The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 29, 1919, Image 3

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----------------------- —
' of about |33»)?-M
Principal Events •! the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor*
motion of Our Readers.
I*- ndleton's Chautauqua week has
been set for July I to 11.
R»'Veral new cases of Influema have
mad« their appearance In Halem
The stat« grange, in »es»lon at llllls
boro, voted to hold Ha 193V • anual
•«anion at Bend
Rancher» of northern Curry county
report that coyote« are on the lu
cr«-as«’ in that «action.
Tío- Christian Endeavor »ocletles of
Linn and llcnton counties held their
fourth annual convention In Corvallis
on Saturday and Sunday.
Georg«’ T. Gerlinger of Dallas was
appointed a member of the state board
of forestry by Governor Olcott lie
succeeds U R. Hill of Cottage Grove
In a Ht of despondency resulting
from prolonged Illness, Robert Spick
erman. 62 years old. shot himself
through the b«>ad with a shotgun at
The Dalles.
Of a total of 1989 preventable fir««
during ISIS, 43 were suspected of In
cendiary origin, according to th« an
niial report of Harvey Well», »tat«'
flr<< marshal
Textbooks for use In the public
schools of Oregon during the nest ala
years will bo selected by the Oregon
state textbook commission at a meet
ing to be held In Salem June 2.
t'ncniployment is completely wiped
out In Oregon, both in the Industrial
centers ami throughout the farming
and lumbering districts, according to
a report of the department of labor
Efforts to procure a material rvalue
tlon In the cost of transporting flah
which the state distributes to th«
various streams of Oregon will I m >
made by the public service colimi la
Etsh propagation In the •orerai
state hatcheries la showing splendid
result« thia spring, according to the
reixirt of it E. Clanton. state fish war
den. received by the flah and game
Douglas county's ninth annual straw
berry carnival and s|«ort»men's tour
nsment was held In Unseburg under
moat favorable auspices. Thousands
of people were present to enjoy the
opening day's festivities
Complete exoneration of the state
Industrial accident commission Is glv
an by Governor Olcott In connection
with th«’ charges of lxe< Hoy E Kee‘
ley. a Portland attorney, over the A. G
Dibbern compensation case
.Most Oregon men who are In service
overseas will have returned by August
and practically all of them will be
home by 8eptembnr. according to in
formation that has reached the Oregon
welcome committee In New York
Th«' proposal to maintain a re pre
•entatlve In Washington to further
the project for the establishment of a
first class naval baa« near the mouth
of the Columbia river la being die
cus*««l by th«' Astoria chamber of
Three fatalities are Included In the
f»MM accident» reported to the state
Industrial accident commission for th«
past week These were Martin Paul
of Reliance, logger; Joseph Hearts.
Knappa. I««gger. lami» Lambert. Never
•Uli. logger
Th« aemi annual purchase of sup­
plies for the various stats institutions
will be made June 13. when blds cov
ering th« needs of th« Institutions will
be op«m«d by the state board of con
trul. Th«-se blds will cover suppllea
up to December 31.
Mrs. Lola G Baldwin of Portland.
Mr» Charles II t'astner of Hood River
< »
< i
They arw bow in
•nd Mea W It Dancy of (talent wer«
designated members of th« sdvi«K»ry Chicago awaiting «1«lltory to Oregon.
Thirty »even days from the time her
board for the «tate Industrial «chool
was laid and 10 days fr»tn the
for girls. In appointment« announced
time she ••• launeh«-d the steel StlMSm
by Governor Olcott
F C. Knapp. F fl Murphy and V. •r City of Eureka, built at Portland
H Haybarker, all of l*ortland. coa- by the Columbia River Shipbuilding
•titule th« commissi«« created by the corporation left on her builder«' trial
recent 1» s »•¡ature tn rwgulate lighting trip The bulldeni claim world • rec
In mtlls. factorl«« ami work shop«, ords both f«>r the elapsed tima be
srcocdlng to anmmnccment of <*. H. tween the latine of th” Urei «nd th«’
launching and bri»*eu the launching
Gram state labor e«>mmi»»l<mer
According tn advice« receive«! fr»m and the completion of the v«•»«!•
Senator Charles McNary at Washing equipment.
Appointment of the members of the
ton. the United Stat«« government Is
consblering sending out «»pert» to newly oC’-nlcd state «««-atlonal educa­
Polk county and other pise«« In the tional txmrd has been announced by
The members In
state to explore the oil fields which Governor Olcott
clud» F H tngnlls at Dufur David M
arc supposed to be located there.
