The Scio tribune and Santiam news, consolidated. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1917-1919, April 25, 1918, Image 1

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Independent, fearless, free; Not tie d to any party; Will support best candidate for office regardless of party
NO. 37
Sevea Chosen for Service.
Are Proud Parents.
The list of seven names called for
military duty about May 1 is com­
pleted. Notices were sent to twenty
mm asking them to make returns if
exemption is claimed and seven were
secured. The others were engaged
in farming and were excused for the
The names are:
Barker. Albany; Leland 0. McDon­
ald. Mill City; Joe Zornado. Shedd;
Stephen J Farraley. Portland; Fer­
ris E. Ward. Albany. Roy Witt.
Crawfordsville. Glen L. Shilling,
Scio Gregory Strode, Harrisburg,
waived classification and goes to
Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in the
quartermaster's department. Three
men signed up for special call; one
for locomotive engineer, one carpen­
ter and <>ne for chauffeur. Albany
Born to Mr ami Mrs. P H Mac­
Donald. a h*nd«**nu> t»«>y baby some
time within ihe paa< two weeks We
regret to say this handsome b»y was
born by proxy ami our esteemed
fellow citizens adopted him from
the maternity hospital
The mother
died in childbirth and the father t
now fighting in France
All The
Tribune can say about the matter is
»hat the baby has been very fortun­
ate in selecting his home. M rs.
MacDonald is expected to arrive
home with the new addition to the
family this week.
• o u •
Additional Bond Buyers.
The following were not listed last
Urek in lime for last week's isaue
of The Tribune
Others have ta-vn
overlooked and there are still others
who will buy Liberty Bonds before
the campaign is up. May 4;
Mary Harmon. J. F. Oupor, Em­
ma Cain. Grsrge W Morrow. Archie
and Ethel Lndlev. F C Bryant, H.
W Thoms. O. S Hutchinson. John
B. and M Covey. Ed Roberta. Joe.
A Sent, luiwrvnce Montgomery, E.
C. Shelton. Anna A. Miler, S. M
an«l A G. Finley, John A White,
E 0. ami C. 0. Lyon. Bettie M and
W. H. McLain. Joe Holub jr., K M
Albany is preparing to feed 1900 Cain. Anton Karnos. M. D and J . A.
California men en route from tha* Craft. Charles Rockwell. Amy Dav­
state to Camp l^ewis Wash., com­ enport. Pearl Peery. Edna Peery.
mencing Friday of this week and
running into the first or next week.
Called to the Colon.
In some way the names of F. M.
Mrs F. T. Thayer has been quite
Dennv and C. A. Everett were omit­
Under this third call for rnen to
sick for the past week.
ted from our list of Bond buyers, join the colors, order made a little
Chris Bilyeu was an Albany visitor
an I there may lie others who have more than one month ago. Oregon is
not been reported
We will publish is required to furnish 251 men
It's been trying awful hard to rain an additional list before the cam­ this number Linn county's quota is
the last few davs.
paign ends when ail overlooked will 17. All told since March II. a total
The Tribune is printing the win­ lie published. Neither The Tribune of 1541 men from Oregon have been
dow cards for the twelfth annual nor the committee wishes to slight cal let! into the military service. The
any person who has bought a Bond. state and the various counties will
fair to be held at Scio Sept 17-19.
One of the most realistic fights be credited with these men when the
Mrs. Vivian Bilyeu went to Mc­
big draft which is coming soon will
Minn ville the first of the week to ever screened will be shown in rhe*
la- made.
see the new Coffey baby girl who Narrow Trail.” Don’t miss it.
Two Government surveyors were |
will call her ''Aunt Viv.”
Many farmers who bait money on
this crop last year will raise for
home needs only, and for this reason
the demand is likely to be good next
winter. When his neighbors quit
raising a product for market the
Mrs. V. A. McKntght returned
wise farmer gets busy. Moreover
from a nearly month's visit to Mc­
seed will not be so dear and conse­
Minnville on Sunday. She reports
quently the crop will cost lew
the grand baby at the Coffey home
A paper was handed The Tribune
as getting along nicely.
upon which a total of 18
E C. Beery was looking after bu­
with a credit of va­
siness matters in Portland yesterday.
rious sums of money amounting to
■ 87.85, donated fur the purpose of
i buying a sewing machine for the
You Can’t Afford
NOT to Paint
We are closing out oui slock
of Paints, and if you have been
neglecting your buildings on
account of high paint prices.
