* jf Misptrrti lall G. F. Korinek, B. V. S. Veterinarian Hour burg. Oregon To The Tribune Inin at th At Richardson Gap hall. Saturday. March 23. Cash prises will be given Mllltr Clllttiy as follows; First, beat aopearanev, 32; sec Mid. I m - s I representation. Fred Earl A yman was burn at 31 50; third, must comic, 31. Good Islington. Dawson County, Notarne- music will be furnished. Everybody ka. October 19. 1887. and died at cordially invited. 30-3t San Diego. California. February 25. 1918, aged 30 years, 4 months and 6 Two soldiers buried, one in each days. He leaves to mourn an aged of the Scio cemeteries last Sunday mother. Mrs. L. Wyman of Shel­ with the military features observed burn. and three brothers; O. G. and in each case, is an event which has W. H. of Shelburn, ami Henry never occur red in the past history Floyd, who is in the navy marine of Linn County, txt us hope that service, stationed nt Goal island. the precedent thus established will Fred came to Oregon with his pa­ never occur again rents in the spring of 1904. and in the autumn of 1906 moved with Card at Harts them to Shelburn, linn County, where he has since resided. We wish to thank all the friends On January 21. this year, he en­ list*! Rt Portland in the navy as a who so kindly helped us during the mechanic landsman in the aviation sickness and death of our father. Mr. and Mrs. R. W Raymond corps. He died with pneumonia. As 1 promised 1» write you soon as we were settled. I will now scratch ‘ a few lines My car started from West Scio at 2 p. m, January 21; arrived Albany just after dusk and staved on the siding till 5:30 the next morning. The way they shook things up while switching was awful Sleep was out of the question. Arrived UNDERTAKERS al Roseburg about 7 o'clock next Calls Attended to Promptly night. As H would be two hours Dav or Night before the train would pull out. my brother-in-law. V. L. Ruiter. came OREGON and took me down to the ¡ittle sani­ SCIO tarium he ia operating am> mother Ruiter served me to a good hot sup­ per. which certainly was relished after lunching For a day and a half H our hkk B ros .. Prow in a box car. V. L. ia doing some wonderful Fresh Meats of All Kinds things for th«' sick, especially rheu­ Reasonable Price« matism and tuberculosis, by treating His brother. W. HI went to him them in electric cabinets of his own but arrived loo late to av Ereil Scio. Ore. Main Street designs which he has patented. alive. But he states that he was The real estate agent wh«> made met by army men and kindly escort­ our deal, told ua of a very bad cane ed to where the body of his brother ------------ WHKN YOU WANT------------ of oak poisoning which was cured lay. And he was satisfactorily as­ with only one treatment, and V. L. sured that for hie brother's comfort Plumbing or Tinning showed me a cancer he removed by ahd recovery all was done that could the same process , be. The body was brought to Shel­ I did not tA't to see much of his burn where an appropriate funeral F RED OHLEMIER sanitarium as my time was limited, service was conducted from the V n S. Bn so I hiked l«aek to my car ami trot church. It was attended by a very Ilia Experience is Worth Money there a.« the tram was ready to pull large number of friends and by a to You out. Got <>n the siding at Green military squad from Corvallis led Repairing a Specialty station at 10 o’clock. and as all was by Sergeant Jessup, which added quiet, had a good night's sleep. Satisfaction Guaranteed much to the impressiveness of the Next morning put my wagon to­ service The body was laid U> rest gether, hitch«* Old Ned to it and by tn the Miller cemetery to await the night had most all of my stuff out general roll-call, when the earth and Notice For Publication to the ranch. the * a shall answer and give up We like the location tine blit the their deed. The floral offerings 18-part merit of th« Interior, U. S. Land buildings arc small. Our place is were profuse and of exquisite beau-, Office, Portland. Ore., Feb. 4. 