J, F Buchanan. «utwHntendenl of Dunn« of Portland, E J tltack of Port
rhe Homestead Iron Dyke mine, attu land and Mr« tlmvrye M< Math of l*urt
• ted near Home»<» id. reports that the land. The board Is dealgned to co
abor sltuatb n«la vef) discouraging operate with the feilersj govemm«mt
In b.l» secttoiy
With a capacity of in procuring vocational »«lucatlunat
about 130 mon not more than S" are faclllti«s for public school children of
at pre»«>nt employed by the company the stat».
I>«an G A. Covell of the Oregon
because of the scarcity.
A resolution condemning Orvgivn as Agricultural cnHegr will re pre»« nt the
one of the worst state« Io the union eng noering Inter»-»»» <»f the northw«»st
with regard to the divorce evil and In a national conference itr Washing
for the appointment of a ton. D. C. June 33 »nd 34. th« main
committee to Investigate conditions purpose of whlrh Is Io discus» the
•ml Instigate legislation to miugata question of turning out from auch
the growing tendency ot divorce, warn technical Institutions aa the college
adopt’d st Portland by th« Slat dlo m«n train««! in both commerce ami
cesan convention ot the Episcopal i engineering, who can take charge of
big industries and thus mak« it poa
gpilo to extend for«’tgn trade
Another of a aeries of merchandise
Harvey Wells, state fire marshal,
shoots, which have been attracting
ha« completed his annual report to
sportsmen from many sections ot ths
the governor for the year ending
i Willamette valley, was held by the
Mar« h II. ah i •'
» I it th-- total
I Albany Gun club Friday
Sportam« n
fire loa«es paid during the year
from Amity on the north to Eugene
•mounted to 11.839 1IT 70 This amount
, on the south wore In atiemlance. and
represented 19S8 claim« and Insurance
, with a large crowd present competí- at risk of 9I1.O5A.I II 71
I‘urlng the
‘ tlou was keen.
year 18 Jersons lost their Ilves as a
Crook County Superintendent J K. result of flrea outald« the city ot Port
Myers Is lie-itlng sugar beet seed for land Five were men. two women and
Two year II children In amount of loa»««a paid
tests show a quality ot 19 per cent
Columbia county leads all other» with
If this year's test holds out the Ogden 9413.214 33. MuHnoBAh being nest
refinery will build a factory at Prine with paid loaae» of 1378.894 M.
The Och >cq Irrigation project
By a vole ot 13 to on«, the large»!
la eiptu-ti-d to produce great quanti­ ev«r given In a special election, the
ties of high grade beets.
voter» of Klamath Falls have affirmed
Twenty-one cargoes or 31.KM.0M their faith tn the Utraborn railroad
feet of railroad tie« are to be shipped project by accepting the offer of the
out of Portland, i dumb a river an«l railroad bulld«r to transfer the mu
Puget «ound points to England
of nldpal railroad now being completed
ibis total a third will be handled by to I «airy. 30 mH«-» east, for 930,000 In
Portland shippers It Is »aid the ship blinds In the Oregon. California A
ments will be cotn| luted by August I-’«
Eastern Railway «-ompany. with which
The worth of these lies to mlllmin Mr Htrshorn pmiMwe» eventually to
will be approximately 9*>*3.oM
connect the terminals of five diff«r-
Th« summer session at Or- on Agri­ ent roads entering the stat« and to
cultural college la expected to have a develop the < »r« gon Inland empire.
large enrollment, atteordlng to the The bulldrr has submitted a propoal-
number of inquiries already received
tlon to th« city wh«’rcby In return for
The big •I’-niand Cor teachers of srrl
thia transfer and completion of lbs
culture, hom« eiotionilcs and voca
terminal fund, be would start Imme­
tlonal courses will probably Jncrease diately toward th« Hprague river vol
the number who will take th«*« sub ley. 30 miles north of Dairy, and tap
Jects during the summer m-mths
the rich timber bell there this y«aF.
llarv.-y Wells, state commander of
the H|’snl«h war veteran* has rv<-«-lv
ed word that a rate of a fare and a WAR RISK MEASURE PASSED
thlr«l has been grant«-«! by the rallr n«t
administration for the state encamp Bill Provide« |4*>.000 000 for Soldiers*
•nd Sailor»* Fa mil lea
Bent of Spanish war veterans whuh
l*a»»a«« by the bouae
will be h«-ld In Salem on July 3 and 3.
