-omini«*.-u» f«-r • , ... ii. «a t-:»|-li--i.ee upriver mills, making a grand total vp-rated b» thia < < m-.-any In ih» aiate, of 23 IM.3P1 feet of lumber that left «nd In- r-a««s w< r. a lord In ratea th* Columbia ri»*r In cargaos during toc rea d*ere tei- phonea at Albany. April i'orvallla. Oregon City and Grilli» Nine wr thè Central Oregon roary IT 1*1* wh«-n lb* first govern higbway between Kugene and a cosai A total of IS non sheep wilt be »h-ar twenl earner left th* ways. Is 349.(00 u-ctlon Thia highway waa deelded *d In i • n'.ral Oregon thia year. It la Iona upon laal yvar aa a proferì to b* eatlmated Assignment of the historic batti» bulli Jolntly by thè state, county and Members of p'c clubs throughout ship Oreg, n t<> th* or*gun naval mill forrstry department. A aurvey was Coos county attended a convention al tia as a training ship In Portia ul har­ mede la«t year o»«r thè summit of thè Catching Inlet. bor will b* *»r«>*rty urged by Mayor oaat morie lana by way «f fertile l.ak« One thousand acres of alfalfa wilt (taker upon Acting Secretary Koos-»- Crewk valley. bui II i» aald that thè Mayor liaker gent -nglneera wetw not satlaflod wtth a be added to the crops of t’nlott county velt of the navy thia year aa a result of farm bureau a telegram sal » lhe , ,| ti . • un«i- r portion of ih» ruote and anuther one wh’rh lhe navy department t would *111 he «eie« ieri f^'d demonstrations In that county The new road wlll Itsptd developm-nt In the cranberry place the famous hattl- «hlp I ta Port >pm th* Lake Cr-'-k valley to «ut »¡■te trafile On se» uni of poor ronda Industry is taking place in Clatsop •end harbor. Whethsr th* e<>y«>te m-nace In I’m« lev «loptnent ha» b«en greatly re county and a considerable quantity of The highway wlll end al new acre*** la being aet out Ihla year | tilla county Is decreasing or t not, th­ larded Dr C J Smith of Portland and t»ounty fund for the extermination of florauce at ih* ni.iulh nt Ih* Slualaw Charlre A Brand of Roseburg, were the animal» haa suffered bncauae of Recognition of Rada Not Planned. appointed members of th« state boar«! *h* work t>f hunters during the pa-t l I’actflc highway between Albany and waa Î& aklna A number of shmp salea have bw«-. shevik leaders, were unfounded. Jefferson, which wtll be paved thia summ«-r. i elos «I at Condon durin-t th- rant week John Wald*n. deputy warden of 1.» and at price« that wer* highly astia I • x.'l I Grande, reports to State Game Warden factory M‘ ««'d roar «« yrsrlln-a have brought |M.Sd; fine »'»>»1 w««th*ra. Shm-maker that d«-«r and pheasants I"«, »ml Marrh are on th« Increase In t’nlon and 1« S®; < year old Thcsq prices ar« only lamb*. Id Wallowa counties Fees recelvwt by the state motor about 10 per cent !*«» titan th* record to Conciliate vehicle registration department for t ■ ’ ' paid for almi’ar slock al th a Effor's Made April total >1000 more than for April. tits«- last year. Italy Are Attended With Placea for lab«>rera far outnumber 1919. Th« total received for last the men applying for them In th" Success. month was 943.222. aa against P7419 Eugen* section, accord.ug to Frank for April. 1919. Labor conditions everywhere on th- I. Armitage, sup riniendent nt the l ai i». Prvald.-nt Wilson, ir ..»t«-r Pacific coast except at I xm Angeles hulera! labor hur-ati In Ku . -ae There CI- ni--ne«-au and l’r« ml«-r Moyd George, are 75 ponltlona open at the present have Improved In lhe last weak, a«- time and the «.ntployera are having cotuposlng th- couiicll of thr<-e, a* nt cording to th* report of th* depart dtfflcpMy In obtaining mouth ttu-n to a *otnmuni» aiion to Hi« Italtan g»v- m-nt of labor. Portland* unemploy carry on lh.