« « f. * ■< « - • f ■ '• •r* « • » 4-y.J • t • *. •• • • •* •• • ’ Ab» *, e- I, * sX r <’ n >» • ' t. • t JA • •> 1 • *//• ’.•*• J* -n *• <. ♦ < « ■. ♦ -. _ ir fila -¿M. few exists At the same time be THE SCIO TRIBUNE now had a right to expect that an United MBUKD gVgRY THURSDAY BY T. U D UGG XX. BMTOB ANO PROP Entered at the ixtofflee at Scio, Oregon as second class matter. ADVKKTUUNG RATBB: Local advertising per line first in­ sertion ......................................... .10 Each subsequent insertion per line. .06 Display advertising First insertion per inch ........................................ » Each subsequent insertion.............. .!& Advertisements should reach this office not later than Tuesday to insure publi­ cation in the current issue. All foreign advertisements muat be paid for In advance of publication. Sheep for Sale road, including road bed. Now th« court has appointed pa­ States senator would be broad en­ trolmen for all sections of the coun­ 1 have »mi head <-f gd young Throe cw<-s are all ough to drop partisanism and per­ ty whose duty it will be to giv« all Stock ewes healthy and in good condition. Will ' or as much of their time aa is nee- sonal jealousy lung enough to ap­ sell any numtier from 10 head up. prove a measure of »uch transcend­ cwsary to looking after such porti« ns Now if you haven't got th«- money ent importance to the world. Rut of the roads as have t>ern assigned that doesn't mak« any difference, if he has found the Ixxiges. Borahs. to them, to keep the roads in order, you have plenty of feed to carry I will let y->u have them at It is a them Johnsons and Reeds to be men of or to make needed repairs. the ward politician dans. without a "stich in time saves nine'* policy 115 per brad, payable the first of October. 1920 These ewt-s ought particle of philanthropic charity in and will be economical to the county to pay for tbemselves under ordinary and more comfortable to the users luck, the first year their hearts. These patrolmen will be held res­ Senator Lodge thought he might V J.’PHILIPPI, Comfort cable temple» with the Scio, Oregon. gain a political point by appealing ponsible for the e»mdition of the 20 Xt flat wire are proving «atiafactory to the people through a referendum roads under their care, The court and comfortable and do not cut into to justify his course. The president should also give these patrolmen the aide of the face TACOMA GUN STORE. INC. ia willing that this appeal shall be power to regulate traffic, especially TACOMA. VASH. made, though it keep this country th*, of heavy hauling when th« largest stock of hunters and I rappers roads are~extremely soft in the win ­ in a technical condition of being at supplies -n Northw*»t. I «tw-cial at­ war with Germany for another four­ ter time; also, they might with tention (• mail onk-rs. Send 1-cent W Jr • W stamp for catalogue. 22 !»t propriety tie made speed co|w. as It teen months. The republican press and states­ ia well known that extremely rapid * ALBANY OAtB. *«oeen aprxiinted has set the 23d day of F< bniary, 1920, , covenant without the dotting of an I or crossing of a t Thia is not true. patrolman for both North and South at the hour of I o'clock P M as the' time of hearing objections, if any, to President Wilson has said several Scio precincts, so if our roads be­ aaid final account, and for the settle­ times that reservations which would I come chucky or rutty we will know ment of »aid estate Dated this the Hth day of January, not change the text of the treaty who to blame for the neglect. IWfi HtZ.F.L IllWHL Optometrist. / pledge allegiance Io my Hag ana the Republic for which U »land», one were admissible; but he could not Ration, indpritible. »le. President Wflnon, while eminently wealth, of the suffering of old age. women and childrrn, he must con­ great, ia net a perfect man. He is clude that when C>eneral Sherman simply human and is subject to err, said "war is hell,** he had a very as his predecessors have been, under much less trying conditions. He has clear conception of the matter. The war with tiermanv without made mistakes and has l>een at fault But ail friends of question was the moat fiendishly in judgment. cruel of any of the wars which have humanity must admit that his efforts occurred I m - tween no called Christian to displace war with arbitration nations. The employment of mod­ through the instrumentality of the ern weapons. both on sea ami land, league of nations, is the grandest the horrible suffering imposed upon thought that could emanate in the old age. women and children, des­ mind of man. That thought must erves to he expressed in even strong­ have lieen divinely inspired. What er terms than those used by the thought could lie grander than men leader-hero of the march from At­ throughout the world should dwell in peace and brotherly love ami lhe lanta to the sea. la It any wonder then that Presi­ wasteful, horrible wars among na dent Wilson devised a plan and went lions tie banished for h M time? to Paris to propose it to those war weary nations? He knew that the NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CON- time was ripe; when these nations VENTION. were completely exhausted, to get them to agree u|><>n som^ plan which Eor the first time in our national would make another horrible tra- history a national political conven­ gedy like the war just closed, im­ tion will be held west of the Rocky probable. if net impossible. Mountains. On June 28, 1920. the The league