1918 on the west side of the Pacific high­ ly. Wil Ml.WE Notice is hereby given thst James L. way. about 1(8) yards north of lhe Officiating minister, satiated by Rev S. Rosaell. of Scio. Linn County. Ore., junction of the Pacific and Cops Bay­ W. V McGee. who on February 7, 1916, made Home There is a good grad*! stead Entry No. 04680, for lota 1, 2 and highways public school a quartet mile awav S N NE 1». S«c. 2. Township 11 South. Obituary Range I East. Willamette Meridian, and a store at the roa«l junction; we has filed notice of intention to make see from 14 to 20 teams a day and three year proof under Sec. Z3»5. R. Arthur D. Osborn, a veteran of autos by the d<>xen; besides lots of S., to establish claim to the land above the late Civil war. died at the home teams described before the Clerk of the This is principally a fruit section, of his daughter. Mrs. R M. Ray­ < ounty Court for Linn County. Ore at Albany. Oregon, on the 2!st day of although the high pricy of grain has mond. March 2, 1018. Mr. Osborn was born March 23, March, 1918, caused a great deal of pasture land Claimant names as witnesses Henry 1843. in Michigan, where he. lived to be plowed up the [wst two years Neal. Fred Pepperlmg, John Neal end until 1881. when he moved to South G. M. Wirth, all of Scio, Linn County. which hadn't been plowed for 20 Dakota. He spent the last years of years The grain generally looks Oregon, his life in North Dakota and Ore­ Proof made under act of June 6, 1912. well except in wet places They gon, coming to Oregon in 1913. and *-ec 2906. R. S sowed the common white spring oats Besides Mrs Raymond he leaves a N. Campbell. last faN If they could have had daughter, Mrs. S. A. Stearns, of Register. 24 30 some of the gray winter oats from the Unn ^ounty hills, I am sure North Dakota, and one son, Hugh they would make much better crops. Osborn, of Cleveland, North Dakota The remains were shipped to Col­ There are some things here quite umbia, South Dakota, where he will natural to ua. It can rain! The wind Notary Public ana be buried beside his wife. can blow! And frogs! Well. I guess lioth Telephon*» STA YTCkV - - OREGON Morrison & Lowe Scio Meat Market Aactioa Sale I will offer for sale at my resi- dence in Scio, just west of the livery stable, at 1:30 p. m., on Saturday. March 9, the following articles of personal property; Roan mare, 9 years old. weight 105o pounds, gray horse. 8 years, wt 1050; two 3-inch wagons, one nearly new. covered hack; buggy, nearly new; 14-in. Oliver plow: har­ row. nearly new; rolling cutter 2 iron bedsteads and springs, library table, extension table; churn; two heating stoves; 4 kitchen tables; 2 dressers, 2 kitchenettes, one new; cuplM>ard. 2 stands; show case; tools of all kinds, cultivator; 2 sets dou­ ble harness, and many other things too numerous to mention. Terms All sums of 110 aqd under cash; over 310, bankable notes, due in 6 months, al 8 per cent Interest. I HOAG1JKND. Frank Shores. Auctioneer. A Bi| Buca Will be given by the Bohemian Na­ tional Alliance of Scio, on Saturday. March 16. for the benefit of the Red Cross and the above Alliance, al Weeely hall in Scio Good music, good order and a good supper will I m - served All are cordially invited to help a good cause, so come over one and all and have a good time 30-21 Committee. K v • r' ¿ ; ~r * i * - •'X . ■ , • - 'M . Mr. Rexford of the Ncbergnll Meat Co.. Albany, is in Scio and vicinity this week, looking for beef and slock cattle. They pay top prices. WANTS, FOR SALE •UK Wants, For Sale or Lost, Found etc. Under this head The Tribun« will hereafter publish the items indicated. The changes will I m - one cent a word; two figures constitut­ ing a word. 25 cents I« the mini­ mum charge Eor Sale A 1917 Chevrolet*lour- ing car. all complete and in gixxi condition, ready to drive away. Fred T. Bilyeu. Oliver and other kinds of type­ writer ribbons for sale at this office. For Sale—140-egg incubator anil brooder. The whole outfit for 311. 29If Ardee Powell For Sale-3 acre improved ranch, known as Kistler place, adjoining depot grounds at West Scio. Small payment, easy terms. Owner; S. Ellis, Prine­ ville, Oregon. 