• - - An A /■ / - * * ▼ ss ♦ » to 2h ■ r J 'T IRF.iF’.*? > i GLOBE THEATRE ALBANY. ORE CHARLIE CHAPLIN in “Shoulder Arms, his second million dollar production; also PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm». low interest rat»», live year» Um». privilege to pay 4IW or m «tuple otPony inter.-at date. Call or write J. M and H. M llawkine. Albany, Oregon. SCIO TRIBUNE AND SANT1AM NEWS, CONSOLIDATED ASmlniatrstor s Notie» Notice la hereby given that the unde« - signed waa bv order of the County Court of the state of Oregon, (’««only of Linn, on the 6th day of December, 191». duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of Harriet Miller. deceased. All persona having claims against the estate of said dereisel are hereby no­ tified to present the »atne. with the proper vouchers, wi bin six <6> months lo the LUI* Independent, fearless, free: Not tied to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party VOL. XXII RFfiRRFI SUTHERLAND The Tribune's "frog pond" became | flooded Thursday night and it is fear­ ed that the frog waa washed away, I % Scio l>»dg<- No 39. A F & A M., • -« '-«MkwM»« “’•.lili- *- *■ L'etlaw A FARM .................... *■ taL. TOPICS LEGISLATIVE MEMBERS ............................ -1 > ... Mrs smith, (laughter lu-rina. a son Walter and wife and two children. G. A. and Elmer Griffin, called on Meeting oí Last Friday Indicates I’ie Eater and good wife Saturday Good Move. Next Meeting night for an old fashioned time, eat­ ing fine apples and talking over old On Monday. times. -| Mrs Rebecca Morris, of Scio, was out Tuesday to enjoy Christmas with her sister. Mrs S W Gaines, as they have enjoyed Christmas to­ hd.-nsery. gether th« past several years. *fw tears Miss Ella Smith, of Salem, came Jackson. up to enjoy Christmaa with home Scry com- folks. n convict- Christmas has come and gone and and will everybody ia happy, the only dread term al being that the fl u might get us. hyfu n«M Walter Smith and family pulled »y patron out Friday for home at ML Idaho. Under the Mrs. Hertha Smith is working in 'rt>m Ì25 to tpbaly to, Blunt’s restaurant. Albany. l-axt Friday afternoon a confer­ ence was held at the court house in Albany It was attended by the people and legislators elect. The purpose on the part of the legisla­ tors was to learn just tin* line of legislation the people wanted. This conference was adjourned to meet a^aln at the same place on Monday. January 6, at 10 a. in. It is important that people from all sections of the county be present at that time. Our legislators con­ sider they are servants of the |* o- pie and wish to represent the will of the people and arc taking this me- th >d of finding out what the people want. Being fortified in this manner any measures which the people desire legislative action upon can be intro­ duced early in the MSeion and thus have plenty of time for consider*- tlon. This is the first time in the history of Linn county when legisla- lora-eiect have askmi (or instruction and the people should not neglect to confer with them. Hospital Note» testy It is David Horabough'a daughters are it the Hen- recovering from the flu under care se present of a doctor from Lebanon. -Wholly re- Bl Kalina is building new fence Othod» and and shaping up his place. He puts ! They are on airs equal to a Dutch dog. tewrvative Who is to blame for us not getting They our dsily papers regular? Better indef ■ fire a few mail agents and hire ’em -tarable and over again. We want the dailies It only will everv day and not only three or ers four times a week! [«••re power ^«rn-ir will. « PJ I our dean. FOLGER'S (loltteflGat TEA We carry n full line of Coffee, Spice«, ('mined Goods, and in fact, everything needed for the table. CEYLON fUJ Scio Produce Cor pony Yosemite, the Land of Enchantment with Singing, Jazz Orchestra, Patriotic Scenes and Souvenirs Wants Your Business ’SPANISH INFLUENZA which is so prevalent In this section al the present time use Nyal Mustard Ointment AND Nyal Laxacold 1 ablets These two preparations are