CREGON NEWS NOTES CF GENERA'JNTEREST Prlncioa* Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor- oiaticn of Our Readers. Newport poatoffk*« will be »ccon.t ria»» after July I Mayor Albin of Sale in haa an m*.in<«Mi hi» intention of resigning to tak>- up farming. Hlivrl.lan waa re|»r«Mw>uU*d at the Portland Victory Its« Featlval b> a girl« hand of 24 plwera A chapter of th«* American l.«gl*>n has been formed by the returned a»l die.-a of Klamath county. ■ of Portland to rota next Hat unlay on a bond l«»ue of 32 Jotl.noO It F. Joti.a. stat» representative front Lincoln and Polk countie». has r< - ■ tic,| a» mayor of Newport. five mile» of wo-d block poving co th« in* tn« hlghway in Or«g* a Wilkin i o day», drllllag far oli wltl la bw wn « r »,ay la Yamimi x-atnty Ihr b |M SIr dcvcloplti» a gt«-»t »U|>ply of Oil and naturai ca». wh!«h »««uld b* of In, »11. »laide v»lm> to th« »tah» •rd io« land, a numb* r of IMrtland m* n of ** n» ha»« antt*d In ut,d«r- takln» th« prciiminary work whlrh will d- ’■ mit m «hrth«r or noi oli d«- pnsl»» 1. ’- *rly largì arca» io ih«- Ykll tarn- 1« vaiihy. Foreign argusg« papers printed In th« I sited Status hiay lus barred fr m the public librarian .4 Portland, tf tba b**ok r i '. m lice of thcdlbrury a «mein lion reports favorably on a su*; :• »ti m which W F Woodward mad. at the m inthly meeting of the dlr«-«'i**ra After the mod Vigorous fight ever kt.osn In tbv* htst'iry of th« Myv’-.c Shrine of North America, the Imper al council In se»»ion at L-llauapobs. by a vote of ’’!>• tn Iff. d*-ci,t«d on bold Ing the 44th imp. rial « mncll session tn Portia»,!. Or.. June » to 11. I3-» ««••»a IhemsclI *»» «tie la enty fifth of I |M*r rent of cap t»: an*l si^j.'.us to reals a fund f >r «anlsed effort dl reeled by the a.«a «-lathva toward »n x>unMt»m«at of the bnmling of high grade stock an I Im ,«»»« m 1 output of i*r«>pa Of the 4314 auloniobltca registered with the aerr«-tary of Mnte*a office dur­ ing May. >317 w- r>* n--w carw. accord Ing Io a report just compiled With a total of <>.<•> ears reglaicrcd up to Jut»« 1 It la sii-'-'tsd that the total reglstratlona for 131* will reach and •ven rxreed th« eat I male of 30.000 whlrh has form- d th« basla for fig­ ure« In ronm-cihm with anticipated r«v*-nu«-» from this »ourc« for us« In Improving and maintaining sial» high ways In Oregon II v<*nu«a from II renac fees motor vehicle, motorcycle, dealer and rfl«uff*-ur r«-<*ctvrd during May totakd 337.330 bringing the total for this year thus far to 3513.333 30. an Increa»« of m*«r ■ than 33 per cent over th« showing of |4>.»S.377 30 for th« »am« pcrhMl a y« ar ago. Th" I’urtlaud ««»«nslou division of th« Ualwralty of Oregon will op. h Its sumtiM r -choal Jun** 31 arid continue until Au* - e I fourwa wilt I m * given In ethics, drawing music biology, phy »1rs. public speaking, education, liter­ ature, French, Hpsnlsh and pev* hology. Il’ «'.LÖW GERMANY 'RMY CF 200,000 The mill of the llardwood Lumber eompany at Albany waa duetroyed by fire entailing a loan of fltt.oOO The 47th annual reunion of the <»re gon Pioneer aaaoclation waa open, it In th*' I •or l land auditorium Thur »«lay, President K«rr of Oregon agrlcul June I*. tural *■ ,11* . *• was the <-r»l >r at the Ralph Tudor of Hutchern. Or , waa flag day exercise*« at the McMinnville appointed to West Point military am i auditorium under the auspices of .Mc­ <>my l>y Senator t'hainberlalu and will Minnville lodge of Elka, following a nnt. r Immediately. parade. In wh ch th** Flka, od I fol low a A new deposit of gold haa been dis and other organisations participated <• '.er I n <.!■ neb at Newport no«, Th« application of th« public servir« the old life saving station and la cans commission for a reduc'd rate on th" Ing much excitement. transportation of the Oregon fish car, Influence la r< aching worrying pro has I«* « n d«elln*d by the federal rail portions at Hot <1 Hirer. Scores ul r*md administration >>n the ground that riM'd.-nta of the county have fallen such preference la not jusilfl*«t an,l victims to the epidemic. could not be acceptably explained un­ t'orvnlhu carpenters have recently der c*ntralU*«l control. formed a union and henceforth will M um * Fern l!**bl« formerly a-■ ret ary gxk for 4« per day of eight hours to Governor fvgwald West, ha» b* *.» The wage was formerly >5. appointed chief of th«* bom«* commun!