The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 12, 1919, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party
Ä IO, I.INN COUNTY, oregon . JUNE 12. 191»
NO. 4»
« 1.50 Till YKAR
Bankers Oiled on to Explain
How Treaty Was Brought
Into United States.
Washington — Resolutions »»kin«
th** »'st** <hi*srt*n.nt for th** test of
the treaty with Oenaaay and dlrwtlu*
tbs f retgu relations committee to ia
vestíoste h-'W copie» of the unpubl'sh
•d documents have reached privat
hands In New York, were adopted b.
th** aenste without a rul! call.
The roquent for th" treaty will b*
referred by aiate de|*artm**nt offici»!
tn president Wilson and Secretary
I.nosing at Paris and pending a reply
no official opinion I» available her*
aa to whether the text will be forth
tinder the Investigation resolution
Introduced at the r* «tuest of the vrhlti
hoto«» by Senator Hitchcock of Ne
brnska, senior democrat of the for*-ig'
relations commitlee. it Is expect«»
that a far rear ming Inquiry will begin
within a f**w ils y a The collimiti«**
met Monday to formulale plan* whi«h
may include the auinmoning of mem
hers t»f the American i*e»ce delegation
Ait Ir.pflon of th«* Hitchcock résolu
lion mm* after the doliate had nach
cd a dramatic climax In a clash be
tween Mr H ti heock and < halrmn*
Ixxlgo of th** foreign reiatlon* couituit
toe. After thia claxh a reqiwst by
Mr Ixtdge that the senate substitute
an In* estimation rev >t ut Inn drawn by
Benafor Kellogg republican nf Minilo
« H. vu withdrawn and the queitior
»I» uni ou adoption.
In Its In*eal.Kalloil of how copies of
th** i * a* «* ireity rtached New York
the senate foreign r*'at ion» commute«*
subtex’öa'-d Jacob Hchlff. Thomas F
faim *nt. H I’, fhivlson. Paul Warburr.
J P .Mor ;«n and Frank A Vand**r||p
Ijun>>nt waa requested to bring with
him any correspondence which pa»i**-d
between J. P. Motean • Co. and Its
Paris and London agents regarding
the treaty, and particularly any rom
munlcationa on the subject l>etween
the banking hmine and IW*l**on. while
the Utter was abroad
The committee alno adopted unant
tnousiy a mutton by Henator Fall, re
p«ilil can. of New Mexico, inviting Act
Spray your cow
and keep her quiet
and the milk re-
turn will be better
. I lean Turner i
I visit, he is uorkm
for a
on the railroad
Mr. anil Mr». Flllpott, twodaugh
ter* and aunt spent Sunday evening
at Sar.tiam Farm
Johnny Smallnvm of Rainier is up
**n I*is usual visit and t*> fish.
G A. Griffin an«f John Sinallmon
attende*! the Lebanon fair and say
they were buncoed.
The bla-ters. after a week’*
renewed operations Monday and wili
s*x*n have both ends of th** rood
meet the middle.
Uncle T>>ni Snisil has boeght a
silo s<> be can g*> into the dairy bus-
i i«*xs* right.
David liorahurgh has a tine lot *>f
clover hay down taking the ram.
which i» hard on clover.
Billie Dobrkovsky called at the
Farm f«»r strawberries.
The old
man has none to spare; he love« to
flop his lip over a howl of ripe ber­
ries smothered in-thick cr^am.
Th«* commencement exercises for
the Scio high ***h > *i took place last
Thurwiav and Friday evenings and
wer«* witn<*«»«vf by large numliers *if
relativ,*» and friends nf the gradu­
ates wh«» were: V'alma Italachweid,
Margueret S»-rflmg. G* urge A St*wl-
dart, Walter Murphy, Thoma» P.
I’r<»|*al. G«x»rqr J Pntrnv. Franklin
E. Gilkey
The program of the
chia» waa rnhat'cvd by Mrs E II.
Hobaon who gnve two vocal anloa tn
fin«* voice; by Prof Carlton, awxisl-
ant stat«* school superintendent; by
the high sch*x,l orch«-**tra music, ami
by the profusion <>f gifts and flow*
era The faculty waa remembered
by the H mm .
