MEAT INCREASE AT TIME NEEDED U. S. HEALTH SERVICE ISSUES WARNING In w*rm rooms too heavily dressed or, what I* even mora common. e*p*cially among women, dnraslng *o lightly that window* are kept dosed In order to b* comfortably warm. Thi* la a very la- Jurluu* practic* DR. A. G. PRILL PHsiciai ani sum Could Bave 100.000 Live*. Producers Nobly An Old Faihioned Celebration of When Demand Was Shown Yuletide for American to Them. Soldiers in France. CATTLE Responded AND HOQ FIGURES. Oevsromsnt Juetifl*« In Fork Policy Which No*- Fravldes Chlof Si p- ply to Moot Th re* Billion Pound Pot Shortage. In lino with tbe gamrral plan of fno- nervation formulated by the U. A Food Administration Immediately following tbe en franco of the United States Into the war the contribution mado by tbo meat producer» of thia country to the war program la of particular slgnlfi rance, a* It demon at rat co the hearty co-operation accorded the Food Ad ministration by the tn at producer* of the country. According to reports of tbo U. R. Depart m«-nt of Agri culture, there eras an Increase In cattle of 10.2SS.000 head and IX441.000 hogs, these figure* com­ piled to January 1 last. In the same tieriod then» was a decrease of 8li».«ss) bead of sheep, but Indications are this decrease will show an Increase follow­ ing the latest report*. Since January 1 unofficial Informa­ tion Indicates an Increase In hogs of not lea* than eight per cent, and not more thnn fifteen per cent, compared with one year ago. with an Increase In average weight Following the request of the Food Administration for Increase In hog production for the fall of 1918 and the spring of 191» the Increase may yield not leas than LfiOO.OOO.lXX) pounds more of pork products than were available last year. Without thia In­ crease the shipping program arranged by Mr. Hoover regarding animal food product* would have been Impossible. The dressed hog products during the three months ending September 30. 1017. amounted to 90X17X000 pounds, while for the same months of 1918 the production was 1,277,580.000 pounds an Increase of over 874.000,000 pounds for the quarter. During the same period In 1017 In- •pected slaughter record* of dressed beef showed pounds as against 1,484.0*1.000 pounds for the three month period ending September 1, thia year. We mu*t Increase our meat sblp^ menta, especially our pork products, to meet the added demands of the mil­ lions liberated from tierman oppres­ sion And at the same time we must look forward to tbs rehabilitation ef the European meat herds. Th* policy which guided our meat program In the past year has been fully Justified, for only the heavy pork production which It has brought about will enable u* even partly to satisfy the Increased demands on us for the coming year. There will be a world ahortage In fata and It is to the United State* that Eu­ rope must look to supply Its deficien­ cy. At th* aam* time there will con­ tinue to be heavy demands for beef. Owing to the limited refrigerator ship­ ping capacity European Imports of beef for some time will be limited. The United 8 tn tea, Australia and Argentine will be able to maintain a supply that will keep all available freeser vesoele operating at capacity. America’s Pledge to the Allie* When Their Line* Were Breaking America will »end the food, what­ ever needs for victory, They believed, they stood fast and with our men they carried on—to victory. TH« TUT NOW FULPIU.1D. This government Is nothing more than the vipreaetvn of th. people, and If we ar* to win th* war II will be only because every man. woman and child charge* himself dally and hourly with (be test .toes thia or that contribute to win the wart- Herbert Hoover April 18. 