The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 29, 1920, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; VI ill support best candidate for office regardless of party
.<0. 24.
State Board of Health Rule*.
Our Oregon mi*t ha* come at last
and remind* u* we are in Oregon
to hear the gentle patter of the rain
upon the roof and we are happy re­
gardless of the high price« of our
riotoua living.
Joe IjHfoon took a wedding trip
the 10th to are hia folk* in Fox Val­
He came l>ack hungry a* a
bear, said he.
I«a*t Saturday Van Hassler and
R W. and W E. Downing «truck
Our phone meeting Saturday eve­ out to are their beat girla.
ning waa harmonious and all line*
For lord of love, there is a wav
will lie put in flrat class order.
of getting acquainted in the jungle*
that ia by quarreling.
The Portland Broom Co. tent a
«ample broom of eastern corn to
R. Rucker wrnt away Thursday
Mra. Gaine* for the old man'* «am­ without saying goodhye. Gui-aa he
ple of Oregon grown broom corn, went to [.acomb to tee a friend.
It is the flneat broom 1 ever taw.
A* it ia leap year M im Gladva
To show what corn la they offer 12 Rodgers waa a Sunday visitor.
cent* a pound.
Eaton what did you have on your
George Griffin made a howl for wing Sunday? Hello, sweetie.
all to I m * at the (hone meeting and
Aa Mary Walter waa on strike
excused himself to "ait up with a
lately, we wonder what her thoughts
sick friend.” It happen* that the
“sick friend” I* a robust young
Mr*. Titu* takes good care of her
woman. He came in late Sunday
chicken* and daily gets 9 to 14 egg*
with wool in hi« false teeth; he ha»
from 12 old hen*. Extra chickens!
something in hia head beside* chig­
Mrs. Stewart is expecting some
nice onion*, radiahes a ml lettuce in
Cliff wa* out Sunday prowling
the garden she planted Saturday.
around on a cold track but couldn’t
little baby Rucker returned to
jump hia game. Gueaa we'll have to
the jungle* from an Albany viait.
put a sheep bell on it.
Mia* Well* returned from P»rt-
Dave Horaburgh run an B-penny
where *he spent the holiday*
nail through hia hand Saturday.
her mother.
Crabtree creek had on her bib
Dr. Hobson waa called Thursday
and tucker and atanding collar^!on-
day morning, going through the to attend Mr*. Schedwin who waa
very ill.
new canal in great ahape.
Ea,J>tewart and friend spent Sun­
Men are acouring the country for
loganberry planta.
Everybody i* day with his people.
In order to mitigate and control
the flu epidemic the state twiard of
health requires that all persons hav­
ing the flu or •> mptom* thereof be
reported to the health officer of the
town or county forthwith. This ap­
plies Ao employers of labor, headsuf
families, hotel*, rooming houses,
physician*, healers, etc. Health of-
fleers will furnish placard* and in­
Quarantine must be
strictly enforced.
• •
$40,000 Required to Build Scio Power
Plant at Jordan and Bring the
Electric Juice I lere.
Next month a *|iectal election will
be called in Scio for the purpose of
giving the people an opportunity Io
sav whether they will or will not
authorize our city council to issue
State Dog Law.
140.000 in bonds to build a ja-rma-
n< nt light power plant in the Jordan
The state dog law has . Iieen pro- . canyon, to Ise owned by the people
nounced constitutional
So you had anti to lie operated by the city.
Generally speaking The Tribune
belter buy a license tag and collar
opposed to bond issue*
It mean*
from the county clerk. else the sher­
iff or hia deputies may practice
in the
marksmanship on your dog. The
fee i* |1 for male and 12 for fe­
I idea of creating a debt for the rising
male dogs.
generation to pay. But the bond
Horse Rescued.
I issue under question i* different. It
I is an inve«tment, and a good one,
Engineer Cunningham, who
A horse came floating and swim­ ' too.
ming down the bank full Thoma* ’ made the survey* and esumate*,
creek Monday morning past the sav* the plant will l»e worth 980.0O0
flouring mill halfway to the bridge i when the power is delivered in Scio.
