The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, October 02, 1919, Image 3

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    small children, similar to the eugenics
bureau maintained In Portland
Oregon ba» been asked to ship a
carload of clothing to the Armenians,
to be shipped to New York by October
• Kv»ry county In the state will be
asked to send Its share tn the carload
Man Accused of Attack on
Principal Events of the Week
M«»ns tor combating the destruc
live elm tr«U beetle whirl» has bev-n
White Girl Is Taken After
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
devastsling the shade tre»» of 1 he
Nine-Hour Battle.
I IMIIes was found when the q|over»
mation of Our Readers.
m«nI announced that a lead arsenal»
aolution wuld destroy the pew is Th»
A'lil am Brown. negro was
The sug«r shortage In Pendleton u trees will b» sprayed twice lu spring dragged from th« county jsil at II
becoming more acute.
o'clock Sunday night and hsngmt, to
Tbe average age of Oregon men kill
The royrt h -use -f H< Prtara will stall an »lectr.c light p>»le. following a
•<d France waa 23 year*.
Portland on October K. when King struggle of nine h>iu«» tn secure pos­
Portland will celebrate armistice Albert, Qu«en Fl sabetb. an«! their s««n. session of his body by an tmturu««
day. which falls on November II.
the crown prince, are to be guests for m»b
There is a great shortage of dwell­ th» day. arriving at » oclock that
Sheriff Michael U Clark and hla
ing» and r<Mims in The Halles this year morning
deputies held the fort In the tup story
Public night school* opened Mon
Complaints of car shortage reccHvad of the courthouse. where Is located
day lu ali of Portland's school build from Baller. I lend Klamath Fails Itnd the jell, with a hundred prisoner»,
other points in «autant and central until the building because a »«.’thing
Registration In The Italics schools Oregon Imlicate that Immediate rvii.f mass of flam«» and he was forced to
surpasses that of last year by 111 alone on save local industries troun
serious loasoa.
At 11 o'clock. after Brown had been
An army retail store has been open
Upon recommendation ot the •«ate hung to an electric II. hi pole, the fire­
cd in Portland at Fourth and Pine Irrigation securities comminston. th» men were abl« to K«t a stream on the
secretary <»f state certified to 1200.' flames.
Prices at which cull apples are sell Poo worth of bonds Issued by th»
The arrival of re nisr army Irvwpe
Ina in Hood River are far above those
Warm Springs Irrigation district Io from Fort Omaha *• I F *t Crook ha«l
of former years.
the effect of cooling off the ¡nob spirit
Malheur county
Women worker» In the Hhertdau can
Officers of the National Hoard ■>f to a certain extent, but small band*
nery In some instances are earning as
the downtown
Oregon are expecting to build It up were marching thr-
high as $7 a day.
this winter to a better form than ever strv'ets until an early hour Monday
Twenty three elementary schools
before In peace tlm«M>. Equipment for morning.
and six high schools ot l.ane county
Th« assault with which William
3000«HI soon be Issued by the
atilt lack teaihera.
Brew it was ch*rg«*<t wan committed ««
fod’-rgr government.
A. E Howland, a well known bust
Th«1 congregation of the First Meth Agnes l»beck early hl the week With
nexs man of ('urval'la. died suddenly
odist church of McMinnville voted un an «ecort. crippled beyond th«' point
of heart disease, aged SS.
animously to send an invitation to th» of resistance, Mt as txybeck met her
Construction work on the new unit
Oregon cotift-renee at Its meeting In assailant a f«w blocks from home
of the Eugene Fruit Growers' associ
I Ha I «'tn this week, to hold Rs 1920 ses In the southeast pn t ot tbe city He
ation plaut Is almost complete.
helit the couple ui> al th« point of a
»Ion tn McMInnrlll».
The Clatsop County Dairymen's
After r hblng th« young
Whatever sum Multnomah county
league announce» an Increase in the I
man he aa*aul()*<t the young woman In
price of milk of 40 cent* a huudred
bis po-sonec. boldine a r»>.Ml««r at th«»
A charter for a new bank nt Mails». Mt. H*xnj lotjp rusd. In conjunction h< ad of her rM'ott II th«’ nievutim*
Klamath county, to be known as th« with Clackamas and Hood River coun
Brown was arr> »(•■•! by police of
State Hank of .Mallne, has been issued ties, will be duplicated by the state fleers and both Mi*- leiltcck and her
The Chemawa Indian school near highway commiMlon.
"If the toning system Is adopted by escort Indrntlflod him as th«- tnan who
Salem has among Its scholars 34 young
the democratic national committee. committed the deed.
Indians from tbe Umatilla reservation.
Besides lb« negro's death, the
Two 14 year old girls, arrested by Portland will be headquarters for the known casualties numbered 24. one
the Portland police, have confessed to western division." according to Dr of whom was kilim! and th«> r«nia‘nd«r
the robbery of 13 business houses of J. W Morrow, democratic national received wounds, most of which were
c<>mm|tt««nian f-ir Oregon.
the city.
It was
The Roseburg Presbyterian church the result of revolver shots
W. W Johns. Oregon pioneer of
believed that there were n<> casualties
1362. and for many yearn a reaident
in the county jail. Although the fire
of Salem, died following a stroke of ception to Rev. Mr Warrington and had made the jail quarters smothering
family, following the return ot the pas­
hot. the occupant* w«re able to re
With the opening of the new pack tor from the overseas "Y" service, main there until the firemen subdued
Ing plant Roseburg nuw has three big where I«« had b« «-n for more than a the flames following tbe lynching.
prune packing establishments In full year
Jarnos H Vail Wink!». formerly post­
Judge Harry II Belt of Polk county master and city recorder of Albany,
donned overalls and went to work In has been appointed county assessor
to fill the vacancy caused by the res­
the orchards to help harvest the big
ignation of Earl U Fisher, who has
prune crop.
