THE SCIO TRIBUNE Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party XXIII SCIO. LINN tXlUNTY. OREGON, JANUARY 22. 1920 NO. 23 ■ RIDDERS SELLS HIS SHOP TO THE COUNTY The Veto Al. HANTIAM JORDAN ITEMS ■........ ....................... . ’ M Born to the wife of D>m l-ambert January 20. a fine ll pound boy. Auto Machine Shop Will Be Used to Repair Tracks and Road Mi*« Clara Jungwirth visited Dixie Schmidt W ednenday. A W. Arbuckle and family and Mrs. J.t H. Wortman were Lyons and Mehama visitors Sunday. Machinery. Ben Ridders, well known machin­ ist, Saturday sold the Albany Auto­ mobile and Machine Shop to Linn county, say* the Albany Democrat. The »hop will be operated by the county court for the care and repair of auto truck* and road making ma­ Hal Shelton ami wife attended the Jordan dance Thursday night. John Roweinand Misa Anna Bouer were married in Salem January 17. W«' join their many friends in wish­ ing them a long ami happy life. Denies the Row A correspondent out at Richard­ son Gap say* The Tribune was at fault 4n stating that a row had oc­ curred at a dance held there carle in January. He says there was no dance held there on the date »peci- fied. The Scio boys who were re­ ported to be in the mixup, denv the charge, so we guess we were simply victimised by Darne Rumor ami let Linn county’s experiment with lady official* has proven a splendid success both in efficiency ami econo­ my. They have di«penae«l with the services of four deputies or assist- ants st annual salaries totaling 14200. Ail of the deputies in the several offices are now ladies. There will be preaching at the neighborhood, He tried to get our Federated church Sunday, both tn printer to go home with him as a morning and evening. protector. offering all sorts of al­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christie came luring inducements. Everybody should attend the bond up from Portland Tuesday for a visit at the Fred Giaelman home. > election to be hel«l next month. You are simply asked to loan the credit Rev Silas Williams. Di52 pioneer _ ______ With the increased |«at- of laliman, died at his home last ronage which the increase of power week. I'h<- burial occurred al Salem will enable us to tak«- <»n, the earn­ • ings of the plant will pay off the C. A. Richardson and Ed Bilyeu bond* in 15 years an«l will make were business visitors in Portland your property worth 25 per cent I more, for Scio will begin to grow last week. J F. Wesely was looking after then, as she never has before. A motion picture that will thrill business matters in Albany Thursday ¡audience* wherever it is shown, not of last week. Ren Gooch, a former pharmacist ' only because of it* at>*>rbing story, Mr* C. C. Jackson of near Halsey, but also because of its powerful in Scio, now at Mount Angel. had and formerly well known in the Scio heart appeal, is “The Miracle Man,” hi* «tore robticd last week. country, submitted to an operation a new Paramount-Artcraft feature, which ha* lieen booked at the People* last Saturday. Theatre fur Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Hazel Powell and little nighta, Jan 24-25. daughter are living at Mabton, When th« »peclal seaslnn or the lea Wash., where she has bought a Islatur« adjourn-'«! Sunday morning after 1 « clock. It left a record of pa*« home. Ing favorably on 94 bills, and a mlacel Mrs. I'd Bilyeu is visiting her laneous assortment of tu>-m«>rials and mother. Mrs. W T. lee. Ed says resolutions Following are the consll this lunching business is getting old tutlnnal amendments and other meas­ ures to be submitted to the voters of and he wants to sell his farm. this state at tiin special election May J«we Hildreth p«««ed through the 21 Extending road limitation Indebt city yesterday with a wagon load of ednesa from 1 to 4 per cent; relating fine Duroc Jersey hogs for shipment to debts and liabilities of counties, en ablins counties to fund their debts; to Portland. relating to succession to governorship, Miss Agnes W«-sely, who went to providing president of senate sac Portland Monday, expects to visit ceeda; restoring capital punishment, there for three months. providing additional tax levy for op A revenue officer will lw al the «ration of aoldlers', sailors' and ma rlnes' educational aid set; levying an city hall in Scio February 16 and 17 ntial tax of 2 mills for support of pub to assist taxpayers in making up in­ He elementary schools; levying «pc comes for 1919. clal tax for erection, equipment and Price 25 and 50 Cents R. M. Cain is enclosing the shed mi' ti nance of Institution for blind; providing lax of 1 2 mill* for support on the north •ide of his «tore in of University of Oregon. aariculiursl which keep machinery, vehicle*. <-->Uege and Monmouth normal: ratal relat etc. te acquiring of private lands tor D C. Thoma report* that the Jef- pubi:« purpose*. it go at that Stop That Bark A. D. S. White Pine Cough Syrup Will Do It YOIJRS FOR SERVICE FARM TOPICS Governor Olcott ha* been bu*y this week wielding hi* veto ax II Out ideal weather, so unexpected, road measure* which specified and is paying u* back for the snow storm a •ought to add certain road* in a* and bitter cold This is the longest many countiea to the atate road sys­ I warm spell in January we’ve known tem. the imuuitou* straight party and everything is growing nicely. ballot; release of sureties on bond*, Issuer Bilyeu killed a fine lot of etc. Governor Olcott should have porkers Monday. refused to sign the fish and game Our school. 