The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 12, 1919, Image 3

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nry <1
r*»>in.|rym»n the grouad Inal
d t»r a bank
end mayor of North Bend, county com r listed
mlsstnner. as a result of an overwhelm-
A Hue ol S&Ö
Impoeed by the
Ing tan Jslide tn tbs recall slecUoa In rirruil c. urt
•ria on Charte»
Co«« «« uuty.
<rf operating a
A «M •Ira of dairy mceHnxn will be purae
waters of the
case was on ap
Principal Events of the Week held In Coos •onaty June 12. 13 and 1« Colurabul river
Dairymen from all pa la of the state P*-al from the Justice court, where a
Briefly Sketched for Infor­ will ga*h« - to than«» dairy products similar fine had b»*>n imposed, and
aad roupv-rat » nvcib»ds ot ma et lag nolle« of appeal was Immediately
mation of Our Reader*.
with a view to benefiting th*» producer taken to the slate supreme court The
an*l ronauni* r
action, while «>f a crtmlual nature la
Th* first annual rose show was held
Members of th-» Dvyal l-egmn of a friendly one to obtain the courts
In Hprltigfbld last week.
»-t-1 l.urab* rtnen of the north Intvrprelat'on of tb>- state law pro
Conrad I*. Olson of Portland, was west district, which includes Oregon. hlirtUng purse seining In the Columbia
named code commissioner by Chief Washington and Idaho, ha vs d.»aignai river
Justice McBride
•-•I Eugens ns ths p*ac » for the organ
Captain Conrad Htsfrin of Dallas,
The moat successful wool sale In Station's official Fourth of July cele who wa» focenlly rcluru*<l from serv­
years was held at Condon last week I brati n this year
ice in I -an*»- with th*- 182nd Infantry,
The Bist forrst Hr* of th* s*«*on In was appointed adjutant general ot ths
pounds of w < m >I was
I ’ he north «nd of Jackson county o>
Oregon national guard. Governor Ben
Grace E Garret has been appointed I eurrsH on the rail* •*V leading *mt from W Olcott announ*«d
The appoint
1» atmialrrs* at H dlx and Mrs Hetty be Rag«« Hiver 1i tmixur 4 Box com m«nt will b*> temporary, the appointee
M Iler at llo.dinan. both in Umatilla ! ;«ny's nulla, aix , «« north of G»I J to serve only uuUl the return to duty
Mill aud timber crews and
of Lieutenant <*td<>nel Georg« A
prevent**J a heavy | >aa.
•The llth annual meeting of the Ore­
White, now on h*s way home from
Th* railroad b**tv cn M*dford and Franc«, not resigned the office two
gon Bankers* association will be held
In Portland on Friday and Saturday ot Jackeonvt'ie, which las b*-»-n operated years ago on the understanding that
for several years by thr Hott: her a Ore­ hr would be reappointed upon his
thia wash.
Traction company, and which was return home
Brigadier General Brice P. Plaque,
Four hundred and thirty thousand
former commander ot the spruce dl»i sold St public sale ordered by the cir­
slon. has been decorated with the cuit court May 30. has been leased for rainbow trout • res brought from Odell,
a year by J T. Gagnon, thr Medford Crrsent and (»avis lake and placed in
distinguished service modal.
lumber mill operator and box manu­ the Tumalo hatchery, the first to be
Governor Olcott appointed Dr. John
facturer. pending confirmation ot tbs handled at the lo w plant, are due to
ft. »-.on ot Portland and Dr. R C Me­
sal*» by thv* court.
hatch Hundav. according to the super
Daniel of Portland, as member* of
A requ* st has been sent to th«- state Intendenl. Three hundred thousand
siatc board of nodical examiners.
gam- o-mmisaion by farmers living m re eggs, gathered al th« lakes, are
Moro than 50 osteopaths from all
along the banks ot th*- I.tukiamute ready for tranvpnnation. and are ex­
parts of the state gathered at Portland
river In the southwestern part ot Pol* pected to arrive Saturday In addition
last week for the annual session of
county. asking petit --ton to kill a to th*» hatching. <00.009 brook trout
the Oregon Osteopathic association.