While the ordinance or resolution
and seemed endeavoring to land
be voted on next month will. If
right among the thick willows on the
give the council authority
south side. Thi* he could not du
lax levy for the purpose
without aid. Hut the aid wa* *oon
interest and bond* because
at hand
With the aid of a rope
thrown over hi* head he floundered the law so require*. *uch tax i**ue*
through the willow* and up the ■ will never be made. The profit of
bank. The animal had been strug­ the plant, after employing three
gling in the swift current for sever­ ! men to run it, the usual upkeep ex­
al minute* ami was near the quitting pen*«-*. and after paying the annual
aetting out berrie*; when the coun­
Mr. Stewart and family spent Sun­ point when rescued.
Mnteiest on the bond*, will provides^
try ia full of them the price will day with relative*.
drop and the buaineea ruined.
Scio lodgn of Mason* will
Mr. l-aber and Mr. Whippare the
Linn county fair dates Oct. 6-9.
{Saturday evening. January 31.
•team fitter* at the mill. William*
Ixioee vetch hay for sale Inquire
The Crabtree and Scio high aehool,
J. It. Geddea of Mill City waa a
of C. U, Sandoi. Scio.
24 2t
the buildings, but William* ha* to
boy* clash tonight in basket ball.
Scio visitor Tueaday.
Mias Lillian Shindler came from
use a flashlight to see the electric
Dr. Prill wa* a Portland shriner
John Shindler and family are thia
for a Sunday visit at home
last week.
week moving on their farm about light.
Comrade J. L. S Rossel I of Stay­
J ack the W rippek
1 i mile* south of town.
For sale, a horse 4 years old, un-
ton p*hi The Tribune a pleasant call
ibroken, sound. J, L. Rodgers.
Mr. and Mr*. E. D. Mver* went
Silverton 13; Scio 16.
to Portland Saturday morning, re
D. C. Thums waa a busines* visit-!
Rev. A. M. William* i* president
turning the following day.
or in Portland last week.
He ia a Linn
In a rattling good game of basket of Albany college.
The mud waa *crap«*d from Main
ball Friday evening, the Scio high
street last Thursday.
aehool girla defeated Silverton'*
J. R Gedde* of Mill City was a
I s’on* rd Gilkey represent* Linn
crack tram in a score of IB to 13.
Tribune visitor yesterday.
! county on the Linn county fair Ixmrd.
Silverton has an aggremivc team, deals lightly with him. He wa* re­
Two sow», one with 7. other with
well up in team work but lacking in turning from a visit to his family at
[8 pig*, for «ale.
J. Ambrom-k*
basket tossing
They were great in Engen*.
Ben Thayer I* attending the win-
getting the ball and passing, but the
The Linn county fair association
Iter short course at O. A. C.
Scio girla were quicker on foot.
will hold a stockholder* meeting on
A flock of duck* in The Tribune'*
in the second periixl it looked as January 30 at 2 p. m., for the elec­
pond atirred ye editor'« «porting
if Silverton wa* going to win. but tion of a board of 30 director*. The
Tuesday morning.
our girl* woke up. The lineup:
meeting will be al ttie First Nation­
Jerome Smith was doing busineM
al Bank.
Lu Lukenbach
Vivian Cramer F
Brownsville and Isdianon last
The county now has 12 auto
1 h i.i Dia yer
Tillie Johnson
Pauline Sim* truck* and the court expects tn get
Ethel Dur mo
The new whistle recently installed
May «eli Ixng more. Gravel hauling with horse*
Olivia McGuire G
Élla Jiroch
Mona Bowen
in Scio by the Scio L & L. Co. is of
is too alow and expen^ve.
White Pine Cough
* ' »
. the baa* variety.
Stop That Bark
A. D. S.
Syrup Will Do It
Maiquerade Ball.
A masquerade ball will I m * given
at the Richardson Gap hall Saturdav,
Price 25 and 50 Cent»
January 31.
Cash prise* will t>e
given as follow*: 1st. I>est repre­
sentation. S3; 2d, i>r*t appearance.
12; 3d, most comic. SI. Good music
will be furnished and the usual good
time ia assured. Every body welcome.