B position with the state tax
Julius II. Barnes. United Stair«
wheat director and president ot the
Tbe Employers association of Pen­
Omaha An attempt to lynch Mayor
United States grain Corporation, wilt
dleton. comprising moat of the mer- R I* Smith wan made Sunday after­
visit Portland October 9
chant* ot th» city, decided at a meet- noon by the mob which later hanged
With a large membership Utah» di
operste as "open shops." and William Brown, near«.
vision of the Imdlea' Auxiliary of the Ing to
! to regulate hours of opening and clog-
The mayor had g '00 tn the court-
Brotherhood ot Hallway Eagincers.
' Ing. ignoring the demands of the local house to consult wl-h Sheriff Clark
was started In Roseburg
Emerging from the counthouse. ho met
Heports received at the offices of ! clerks' union.
mob and began to make an appeal
the Oregon public service commission
Klamath county real estate wga the for law and order Homebody shouted
Indicate that the car shortage situs
sale of the E K. Ralston stock ranch "lynch him" and a member of the
tlon la becoming mor» scute
to Ivan K. Ktlgore for Ills out) Tins mo^threw a rope ar-itii d bin n* k
Shipping of sheep owned by ranch
ranch is In Upper l-angell valley, shout
Half a duaen men draKa—I the mayor
era In the Antelope ami Maupin Coun­
4» nr lea cast of Klamath Falls and half a block and threw the loon* end
try from summer to winter rang» will
consists of 27bo acres
ot the rope over a trolley pole
be started from Bend thia week.
W 8. Hamilton, mayor, and R U
Twice they drew tbe m«yor’a body
At a special school election in Ore­
Whlppl», recorder, of tbe city of Rose­ from the ground
Each lime two po­
gon City. 1:15.000 In bonds was voted
burg. have film] with the state engt lice officer» cut the rope
for tbe immediate erection of a gym
nrer s. office an application tor per­
Following the aecond attempt the
naslutn and manual training school.
mission to appropriate MM» second f«-»t officer» succeed««! in gutting the may
Strict enforcement of the curfew
of water from the North t'mpqua ris­ or Into a police m tor rar and rushed
and "after hour laws" to break down
er for a municipal power plant.
him to a surgeons office nearby. The
th» juvenile delinquency has been or
Th« ballot title on the proposed con mayor waa bleeding from hi» mouth
dered by Mayor Baker of Portland.
atitutlonal amendment making th» and O om and. after a brief «xamlna-
Because of th» great shortage of
terms of all county officers four years, lion by phyaiciaua. was tabun to a
labor In Itouglaa county prune and ap
has been prepared by Attorney Gener­ hospital.
pie growers have suffered loss amount­
al Brown and Is now ready to receive
ing to several thousands of dollars.
signature In order to be placed lie for»
Governor Olcott has received a tele­
the voters of the stat» at the regular
gram Inviting him to b» present In
November. l»2t>. election
Representation at Conference Called
Portland on tbe occasion of the visit
Samuel Taylor of Eugen», past de­
By Wilson C oeee Row.
there of the King and Queen of Bel
part meat comnn der of the Grand
; glum
Washington —•IMspute has arisen be­
Army of the Republic, and for four
R I. Sc he», formerly secretary of
tween the four railroad brotherhoods
terms county treasurer of Ian« coun­
th« Prineville ebamle-r of commerce,
and the It other uni”»» of railroad
ty. was selected by the board of con­
has been appointed to the p«>eitioa of
employe* as to representation in the
trol to succeed James I*, Shaw, who
executive secretary ot Th» ¡Mlles
Industrial conference called by I'resi
resigned, as commandant of the
dent Wilson for l> lobar *
diers' bom« at Roseburg
Between 1 «000.000 and 20.000.u00
The president instructed IHreetnr
Indicative of the rapid growth of
early spring Chinook salmon eggs will
General Hines to have the railroad
Eugene is th«* statement th/ su porla-
be taken thia fall at the stat* fish an«!
unions represented by four mm. and
teadent of tbe city waler and light d»
game commission hatcheries ou th«
Mr Hines transmitted th" Instruction»
partmonts made, that nearly 3<w» mor»
upper Willamette river.
to al! tbe union*
The four brother
persona were billed on September 1.
The Union Oil company of (alitor
hoods appoint*! the four m«-n without
1SI9. for electric service than on Sep­
nia waa granted a franchise by the
regard to the other employes Protect
tember I on any previous year since
city of Pendleton to erect warehouses
soon was forthcoming from th* chop,
the municipal plant was built
sad storage tanks for a distributing
maintenance of way, clerks and other
The dusty rain storm of Saturday
plant for eastern Oregon.
unions that they should be allowed to
morning mystified Portland folks. Th»
Some Chinn pheasant meat cannel
participate In the aelecttun of the rep
combination of dust and water de­
more than a quarter of a century ago
scended gently for a couple of hours
was eaten recently by th» family of
tie fore noon and came back with a
Out of approximately 14 ooo men
M S Monteith ot Albany The meat
trace In tb» afternoon. It waa noticed
from Oregon who enlisted for war serv
was in splendid condition.
generally all over Portland, and mor»
lee. the record* nt I3J13* have been
Plans are under way In Salem for
•specially In tbe business district. It
Bled with Miss Cornelia Marvin, aiate
tbe eetablishmenl of a permanent bu
waa also noticeable al points along
librarian and historian.
raaa tor the testing «if babies aa.l
the C«S»mb4a river highway
a ,
A ,j¡iv»
* 3.
Short and Long Distance at
Reasonable Prices
SAM STOLLER Expressman
r. o
-, I
m .
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