numb* r of beavers which ar*- »*ib*uaiy try. from eggs gathered at Elk taka
At a meeting of several hundred
damaging lands along that str* am
last winter, will be seat In the near
firm-T- service men of Ijtne county In
A public building adequate to houso future from HenncvlHe and will be
Eugene. I.ane county post of the Amer­
the pualoffice, customs servl<-e and • ared for at the Tuma hatchery until
ican la-cion was formally organised
An Incrsaac from 91 to 12 an acre other branch«»» of the government lo­ they ars ready to be planted
To speed up r>>ad development half
foot la sought by the Central Oregon cated at Astoria, would require 8100
th« countP'S In Oregon voted road
Irrigation company In an application
f w<l with the l itii'e service commis 1200.000, according to an estimate ro- bonds at the special elm lion last weak
ceived by Repreo< ntativo Hawley from ’I he aggregate of the bonds is In ex
cosa ot 15.000.009. or more than half
Nearly ISiMI.OOO worth of liquor ha» ths treasury department.
Mrs. C E. Andrews. ot !jt Grand», the six« of the bond issue for roads
been confiscated and destroyed by the
war emergency squad of the Portland mother of Bert Andrews, who wm tbs enacted by the m-aalon of the legisla
police department since February I first Orcs n member of thr Rainbow tur« in February. In addition to th«»«
. division to m*<rt b s death in Franca, bond laatiea. several other counties
Harry Moore, 18 years old. of Kurin- I has been named honorary preaid-nt plan road bonds ebctlons during the
won first prise on his bread at a twk of the Oregon chapter of th« Hain summer, under the newly enacted 8
Ing contest held In connection with a> bciw diyis >>n vet* ana. an organ s« per cent county Indebtedness law for
r*-ads Slur« than 11, opotwio in bonds
achievement meeting of lb* butin • lion which embrae*»« 37 state«.
contemplsted at the special elec
school club of Eugene.
Road bonds
Petitions presented by the Oregi-n i be permitted to sue In the court of lions to be held Istcr
v >t«*d l>y various counties at the
Hingis Tai league lor
00 acres of land xurh, the f say. was special election were as follows
amendment to be voted on at the 1!‘
milled in fixing tbs b 'tinda ;ea of th- Baker. »500 000; B utou. I320.00O;
election were approved by Hum A
Klamath reservation . by the I«.-ms of |>«*<K*hii(0a, |f25.000, Gllllsm. 1250.000;
Kuaer, deputy secretary of statu.
Klamath. 1347,701;
C. M Knight, representing the fed a b II Introduced In the house by Rep J »fferson. |1 o.*’
ItPut.ooO; Lin
eral bureau of cereal diseases, has ar
I Irat Lieutenant Izmir H Compton coin. IIRO.OfH), Marlon,;Mai
rived at the Oregon Agricultural mi
lege from Nevada to Investigate the of Ha)«*m. recently returned from owe hour, |139,0«*k; talk. 9285000; Till»
cereal discuses in Oregon. Idaho and seas. bringing with h m the erolx de rnook. 11*0 10«; Wheeler, 141.000
uerre awarded by Marshal Petain • t Wallowa. 9 nu o. Morrow, 92»v,iH*u
Portland was chosen for the 1920 France for bravery in action, will b** Yamhill. 93<0.lh>0
The labor sttun'ion In Bend Is bet­
meeting of the Wsshlngton. Ot * • ■•!! »tat» parole officer to suc .eed Jos .1
than In any other city In the stats,
and British Columbia Council of th*
according to Frank K Maunlng. as
United Travelers’ association, which made by Governor Olcott.
A nrw irrigation project by wheb Blatant director of clvlPan relief fur
completed its 1919 session at Van
th« American Rad t'ross. after an In
1400 acres of laud will be bto*r.l
couvrr. B C.
Steps have been taken by the Bend under aster on the south aldo of the veatlgatton of eouditiona there.
