> z *. H • I •• ' . -Zi: • ~r J . * \ l‘V' For sale house now occu­ Tillamook will exhibit a 6sr« U-tween Perry Pitchford ’• farm aid our gate, i-addie ho square lralhcrs. one iron and one wooden stirrup. Findsr will «safes s favor by leaving the saddle at ths Se*o Tribune office. Mrs. J A. Craft IF YOU WANT to buy or trade for 148 acres good stock land near headwaters of the YaqoLia in Benton county see The Tribune's printer. to Lebanon Tuesday. For sa'e Second liand Ford. Just The Tribun«- bas a few thousand dol­ Mrs. (Hear Eichinger and daugh­ overhauled and in first class running lar* p> loan first nM.-rtg.age »«eunty. Frank Shindler and family we shopping in Albany Friday. Mrs. Z. J. Clail returned from a ter Ruth left Tuesday morning for an extended visit with relatives in week’s visit to Salem Monday. Portland. Printer Brant will sell a brand Clarence Rhoda was pleasantly new 30x:ii tire al*out >7 under co»t. surprised by friends Saturday even­ Mra. Vista Sims returned from ing who dropped in on him to spend the hop fields Friday. a social time, it being his 16th birth­ ' W. C. Low* of Ijehanon was Inn- day aactlng business in Scio Friday. Mrs. Nettie Carruthers and son Louis K. Poavar made a business Francis, after an extended visit with trip to Portland Saturday. her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ed Chrz went to Albany Monday Rosorafka, returned to their home and drove back a new Dodge ear. in Seattle Saturday. Cail at Cobb’s garage. Scio. order. Wanted... 3000 shakes, cedar or School book» are mini for ci»h fir. State price. Charles Hart. Jef­ 6 It ferson. Ore. only. Kelly's Drug Store. Get von? hand and toilet s<>ape at Bili lx sm Kelly's Drug Store. Our prices are For Hal* A registered Inirham bull, right. about & years oki. will weigh 14W» lbs T J GIBBONS. Vetch see«i I have a quantity of vetch aeeii for sale. F rank Novak. Biff) Bfiwtn AtUstiM. meat market in Seto. Ala», our truck will cover all of I be Jordan aid Bilyeu l*»n countries; 1’rvikbt.ee to Sander»' place near Lacomb; from I hr re north on n*d to larw»«l and fi.-anng Hirer; I then down the south side of I rabuee to the cheese factory and from thereon to Crabtree on the *<«>th »tdeof Hungry Hill and west of ttcio from (imm bridge tn Sanderson» bridge. We will meet all prices and give service in sup­ plying crates »nd pi, kers. fill ELTON A LARGE For sale A brand new Ifa-ering tawtts Bliclktmtt he will hold services in Scio at 11 week. Dogs from all over the Uni­ corn binder. Inquire of Joseph The Scio Preture Market wants all a. m. next Sunday. ted States and Canada are there, of the evegreen blwckbrrnrstl csng«t. Menhart, Scio. tf Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gill and Miss showing off their fine points and the t he highest market price will be paid and square »nd honest weights are in­ Josie Kutan spent Sunday at the effects of training. FOR THE sù red. i Henry Ford has reduced the price Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Studnicka of of "tin Hzxiw” so that almost any- Harrisburg made a week end visit body can now afford to own one. The reductions include the Fordaon with the John Kot an family. Mra. E. I). Myers and Mrs. Riley tractor aa well. D. C. Thoma is about ready to sue the Albany Democrat for damages i day. That paper always publishes hia Misa Blanche Prochaska of Port- »- - Thomas -ri-------- .. ’ K.._ land was visiting friends in Scio last nBm* "• U- C , when he was christened aa D. C. Thums Just; mi — rvj i-i l . . » _ leave out "a" brother, iffid you’ll be Mina Oda < lark returned from a month’s stay al Blewett. Wash., last 1,11 rl-ht Shelton motored to Albany Satur­ nurprlee and farewell party was I . . , . , Riven tiie Spencwr Ungs Thursday Clair McUin. who is employe,! in by n ho<| of frbwh A a sawmill near Corvallis, spent Sun- wo | ■y at home. light refreshments t>eing served to > Thursday ■ Mias Mary Ko tan left Saturday |po i^e Longs are going to for Harrisburg where she will teach Cyrvanu where Spencer will attend In the Khool this