The Prill prize 1 waa awarded to
Valma Balaehwrid; Thomas !*ro»pal
received th«* Weaely prize; Vnlnia
Balsciiweid read her « •«ay; the Wil-
larnet Univeraily scholarship went
t*> George St.sldart and the Confer­
ence scholarahin to George Palmy.
Jacob Bilyeu of Crabtree vimt«*d
his brother Peter here Sunday.
Mrs Haman Shelton and Mina Wagon Crushes Ribs into Heart
Zeda Pritchard motored to Aums­
and Break* Back oí Near
ville Friday.
Mrs. Newt Thomas and son Percy*
have move«] near Shelburn an as to
be near the latter's work.
R**y Crabtree and family motored
to Albany Wedn«*s«iav*
Quite a number of Jordanites at­
tended the reception given the re­
turned soldiers at Mount Pleasant
C. L. Sherman of McMinnville ami
Mrs and Mi*» Sherman of Jefferson
visited the Haive Sheltons Sunday.
John Vanna is assisting at the
checsr factory, the daily receipt of
milk averaging between HuO and 900
pounds. Mr. .Mac Intosh is turning
out a fine grade of ch«x-se.
Jcfferion Man.
An accident whir c*h proved fatal to
William II. Wuoldr ridge occurred at
the Skelton farm r near Jefferson at
noon Saturday.
Wooldridge was i lie!ning Skelton
unload hav from « wagon when the
horses Ix-eante frig ihren* 1. Woold-
ridge stepped in ft r*>nt of the team
to quiet them and 1 was knocked to
the ground, th«* he •avy wagon paa**
ing over his chest, hreaking
his back
and forcing his rilw into the heart,
Mr Wixddridge owned a farm
nenr Jefferson, win 52 years of age
and unmarried
A mother and bro­
ther live tn .Montaou
Albany Her­
W. H Ray, who ia quite p*w>riy
is at the hong* of his «laughter.
Il» |> lai \iHr»
Albany to Get Cannery.
Mrs McKnight of Scio, i* reported
Mra. George Sutherland, who un­ no better, but resting easily.
Our milk hauler loses a can occiui
a surgical oix rnti<*n Friday,
Albany, Jun«* 9
As the result of
ionnily <>n his return.
Th«* Itl-year old son of D McClain
is doing a* well as can be expected.
by W. H.
of near Lyons die«l of diptheria and
The rain is nice but t*x* <xx»l for
Tollx*rl <>il>i*ons, who was brought another son is ill of same trouble.
, it ia
In I hur-xtay with i>rt»i*«»« und broken
O r KHON M i . xt .
rib«, left Sunday.
for th«* erection *>f a big cannery
Masonic Blowout.
Robert», wh*> ha» l-***-n
it will be one of the lnrg«*»t
To Repair School Building.
suffering with an attack of colitis,
Jefferaon Masons were in the sad-
pianta in the state ami a die will
waa di»mi»>x*jl Sunday
Dr. Prill informs The Tribune
ill«* last Saturday night by being host
soon tie chosen und construction
A he«* Barrick entered the hospital that It Is the purpose of the school
U> a large nurntx*r of visit*ng broth- Thursday for surgical attention.
work begun.
board to give the school building a
thers from Albany Stayton. Salem.
William Dohrkovaky Jr. left the general overhauling during the sum­
Turner and Scio hxlgra.
Albany Accepta Park Offer.
hospital Sunday.
mer vacation.
new members of the order were
Dr. Dale aa»ist«xi Dr. Prill in the
The building la to lx* leveled up.
By a vote of "Iti l. 30G Tues.Uy.
created, one candidate twing from
surgery Friday.
plastering removed, that is to say Albany accepted th«* **tT**r of H. Bry­
the Sei*» lodge.
The Salem team,
M-s A. II Purdy, superintendent what will remain after the level up ant to donate a 40 acre tract to the
b*gether with it* splendid quartet
of the Corvallis h**s|>ital, was a Sun­ process. an*i tu be replaced with citv for a |mrk. In accepting the
conducted the ceremonies In un* day visitor with Mrs Kesler.
wood ceiling.
city agr* **» to r, rteri re «iriction» as
equalled style, th«* quartet’s fintini?
Mra. Harry Whipim left the hos­
It is estimated that the coat will to use of the property.
adding much to the beauty and im- pital Saturday.
approximate 2800. Thomas Proapal'
preswivenexs of the work.