The first meeting of the state emer­
city council to tnc.*rporate in its bud Klamath river, between Klamath Fall-
get tor the coming year an appropria »ml Keno is going rapidly forward gency board for the present biennium
may be cslb d tn about two montha to
tion for the establishment of a The water has been diked from tt
Carnegie library in iieud with city lauds in that ae« Hoti and will be punt ­ provide money for Ind mnlty rlaima
ed on aga n by two la-tfo «eatrifug * a-slnat the stat» for the slaughter of
and county aid.
cattle that have r*-spond*d to the tu­
Announcement by the Sunrise Milk pumps.
Products company of North It-nd ot
Warning la, given by J O llo : berculin test.
If the Pacific Telephone and Tels-
an lucrea»e m the price of butteriat to manager of the Eugen« Fruit Growers
vat h company wins in Its attempt to
<5 cents a pound, marks the highest aasuctatli-n. that owing to the trem.
price ever paid for butterfat in th» d us [teach crop In the Willamette vai increase Its t* I* ph*»n* rate«, the Haleru
Coos Hay country.
i«y thia year the fruit will bt> atari** ■ city eouto II will put the municipal lek
With 2121 accidents reported to th- I* as unlr*a tbtuned to a great extent «1 hons quest on up to the people of
state Industrial accident commission He declared that other wise all th* Hah m through the medium of a Bps-
tor May. this month takes rank as th* jearhes will be small and It will b* clal bond election
Pvtitl ns tearing the signatures of
second highest in the history of the difficult to sell them.
department. August, 1919. being first
A mandamus suit was filed In Mi many taxpayers have b*en presented
with a total of SIM accidents reported rlon county circuit court by 4 A Mui to the county court asking for sub
An equitable rate adjustment. bawd key and others Int* rested tn the or mission at a «: • » .al election of the
on transportation costa. Is demand* d gantve.lon of a hank for Hl. Johns, In question of Issuing 938u.i>"0 bonds for
on behalf of Portland and Columbia which the court is asked to Issue an the eonstruetlon of permanent rosda
in Yamhill county.
river basin slilpp ra. In a complaint order directing the state r boa
Better prices for ties and a system
forward* d by ths Oregon public service to Issue a charter to the m-w bunk or
commission to the Interstate commerce show caue- for rtfnital. ivtl ton for -t of purchasing that will be fairer to
charter for the tank at Ht. Johns was the manufacturer» arc promised by
C. H. Wade, Justice of the peace. filed April 18 and was diaanprov d b> former Governor W'cst In a telegram
• a democrat, becomes county Judge and I the stair superintended of banks on received from him by <> H Ball, »er
retary nt the W.- t> rn Or*-gon Tie aad
I .umber ass'iclatlon.
For the first time In many month»
there were no fatal accidents reported
to the Industrial Accident commission
during the past wo>-k, according to
the weekly accident report
were 51« accidents reported from
\V>* delire lo inforni the general pu dir timt we have
throughout th« stats,
II E M‘ mysr. assistant s«P*'rtn
tendent of ('rater lake park, reports
nine feet of snow at the laks. There
was twice this amount at thia tlm«
Ival year, he says, and from present
Indications the park will b« • •pen to
It rat-
¡1 Anti that we purpose t«> comlii *t the
auto travel about July t.
3 ciac», up to-<iat»» inaniHT
W<* will
(lesplte the foot that the t’nltert
Htai'» railrrmd administration recent­
; iit>*a!». :i« th** iuaik«*t will afT<>t«i anti
ly ordered a deeresuM» of 10 cents a
; h<*ls will l> luiiiiitailicti in a <-h-tiiilv
ton for freightage of roadbuilding ma
Ü i tHitli'ioii
Wt» cordially invito you to^iv* us a trial.
tertals. the Oregon public service com
11 1‘ricAa roiiMoiiahl»»
m' will make every effort to pre
core a still lower reduction.
Office Hours
» to 12 A. M.
I to 5 I* M
Ous door north of PoetotRc«
jbcio Produce Company
Wants Your Business
Will pay Cash for F-ggs, Poultry, Veal. I I •«*», Hid
Will buy (’ream in any quantity and pay
thr highest cash price foi it.
Let us get acquainted.
If you have a grievance
make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it.
Bring Us Your Cascora Bark
We will give you a Square Deal
FRED G1SELMAN, Proprietor
Re-Opened Under New Management
The Scio Hotel
* *
■ -
■ T