightened by article X. not afraid of internationalism, the bogie of those who oppose the league We are already international and there is no way to help it. even if we wanted to. Our obligations to the world are already fixed and we cannot avoid them. We may resist a forwarn movement for a time, but it only postpones our complete en gulfment. It is better to go on with the tide." EARLY ARRIVAIS IN SALE STATIONERY FOR CHRISTMAS Wc have just received a large shipment of the finest of sta­ tionery for our (Christmas trade. Of course it's ' SYMPHONY LAWN the finest paper made It's f. [tacked in dainty boxes and may he had in the various desired «hade* and colors. We also have— ENVELOPES. EVERSHARP PENCILS. FOUNTAIN PENS etc :. I Store TOURS FOR SERVICE have l>ern laie bond Issue next Saturday may W'e noticed a log ba« drum, «ev­ lie written down as an em-my tn era! men and other insi rumenta un- Scio. He or ahe, as the ease may I >ad«*d at the hotel Friday morning be. would rather see the town go We wondered what bankrupt than to move forward by from an auto kind of a fete was on hand and was spending the money n«*