The Albany Democrat n* *ds a new
Mr*. Ruby Roekefell«*r left for has been employed as foreman on
An elegant supper was served by Wendling tins morning.
roan Scarcely an'•-in* com«*»
the work and repairs will bo com­
the Jefferson Eastern Star ladiiM,
does not dmw type off Ila
Mra. J. J Mclienrv wasdismiimrd menced al once
consisting of cake, atrawl*er ies an<i from the h<>»oilai Monday.
fret, making the item or editorial
cream and coffee, in
i abundance,
ag***l H8, died
Not until 2.30 Sunday i* morning **x«
Ferryboat Made Safe.
Tuesday at the home of his son, Dan (
the goat put to bed and *i«»x«»l logy
E Giggev, the Sh«*lt»urn ferry- Hildreth.
The body was shipped
sung Evidently the old a* *ng
man < called on The Tribune ve**t«*r- this morning to Yakima, Wash.
Won't Go Home .Til Morning," waa
In reply to a criticism madri
part of the program.
W. H. Downing of Eox Prairie,
grane ' time in April by John Miller, a
Those attending from Scio wer
; neighbor, he say* it was pot his fault * m in town yesterday.
A W. Arbuckle, J W Fr*>et, G E,
Balsiger, J. T Funk, John I,. Kelly. . 'hat th** lx*at sunk at that time, but
A. L. Hanaford, who ¡a engaged
John T Brock, J A C. Brant. W was due t*> faulty construction and in photographic work in Portland,
M Phillips, J. M Brown. C. W. .light an*l inferior material used. The
arrived Tuesday evening for a short
Bragg. Th**mas Smail. D. C. Thoma, wains opened und constant use of a
visit at home.
John Sumpter, Thomas Mankin.
I 4-inch pump couldn’t keep the hull
The annual meeting of the Mexi­
: dear of water. The hull is laying
Riba Cruahed.
can Mines Limited will be held at
1 caulk«**] and new planking put over
Tally Giblavna ia at th«* hospital the seams which are thoroughly Spokane, Wash,, July 14. (ienrral
J lurcau** hr «trpprd into a hole in the pitched. Mr Giggey think* he will meeting of stockholders will lx* at
j floor of th«* livery stable. The hor»e
I<cl*anon July 8.
lx* able t« keep the hull dry now.
Perry Bilyeu, who escapes fr<>m
he was leading stepped into the
home control two or three times a
I same hole and also fell. Unfortun-
year, wan in town venterday. His
ately Tally was caught between the
i floor and the horse and re«ultc«l in
At (ommenwmrnt a number of wife told him he’d have to go to
'crushing three of Tally 'a ribs
The ' remembrances were r«*c*iv**<j by us mill or «Io without bread. Perry
accident occurre<l Thursday of last from friends who did m>t give their says crops look well out hie way,
■ week. The barn ia Iwing rearranged names. We wish to publicly thank near Crabtree.
into a garage which aet**>unU for them for th«* Mme. Also, we wish to
the afur*.*sai«l hole in the fl*x>r.
thank Mr sn i Mrs. J. F Weedy
and Dr. ami Mrs. A. G. Prill for
Ina Secretary Polk to appear aa a wit-
the lieautiful tok«r>s given as prizes.
bcm and to lake part In the Inquiry
by cross examining witnesses and Valma Bal»chw*dd Margaret Seriling
George Stodd.irt («eorge Patrny
PreaMent Wilson. in a cablegram Walter Murphy Franklin Gilkey
received by Nenator Hitchcock, dento
Thomas P. i’rospal.
At The I’rsplr» Theatre
Saturday and Sunday nighta Man­
ager Wearly will present Wallace
Reid in "The Man from Funeral
A Ciecbo-Slovack Benefit
Dance will he given at the Richard­
erat. Nebraska, said be hoped the tn t
son Gap hail Saturday, June 14. A
ranttgatlon by the senate foreign re­ I
Th*- K P and Pythian Sisters gave big supper will be served at mid­
latione committee ot how copte« of th*
night. The entire net proceeds will
peace treaty reached privale Interrata a rervption Tuesday evening to te- I* given to the benefit of Cseeh*»-
In New York wduld be "moat Ibvr turned members who had l*een in Slovanic war orphans
oughly proeecut rd
j the army.