of nations resulted; but strange to say. our own of all democratic convention will be called the signatory nations which signed to order in San Francisco. Amde the peace treaty ami covenant at from St. Louis but two conventions Versailles refuses to ratify President have l>een held west of the Missis­ Wilson's and his associate delegates' sippi river. Now the Pacific Coast has t>een recognised as being entitled action at that time. President Wilson has attempted to more than a sort of appendage to accomplish the greatest work for to the great political machine of our Later on. other national humanity ever attempted in the his­ nation. party conventions will come to the tory of mankind, lie gave his time Pacific Coast, for San Francisco will and sacrificed his health in his en be so pleasant in point of climate, deavor. While the covenant does and will treat the delegates so roy­ not satisfy Mr Wilson in its entire­ ally, that nothing but kind words ty, it is the very best he could ac­ complish with the old world dele­ will be heard from our eastern gates. who have not yet fully emer­ friends. San Francisco, in addition to the ged from the methods of kingcraft The president had no political magnificent auditorium, will raise honors to gain other than the laud­ SI76.000 for entertainment purposes. able purpose of establishing a per As an advertising feature, nothing manent peace throughout the world could be superior to this stunt. Il by going to Paris. He simply ar­ will not be only of benefit to Cali gued in his mind that the president fornia hut to the entire Pacific of the world’s greatest democracy Coast, for there will be delegates would accomplish more than any from every state who will want to commissioner whom he might send. take a squint at the entire coast Having gone over and established a while here. basis upon which a brotherhood of man might rest, to have his work defeated by a contemptible partisan bunch of politicians, he feels a deep and personal injury. No wonder he desired the election of a congress and especially a senate that would be friendly to his admin­ istration, His vision was so broad and far i emg that he must have contempla led the condition wnich eeche» It muat ire done aa it has alwaya t>evn done, by sheer hard work al the thing« that the country needa. The beat »perch ever made will not rebuild a building or plow a field. All of Mars’ books and the flatulent pamphlets t-aard on them will not fill a »ingle dinner pail. The workmen muat fill their dinner paila from the proceeds of a day’s labor. National Tribune. ROLOFF Notice ta hereby given that the un dersigrwd has be« n by the county court of Linn County. Oregon, duly appointed administrator <>f the i-statr of Minerva E. Gill. eo|>l» right and will welcome old and new cufitoiuen«, selling tirnt-claKi« meat at the nioet reaaoiialde prices. We buy X’eal Hogs and Hides, paying good prices. Give Us a Call Phone 461 less« n«s»s« i »i Rportamen of the upper Hood river valley have petitioned the Hood River Game Protective aseoeiathm Io epoa •or a niov--m«at lo have t*e upper reaches Hood river eleeed lo fish In« until June 1 The two extra months of closed seaaon are sought la order that the nsb may not be disturbed • bile spawning Protawnor C A Heed, chief ef the bureau of nut Invmtlaatlon of the de partment of agriculture, baa promised Senator McNary that one of the de­ part meat experts Will KO te Orvgen early la February to conduct a aurvey and lnv««iignilon of walnut sad filbert culture, and thnt 11000 will ba art aside for eaperlmvntal work ta that state To prevent the Invasion of cougars which have been sewn lately la the Kight Mlle and Flftwn Mlle dlstrleta. lhe Waaco County l.lvesteck aaeocla lion nt n meotlng at The Dalle«, too* meaaures to rid the eecilon of the anl mala Hunters and trappers will be hirwd to kill the cougars. Formerly cougars have killed much stock In aer tain parts of Waa<-o county. The water supply of the eity of Cur «sills Is menaced by lagging -peruUoas In the const mountains in ths vicinity of the source of supply To prevent the drying up nf the streams that furnish the water strong efforts are being made to transfer quite a large area of the timber lands In the Oregon * California railroad grant to the giu •law national forest ao that the land will never be kigged off There were J3 fire« in Oregon, ex­ clusive of Portland during the month of rtecember according tn a report I prepared by A. Fl Barber, state In­ surance commissioner Klamath Falls suffered heaviest of any town la the state, the aaaregata fire loenee there for December amounting to liO.fioa. Total losses from fires In December showed a marked decrease when rosnparud with tboee of the previous month RURAL CREDIT LOANS Our twenty vear rural credit plan of loaning money to farmer«, helps you to gel out of debt. Under our form of loan the total amount of interest paid during its entire |M-n in thia line. Your kodaks --xamiiied free. Our prieps are aa follows, aluatpt ccuh on Mherv of your work; please remember thia. W PRINT! NR 2jx3j. oi -mailer, 4t»c d<>»« n 4x5. or gmallwr, 50c d< zeti dixfij. and postcards, fiord >-n DgVgDDHN« Film rolls, any sixr. 10c each Film packs, anv sixe. 20c each Plate« up to 5x7. 5c Plate« above 5x7. 7jc Mail orders solicited and attended to promptly; must bo accompanied by cash; any over remittance will be promptly returned. We thank you for paa*. and solicit y »ur future patronage. Yours for good work. WKHELÏ S S’l’l’DIO £