THE SCIO TRIBUNE Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party VOL. XX1I1 NO. 28 SCIO. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. FEBRUARY lit» I The Bachelor and the Bird». INFLUENZA CLAIMS swung tn a hammock under a tree FIRST VICTIM IN SCIO ! I He Bewailing his fate, ao lonely was hr, 1820 Reiolutioni of Condolence. JORDAN ITEMS I Foe U m «SiWiMIM •< SW., T. L. « «I A. D. S. White Pine Cough Syrup Will Do It Price 25 and 50 Cents Kelly’s Drug Store YOUKS FOR SERVICE that of th* 97 bills pasted durltut * Mtelner. warden of th- trouble Boys, is it worth while to stat* penitentiary since last May. ha violate the law in this raamect? Nut relinquish'd his duties at that inti ! only may a stiff fine be Imposed, but tut Ion and will be reinstated as •up* lnt«-n«|rnt of the On-gon stat«- dtntcd paru* It is an evident fact that an auto­ mobile man is out of his line when he monkeys with a pitrhfor. at least in this life, Frei! Bilyeu tried it last week and prodded his foot with one of the tins*«. Frvd does nut like th« galf, but he has to stand it this time. Nor can he take satisfaction out on the fork except have Mrs. Fred use the fork, and no telling how much damage to the afoteaaid fork may result. who were waiting to give Oregon John Blno entered the hospital rain» credit for getting well, have Tuesday, a iwitimt of l»r Browne. become disgusted with the abstemi­ J »sei -ph Sent is convalescing nicely. ous actions of old Pluvtus and are Ervin Sehnuelle, who underwent getting well wit (»out his aid. a major operation a short time ago, The Sei«» Milling Co. has and is will soon tw able to go home I making Iola of flour thia winter. In a note to the editor Riley Shel­ This is as it should he for all th« . offal and mor« is needed by our ton save "we still have a g'*»d sup I dairymen. ply of grip on hand " I 110 SC10ANS FAVOR A PROGRESSIVE CITY Castle Hall I eon id as I o»tge N'o. 3K, K I*. Wlw-reaa, It has pl«a»e«l IHvine Prov- id«nrr to renuive by d*-alh from our mid»t <>ur c»tr« in«nl and worthy knight, I Imo Mma, anti Whereas, We desir* to ext»r«-u to his devoted wife snd relatiy«-» our moat Only Nine oi Our CittMM Had the prufuuial svmpathy. therefor* l«e It Temerity to Vote Again»!<|, That ui the death at W»«r- thy K< ighf Elmo Mlms t^-onldas lujdgei No -*>. knights of Pythias, hsa lost one the Meatuie. of her must worthy an.l active mem-1 her», a-td in nt-a(»i t to the n»enx»ry of «>ur -U i'art*t*d wife sial children a kind lx»ldly m the niarch of progress. and adret louat* huahanu and father, ‘ Scio people want the lieat and ami ti»e parents a dutiful son. Hi« -I v « h |, Tn»' a rooy of th- *» r«-*o- they are wiling to pay for it They Itlliona be spread upon our l-noh uf mtn- * want good ro t-la, live and energetic ute», that the same be oublUtu-si in The^ S« »o Trih-me au«l that a eopy he pre I ci I.‘tens, a Hr»! c!a— light and wnl«-r ivnlr«l to Uie borvavml Wile and inutner system, good schools, etc. hoy v. hiir L ton Some of th< ««• we now have, anil J M. STK'H' KtH i.A HIIEi r»»N bv a nearly unanim »it» voice, us Ce-mnuti«-«- N W. Thomas an.I wife were Crabtree visitors Saturday I any » » as .