The special rate will be given to all if a deficiency bill providing urgent
for war
member« of ih« organisation and al ippropriation» of
lied auxiliarlos.
*1ak allowan««» to •«Idler«' and sail-
Steps have ticen taken to form a ri >r» families and civil war pensioner«
gautlc organisation of all th« prune trade another speed n- • ord for the
lew house which adopted the woman
growers <>f Oregon and of Clarke c«*un
The first «harp
ty. Washington. a<-<ordlng to J <). ruffrago reeoluthm
Holt, manager of th« Eugene Fruit partisan cisshes of th«« session be
Growers' aaauclallon. Th!» I» the fir ’ ween republican« an<F democrat» oc
move toward organising all fruit •urred during discussion of the d«
grower» of Oregon along lln«g of th« Iclvncy bill.
The unaanre authortgea approprta
several fruit growers’ as*>«*iatlon» of
California which have he« n In exist .hma of 94*.<l5.So*f for all wance« due
ence for a nurul»-r of years
Way 1 ami June I to about .00,000
N«>< <-e was t*cetve«l bv the «fate •milled of »««Idirra, sailors and ma
highway commission from the I'nlted -tn««. IJ.’ hm V ooo for delayed Civil war
Slate« department of agriculture that M*nHionasaud 92.241>.!IM for sdmlnla-
ratlon of the war rl»k tn «u rance bur
m * army trucks. ip««-d «luring th« war.
will lie allotted to Oregon for use In *au It wan panned without a dlaaent-
road work, the only stipulation tx-lng ng vote after conai.l.rable partisan
that they be use«! In bqilding state JlamaaloS. republican» and democrat» counter charge» of reaponal
aided roads. Including foreat and p«*t
ma«!» The trucks have a total value Hilly for payment delay».
• ♦«♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦«♦♦«•«««>«•«>«♦»♦♦♦»»♦♦
•Migh Work on Traatles Still Pending.
I*arla — The American dnlegatlon
< >
tas prepared • m«morsndum showlng
h« statu» of affalr» b»-fiit« th« peace
lonference <>n th« roncluslon of th«
Austrlan trealy
Tbis discloses that
\\ <• desire to infurili the general puldic that we have
i formidable amounl of bualness I«
■Illi to be trsgsacted b«»tdes th« Turk-
•h and Bulgarien irrst le», covering
h« whole ränge of Inter allted »ub-
The (Memorandum leavea no
Ion bl that th« Conference will con
Inue for a considcrahl« Urne aftcr the
r«atles havs been »,gn««l and Preal-
A tu! I li Ht w«* purpoM to coiitiuci flit* hhiho in » tirat
Jent Wilson ha» IrfL
Re-Opened Under New Management
The Scio Hotel
ehi“«, iip-t)p«ÌHl4y inaiiiicr.
W«> tvill furninh Hi» ginn
ig ^ a I m : i *» t I h * tiiiiik»’t will
¡ifT'irtl aliti olir rooiiH» ani
I i ««I h «vili l>
niaintaiiH’d in a clranly «nd wboltmom»
t’tiiidii idii .
Wt* cortiially invite voli togivfiiaa trial
Pricwa r«aaonahla.
Canada'« Unreal HpreadS.
Calvary. Alberta. Canada
i i workers of Calgary called a gen«w«l
; > »trike In sympathy with the Wltinlp«»g
' ' walk.>«it
» to 12 A
Office Hour»
1 to 5 I* M
One door north ut Fuatofll.r
raaaioaat, W. F. Olli.
H«aar«ar, I). C. Thoma
j, /.Barnes. W. F.tlill,
A Buy.u, J K llsrii««,
Mr* Jennie Warner
Scio Million ConipaiMj
IN i «’H|-”HA I U. t>>'< IMlil K un
Our Flour is a» gy«l a» any made in
the Willamette Alley
?;i A7i’ r s.ich
i;c.i / /
i d
We de ■ Oenevel Cu«l.e Mllllna f.»e Hour •
feed *« Sale«
huuftio and
I a.l.eeae.i
We are I« the Field fee tlweln
Tree« Yew
Scio Produce Company
Wants Your Busi ness
Will pay Catth for Egga, Poultry. Veal. Hog.«!, Hided
Will buy Cream in any quantity and pay
the highest cash price foi it.
Let us get acquainted.
If you have a grievance
make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it.
Bring Us Your Cascara Bark
We will give you a Square Deal
All finierais Hlt«’iidt*d to promptly ami al ri*ii*>>iiabl
s<l<>, oKEiiON