Absolutely Guaranteed Will pay Cash for Eggs. Poultry, Veal, Hogs, Hided \X ill buy ( ream in any quantity and pay the highest cash price Lit it. Let us get acquainted. If you have a grievance make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it. to give relief. If 7°“ *»< perfectly satisfied, return the empty package and your rnooey will be cheerfully refunded Bring Us Your Cascara Bark Sold in Scio at Kelly’s Drug Store U'c Will give you a Square [Vai youbs fob service FRED GISELMAN. Proprietor ■MCX TWM MU s Mt? _______ li » * ’* MM' the legis­ M «> lature soon to meet in Salem, but eonmquence rhe Tribune will visit whether the proposition is one of This his home during all of 1919 merit is doubtful. The governor 1» a mighty g.«od plan in which to has almost exclusive control of the start off the new year penitentiary, and during the pres­ Mrs. Maud ent administration conditions at the reported that It is n day or so pen have t*een in a great muddle Holland was married ago to the brother of her son Ed'a The source of authority of imme­ wife. If this report is true Ed's diate control has l>crn difficult to mother is his sister-in-law. and her locate. The position of warden has huabsnd ia both brother and brother- been a sort of political shuttlecock, hi law to Ed’s wife. The newly resulting in lax discipline and a very married husband is both step-father great increase ifi cost of running bun* X "rtràteM v«»n and br , r in h * t<> Ed, and hi* the institution. wife ia Ixith mother-in-law and mo ther of her son Ed. Some mixup Our city dads should provide when vou try to figure it out. crossings on Main street for pedes­ trians. This can be done by making A conference of the people and a raise of four or five inches with the members elect of the legislature, fine crushed rock, Of course, auto for Lin# county, was held in Albany but people who Friday Decemlwr 27. The purpose drivers will kick, means of travel must use only the was to advise the lawmakers as to provided, should which nature has the wishes of the peoples snd such still have some rights on the face of measures as they would hags placed before the legislature for consid­ the earth. Portland merchants say they en­ eration Our legislators consider joyed the best Uhristmas trade for them«'Ives servants of the people manv years. The other valley towns and they want to know what work make similar reports. People can their employers would have them do. now make calculations for the fu­ In other words, they want ture with some degree of assurance. people to give orders and they They could not do so one year •<<». endeavor to execute them. __ PIE EATER. _____ Buller Deljtshmutt left the hos­ pital Monday. Mrs. William Dobrkovaky and ba­ by were diamiiMed from the hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Oival Taylor remains very low and small hopes are entertained for her recovery. Amil Poavar, who was quite ill with the llu. ia reported improving. I v farmer whose hay barn was but partly tilled is not overjoyed with the coming of frosty weather. It means dig down in the pocket to supply the shortage. But he should not complain with good pasture al-, m<«t 'till Christmas. President Wilson seems to be the big »how over in Europe. All na­ tions l«a»k to him to point the way for the j«eace negotiations and all believe in his disinterested fairness. Ills statement months a«<> that the United Slates would not ask for in­ demnity nor territory, makes him the big man in the adjustment. Hie responsibility is tremendous. This is the first Christmas in the history of the United States when the presiilent has eaten his Christ­ mas turkey in Europe. Yet he has abundant reason for doing so. It’s pretty tough on a soldier bov to ct.me home on Chnstmaa and I* greeted in a distant (arms’ length I manner. Yet that's jwd what hap­ pened in Scio. She let him hold her hand, with ths gate between them, letter, they yisited with a window between them Tl»« neighbors be­ gan to think it was a case of broken faith, but It wasn't; It was