-tr enterprlana Th«- great ernttient Imitine li to r-suui- Ita place ed dropped from 3400 to 1200. al On- p» a « conferente ConstriK lion of tit« IK mile paving •rat dt matul comea from th«- lumber Vittorio Orlando, ih- Italia» prem Ing and logging camps and th* farms project near Brooks, on lhe Pacific i«-r. and Beton Honnino. ih« forelgn Johannes M t-r Itaraeth. a native < f highway, haa tx-en started. The work niinister. ari- to ridurti to l’aria. Il la will cost approximately 9400.000, of Norway, was forever barrt-d from b«v ofticiaily announced coming an Atnnr an etttaan by an which the state and government will The pulley of Jat-an la to return thè order signed at Astoria by Circuit eacii |>ay half This la a post road Hhantung pr-nlnaula In full eoverelgn Judge Eakin upon th* rm- >mm<>nda L. f> llerrold. who wai awarded th»* ty lo China, rrlalnlng only thè eco lion nt V W Tomi tnaon, federal eonlract by th* state highway commie li mie prlvil-gee grani*«! ll-rmany and slon for the clearing and grading of naturalisation examiner for thia dis­ th« righi to eaiabllah a aettlrment un trict According to lhe racurda. Par the 11 mil«-» of highway between Heap d*r thè usuai condititi*» at Talag Tao. poos* ami Imer island, haa ass« mbl-d •«th. who h id been a Columbia river Il »»« d«< lar-d In a statement Isauod fisherman had <-lalni«-«t «-x-mptlon a crew and Is making good progress by Paro» Maklno. beati <>f thè Japan from the draft on th* grounds of tw-ing on the contract. eae de legai loti at thè peace confarono* an alien C. V. Johnson, former mayor of The statua of Itaiy aa otte «>f <1** Calllt < - Portland hou«<-wtvea to Corvallla, Is to be at the b«-a ns rather than pay the th«. ¡--a« «. confermi-«», and II la thia Increased cost of bakers' bread, an I Harvey Wells. Insurance commlaalon alatila «liuti pro»««d a |>o««-rfu1 l*»«r er The new real estate law becomes declaring the I cent rtcae de*r«-«Mt by In inducine Itaiy tu a« • «pi th« invita the wholesale bakers as “arbitrary an«1 •ffectlv* on May 39 ll<>n to resulti«- h«r pisi • si Ih» p«-a<-e A consignment Hhorthorn sale and unwarranted.'' th« Portland Grocer» labi« e ami Merthants' B»soclat:«reg«»n. brought higher aver Rome for severa! dayn have b«m die- age prices than th« flrat Shorthorn a citywide boycott on the ''staff of ruaaing thè controvera) wlih Premier sale in Portland, was conducted al life“ as manufactured by the city's Orlando and For*lgn Mlnlster Honnino I .a Grande by the Pacific Northwest bakeries In an md«avor tu atralxhtrn out the A llo.oeo fund which‘th* recent Shorthorn Breeders' association. I lanate Jay Stevens, former fire marshal for legislature appropriated for the Ore The Invitatimi nt th<- council of Portland, now with the fire prevention gon naval militia can be tim-d toward three. It la understood, has In view bureau of the Pacific coast, with head ' ¿«fraying the general expenses of th* ellmtaatlon nt th- p> raonal «l«-m-nt quartern at San Francisco, la to be in keeping the battlevhlp Oregon In Ore In th* elitra»« ray and th«- paving of Orekon In a short time to conduct an gon waters If th* navy department wlll ih* way for a terrltorlal adjustm-nt consent to loan lhe veaael to the stat* educational campaign for fire prevm a««-*ptabl* to Itaiy wh*n th- cotifer—a for an indefinite period, Thia offer lion. are agalli together. Ks’abllahlng a new record at Its own was mad« by Oovernor Olcott in a Preeid» nt Wilson. David l.loyd plant, and making what la claitm-4 to t«-legram which h* sent to Frnuklln George and Pr« mi*r Cl< nu nc.