* OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events ot the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor* mation of Our Readers. The K'u»-«ne lodge of Elka la organ Islng a bra*» band After two yrara of sorvics. Captain R K Knot baa returned to Albany. The cevi'nt elec tries I storm is said to bate started seven fires tn the (as cade national forest. Loyal Mgton of Loggers and Lum bertuen of diatrtet Na 1 will m«ut al Kugene on August I» A list of It. 8. C. awards announced by the war department included John II Womack. Wallowa. A fruit and berry cannery company, with a pn>d up capital of 325.000. has teen orKsnlued at Marshfield Oa< ir Newton Hass. a pioneer of I t .»non, ap.-d *4 years, died at the home of hl» son In that city. There are 12.160 children of school an« In Marton county, according to th» annual census, just completed There are «417 persona of school age in Clatsop county. The enroll Until in th« county schools la Udo Medford st'hla will open He pt cm her IS. doing away with the necessity of extending the school year into next June. Captain Walter L Toone, after a two years' service In the United Slates army, lias returned to Ida homo at tiallas. The Iinvia A Webber sawmill, two miles south of Alrlle. was burned down, Tb« origin of the fire la un known. Building and other construction work Is at Its height In Marahflsld and ¡dient » la not found In any city In the county, With only two dissenting votea. th« citisens of Helix at a special «lection adopted lhe new charter submitted by the city council. Ac.. rdlng to word received In Al baay, most of the buildings in the old ljuartxviilc mining district have been destroyed by flro. Sparks carried from a threshing ma cbine by the wind started the big tire that burned Vonderttae brothers' wheat 'ranch near Milton. Over SO returned soldiers, sailors and marines of the late war tuet In Corvallis and organized a branch of th« American Legion. M m < hltiery and equipment for tab Ing care of milk ar« being Installed In the dairy department at the agricul­ tural college at Corvallis. Of SIR industrial casualties reported to th« state Industrial accident com mlrslon for the week ending July 24. there were four fatal cases Kxcavatlon work is now uud«r way for the erection of the main building of the Oregon Pulp * Paper company's RSOo.OOO paper mill In Halem Ooveruor Olcott has reappointed Robert K. Hunt of Roseburg as a member of the Oregon state vetarin ary medical examining board Jetty work at the mouth of the Ump qua river has l>eeu ordered suspended by the Port of Umpqua commission era. owing to a shortage of funda. While crossing the Walla Walla ris­ er near Milton on a footlog, Claude Wallace, age.1 37 years, slipped, fell Into the strram and waa drowned Th« county court of Coos county has raised the wages of men and teams employed on couuty work to a mini mum of 24.SO for men and I* for teams Winter wheat In Llnu county is largely In the shock, and the largest yield of winter wheat raised In the couuty for many years la practically safe. Th« M.-dford Red ('roes chapter and War Community service have taken up the work of the Medford federal employment service office, which has closed. The isipayers of school district No. 31. Bay City, with but one dissenting voice, voted to authorise the directors to er«< I a four mom concrete school building A I. oard of directors for a permanent county fair to be held in Albany an nually was elected at a meeting of stockmen. farmers and business meu in Altxny.. After wandering aimlessly about In the mountains of eastern Marlon conn ly. A C. Barber, soon to become state Insurance commissioner, was found by searchers. Italph J. Kveleth of Stanford. Mont., has close.! a deal whereby h« pur Phased the Chenowlth ranch of l*!M> acres near Oakland for th« sum ot 147.400 cash W. A Weils, known in Corvailis and throughout Oregon aa 'Red' Wells, is lead He was It yvars old and bad been a familiar figure tn Curvhllls Macs pioneer days. Umatilla county's wh«at crop, from »11 ai 'srances. will total at least 4 6#o.