mumps- ‘ '‘'«„’J vT •r“ -FA'? m FOR INHRIIRTinN . -A-a .Oker and Reservations may be made by telephone Admission Prices: - - - 25c to 75c Loge feats, $1.00 BASTIAN JORDAN ITEMS |-tr» k of ltd held our. ng year Mrs ll.wburgh's two older girls ; C. W. have a alight attack of fiu. but not j J W; thought serious. •1 tonaid. ’The county surveyor was over the <. J D ; pM»l week surveying 15 acres out of *. Funk. Newt Crabtree's which he had bar­ gained to .Mr Bowerman, of Port­ cation of land. for S15U0. There were from 4- 10 to 12 men on the job for two days. winding up with a grand coon hunt and capturing one crippled kearlfelt coon. the kind Walter Smith and family were to e friends start for their home at Mt. Idaho : Sad Iter- on the 27th ultimo. “The Heir to the Broken O The Tribune has blank applications fos auto or ehauffeer lieenss for 1819 Send in your application at once and avoid the rush. 1 Ttf — Masons Install ULUnUL L. OU 1 llLnLnnu «■«>»«■»* «ktea^iwIMMt SI A 11.60 THE YF j NR SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. JANUARY 2. 1919 NO. 20 ffannic» Arrested allntion r Taken Up.—I have taken up a light colored Jersey cow, probably i ten years old. Owner can have the I animal by paying pasturage and for' this notice. T. J. Gibbona. Shel-1 burn, Oregon. < 16 At least the force hasn't heard a . squeak for several days A suitable reward will be offered for return of the pet as his "music" is missed very much •»A- a H Big Two Hours Entertainment Featuring The Tribune's printer has I4M acres | on the head waters of the Vaquina. four miles from Nashville on ths C. A E. ; with 5-room house and g««l bam that I he will trade for »mailer place near Scio. | Having unlimited outrange thia la fine place for stock. Good roll. 9 * w 1 ‘ ? New Year’s Eve For sale A registered Durham; bull. Inquire of G. A. Griffin. Scio.' Poultry will be received at ths Scio ‘ Produce Co. any day in the week except1 Saturday. Saturday receipts cannot be | shipped until the following Monday and ths coot of holding the poultry over. moat be deducted from ths prices paid. . Scio Produce Co. Htf « *9 J Midnight Matin Christmas shopping is much bet­ ter this year than last, say dealers. There is a reason. People feel freer to s|>end money now that the war ia over. V * * « ♦ Why No More Picture Shows. Watch the Old Year out at the New Year in at the Wanted Five or six first class fresh milk cows. Am willing to pay the price if the cows are worth IL 19 3t Ardee Powell. 1 iJ; The thermom« ter got down business Sunday and registered at 7 a. m Old Man Winter ia a little alow in gelling around this year. Ripe watermelon» and raspberries indicate he has been somewhat slack in at­ tending to busmens. : I f ».I Many of the »bow going people Mrs. Emma Leslie and children, and oublie spirited ei Ulen» are ask­ of Eugene. are visiting her parents, ing us why we have no shows. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Morrow. This is the answer: We were Born, al Scio hospital, to Mr. and forced to quit showing on account Mias Nellie Morrow, who waa re ­ Mrs. M Dobrkovaky a 13-#. boy. of the present city council imposing siding in California, was married to Dr. L. W. Horn, veterinary surgeon, a license of (450 a year on the show, graduate of < hicago Veterinary College. W. 8. Boone recently. Stayton, Oregun. Phone 1&2Z. 3lf A telegram from Gail Jones, in which is mor* than we have made For sal« Ten tons of first class cheat the service at San Die« >. states he in any one year in 10 years'showing. hay; will place il aboard the cars al Thia very unjust license ha» l«een If you would have perfect eyes and is on the mad home for Christmas Goltra station at (34 per ton. baler's and will probably arrive late «hat »" the show either through perfect eyeeight now and later In weight. Inquire at The Tribune office. jealousy or ignorance, as any fair- life, you mu»t h.