NOW is the time to ' stand
Don’t paint until you
get our prices.
The Saoliam Pharmacy
Bring in Your Wheat.
D. C. Thoma of the Scio .Milling
Co wants the farmers to bring in
what wheat they have to spare by
May 10
He wants the wheat then
so that he can report how much tlour
he can supplv. Also the power to
grind in a satisfactory manner by
that tune may lie too low for profit­
able work. So bring in vour wheat
as soon as you can
There will lie
no increase of price for some time
yet and. perhaps, not at all.
Edmund la*slie Wheeler of near
Shelburn, whose death occurred Ap­
ril 8, war born in Huron county.
Ohio. September 15. 1850 He lived
in .Michigan until 1872. when he
came to Oregon
He was united in marriage with
Miss Jane Zink June 27. 1883.
Two brothers, one in Oregon and
one in Colorado, and three sisters,
two in California and one in Wash­
ington, besides the widow and two
children, survive htm
.Mr. Wheeler was a nurserymanof
some pote. a stone mason, contractor
and concrete worker, having spent
several years st Kellogg and Ward­
ner. Idaho, working in his several
trade lines
Mr. Wheeler enjoyed
the love and respect of his many
neighbors and friends who tenderly
placed his mortal remains in its final
resting place, the grave.
Tomorrow (Friday! is Liberty
Bond day. as selected by President
Wilson. He recommends a half hol­
iday in which to make your sub­
California has ever discounted Or­
egon on account of her excess of
moisture. Oregon can respond with
interest by «lying "It does not rain
brickbats here."
vorable spring for farmin* in many
Mrs G. M Devaney. Mrs R. E.
Bilyeu. Mrs. J. M O’Rourke and L.
L Bilyeu were in Scio last Sunday
visiting relatives save th*
The ”500” club is in action again.
Bdl Hart, who will appear in the
T« the Veters el Liea
"movies" at the Peoples theatre m
Scio S t urda
undav mi-h'g,
i.... l> » p -•
• iddr.- e-d. th - peon*»* of \ll-wnv i-,
e*r*--«i fr, - » ** e
. . » il »V I
w as
man m tl e rot ntgj aatf t
lar's worth fgg Mb
I have a »Usssp
* '
I ‘
who do not
I (,,re m ,, 4
dr ive.
The bachelors and widowers who
lomecile at tfie Scio hotel are ar*
Red Cross Activities.
ikngimr to build a croquet ground
just in front of The Tribune office.
Since last report the Scio Red Much obliged boys. We can keep
Cross reports the following: Bed tab >n the games while in the office
shirts 56. pairs sox 103. gun wipers ind no doubt we'll glean many items
300. sweaters 32.
from the activities of the players.
Jordan—Bed shirts 34. pairs of
Ground has been broken by the
sox 67. pilloi 3. pair« of slippers croquet club, a new and fearless or­
10. gun yvi| s 3300, washcloths 15 ganization, in front of The Tribune
The ladle complain that they are office.where contests in this intellec­
about out •» material and of money tual game will lie dally staged. As
with whi h to buy it.
si .on ns the working tools are in
place, Joe Wesely volunteers to tell
' ami demonstrate how the game
I should be played
Already John
at r
I Red Cross.
The subscribers were
veek, Saturday and Sunday,
mainly from the country district
Bill .art in "The Narrow Trail.”
east of town.
Sh-.w iiegins at 8:30. Admission 10
Scio has but one candidate for of­
and 20 cents.
• ——
fice. Mr. D. C. Thoms, candidate for
Only one week more of the Lib­
the legislature. Mr. Thoms render­
ed good service in that I mm I v as a, erty Bond drive. It is thought ev­
member from Marion county, and ery regional bank district will go
we believe Linn county can safely "over the top” this week with the
trust him. Anyway it will take all exception, perhaps, of the Atlanta,
of the candidates in both the Re­ Georgia, district. The subscriptions |
It won’t take you more than
15 minutes to look over our
wall paper display.