•«> bush<• la In average yield p»-r acre and weight It Is belter than lest year The farmees have on» com plaint, »mut this year Is eoree than for man, y«*rs rtm'ioM formerly M •mpt are now atfevted. One of th« la. ««st •aen»l!! bitrusra tn the tfntted Htsira will b« erected by th« Hh--»|!n Itlxon <- mpxny al lleml The burner will be 136 feet high and 46 feet in diameter With bans totaling m -re than 4MM. Ooo and with a membership of 3li>. the First Nalicual Farm lx>an »»»oclatlon of Kngrns 1s said to b«» the largest unit of the Twelfth federal land bank district. "Jay walking" on Astoria » hu«ineaa •treat» ha» b«-«n mad« a tnlsd> mean or. and yellow lines have been painted to make pedestrians observe th« law, which provid«« a fine ot II to lio for vtutatlons Negotiations ha»«- be«n opened by the city of Peudlelon with Btiportn- tendenl Hwartxlandcr ot !h>- Vmalllls Indian reservation for th»’ pur» ha»«* of a 4» acre airplane landing fhdd east of Pendleton. Th« cuniinittee named to Inv«-»ligate th»- affairs of th«* lnitu-«:rtal accident commission orgaulx««! at a inwUti, In Halem by electing A C Hixon of Ku gene, chairman, and Robert 8. Gilt, of Portland, secretary Paving of th«* Columbia river high way between Hood River and Caaoade Locka. ac< urding to Information gsth «red from II ihh I River offk-«-« of the state highway «le|>artni«nt and con tractor», will begin »«««ii. Taxpayers of the school district of Wttbur voted to »«II 33«f,» worth of bonds to mat« h 33O.61 3 promised by th« Alumni ai ■>-» lation of the »« hI for rebuilding of the old Wilbur a« a«l emy. th« old«st Institution of Its kind In southern Oregon. Of 3* aspirants for admission to the practice of law In Oregon who took Ihe examination conducted by th«- stale board of examiners in Haletn th<> last week In May. 17 were suc»‘«sful and nine failed. Four of th« successful applicants are women. Lieutenant l.loyil l>. Brown« of Htl verton. wh«iue airplane was damagaid In a fall an»l who *»M the ma« bine, has gone to Han Fraud»«-«» with I.leu tenant Frunaeen of Portlan«! to pur chae«- a new plan for commercial us*-, which be will fly home. That airplane patcola for the pro teclion of Oregon forests from fir» Is virtually assured is indim Mother field to Health- Llrutenant C«»l»»tml Thcodovv H o < h » c veil Jr. will address the Pacific c««aet Fire Chiefs' association at th« l .nb« cue at Bonneville during their con««n tlon from OeptemiH-r 15 to 1» W«»rd to the effect that Colonel R«on v«|t would »peak was received by th«- American legion In Portland Heymour Jones, speaker of th« house of r«pr'» «li-cl- ed to take advantage of th«- workin«u's compensation act are eat'tled U» com pensatlon until they reach th«* a«« of II years, according to a legal opinion rendered by Attorney G -n«ral Brown at th« r«qu«-st of the elate Indual rial accident commission Colonel John L. May of Port land. Lieutenant Paul It. Wallace tit Salem and Captain Ben H Fisher of Marsh field will be appointed members of an arinory boar«l to have full charge un d«r th« general staff of th« national guard of Ihe maintenance of all ar morl«e throughout the state, according Io an announcement ma«le by Governor Olcott Adjutant General Conrad Mtefrin states U»t authorisation had been re reived from the war department (or ttie organisation of th« following units of national guard On« regiment of Infantry, one battalion (four compan ini coast artillery, on« battery heavy field artillery, ooe squadron cavalry. one company of englu m aud otx im bulance company The official record • «-»<-ry Oregon soldier serving in th« world war la bw tag compiled In th« ■tat« library at Halem under th» dirwtlon of Blate Llbrartaa Cornelia Marvin, who waa authorised to make lb« compilation by the recent legislature From these record» will be made th« distribution of service metals scheduled for No vrmber 11 next Bine« the straw balloting started at th« general army recruiting offices In Portland. 