-ed the warning day or the following day. The high school orchestra has been mined citizen knows that there la not that tells of eye strain Nature's Christmas trees and dances, usual augmented by the addition nt a eor- a business in Scio that could afford only means of expression. functions for Jiia lima of year, are m-t and trap drums. to pay such exorbitant license and conspicuous liecause of their absence. ii» La» «\llaa ilUL. We make a »{«ecialty of Friend exist. Albany, a city tet^F Too much danger of starting up the ship. Engagement and Wolding size of Scio, is not pnHI Rings F. M French At Son. Albany, flu again. licrn»c; neither Stayton Oregon. With turkey at 50c per pound. son; why should Scio? Prof. Robe an nd family plan tojmo#i country newspapermen will One of the councilmt spend Chrismaa week al Brownsville conclude thst just ordinary beef or telling the public that th They left Saturday for their object- i bacon is pretty good truck never paid any city liccgi ***• ’ Dean Morris and others think information he can find », Call at Kellv's Drug Store and jChristmas would be a failure with- recorder’s recorder's I m gets N'yal weather chart calendar. oul . dance w bl)|, w„e put out can rcaol that this shot t ey are al«s»lutely free. IN 2t g (ero-jcborran niert (‘hristmaa over ll.'XMJ to the city it M im Doris Weddle came home | night. licenses since liHW. from Portland to .pend Christmas ,f weather h<>1(J, mU The city records will She ha. a good poMUon with th* Lo Mondayi the thia show has always |>ai Pacific htatm tdcuhone Co, ... . . .. . . . . . . I thinks he will start a skating rink to >3 a night license ev *h,'llL *'th' ‘»n the frog pond in front of th.- existence We are willii out drugs, every evening after six office for the croquet players to play reasonable license, »«.m o'clock Consultation free. Dr J. ice hockey on. ways have, but we don Murphy, Scio, Oregon. 4dtf any legitimate business Rev. Hall, missionary, with head ­ Mian Allee Prill, domestic science run out of town thru iw quarters at Coof Bay, held service» teacher in Milwaukie high school, ia or kill everything in.to* in the federated church Saturday the gue-it <>f Dr snd Mrs. Prill over not apis-al to a few. evening and Sunday. The high Christmas. If anyone thinks th*-; school orchestra furnished appro­ For Sale A 3 horse gasoline en­ house has been a'gold an 1 gine in g<><«d condition, ready to run. priate music for the Sunday evening willing to lease it for SB 19 31 1«. ! ¡>>ng, service. John S. Sticha is the first of our Guy Funk arrived home from for any term of years f army boys to lie discharged on ac-1 southern California last Friday. He or refer them to Mr,j count of the end of the war. waa inducted in the second draft Albany, who occasionally receipts, for the governd Cheat seed for sale, or exchange I and spent his entire six months and Thanking you all for * for oata Enquire at thia office. over in the army in California. Guy age and as soon as the If The Scio l*roducs Co. la in the market says he feels fine; he looks as if the country proves to aorngl for all kinds of |«oultry. »sal. dressed eats were nourishing. hogs snd rabbits for which the highest! mate business cannot be Mrs. Nellie Gunsaule*. of Ijcbanon market price will be paid. Htf I of existence, we will aga Misa Eleanor Parrish, who has a| and her fiancee, Charles Smith, of doors with better picttuN the Alberta country and Lyale Gun- position in the telephone office in PEOPLE'S Tl saules, son of the former and a mem­ Alliany, came home Thursday for • ber of the U S navy at Bremerton, short visit. spent Christmas with Mrs. J A Bilyeu "Tony" Holub was b For »ale - Well seasoned sawed oak I Mrs Gunsaules' mother. goods in Alliany last Sat posts. A. I*. 11 irons, Shelburn. H tf I ---------------------------------------1 For sale Registered 0.1. C. hogs. | Delbert Long. 13 ■ Ì a ** 7 — —■— LOCAL BREVITIES •*- ' . • »" »* DON’T Neglect Your Cough At the first sign of a cough or cold lake Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Rexall Cold Tablets amt check what might lead to serious results C. A. EVERETT 'Druggitl and Stationer SCIO. OREGON. Tin He.vaJl Store kl >}T».