11.50 THE YEAR
Scio has the right to crow over
Red Cross Dance
other Linn county towns in the buy­
ing of Utterly Bonds.
Her 333 3
per cent stands about double that of
At Richardson Gup hall. Will
any other »f our county towns and given by the Bohemian societies on
19lh in the other towns of the state Saturday evening, April 27.
chicken supper will lie served at
Most of our farmers will complete
midnight. The entire net proceeds
the seeding of small grain this week
will be given to the American Red
with corn, potatoes and gardens yet
Everybody cordially invited.
to plant
All say we have most fa­
John Weaely is hostler for Roger in town last week for the purpose
Cain’s motor truck now
At least of looking over section 31, 1 went.j
he seemed to lie the boss In hauling m which the U. 8. land .»flice m
Portland thought there was some
shingles Monday.
Is» ÌI
n. patented Ian i
As ihi« it« »»fit* »»(
A 26-. *»n i
A little daughtei of Mr an i M* ■
I/» it *u
m tile,) |><Cui|tMN» h
Joseph Harman of Shelburn, is an
‘«•uaty ti w.t* ■* Mt* I*. ,d e »i
other Bond buyer wh*»*e nun e w i
nut in the list published last *■
.lloAr'l ».
. i. i «
John W. M hoh has hi« war g.*-
ai. Í di
■aiouid u.i\ i<-id
den planted to potatoes and unions
tkld in u «Il I
He calculates that he won’t have t<> I Tbe man Wh » plMiú.4 4
Die am
irrigate as he figures that the unions ■if potatoes this year has mow ihn» (or a very sick horse.
will draw water from the eyes of the an even chance to get a good pnce I was *or th 4250 and Mike was írar*
for his product next fall and winter. fui he Could not save him.
A few drops of sheep dip applied
to the roots of the cabbage plant
will protect it from the cabbage
worm, says a Correspondent of the
Moore claims to tie the champion
cruqueteer. but he is hooted down
by the rest of the bunch.
Born- to the wife of Chester Cof­
fey of McMinnville, a bouncing 10-
pound girl.
Mr. Coffey was not at
home from hie trip to the home
ranch in Canada, but everything
went as well as if he had been there.
Scio Mung her honor flag to the
|ut Thu relay.
publican and Democratic parties to next week will be extra shots at the
Attached to
the halliards just below "Old Glory”
fill our quota, so why resort to the
Scio publishes the fact that she went
Mohair Pool.
over the top in buying liberty Bonds
Some of the boarders at the hotel
to the tune of 310 per cent.
are getting a bit anxious. Hutch ,
The annual mohair pool is now be-
Mr> A|<u HuU.htn^^
says he will clow down Sunday, and1
mg formed at Scio w>th Riley Shel- mutaUd au|le , go<ld d,w of
as no one has yet api>eared to take
’.urn werc^rv. Those who desire to > mump- „ , tou
jn th<>
up the burn new the aforesaid board
jaoariga their fleeces of mohair to hoU1 bugjnem
era are fearful they will have to—
. th« pool mat do «> by phoning or - hgvt
d,^rded from th. hoU1
well, come down to Hun fare.
| writing in number of Meeces.
i bill o' fare
nu Id mg anti wfl b* we gg| |
m <
1»r*|p |i..,-*,
> -ret a do’»
' spent.
i n r< ad
* j
tor the
money expended,
event tha I am ele
Sill tie uitpivd* u al*, wul ii-wt
every propoattion on a fair basis.
1 believe hi maintaining our exist­
ing roads in a passable stale, but to
use all the surplus money we can in
permanent road building in the res­
pective road districts of the county.
Harrisburg. Oregon
Candidate for Republican nomina­
tion for County Commissioner.
r«d Ad*.
The Occasional
Buyer of a Brush
has not been trained to notice
the essential points which make
for quality.
We buy brush* ■<
with the same regard for qual­
ity as we do drugs.
Let our experience aid you
when you need any kind of a
Hair Brush, Nail Brush. Cloth
Brush. Hat Brush, Tooth Bru*h
Hand Brush. Bath Brush, etc.
We carry the best line of bristle
goods in thia territory, and on
account of larg» buying our
prices are reasonable.
Druggist and Stationer