V, > Announcement Extraordinary The Fordson Tractor Crawford's Ford Garage, Albany See this wonderful outfit and get a deinonwtration. No 7, Il-inch two-bottom Oliver Plow, made Hptu'iully fur the Eordiou, i* included. A Price, includiug Tractor and Plow*, 11 125.00 Scio Produce Company Wants Your Business \K ill |»«y Cash For E-KU *. Poultry, Veal. I logs. I Fide* \\ ill buy Cream in any quantity (or the Oregon Clearncry, Portland I rt tts get acquainted. IF you have a grievance make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it. SPEAKING OF FERTILE HELIAS Gosh that Patriot it Spiiil ,t vw faster than you can plant the Se-d !” Ende Sain HEMIN'S response to Duty lias vet the pace l u REtdlN S response i ihr winde Nation i gon's "DO OR DIE” spirit whcl lie, ON I tie Haiti« line “over lhere” or BEHIND ihv Bullir line 'over here" is honored »bove ali ti.inn Let's makr the Ith I ilxrlv I oan drivi »ui Ml O We will give you a Square Deal i>t'.v< I- our H uh that we're WITH Ihmi to the /le letter of a captain on the bettie line tn France Do yon count the dollar* of your Fourth IJberty I »ran •ubacrlpUou when «very retaliatory ■hell from a 155 millimeter howitaer com * nearly IIW "Our battalion went Into action 1*an to let our Immortal fighi In* »*•© know you are backing them up. Down With Your Down With the Hunt Hundred* and Thouqht Theft of Iron and Coal From France, Land From Russia. Would Pay Bill Bring Us Your Cascara Bark preine Offensive against flic enemy To »gam g> over the lop FIRST will convince tlie ( . riti al I’ow .. *.. .. * ■ — - * — — -* * ■ er* tliat we're AGAINST th« in Io the /oil man and In Flandera Field* thè Hoppie* Hloom Hut If ne are goti.a to back u* our fightlng ui«n hy p-ittin.r over thè Ftairth Liberty lanvn wltb an uvervub acrlptlon we will bave no time to (■enee and wot»hlp those popidea, nor to ad mi re thè poppi«« tn our own field». never cross the Rhine." I* now th« tl«e achieved with out the aacrtfice of thousand* of those men, nor without the m<>at earnest and united support of Ihoae of u* at home Where we have given valiant efforts tn war work here- tofore. we must thrust our sholders de»|»*r*telv agaln*l the wheel of war preparation, from now on To no one person or class I* It given to do a greater share in thl* war than any other person or class Each must do hl* utmost Is complete and our stock fresh and <• lenii Cofloe. EAT CORN SAVE "WHEAT Spices mid in needed HIBLER 8 GILL CO ¡'«aaiuawr. « . r. <•*!>. Samsvtav. D, C. Thoma WEIGHT RESTS ON AMERICAN FARMER Upon no one cl*«* rest* a greater responsibility than upon the Ameri ran farmer, who with bl* wive* and sons and daughter* constitutes one third of our population He ha* the ftr»t and great re*|>on*lbillty of pro­ viding food for the nation at home, Five Miihou Men in Franc»-- And food for the fighting mm abroad, and It take» *107 5* to teed on* army com food for our allies In the battle line pany one day.™ Ito your part towards i and their civilian population feeding them by buying Fourth Uberi) ' England wltb million* of acres of Honda parka and bunting ground* converted Into farms can only raise crop* to Five Million Mon In Fran«-« -And feral her people half the year France It take» *91 53 to provide clothe» and with every man In i uniform, and blanket* for one mah HoW mady nearly half her fields i overrun hy will you clothe through the Fourth armies, doe* even lean Liberty laian ? With her grain fields • v Iended b> A aboil dropped In the German line« million* of acre* of new land. Amori leaven that many lea, Hun« for oor ca la resiiondlng to the call anil allied men to put out of action In hand te hunger will never be an ally io Ger hand fix hi Ina How many »hell» will many. Hillion* of dollar* of Ameri your Fbu th IJ bort y lawn •l rt on ca’» huge war loan» are coming back thnlr way to France from our ai înlüon to th* farmer In payment for hia grain and stock. factor I»«’ The farmer, tor his future honor “1 will make room for m> growing and »landing in the uatlon. mini »•* people by taking some more of France that every penny of thl* sum he can and a few thousand Mjwara mile* of •pare la reinvested tn war loan* Russia, «aid the Ksteer 'We will The Fourth Liberty Ixmn, now upon get the iron and coal In Norther* na. call* for but a portion of what France for manufactures which we America must spend tn war effort* In will sell the conquered population of the neit few month*. It must be sub Russia and this, beside» Indemnities, scribed promptly and overwhelmingly will more than pay for the war Eng That "the man who la not for us t« land will mH dare ionie In. and our against u«" Is as true now as when merchant tleeta «III soon crowd her It was written centuries ago If YOU buy a fifty dollar bond from the world trade routes. “W th« t'nlted Htate» do*» not when you COULD HIT a five hun­ acquiesce, her manufacturer« will g«t dred dollar bond, you are not doing no more of our dye« «nd cbeinlcala, your Hill duty as an American her farmer» no more of our fertl Ilici • And we will alao take away from her all South American <-<>m ■ ■ierre " Planning world trade domination, If not actual wot Id rule, a» the outcome of a abort six month* campaign in Europe. tier many now find» herself GERMAN GRAVES outcast from among civilised nation», GRIM ANSWER her people impoverished, her honor Now. aerosa the graves of a mil irrevocably »talned by the Mood of I km At hia young men. the Kaiser I* HHglum. and faring a future of be«inning to the *un *et on the Fix! will OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT J J. J.Karne«, W. F. Itili, A. Hit yeti, J. R Haru-e, Mr». Jennie Wamar r, > SGI© ROLLER MILLS t N« V •»« !■« >1« AU !>►• ►*.><»•„ UM» I Our Flour is a» good as any ma«l« in the Willamette Valley E I Eli We «In • teed •»** Hau» I Stele. I ’ S.lf'K G ( / li. IXTE Eh Cuilaai Milling 4P Maui ••«•< WHeel Butigl f and t athsnged I*« «He Field for Butina«* Treat Y ou Mi ¿Ht PICTURE PRINT ING We are prepared to take your pictures develop your plates, films, film pac ks do your printing, enlarging and framing We charge nothing For developing him» or platen when twelve print* are ordered. We have hnd fifteen year* of practical work tn picture taking. If we can be of any help to you in grttmg good result* from your kodak or camera, we will gladly give you pointer*. All work guaranteed and done promptly. Give U*a trial J. F. WESELY OREGON U e do not carry any camera* or camera oupplica