The Scio tribune and Santiam news, consolidated. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1917-1919, December 26, 1918, Image 4

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Born, al Scio hospital, to Mr and
Mrs. M. Dobrkovsky a 13-fi. boy.
Dr. L. W Horn, veterinary surgeon,
gra-luate of < hicago Veterinary College.
Stayton, Oregon. Phone 1522.
For sale Ten ton« of first class cheat
hay; will place it aboard the cars at
Goitre »1stion at »24 per ton, baler'»
Weight. Inquire at The Tribune office.
Tiie high school orchestra haa been
augmented by the addition nf a cor­
net and trap drums.
We make a specialty of Friend
ship. Engagement and Wedding
Rings I M I-rt-nch A Son. Albany.
Prof. Rotie an nd family plan to
spend Chrisms» week at Brownsville
Th«y left Saturday for their object­
('all at Kelly’s Drug Store and
get a Nyai weather chart calendar,
they are alsuilutely free.
18 2t
Mias Doris Weddle came home
from Portland to spend Christmas
She has a good position with the
Pacific States telephone Co.
Magnetic treatment wholly with­
out drugs, every evening after six
Consultation free. Dr J.
Murphy. Scio. Oregon.
Miss Alice Prill, d »meetic science
teacher In Milwaukie high school, it.
the guest of Dr and Mrs, Prill over
For Sale A 3-horse gasoline en­
gine in good condition, ready to run.
19 St
Del. Ixmg.
John S. Sticha is the first of our
army boys to l>e discharged on ac-
count of the end of the war.
Cheat seed for sale, or exchange
for oata. Enquire at this office.
The Scio Produce Co. m in the market
for ail kinds of |«oultry, veal, dressed
hogs and rabbits for which th« highest
market price will be paid.
Mias Eleanor Parrish, who haa a
position in the telephone office in
Albany, came home Thursday for a
abort visit.
For sale Welt seasoned aswed oak
posts. A. P. IIirons, Shelburn.
H tf
The Ihertnoms ter got down to
business Sunday and registered 2*
at 7 a. m,
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Why No More Picture Skew».
Many of the show going people
Mrs Emma Leslie and children, ami public spirited cititens are ask­
of Eugene, are visiting her parents. ing us why we have no shows.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Morrow.
This is the answer:
We were
Miss Nellie Morrow, who waa re­ forced to quit showing on account
siding in California, was married to of the present city council imposing
a license of 1450 a year on the show,
W. S. Boone recently.
A telegram from Gail JoOSS, in which is more than we have made
in any one year in 10 years* showing.
the service at San lheg >, stales he
This very unjust license has been
is on the road home for Christmas
imposed on the show either through
and will probably arrive late 'hat
jealousy or ignorance, as any fair-
day or the following day.
mined cilixen knows that there is not
Christmas trees ami dances, usual
a busini-M in Scio that could afford
functions for Jils time of year, are
to pay such exorbitant license and
conspicuous because of their absence.
exist. Albany, a eity ten times the
Too much danger of starting up the
site of Scio. Is not paying any eity
Hu again.
license; neither Stayton nor Jeffer­
With turkey at 50c per pound, son; why should Scio?
most country newspapermen will
One of the councilmen has been
conclude Chat just ordinary beef or telling the public that this show has
bacon is pretty good truck
never paid any city license. Eorhis
Dean Morris and other* think information he can find on the eity
Christmas would be a failure with­ recorder’s recorder's (««»ks (if he
out a dance, so bills were put out ran reap I that this show haa paid
for a lerpsichorean meet Christmas over J1500 to the city in lights and
licenses since I»09.
If the weather holds cold. as it
The city records will show that
waa Sunday and Monday, the editor this sh<>w has always paid from 50c
thinks he will start a skating rink to |3 a night licenae ever since its
on the frog pond in front of the existence
We are willing to pay a
office for the croquet playcra to play reasonable license, same as we al­
ice hockey on.
ways have, but we don't feel that
Rev. Hall, missionary, with head­ any legitimate business should be
quarters at Coos Bay. held services run out of town thru petty jealousy
In the federated church Saturday or kill everything that does
evening and Sunday.
The high not apix-al to a few.
If anyone thinks that this show
school orchestra furnish«-d appro­
haa been a gold mine, we are
priate music for the Sunday evening
to lease it for 125 per month
I service.
term of years they choose,
Guy Funk arrived home from
or refer them to Mr. Nutting of
i southern California last Friday. Hr
was inducted in the second draft Albany, who occasionally audita our
and spent his entire six months ami receipts, for the government.