77. ia overrun with bill as well and give it the ax. He would have saved the people much new pupils; the teacher had to call trouble, for when they get a chance on the directors for more seats. at it they will repeal the entire law. Elmer Griffin got tired trapping Aunt Evaline Shelton fell from chinery. her couch Sunday, inflicting quite a Linn county ia going into the road bruise to the forehead. She is un­ risking business on a large scale and able to l«e up. an adequate repair department is T Thomas came down from Stay­ necessary to keep the machinery in ton Monday to see how the ranch order. was flourishing under the care of Clair McLain, who was in Uncle Alvin I’« piH>rhng ann the two leading controvert­ ed |>oints in the naval decorations dispute was taken today by Rear Admiral Henry T. Mavo. war time commander of the United States fleet, in testimony before the senate ■ub committee investigating the me­ dal award controversy Io i lire I. ' ■ ' kVTI .•••.•!»« v Seed txrtatoe* are up. The old Daniel* giving his view* on the dec­ man ordered 200 pounds from Port­ oration* award*, which view* he «aid land; cost SI4. were not presented a* a protest, Uncle Tom Smail ia clearing the Admiral Mayo first disagreed with brush out of Crabtree creek to open Admiral Sims a* io the relative im­ a new chaunel and save the bridge portance of sen and «horeduty. Ad­ from being washed out. miral Mayo explained that he wrote Received a letter from Mr*. Brodie to Secretary Daniels l>ecau*e he did daughter of Thomas Hayley, form- not believe the Knight board of aw- erly of this neighborhood. She tells aril or Mr Daniels ha«l given suffi­ me she has a fin* young son; also cient consideration to the import­ that two years ago her father paid ance of the duth«* performstd by of­ 810.000 fur 10 acres near Walla ficers who Nerve«! al sea with the W alla and this season look off a Atlantic fleet. Admiral Sims contended that too much importance wa* attacheil to Gene Pomeroy of Idaho is visiting his sister. Mm. Smail. Uncle Tom the service of officers who served al was so interested he forgot the tele­ nea a* compared with those who *d- mlnislereti important jwmts on shore. phone meeting Saturday night. 85000 crop. PIE EATER. Masquerade Ball. A masquerade ball will bo given Albany will stage n I27UO race at the Richardson Gap hall Saturday, program at the Linn county fair January 31. ('ash prices will be next fall, The old roundup ground* given as follows: l»t. l>e*i repre­ is the protiable selection for the fair sentation. |3; 2d, i*‘*l appearance. Misa Wells, who spent the holi­ 12; 3d. moat comic, SI. Good music days at her home in Portland, came will be furnished an.I th«, usual good back Friday evening and went out time isassuied. Everybody welcome. to the Scio L>gging & Lumber (x>. Agricultural Lime. mill where her father is manager. E. C. Peery. Varde Shelton. Cha*. The I ¡me manufactured for agri- Barlu, J. G. Holt. J. T. Brock. John I cultural use in the United States in Frost, O. E. Shelton and S. IL Goin J 191H amounted to 391,047 tons, val­ of Scio and vicinity, attended the ued at 12.698,949. The raw lime­ good roads meeting in Allwny Sat­ stone pulverised ami «old for lam| urday. I drcasing amount«*«] to 1.091,9IN tons, Wouldn’t it be a good idea to valued at 81,626.292 Compared pave Main street and that part of with 1917 them- figures represent a Mill street east from Main? When j decrease of 20 per cent in quantity the paving outfit finishes the Scio- ; of lime anf entomology of the (J. and the retailer’s profits. Surely S. department or agriculture that there ia profiteering along the line «rumate of lime may lie uscii in all of at least lot) per cent. situations as a substitute for pari« green, and that for pomareou* fruit* At The I'repies Theatre I - apples, pear* and quince* it may Saturday evening and Sunday ev­ prove a satisfactory sulmtitute for ening Mr*. Winelv will present arsenate of lead when used with that wonderful picture, “The Mir­ lime or fungicides containing lime. ada Man.’’ ao highly spoken of and A lees expensive substitute for nice- all ahould I tine sulphate also is bring sought. I «'♦ »