191«. With the solemn obligation of pro vldlng that “margin“ of food that would safeguard against starvation our friends tn Europe the housewife • ml the tvmsunwr have learned hither­ to Ignored and unsuspected thing« about food, have absorbed a whole “colleg* education" tn food value*, food handling, buying and substituting that they will not want to forget. Our voluntary food saving not only mvMt the Allie* and made vital contri­ bution to the winning of the war. but ssve that any effective system of rationing would nave extracted. It would have mat us about 84f*.OUO,nno to have policed ou rar I ve* as against th* 2 cents per capita for cooperating A Christmas trv* tn »very ward of •very A meri ran hoepltai and In »very hospital recreation hut In France I Every wounded or sick American lighting man to receive two sock* Oiled to th* brim with fruita, nuta. candy and amokr* ! Th»-*»« are the most Interesting fea­ ture* of a tentative t hrlstmus celebra­ tion program for ;be American how- pitale annoyed by the American Hol Cross in Franc* in cooperation with the commanding officers of ou* lighting force* In that country la-tails of the plan to make t'tirl»tmaa as merry as possible for the soldiers in these Insti­ tutions have Just twn-n toedved SI lied O xm hvad'iuartera Nurse* ami enlist­ ed men on duty nt these place* will also share In the distribution of Christ- mas cheer liceali«» of the limited ann.unt ut'available shlppinc wee the Ited Cross was <-om|a-ilrd to aitan- don Its original plan io send spedai Uliristmaa pan els fnmt her* to soldier patients In France All the articles distribuirvi will he obtained over there. This Is to t«e an old f*-t>l«<»v«l .-eie- bration In every sense of the word. Every »«»idler will hnng his sorb* on the tree. The socks will be tied with red ribbon and In addition to the g>«v«l- les tncntlonevl stwvv* will contain <» handkerchief and a cani on whl< h Will be outlined the Ss-rvlc.-s the Amer­ ican lievi Crow» la prepared to render our soldiers. Each soldier will re­ ceive a sufficient nutnlver of iWins* postcards now bring designed by art­ ists In the Itevi OoM service- to en­ able him to write to members of bls family and his friends back h «me. The Christmas dinner, of course. will be on* of the features of the celebra­ tion After dinner there will be musical entertainment, motion pic­ tures and general singing. RED CROSS FICHTS DEADLY EPIDEMIC lieside* the special work conductevl by bunvlrvd* of lied Cross Chapter* thro« sc out the country In checking the in ent epidemic of S|<*nlsli luflu- rn «a, th* organisation through Its headquarter* at Washington la prepar­ ing to tight a repetition of the experi­ ence that was so disastrous thia fall, educating the public thoroughly re­ garding th* symptoms and th* proper care at the beginning of an attack In addition to Mils» the American lied Cross Is fighting tulwreulosla. The re­ cent appropriation to the National Ta- bercuhwis Association will be used for educational as well as relief work throughout the country. Ho much bn* been said about th* aftermath of tbe epidemic that e«|>e- clal attention la being given to the work along this line. Th* weakness which follow* Influensa leave* the pa­ tient In a condition which makes him a good Held for the germs of tubsreu- losl* A thorough physical examina­ tion. proper food and clothing th* use of mild preventives, will check tbe progress of the disease at once Tutwrcuiosla, or cvmsumptlon. as It Is frequently rallwl, is both preventa­ ble and curable, provided five treat­ ment of tbe discs*«- la begun before It la too tar advanced. Medicine play* a cotu|«aratlvely small ¡mrt. The fre­ quently advertised “rnnsumptlon cure*" should be looked upon as pot- •>n Th* only medicine which should be taken la a good tonic which will stimulate tbe appetite and build up tbe system generally. Tbe main cure lie* In proper food, sufficient rest, fresh air and sunlight and living. If possible. according to the plan pre­ scribed by a good physician. Thia re­ new* the pailent's vitality and sown kills the dlsesse entirely. For several year* live National Tu­ berculosis Association has l>ern financ­ ing its wo.k by tbe sale of Krd i'ma* seal* *t Christinas time. The srala •old for a penny each and by making a coticvrtevf effort enough money was usually raised to carry live work through the year Tills year there will b* no ■cats sold Iw-causr tbe American lied Cross has made an appropriation for the anti-tuberculosla work, and those who formerly spent their time selling seals will Join In the Work f«w lb* Hed Cross Christmas Holl Call during the week of l»eeemb*r Id to 23 Increase In All Respiratory Dis* eases After the Influenza