1200 •«service m«n ba«« voted The total vote to date »lands as follows National prohibition, tor 432. against 610. universal military service, for 760. against 263. league of nations, for 77S. against 344; woman suffrage, for 44«. against 347. dlspo sttloa of th« kaiser and his able«, death penalty 46*. Mlle '*>■- freedom 66; the American French girl, the American girl b««t 63» th« French girl beet *1. no choice 101. not voting 324 An Increase in prt< • « for raw »atm on in the Columbia river district dur­ ing tbd*aea*"ii wli . h pens on May I la asked by the fteh<*rm«n Th« Co lumbla River Fishermen's l*rot«etlvs union has set th« price for eblnooka at I2H cents per pound, an advance of I1-, rents over last season Th« rat« for blucbm ks. white sturgeon and ■teclhisd» was act al 10 cents a æt at pound, while the price for graylings and green sturge->n was fl »ml al 7 cents a pound The railroad administration was vllad on by Representative Alsnott'i fftce to consider a request Of th» -««port Oregon Commercial club for is •itsrsiun of the Taqulua branch f the Bout hors Pacific railroad from squina to Newport. PACIFIC FLEET PASSES CANAL Aboard Ihe Ftac-hlp U, H H New Mexico The Pacific f1««t. under the command of Admiral Rodman. Is float Ing In Pacific waters Mil dreadnoughts, led by the flag ship New Meilco. Hun.lay su< ■ -ssfully nmo!Islet! the Panama canal, the larg rut ships that ever bav< passed through this waterway Th« average time for • ach warship fr- ni l ! n to lultsm ess ten hours "Thia Is the htggret event In the history of th« canal.** said Governor Chester Harding of th« Canal sone. "It ess no mor»- trouble than put ting through th«- canal a fleet of Great lu>k>e tugboais," said Admiral Hod man. CHEVROLETS DENTIST AND Office Hours » to 12 A M. 1 lo 5 P M BUICKS LISTON \ I »ARB Y SCIO. OREOON 1 PICTURE PRINTING We are prepared to take your pictures, develop your plates, films, film packs, do your printing, enlarging and framing U e charge nothing for developing films or plat«- when twelve prii.ta are ordered. Vie have had fifteen years of practical work in picture taking. If we can be offany help to yon in g< (tini, good results from your kodak or camera, we will J idly give you pointers. .All work guaranteed and done promptly Would Bring toldisrs' Bodlss Homa. Wash, ng ton—To brina home the bolles of American soldiers. »allora and marines who died in th« war with Uermany. and to bury them in national cemeteries Itssled In the states from which the men were enlisted. |65.#(M>. Oon would be appropriated in bills In troduced In the hou«« by Representa Uva Caraway of Arkansas Mmtsna Legislature to Combat Growth Helena. Mont -To meet the enter gency caused by drouth eondl Ilona In the state and to provide am>'idmenta to the read and highway laws governing the »tat* highway com mission and ihe county commissioners In the building ami Improvement of mads, the 14th Montana assembly will (jive u« a trial J. F. WESEL Y SCIO ORFXÎON We do nr I carry any cameras or camera supplies I« watri OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT I n completo ami our stock s fresh and clem. lino of O lit? <•, SpiceN, Canned Goods, and in fact, everything needed for the table. Lapsed Special Military Commltt»» Authorised Washington —Appointment of a spe­ cial subcommittee to recommend leg Islatlon embodying a permanent mili­ tary policy for the nation waa author- lied by the senate military committee Th« senators tunned were: Chairman Wadsworth. Hutherland of West Vir­ ginia. New of Indiana and Freyling buy sen of New Jersey, republicans; Chamberlain of Oregon. Thomas ot Colorado, and Fletcher of Florida, d«m ch fat» Pi. ware OFFER IS MADE SOLDIERS aovernmsnt Potici«» lo Be Rsnswed If Oeslrsd. Washington. — Dtschsrged servlcé meli who Ini thelr govi-rnnient lusur ance laps» were gin n the priv il«K« of relnslating lh«lr potici«« «Itbln IH monili» wlthout paytnent nf back mi uni», under an ord< r eignwl by retary Gl asa The <>nly requlreincnl la that man requesting minata!' meni be In a» giHjd heallh a» al the ttm« of dlscharge and must pay the premium for one li.onth of gracw in which hi» Insurance waa contlnued after he stoppe«! pay mestt and thè premium for thè month in whlch ho requesta r»-im>tat«ment. See me for prices and terms. Ph»»n« «4, '■co Un« door north of Puetoffic« HIBLER 8 GILL Scio Produce Company Wants Your Business Will pay Cagh For Egg«. Poultry, Veal. 11« vgti. I lideg WillJbuyJCream in any quantity and | .y the highest cagh price foi it. Let ug get acquainted. If you have a grievance make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it. Bring Us Your Cascora Bark We will give you a Square Deal FRED GISELMAN, Proprietor FUNERAL DIRECTOR« FULL LINE OF CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUPPLIES A11 funeral« attended to promptly ami at rt i*«iii»l>l<- n rices. WFNELY UNTATI SCIO, OREGON y ¿ r e.f ‘ i I