> • Y-* * » r V ’'C?. r • «• t* -T«*' û -ï-'X Perry Bilyeu, a prominent farmer of the Crabtree country, was in * I LOCAL BREVITIES town Monday and pushed up hie For the seeood time the Grant Six ! subscription to The Tribune while has won the honor ut being the first here. car oyer the Sierra*. The victory i Pteaae Pay Up at Once was sealed on January M when the ■ A baby girl was born to Mr. and Grant Six reached San Francisco, Mr«. A. L. Phillip* of Cralitree, on A» I am leaving Scio about Feb after completing a round trip of January 22. 15 to accept a position elsewhere, 564 miles, going by way of Placer­ Th* Selo Meat Market will pay all people knowing themselves in­ ville and returning by way of True- the highe*t cash price for all kind«, debted to me, will please call and kee. thus croasing the mountain« by of hide«' No tare deducted. both summit route« settle the same at once "Spec Dee." th* grille*« hand “Loot year the Grant Six was also Dr. E H. Hobeon paste «till head* the list of wonder*. the first car over the Sierra«" say* 27 ounce* 25c at Santiam Pharmacy . local distributor* of the Grant Six. Card oí Thank» A daughter was born Thursday of "But. the victory then was not last week to Mrs. Rose Gibbons, We wish to thank all our friends achieved until March, and only after widow of the late Geo. Gibbons, of and neighbor* for their many acta terrific Irnttle with the worst anew- , Shelburn. For a whole of kindness and for their assistance i storm* in 20 year* We make a specialty of Friend In rebuilding our home We greatly month the car waa burwd in snow; ■hip. Engag«-ment and Wedding appreciate what has been done for and the intrepid pilot* hwt to camp i out like polar explorers. More than j Ring* F. M French & Son. Allxny. us. Oregon. 1. R Piatt and Family. once it was thought that the Grant J T J. Gibbons. of Shelburn, ex­ pects to start for Eastern Oregon points, within the next few days with a view of locating. Hooverixe — Hooverix*. and use Wright's Smoke Flavoring for scar- oning. instead of bacon, 2&c the bottle at Santiam Pharmacy. A few dropa of Wright’s Smoke Flavor will season those le-sns just a* well as a "hunk" of bacon at Santiam Pharmacy A / J Six party had been lost and there Live Stock Bayer waa great relief when the daring •rew were known tn be safe. "The honor of lacing first over I am in the market at all times the Sierra* tempt* a few hardy , for fat hogs, cattle or sheep, Also Can handle old or sportsmen each year Of those who, canning cattle have trie«! for the prise. only a' t^,n ttt'tle that are strong enough tn travel and not diseased. With handful have ever succeeded in get- *i 7he objective of the few exceptions I make we»- L’kly ahip- ting trough the beautiful lake Tahoe, Farmer* trip '• *h* 1 ments from West Scio. _______ having anything to tell in thia line, said to be the lsrg«**t fresh water please call or write me at Scio. Ore i lake of it* elevation in the world. Correct weights and highest market The priic ia ■ simple silver cup given We keep a full line of stock foods each year by the lake Tahoe Inn. prices guaranteed. veterinary liniments, blisters, etc. ‘The honor ha* never before been J. D.-Densmore Some stock food that we are closing won by the same car two years in nut at a special price. Santiam The Y. W. C. A. Campaign auemstion Pharmacy "While th. route i* fairly easy in I Win. Sloddart. of Crabtree, was The men are at the front Women midsummer when road* are good in Scio Monday, and paved The must hold the second line of defense. and the trail is «-asilv followed, it I Tribune a pleasant call while heie. How? As nurses and as hostess becomes a severe trial <»f endurance Mr. Stoddart is a veteran of the house mother*. The Y W. C.-A. i* faith fur the car and for its driver*, j Boer war and tt Ils some interesting cooperating with the R«-d Cross by when it i* attempted in the mxidle stories of South African campaign« providing of winter At the high altituiies the snow obliterate* th«- trail f-»r if there were ever any doubt 1st. Two trained workers for mil«** and the travel is necessarily 1 about Scio being a city, that doubt each Rest Hut which the Red Cross on top of the snow cru*t. In many i * was dispelled last Friday morning is placing near the bam- hospitals. place* the high wind* have brought when a regular up-to-date pop corn 2nd. A Hostes* House in Pari* down th«* tree* so that wide detours , wagon was installed just in front of for American nurse*. ar* nerrssary or the men are obliged th* barber shop on Main street. At the request of the United to become piorwiers and cut their Now you can get your popcorn or State* department of war. 50 hostess way through. roasted peanuts while thev are hot. h ouses are being built in Amuriea. "Both in 1917 ami in 191« the D M Baker, of Portland, repre­ Its purpose ia to provide for the Grant Six made the trip without a senting the Pacific Building and comfort, convenience and *af«-ty of Th.