Epidemic Probable. Influ«nt* gipsctsd to Lurk f*r Month*. How to Guard Against Rnsunvenia. Common Cold* Highly Catching—Im­ portant* *f Suitable Clothing—Could Saw* 100,000 LI***. "1 beltev* wa could easily sav* on* hundred thousand live* annually in the Unite«! State* If all th* poopl« would adopt th* system of fresh air living followed, fur exempts, tn tuber- euloats sanatoria. Thera la nothing mysterious about It—no specific mi-dl- dne, no vaccina Th* Important thing Is right living, good food and plonty of fresh air. Calla Atteml«1«! Ihxy or Night SCIO ORE. ■FL-..nBBMi E. A. WEDDI E Or*pl*t Infection t «plained In Picture*. “Tb* Bureau of Public Health. Washington. D. C.— With th* subaid- Treasury I-cpsriment, hs* just Issued BARBER. enc* of th* rp*d«-mte of infiucntuv the i a striking poater drawn by llerryman. Successor to Morris Itroa. attention of beallb officer* Is directed th* well-known Washington cartoonist. to pneumonia, bronchitis and other Th* poster exemplifies tb* tnudera disease* of the respiratory system method of health »duration A few Agent Albany Steam I .a undry which regularly cause a large number years sgn, un tlm* ami so «b-wlra has been used a shu«t time but I* in may g«> on to pneumonia and death. to wade through the technical pltraaw- first class tmler g«»«d as new. Has Although th* worst of the epidemic I* •logy." ballbearingsand all m«»lcrn improve­ over, there will continue to be a large ment* The tower ha* never yet been number of scattered cases, many of them mtld and unrecognt*e* cvmip*lled to Copies of thia poster »> pay a heavy death toll from pneumo­ talned free of rhanrr by w nia and otb*r respiratory disease* flurgevo General, U H r Common Cold* Highly Catching. Service. Washing»« '« i "It la encouraging to ot.serve that people are beginning to learn that or­ dinary cough* and cold* are highly MlfiUNDERSTANOINa CLEARED UF catching and ara spread from person A misunderstanding relative to tbe to person by means of droplets of canteen work of the V M C. A has germ laden mucus ttuch droplet* ara sprayed Into the air when carries* or been cleared up by the War Depart­ Ignorant people cough or sneeta with­ ment, which Issued th* following' "Matter of price* aakvi by Young out covering their mouth and nose It I* also good to know that people hav* M«tnl* <’hrl»tiaa Association for Its learned something about th* value of article* sold In canteens overseas al­ fresh air. In Mtnmrr, when i«e>«pl* ready Investigated by war department ara largely out of door*, th* respira­ and cmidltion I* being rvtm dled Th* tory dlosses (cough*, colds, pneumo­ Young Men's Christian Association was originally asked by General nia. etc.) ara Infrequent; In the full, Pershtng to rud the canteens for the as |>eople begin to remain Indoor*, th* army on a cost baala. In order to do respiratory discs»«-* Incrasss; in th* this It bed to reckon In price fixing winter, when people are prone to stay such overhead charges as transporta In badly ventilated, overheated rooms, tion charges and marine insurance so th* respiratory dls«-ss«rs b««uiue very that prices were much higher thau in prevalent this country gultsbl* Clothing Important “Th* Young .Men's Christian Asso­ "Still another factor tn th* produc­ ciation made no profits, but lost thou­ tion of cnida pneumonia and other ra> sands of dollars Arrangement* now ■pirntory disease* I* c*relr«»nc«a or Ig­ made will enable them to obtain sup­ norance of th* peopl* regarding suit­ plies from sources that will reduce able clotblug during the season* when overhead charge* and k«-«-p price« tbe weather *uddeuly change*, sitting down.“ Acme W.iii!iu£ I iiruilure Svilii Visit AI .HANY We buy and »ell new and second hand Furniture I THIS IS THE WAY IO SAVE There is probably some article or ar­ ticles in possession of every family that la of no use to the owner which may tie turn«-»! into cash. It la »«> much money found. You can nut it into bonda ur stamp* and help win the war. WE WAN I all kiiKi* of iunk. all kimls of metal*, rubber and inc many other things going to waste. Grain are I |’utat«> Sacks for «ale THE PACIFtCJUNK COMPANY Bell phone 401-R Home phone E. Uogoway, Prop. Second a Baker