30 2t Sanitary Market FRESH MEATS Cleanliness — A merican The Scio Tribune 31.50 the year. guy M cknight , proprutor R. SHELTON J Come^ensor yea, and then some. If the high cost of living keeps up this would be a Abstracts of Title Examined good place to can frog hams Tell Mr Kimball I don't have to keep a OREGON little green frog in my cellar to ÌLIO warn ua when it is going to rain. C. C. BRYANT If we succeed in raising some met- : one thia summer we will send The Tribune family a sample (why only a sample?—Editor». 3*1-2 New Piret National Bank Bldg. * The main roads here are good and they tell me that some day the road OREGON ALBANY paat my place will be paved, though It la in fine shape now. I saw one, on street in Roseburg iftit wwk which remimfed me of the roa«l past ATTORNEY AT LAW Railroad Time Table Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains Woodburn-SpringAeld Branch WEST SCIO 7:50 a.m. 5:31 p.m. North South Corvallis & Eastern MUN KERS To Albany t2:25 P- m From Albany ... 9:22 a.m. Motor to Mill City ___ t9:05 a m. •' from *• "_______ 4:21 p.m. § Daily except Sunday ------------------------ j- JORDAN HEMS Mrs. Marv Shelton call*! on Mrs. E Jaynes Monday. Fred Grimes an«l wife were visit­ ors at the Wortmen’s last week. Joseph Rowine is suffering with« rh<*umatism. Dr. Beauchamp of Stayton. is attending. Quite a number of the Jordan R. C. Auxiliary attended the R.C. dancr at IJons Saturday night Laal Friday a quilting was given the George Westenhouee place. bv Mrs. George Balaiger, in con­ I will close now as I don’t want junction to which a bounteous lunch to weary your readers and I may was served by the hostess, and an feel a call to write again. enjoyable time had. Those pri ml J D. (HUMES. M«-*iamrs Harve Shelton. were; Root« 1. box 148. ! Harnen Shelton, E. M Kimball. Henry Phillips, Thom Phillips, E I Corvallis Cadets Jaynes, E. Daugherity, A. Arbuckle. , Fred Grimes, W Wing. Clyde Thom­ The personnel of the 0. A. C. ca­ as. C, Barrett, R. (!ombe, and Clara dets who officiated al the funerals Smith, the Misses Gladys Smith and at the Miller cemetery in the morn-1 Mary Daugherity. ing and at Franklin Butte in the af­ ternoon. was: ~ grant Jessup, in The party who picked up a front command of squad. Corporal bumper for a Reo automobile at or Grafton and Privates Folia, Dunn. near Dr. Rosine's barn in this eity, Tuthill, Brown. Riches, Begal and will confer a favor on F. T. Thayer Anderson. The boys all returned to if he will return the same Or It Corvallis oa the to taf t at Tto Tribune R FRl M Candidate for the Nomination f r SHERIFF Subject to the Decision of th«' Republican Primaries Efficiency. Promptness and the execution of Law will tie my en- dravor if nominated and elected. Remember. that a« age advamv-n over each year and one-half or two years, you will outgrow your I ciim *«. If you have been ill. your eyes re­ quire a stronger prescription. Do not neglect having your lensen changed when you begin to feel eve strain. Neglect now means break­ ing of tissues, nerve strain and more difficulty in getting satisfying effects with optometry later E. C. Stop That Rent Build a house -own a home. We will loan you the money. You can pay us back like rent. Paint and repair that old house and make it look like new. We will loan you the money. Your home is your best asset. Your city ia judged by its homes For 11 years we have supplied the smaller towns with money at a reasonable rate of interval from 3 to 8 years. We have the money - you need It. __________________ 12. Piane IIILIIN6 I LOAN ASSN Rn.rv S helton . Local Agent Scio. Oregon f MEADE UPTUMKTRIHT 329 W. Second St.. Alltany. Ore. Notice of Fine I Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned, executor of the «'state of Charlee Weeely, deceased, lies filed in the County Court of ljnn County, Ore., hie final account as such exeeuter, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 8th day of April, 1918, at the hour oC 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day al the time for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Any and all persona having objections to said final account are hereby notified to be present at said time in the County Court room in the Court House In the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, ami then and thers make such objec­ tions Joseph E Weeely Executor. r ~ 4 t fl