- Fifty busln**»» nun and dairymen cation section *>l th« American 1***1 met nt Yamhill and took preliminary f'naaa In France, according to the Rrd steps toward organising a cooperative Cross bulletin of l*nris und* r date of creamery and factory May 17 .Miss Hoblw entered the li*-*l Two fatalities are Included In the Crows service last summer. list of 460 accidents reported to the William Rnniley, colored, 33 years state Industrial accident commission old. who is th* old*st »eitler In Curry for th* week ending June 13. county, has proved up on a hnme»t*»*l The store of the HUI Hardware far up the Hogue river. Itumley waa c miany al Harrisburg was broken born In slavery and cam*- went with Into and goods to the value of 3-''1 ht» eleventh master In the gold rush and IKK» in cash were taken by the of '4P In California II« later ram« to robber. Oregon ami h *- h I*-*I In Curry county In Two thousand out of town Victory I.X67. Roa« Festival guests were accommo Further difficulties enr»»unt«r«d by dated In Portlaud private homes, ac th* Ph«» ni|w*ny In procuring logan- cording to statistics compiled al the berrl*» «-moieh for Its various fruit housing bureau. Jul«« pro*lu<-ts arc disclosed In a n* w The Xoach Timber company, holder »ult filed gl Hal«m against the Ha)«m of U.0O0 acres of timber In Douglas Fruit union. In whl«h th« plaintiff county, will i,,«in Is-gyi th«* construe company »«eke to restrain the. fruit tlou of 2« miles of railroad aud two union from disposing of Its loganberry largo sawmills In Sutherlin valley pool to any o'h ra than the plaintiff Ths Italics entertained delegates to Marshfield. North l!«n*l, East Hide. the 0. A. It convention which met C**,|ulli* and Myrth Point face a con- there Tuesday The soldiers of the dit Ion whl-li may result In suspension civil war were welrnmel warmly by nt cl«*ctri*- power and light. If the In­ th** residents and an enjoyable pro tention of the receiver» of the C A gram arranged Hint!I* property to withdraw permis Colonel John L. Leader, military si**n to th«- cregon P»»r «onipany to commandant and Instructor at the (Jnl 1 o|*erM« th. electric plant at th« main v* rslty of Oregon, has tendered his M;,r**hf', '*! mill I» allowed to !»• car r etaliation to President t anipls ll and ri* *1 out will Lave at the cud of the term fur Counma of study for public schools Itrl'lsh Columbia. and high school« of Or* gon will no. The oil possibilities of t'ooo county be ready for distribution until late In are to be Investigated thoroughly Aurtist. according to annnunr «menl by Senator McNary haa sent word to the J A Churrhlll. surerintendent of pub­ North lb,nd chamber of commerce lic Instruction. The change In text­ that he baa arranged for a government books for the romlag six years n«*ce» man to cum« to this locality for the sltates s delay by the educational d«- purpose parfm nt In mao«*htg out th*- eou*** » Marlon MH’laln of Fug*-n> has b*cn of study for the fall term. select*d as successor to l>«an II Walk No material change In the cost of er as graduate manager of stud*-nt ac II 1 I** I»- L ind In a *»:nparl-*on tivlthw al th« University of Oregon of d bv the state hoard of control, as In Eugene since. mmparvMi with the figures of six The need f«»r 312S.OBO worth of r« months ago While aom« lt«ma show palm, reconstruction and Improve ms'-rial redur. Ions In prh-e In the «K £i«tita on the Central Oregon trriga months prriod other Items offset this Hot, project la given as th. chi' gain by just as material Inrreama. r>-a«*,n tor an advance from so cents G* n< Htmiwon. who has b*«n raising to (3 per acre in maintenance feet ph«a»s nis for years snd w I umw - ple as charged Settlers ant farm recently waa acquired by the The famous old battleship Oregon st «t« l a- « n pl»re«l tn char • of haa been taken out of commission at pheasant production by th*- alate game the Puget Hound navy yard and will and fleh i omnil«*»l**n Tit«- rommiasion remain there pending decision by tire d*« ld-d to eins« th« ph* asan< senaon gon an to whether that stats desires on Ortob»*r 13 this rear as a m* ans of to take over the vessel for the Orc pr-iiwTlng th" blrda and to purebane gon naval militia as nglny pheasants as p*«s»ible. releas­ Four more alien slarkera were for ing lh*-m after the s* as«,n * l*«s*w Th*- over barred from Incoming American romtnlsxlon's farm at Corvallis will < It Isens by an ord* r of Circuit Judge« 'have 3300 birds this y«ar Fakin at Astoria Approximately 2« Al th« cloae of the fourteenth busi­ foreign born residents of thia section ness session In Portland. C H IIml have been denied citlxenshlp because «on. president of the First National they evaded th« military draft. bank of llend. was elected pres « nt Hhortagc of ere« note oil and other of the Oregon Htate Itanksrs associa essential material lias caused the West lion for th" ensuing year The as» « Coast Lumbermen's association to riathm voted approval of a propoal abandon Its project for underwriting tloa under which the banka are Io a portion of lb« omt of putting down l*arls Germany 1» to b*- allowed an army of 3*0 >io<> men for three years. Thia Is on« of the ehang«w In th» p* sec t* rms whi- h has b«-» u s>-duloua- ly kept secret. The r* anon given for this doubling of the prevlou« num' ■ r of effsctlv«w Is th* Itnposalbllity of adjusting the srtnles of Austria. Poland, CM«eho*8lm vakla and other n**w states proportion­ ately to the pr* vlously arrang**«! log, ooo m«n for Germany A general rc*lur‘b na of »rmamenla 1» to he neg itlat - I Immediately Germany's ad;i.i-■** >n to th« league of nations Is find for "the mar fu ture." Il«r admission will enable Germany to bring up for dlaciisslon her ec«e tii'ini' prop»« It io ns Germany will be given four months to «ubmll to the »1 II*-» proposal« d* - ling with her total Ind-'htrdn«»« 'hr *, h n paratlotm, and mtlhod« for th« payment th«r«-«if Hhe may propoxw nicrchandl«*- and labor Th«* allies are to reply wiihln two niontha. A plebiscite for npprr Sll«-«la will he taken within six tn It month». A clause d*a>« with th« protection by tbc league »f nation» <»f German mlnarltl«-» Inhabiting the districts ink* tt from Germany Another d ais with th- Int* allied civil commission, whlrh will admlnlstrr th« left bank of the llblne. -erupted by the allied troops. Io which the existing military commls «ton will b« vulmrdlrinied. LABOR OPPOSES DRY LAW Samusl Gompsrs Hsad« Dsmonstra lion at Washington. Washington .Heveral thousand rep •es**utatlv*»s of organise«! labor, head *d by Samuel G* nip«rs. president of th« Amcrha/l Feiicratloii of latbor. >artlei|*ated In a flag day labor *l«m -rnl ation held oti th« steps of th» -. ,*llol Saturday In favor of the repeal if the war time prohibition law ami • xemption of beer and light wines un ler ths national pmbibitton amend sent. t'harghig invasion of th« right of »«rsvtial liberty. s*l*nui warning waa tounded that If ah» dute prohibition la i II owim I to I m * i , iuc effccUvs on July I. • lespread unr* »t throughout the ■ountry wtll be the result. Will Continue Thrift Campaign. Washington Sal.-s of savings damps snd < ertlf i* at*-s will b« rslle«i ipon by th« treasury to supply a large «art of th« g ,vt rument's financial ’ i**-TON A SCIO. ORHGON I »ARBY PICTURE PRINTING We are prepared to take your pictures, develop your plates, films, film packs, do your printing, enlarging and framing \A e charge nothing for developing films or plates when twelve prii ta are ordered. e have had fifteen yearn of practical work in picture taking. If we can l>e of any help to you in ', * Hing goosl results from your kodak or camera, we will gladly give you pointers. MAU» OHI>EHS Ol'H SPl.t I Al .TY All work guaranteed and done promptly. Give us a trial J. F. WESELY SCIO • . . OREGON We do nt i carry any cameras or camera supplies OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Is t n.tiph to Hiiti our stock fresh nut I ch m. Wo curry n full line of Ton, (’otVce, Spices, Canned Goods, unti in fact, everything needed for the table. HIBLER 8 GILL GO. Scio Produce Company Wants Your Business Will pay Cash for Eggs. Poultry, Veal, I logs, I lides Will buy Cream in any quantity ami ¡ ay the highest cash price foi it. Let us get acquainted. If you have a grievance make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it. Bring Us Your Cascara Bark We will give you a Square Deal FRED GISELMAN, Proprietor FUNERAL DIRECTOR« FULL LINE OF CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUPPLIES S All funeral* aticutlttl u> promptly ami at rf**HonAl»l« r »•riften. % * wi * h V. lv estate »CIO, OREGON I