year, q a £ Bert Hollis limshed moving his! Friday Mrs. E. D. Myers household goods to town Friday and a party in honor of her little is now settled for the winter. daughter Helen’s third birthday. Amon Luka loft forShodd Friday The following little tola were pres- where he ia going to attend high ent: Jack. Kelly, Ralph Johnson, school thia winter. ' Vers (Parson, Alma Philippi. Virginia 1 Bilyeu. Esther McKnight. Ib>tty Bil­ George Balaiger, merchant at Me­ hama. made a short stop in Scio yeu. Ardeth Shelton. The afternoon was spent playing games. Ice cream Friday while en route to Albany. and cakes were served. Mines Adel Aehy and Annie Zol­ Have you ordered your Ford yet? ler after making a short visit with the D. H. Hildreth family, returned If not. why not order it today while deliveries arc possible. Order yours to their homes in Portland Thursday today and avoid delay. Ot Bilyeu's little lOywr old With th« harvest ct one of the larg­ daughter picked 5j boxes of hot* est cherry crops In the history of the by 3 p. m. Many grown people ■ tale in full blast, the fruit, rain split, cannot do aa well. 1» n drug <>n the market and hard to Miaaes Esther Humphrey and Ruth Mueller arrive,! Sunday p. m. to assume their duties as instructors in the Scio schools. move at any price, according to re­ ports coming from Wtllametts valley point*. Public Sale. Thia week E. C. Shelton bought We will offer for sale at public the property where hia non Roy is auction on the Harvey Shelton farm living; Roy hought the Mary Wesely situate 5 miles southeast of Scio, property, across th« street from the Mn,| ij mi|rt eOt of the Richardson Scio garage, bridge crossing Crabtree creek.com- Hunting Season GUNS RIFLES AMMUNITION RIFLE CASES CARTRIDGE BELTS GUN OIL. GREASE HOPPE’S SOLVENT N<> 9 CLEANING RODS. BRUSHES DUXRAK HUNTING COATS TROUSERS awl HATS LEATHER VESrS. COATS HIGH TOP BOOTS WOOLEN SHIRTS SWEATERS FLASHIJGHTS. KNIVES SAFETY RAZORS. BLADES HAUSER BROS “B’/iere Albany, Everybody Buys” Salem, Corvallis, Eugene THE CIO PRODI » ECO. Fred Guelman. .Manager. Lrakir! Limber! Hrudka A Kukar La. pro; rmtors of a »Kwmill 2% mil«-» sotnhsaid '»f l*cio. < have all kinds of rough building lum­ ber. Anyone desiring aanw can Icave his or her order with Joe Boyanovsky. We will deliver the lumber if desired. If we have not the d'invasion lumber you want, we will cut it promptly- M b HM t »tar's NatiH. Notice is herrby given that the un­ dersigned administrator of the estate of Minerva E. Gill, dec-aaed. has flh-d with the county clerk of Linn t'ounty, < irrgon. hi» final account in sai l estate and that th« < ou'ity Court has ap­ pointed Monday, the 4th day of < ictobcr. 1920. at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day. in the county court room In Inc cmrt-houw-, in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, as thc time and plw-c for hearing said final ac­ i count, the objection» thereto, if any them be. and for the final settlement of >> k I «»tale Ihtied this 26th day of August, A. 1». IMO. W A. EWING, Adminiiitrai r of th« »»tate of Minerva H, Hill, Lhceaaad. L M. CURI-, Attorney for Administrator. a*********** see******** We Have Just Received a uiill be satisfied u'ith a meal al •> ,btd ^rio New Model SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Sonora Every Sunday Price >90.00 Wr will gladly demonstrate thia and other Aylea of SONORA Talking Machines for you. 75 Cent« HAROLD ALBRO. Manufacturing Optician GLASSES FITTED BY Graduate Optometrist PIUCRB REASONABLE Private office for examinations F. M FRENCH & SONS ALBANY DR. R J. NICOL VETERINARIAN Official Stock Inspector Cattie Tuberculin Tested far Pwb- I k Sales, Etc. LEBANON - OREGON n. I Office Main 525 1 h,,n<* ( Residence Main 21 Riley Shelton Real Estate Broker and Notary Public jlbttratl» Obtained, faa mined OREGON WANTED lluv Grain Potatoes HK’HbST MARKET PRICE M. G. REED infice Albany State Bank Al • ANY. ORE. »♦a*»*»»******»*****»**»** Short and Ix»ng Distance at Reasonable Katen A. 1- WAKM.lt. Kwor ***»*****»*e+e**ae***4>» Dr. W. B. Richardson Orro.METKlST Will bo at Scio Hole! in Scio every Saturday of elicit wren preparud t«» tit ami furnisli good glasM-e forai! that want to improve their oyesight Glafinea for reading, eewing or for distant use. all one lens 'and warranted to give satin­ faction. W. B. RICHARDSON Eyesight Specialist Jefferson Oregon Not (wing able to find a contender inencing at 1U a. m on at his favorite card game pinochle: SFTTEMBER 3d. 1920 —Printer Hrant had to journey to the following Hated ix-rsonal prop- SCIO. OREGON Salem to spend the week end with erty: 14 head of milk cows, 4 with hia »on. C. W Brant. young calves, 7 to freshen in a short Spencer Long informed The Trib­ time, balance next spring; lll-moe. une that he would move to Corvallis old Jersey bull; 15 h<*Rji, 3 sows and WE HAVE thia week preparatory to entering 12 spring pigs; 7 good horses; 3 seta EVERYTHING work harnesi; 3j-in wagon, 14 inch 0. A. C. as a student. He experi­ OPTICAL enced difficulty in obtaining a house I walking plow, nearly new; 6-foot I EYE STRAIN in which to reside, having to pay binder. Woods; low» cream separa Is the cause of many tor; 2 drag harrows: saddle and >25 per month rental, HUMAN ILl-S bridle; 2 sets of harness; 14-inch George Griffin, who drives a road iRiver steel plow, new; 8-in. plow; louse which he uses mainly for the I sinirle buggv; one 7-ft. and one 6-ft pleasure and convenience of his! Optical Company crosscut saw; platform scales; hand­ many Indy friends (though he does saw; 2 scythes; 35 tons loose hay. 313 W 1st St.. Albany not like to be caught at it I paw>e>ld Mormon, be­ C. 0. BRYANT $25. bankable note at 8$ interest, Prvsxirnt Vice l*res. have yourself. FL D. Myers. Cashier payable in 3 months. * fitart a bank account today and Our public schools opened Mon­ Fisher A Nadvornik. Owners provide for your future. day. The cheerful tones of the Auctioneer, Ben Sudtell. Clerk, Ri- You will find a checking ac­ #»1-2 New First •National Bank Bldg. count vsry convenient fur your school bell inspires a sort of home ley Shelton. Indies will supply feeling. OREGON ALBANY 6 It ] BANCROFT ALtANY O*ca. ! ¡ l 3 YOU J. S. Sticha ■ Featherweight Cheat seed for sale—About 500; We are in lb« market for evr rgrwti looks. bushels rociesned cheat »oed. readv blscktwrrie« in snv «piant'ty and want your product. Will rco-iv« them at our to sow. F T iHAYkli. FXrsy Notice I have taken up two yearling heifers, part Jersey, marked with a crop off the right ear. Owner can have the animals N. I. Morrison made a business rhe following named purchased I by establishing ownership, paying trip to Albany Saturday. new Fords last week: Nikolas End- for their k« - p and for this notico R. I.. Hlwood. Gilkey station O. W Fillpot of above Ix«banon. rose, Joe Ambroeek. Dave Hildreth. \ 5 2t was In Scio Monday on the hunt for Frank Merritt. All but the last are Hay Culler for »ode A power or cement with which t» erect a silo. hand hay cutter, in good condition. touring, it is a roadster. 5 31 Father Boniface announces that Leltanon is "Dogtown" for this ; Inquire of Joseph Pstrny home of Guy McKnight. The tran»parent frame, strengthened by the inlaid wire, ia the kind of article that make« friends, aa the glass wearer then has comfort, strength ami <■»<<] H. B. CHESS Attorney *» Law THE SCIO STATE BANK ATTORNEY AT LAW SAM STOLLER Expressman DR. C. F1CQ DENTIST otHrc Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1 t<> & P. M. One door north of Pnstoffise SCIO. OREGON H. C ROLOFF AUCTIONEER Public sales a specialty. Get the man that can get you the monev — Boloff ran «9 LEBANON. ORE. I hones ' ( trt* h|7 Ix>ek Write or phone me al my ex penne for dates. Sals dales »rvassil far at Sein Trikes* «Hw» RURAL CREDIT LOANS Our twenty year rural credit plan of loaning money to farmers, helps you to get out of debt. Under our form of loan Ow- total amount of interest paid during Ila entire penod of twenty years is actually leas than per cent interest. Write us for booklet. OWEN BEAM. “Agent. 133 Lyon St Albany, Oregon