- single repair or replacement the visiting women relatives and Ixian Association, wasdoigg business encamped at 1917 victory mad«» the («rant Six tiie these places. You can help by subscribing a duplication of the performance has sum of money for their aid. Will increased the reputation of the car in wonderful measure Th<- Grant you do your bit? Six company and the San Francisco Coodenaery Eabarraued distributor. Frank O Renat rom. Mr. and Mrs. W R Ray. of Jor­ have bean «wamped with congratu­ dan. were in town orer last Sunday. For several days stones conveying latory messages. Owing to a hurt received from an auto tumble. Mr Ray is compelled the unwelcome intelligence that our tn use crutches. While here he condenaery was in financial difficul­ ordered a slock of letterhead* and ties have been in circulation that envelope* with the farm name "Cold checks given for milk were living Spring Farm" and hi* own nam* returned endorsed "Not paid for lack of fund*.” thereon. This is a moat unpleasant surprise The following speaker* will ad­ Wants. For Sale or Lost. Found to the oeoplc of Scio as well as to dress th* patent teachers meeting those people who have been selling etc. Under this head Ths Tribune next Saturday at the school auditor­ will hereafter publish the items their milk to the condensery ium: Prof. C. W. Boettiger, of indicated, The charges will lie one Th* Tribune has no information Albany. P M Nash. A. I. O’Riley cent a word; two figures constitut­ as to the extent of the financial and J. B. Horner. Prof. Horner trouble, other V1*1' Sheriff Bodine ing a word. 25 cents i* the mini- will deliver his lecture with stereop- served attachment papers upon the i mum charge. tican views at the People* theater****' - - vyw «»"~ - t - . manufactured product on hand, For Sale- One set of heavy work in the afternoon. The exercise* will Everybody hppe* the embarrass­ harness and one set of light harness. begin at 10 a. m. and everybody is ment ia but temporary and that invited to bring their dinners. everything will be amicably adjusted Enquire ->f Josie Snirdl. Hungry hill without the need of shutting down For S.I. Farm For Sale- I offer mv farn the factory. of 114 acres, situate ax miles south east of Scio, for sale. The farm is The following household Roods a part of the Harvey Shelton dona­ will be sold at private sale: tion land claim, ia first-class land, Kitchen cabinet, dining room set. house, tiarn and other buildings. small cook stove, healer, two-burner I I young orchard, bt) acres in culti­ oil stove, dresser, side board, several vation. balance pasture and timber. rocking chairs For particulars call Commercial College Graduate Price very reasonable. This is a at this office. I good buy. Expert Accountant and Notice to the Afflicted 24-27 A. Grolick, Scio. in Scio the first of the week. Die plan of loaning money bv the asso­ ciation is very attractive to the working man. He can acquire a home and yet not pay more per month than he now pavs for rent. St. Francia Hotel W atw U oo Meal* 35 and 50 canta Room 50c and Up Dr. J. Murphy. Sria. Ore. Officer a. so m «. i Sale dates arranged for at Th«* Scio Tribune Office. Scio. Ore. GRANT PIRTLE. Proprietor Scio Produce Company Wants Your Business Will pay Cash for Egg*. Poultry, Veal. Hog*. Hides Will buy Cream in any quantity for the Oregon Cieamery, Portland Let us get acquainted. If you have a grievance make it known and we will endeavor to rectify it. We will give you a Square Deal J. W. MOORE, Manager i.iKairroHa J. J Barnes. W. F.Ofll, J A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barn««. Mr«. Jennie Warner. Sdo Milling Conipaim TO SCIO ROkkEt Mlkk$ IIW« X >Mlt >H AT».» r>K< X.M I1K.M •»» EVERY SACK GUARANTEED < « OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Is complete and our stocK fresh and clean. We carry a full Tea, Coffee, Canned Goods, fact, everything for the table. «EYL0N i ■ • M A*« m «mJ V •x&Ntq PU Fred T. Bdyeu «/ • «*•«■ THE SCIO TRIBUNE a COMMERCIAL PRINTERS • ♦ ■ IF. V IF. W*w« «•*«« • Republican Candidate for SHERIFF line of Spices, and in needed HIBLER 8 GILL CO. For Trade -E M F. 5-passenger car in good running order for a 6- horse gas engine or for stock, quire of J. F. Pletrok. Scio. Ore. For Sale—A 1917 Chevrolet tour­ ing ear. all complete and in good condition, ready tn drive away 1U<>4 Our Flour is aa good as any made in th«- Willamette Valley I I will give 125 for any case of stomach or kidnev trouble I cannot cur*. 1 also treat all kinds of diseases without drug*. Have never failed on appendicitis. You don’t need to resort to the knife when you can be cured without it. ROLOFF AUCTIONEER ALBANY. ORE. friends of the men C. M. KENDALL H. C • •