« Watching two birds they L. ila Frank Hanna and wife took din­ Elmo Sim*. After Two Week»' HI their wee nest. ner with Harvev Sladton's Sunday. Sadly a-mghing at their jovful teat new, Pa»»e» to the Great Mrs, Ed Daugheit and »on ami They twittered and chirped and daughter visited her daughter, Mrs Beyond. worked with a will M. Fink. Saturday and Sunday. Scorning his lone «late with up- Miss Ella Fink is a—isting II C. lilted bill; For several days Itefore the end F’oltx at the store. it was known that Elmo Sima was Eor they were mated and happy to lie I Mrs. Rovdt <>f Sahrn*» visiting at desperately ill, because uf the relapae Building for two In the bachelor's the H. C. Foltx home. tree. of the flu. His death was ex Dec led The infant child of Mr ami Mrs. during any part of three or four He soon fell asleep and »aw in a Merl f^ost of Mill City was interred dream days, and the fact that bis vitality at Bilyeu Ihm cemetery Saturday. Fair maidens galore, on whom he was so strong inspired hope that he Wednesday the re«' lence of Eu­ did beam. might survive. The end came on gene tiahart caught fire from a de­ They Iteanwd not on him, ’tie «ad to fective flue and but for th* timely Thursday evening and the burial, relate. would have attention of the family I under the auspices r.f lx»>>nidn» Each maid in his dream bar) found » 1 burned. Lodge No. ;P>. K. <>f P , occurred at fond male % Say. who is the Miller cemetery Saturday at two Th»y dancer! and pranced as they frosty mornings Th* Italias <*«»ium> rt-lal club has at o’clock, p tn. sang in higt) glee , have to get up last sretircd the lovatlon of a emmerv Elmo Sims was born in Scio nearly "We’re ail fur building a big family .weather ami "fluey" atmosphere? at Uallaa Many arris of Ix-rrlia of all tree; 27 year» ago, where he has spent his Hers’s hoping for an early arrival kinds will I m - set out In th* v'rlnlty and entire life. He obtained his e »ture t<> re­ etub to Interest farmers and fruit crow tion in the Scio public and high juvenate the Inhabitants of the edi- «rs In cultivating mpa that can b- And so we've slated you for a wall- schools and he here married his wife, i tor's fish pond. fluwar.** handled by th* cannery set up housekeeping and entered th»- O regon M ist . D- |>uty stalo tin- marshals have rural mail service as carrier for Soon from thia bad dream he woke mad» a survey at Th* l>alT*» Th-y with a start | rout»- No. 2 over 6 years ago. will also survey llo««! River l>urlnx Scio Ha» Second f lu Death Elmo was an enthusiastic member And longed, how he lunged, for a 'he pas« few in-nths fire surveys lm\ kind sweetheart; be- n made of &0 towns and cltlss h> of the Knights of Pythias and hail Cruel dream maidens had wounded ' F’or several days prior to her death the state and In most Inal ancra new reache«! the position of past chan­ his pride. t“ was known that Mrs. Henry Sl«-p- fire equipment ha* bren purcha*< 4 and cellor. Stirred his anger, a little l»esi com ■ las Ion at Its last ta**tlng aulhorl»* be stat* *ng1ne*r to estimate mat»- dal up t« 73 p*r e*nt «rf Its actus x»t and laclud* the asm* In Ike con factor s ssœtkly estimate. shown on the |x»ll »h<-«-ta, will a«ld another within tbc pr»-sent year. The t ribune Is well aware that |40,0n we know that the pr«>t»o*cu hand to commence 'onstructiun as noun as spring «»i»-ris and haw the whole I usinesa com­ pleted by November 1. It is »aid "God helps those who try to help themM-lvi-s." Scio has Ivm-mstrated that she is willing to tu-lp herself at ali events. The re- jlt wall I* more buxine«, more people anti a material advance in the value of pr<»(»erty. It means that Scio ia wide awake, has an abun«|- mce of faith in h*r own ability and ne of th« leading towns in the ren- ral Willamette Valley. Finger» Blown Oii. With two fingers an«! thumb blown ff by a dynamite cap >he IO-y«»ar »Id a«»n of M It Paine was brought «» Scio Tui-sdav and U> Dr. Hol»«on's »fllce where the t*-»U'wls were dr««»- •i. Our infor»» ant could not tell ts which hai.-i wa* injur«-d nor what caus»»l the cap t«» explotie, Mr. Paine has liyed *<>t,th of Scio two or throe years. He went east with Ids ('irmly Inst y« nr. but r»;tumed to )r»-gon in a f»-w in-»iiHis I h - cshsc of *e«th*r c--n>lili«-t»s. Dr H