Al The P, spies Theatrs
Kelly’s Drug Store
Sat unlay evening ami Sunday ev­
ening Mrs, Wesely will Present
Wallace Reid in “The Roaring Road”
and Lyon* and Moran in ’'Oh! Oh’
Oregon sunshine once again.
11.75 THE YEAR
sinking fund of $500 annually. Any
extension of service out of Scio,
other than the patronage from Scio
to Jordan, will Increase this »inking
fund without adding to the overhead
In fact thi« additional
outside earning is likely to increiuM»
the «inking fund to $3<>0o < r better,
which would soon take car,» «if the
bonded indebtedness.
Now people of Scio, no money is
a»kc<l of you, nor arc you a<k«-d to
isaue a «pecial tax. All you are
asked to do is To LOAN THE <‘RE|i|T
<>E the <TTY. This is necessary be-
cauw a large amount of money
must lie ha»l at one time to y<» the
work and Imnd* are the only re­
Furthermore, the Jordan project
i* the only plan by whjch Scio can
prevent dark streets, and your store*
and homes relegated to the coal oil
lamp. Should thi« condition exist
and Scio beeom«*« a dea»l town,
which it will, your property will de­
cline tn value rapidly. Nolmdy will
ever want to live in * dead town
when there are live ones all around
us. Remember, if you are not a
light um»r this plant won’t cost you
a cent.
But do not d«»nv temple
who want to use electric light* the
privilege of buy ing them.
It is reported that Dr. E. H. Hob­
son ha* leased the hoapital building
and will move hi* family thereto
about the middle of March.
Mrs. F. R Shelton visited with
her parent* (F. T. Thayers) the fore
part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Thayer, Mr*,
laicille Thayer and Bertha Thayer
motored to Albany Tuesday.
Mis* Anna Rotan was transacting
business in town Tues.jay.
A man at the S. L. A L. Co. saw­
mill got hi* band too near the cutoff
saw last week. Result: Fewer An­
gers than he formerly had.
F. J. Denny is »aid to lw improv­
ing «omewhat. When spring wea­
ther arrives it is hoprtl he will lie
able to get about again.
Mr*. Sarah Morris i* now able to
I m * down in town when sh>* desire«
and «ay* she is feeling exceptionally
fl ns.
I ¿«to reports of the condition of
C A. ■ Everett, who han iwi-n con­
fined tn his lied in a Portland ho»-
pitqj for several w<*eks, arc not en­
Dr. and Mr*. Richardson of Jeff-
Take Warning.
' er son came over Saturday to look
lather Boniface will hold aervices
Anyone breaking into my hall or
, after the eye* of Scio [wople.
theatre or doing damage thereto,
at the Catholic church in Scio next
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meltonaid went
will be prosecuted tn the full extent
Sunday, and will follow up with
of the law. A reward of $i> will be to Falla Qty Friday where Roy is
monthly services thereafter.
given for information leading to ar­ thinking of opening a meat market.
rest and eonvi«tion of such (tarty.
Mia* Mary Shimanek is under­
Clifford Compton is hatching in
J ohn W knei . v
study at the telephone central and
'the *outh end of town and I* readv
to take on a cook. Apply early to i* rapidly getting onto llteinyalerks
[yts liamaed and Ttriti
of the *witchboard.
avoid the rush.
Eyes scientifically examinjd and sc-
curstely filled with gta*sea. latest
frames and tenses carried in stock. AU
lundi of broken lens*» replaced. None
too difficult. Part mu lar attention given
to ma>l orders on all kin-ls of optical
Jewelers, Engravers, Opticians
Albany, Oregon
A new "doctor” wa* practicing
Father Boniface of Jordan feels
"Dr.” Elmer
gratified that Jordan will probably in Scio recently.
have electric lights in the near fu­ Griffin, assisted by Georg» Griffin,
performed a *eriou* surgical opera­
The Tribune learns that M S. tion which wa* successful, but quite
Allen of near Th'»mas ha* «old hi* seriou* to the patient. "Dr" Elmer
IfiO-acre farm to Virgil Weddle of fs gone now but his assistant will
enjoy telling you about it