-au have be th« best time aver achieved in th« I» Roosevelt, assistant secretary of eettlrd thè quration of th* Gertnan un- the navy. construction <>f steel hulls in the tin! deraeaa caldea. The d«-clalou waa ted State«, the Northwest Steel com That Mrs Ole Rtresd <>f Portland reached that th* cable» »ere apolla of pany of Portland launched the Went who so myatertossly disappeared from war and belone to Itrltaln. Japan and Chatala 37 % days after lhe ship* ke«l \rllngt m. April II. drowned heraelf Frane*, th* poserà whlch look poam-e- had been laid. aid her two little da ugh-era age 3 and alon of th*m. Grading work coating approximately 5 years, in th« Columba r1v«r. now Th* couacfl of thr. e alao a*ttled thè 9500.000 will be started In Grant and s«-*me establish*«! Th«- b<«dy of th* statua of thè Kl«l canal. Germany Wheeler counties this summer, accord y-.unK-ut child. Vivian waa found in pnd.ahly wlll u-tair» pmprb-torahlp of Ing to announcement by th* slat« ' the river about th*ee miles below Ar thè water»ay. but folle for paasage highway commission. Contracts for llngfon and the body of th« other throueh II wlll b* levl«d under Inter­ thia extensive work will be award child. Virginia, waa fob nd n« «f Illa national control ed when the commission meets In lock The mothers body haa -also Mvrtland on May 19. been recovered. ■ A review la to be made of all oil Rororttles and fraternities at the Indications in Oregon, according to a Cnlveralty of Oregon must pay a 5® Otte Hmith. per cent penalty because they have letter from Ge»»rge director of the United States geolo- not paid their war revenue tax as gleal survey, to Senator McNary. This •eased against all social organliatims. Investigation la to be made in co says Dr O-org* Hewitt of the inter Washington Intimation that a spe­ operation with the < Oregon state nal revenue collector* off’*«». Port­ cial session of congress will be railed land From Nov cwt. «r I, 1917. to April bureau of mines an«l geology hy President Wlls«>n to meet about Th«-odor* Roosevelt Jr. will be on I. 1919. all persons Initiated Into a June J ia contained In confidential able to atleml the state meeting of fraternity or sorority are *uppoa«-d to the R|>ani»h war veterans In Salem have paid to the government 10 per dispatches received In Washington luring June. He haa so notified Har rent of their Initiation dues and from Parts. It waa said In authoritative adminis­ rey Wells, state commander It waa monthly dues not later than one month tration quartern that It waa quite pos­ first believed Roosevelt would visit after Initiation sible that If the situation In Parta Oregon, but a audden change of plana Gen-ral revision of telephone ex eliminates thia state from bla num -hang« rates, which means all loral should develop rapidly th* special sew telephone rate*, waa denied by an slon might meet even before June 1 mer itinerary. In that rase the call would he made Twenty nine vessels loaded at the order Issued by the public service by qpble. mills on the lower t'«*umbla river -omm'sslon in lhe Pacific Téléphona The dlevatrhes made It dear that April and their com * Telegraph company case, which waa district during bine.l cargoes amounted to 20.393.7*3 the biggest telephone rate can* ever the president was confident he could I aerea ara return to the I'nlted States before the feet of lumber la the same period heard by th* comm salon end of this sionth five vessels l<'.aderf 1.579.00* feed at the t* rates however were allowed by the OREGON NEWS NOTES CF CENERAI INTEREST 4 I CHEVROLETS DENTIST V to 12 A AM> BUCKS • •fl!«-* Hours M. 1 to 5 P M See me for pnces and tonna. Phone •*>, »cn». On« door north of P««iofllce LISTON \ DARBY SCIO. OREGON TO I.JL2N TO PARIS i PRESIDENT MAY CALL CONGRESS JUNE 1 Scio Produce Company Wants Your Business Will |>ay Cash for Eggs, Poultry, Veal, I l< Hide « Will buy Cream in any quantity and | .ty the highest cash price foi it. Let ua get acquainted. If you I kivc . i : i . vain« make it known and we will endeavor to rn tify it. Bring Us Your Cascora Bark We will give you n Square Deol FRED GISELMAN, Proprietor FUNERAL DIRECTORS ruu. une or CASKETS AND FUNERAL SUPPLIES All funerals attend«! to promptly and at ren «unable oriels. W1