Thanking you all for past patron­
' over in the army in California Guy
and as s«x»n as the law of a free
I says he feels fine; he looks as if the
proves to some that legiti­
< eats were nourishing.
mate business cannot be licensed out
Mrs Nellie Gunsaules, of Lebanon
of existence, we will again open the
and her fiancee, Charles Smith, of
doors with better pictures than ever.
the Alberta country and Lysle Gun-
aauies, son of the former and a mem­
ber of the IJ S navy at Bremerton,
spent Christmas with Mrs. J A Bilyeu
“Tony" Holub waa buying Xmas
] Mrs Gunsaules* mother.
in Albany last Saturday.
jr. ♦*>- ■*> -«
PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on
good farm»; low inlcroat rates; five
years time, privilege to pay SJOO or
multiple «wdanv inter<-«l date. Cail
or write J. M and H M llawkma.
Albany, Oregon.
ASmlatetratar'e Notice.
If you would have perfect eyes and
perfect eyesight now and later in
life, you must heed the warning
that tolls of eye strain Nature’s
only means of expression.
Z39 MT. Second st.
Albany. Oregon
Advertise in The Scio Trihune and gvt
Notice io hereby given that the undei -
ugiwd waa by order of the County
Court of the state of Oregon. County of
Lirin, on the 6th day of I h-cember.
1918. duly appointed Administratrix of
th« estate of Harriet Miller. (Invimi.
All persons having claims against th«
«state of said deceased are hrr«by no­
tified to present the same, with the
proper voucher», wi hin six <6| months
from the dste of this notice, to the un­
dersigned st her residence at S<-io. lunn
County. Oregon.
listed December 11. ISIS.
Administratrix of the retate of Harriet
Miller, !>ecvaaed.
We are prepared to take your pictures,
develop your plates, films, film packs,
do your printing, enlarging and framing
We charge nothing for developing films or plates when
twelve prints are ordered.
We have had fifteen years of practical work in picture
taking. If we can lie of any help to you in getting good
results from your kodak or camera, we will gladly give
you pointers.
All work guaranteed and done promptly.
Give us a trial
We do not carry any cameras or camera supplies
For »ale Registered 0.1. C. hogs
Delbert Long.
Old Man Winter is a little alow in ,
getting around this year.
watermefbn» and raspberries indicate j
he has been somewhat slack in at-'
tending U> business.
Wanted Five or six first class
fre»h milk cows. Am willing to pay
the price if the cows are worth it.
19 3t
Ardee Powell.
Christmas shopping is much bet-,
ter this year than last, say dealers.
There is a reason. People feel freer
to spend money now that the war is
For sale A registered Durham
bull. Inquire of G. A. Griffin, Scio. I
Poultry will be received at the Scio !
Produce Co. any day in the week except I
Saturday. Saturday receipts cannot be '
shipped until the following Monday and
the cost of holding the poultry over j
mint be deducted from the prices paid. :
Scio Produce Co.
*»Tx fi
The Tribune’s printer haa 14H acres
on the headwater« of the Yaquina. four
mile» from Naahville on the C. 4k E.
with 5-room hnuac and good bam that
he will trade for «mailer place near Scio.
Having unlimited outrange thia ia fine
place for stock. Good soil.
Taken Up.—I have taken up a
light colored Jersey cow, probably
ten years «»Id. Owner can have the
animal by paying pasturage and for
this notice.
T. J. Gibbons. Shel­
burn. Oregon. <
The Tribune has blank application»
for auto or chauffeer licenae for 1919
Send in your application at once and
avoid the rush.
The Tribune's "frog pond" became
flooded Thurwlay night and it is fear- i
ed that the frog waa washed away. I
At least the force hasn’t heard a !
squeak for several days A suitable '
reward will be offered for return of
the pet as his "music" is missed very
Watch the Old Year out and
the New Year in
at the
Midnight Matinee
New Year’s Eve
Is complete and Olli*
stock fresh and clean.
e carry a full
Ten, Coffee,
('aimed (¿nods,
fact, everything
for the table.
Big Two Hours Entertainment Featuring
line of
and in
in “Shoulder Arms,” his second million
dollar production; also
“The Heir to the Broken O
Scio Produce Cor pony
Wants Your
Yosemite, the Land of Enchantment1
Singing, Jazz Orchestra, Patriotic Scenes
and Souvenirs
Will pay Cash for Eggs, Poultry, Veal, Hogs, Hides
Will buy Cream in any quanfty and pay
the highest cash price foi it.
Let us get acquainted.
If you have a grievance
make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it.
Bring Us Your Cascsra Bark
Reservations may be made by telephone
Admission Prices: - - - 25c to 75c
Loge feats, $ 1.00
We will give you a Square I Vai
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