The Scio tribune and Santiam news, consolidated. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1917-1919, November 22, 1917, Image 1

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    1 **
NO. 16.
Water Pmr BelHjs ti Hit People
and All tkt Patplt Shild
Hata Ut Pnfih
The great war in which our nation
is engaged will be won not alone
by fond and men. but by mechanical
(tower as well. Without mechanical
power we could not make or move
the weapons with which we fight
guns, »munition, ships, and supplHN.
Our national resources of power,
whether from «coal. oil. or water
power, are national war necessities.
We need them to win the war
In thia gigantic struggle our se­
curity requres us to use all the»»*
great resource«, and to use them
wisely and well. The people of the
United States own some fifty million
undeveloped water horse power or
aliout enough to run every train,
trolley, factory, mill, mine, and
electric power plant we have.
Eor ten years the friends of con-
wrvetion have urged the develop-
men of public water power in the
public interest.
But development
has been held l»ack by a little group
of water power magnates and their
friends in congress who have blocked
all legislation which would not give
them these valuable properties for­
ever and for nothing
Today when the nation needs all
its resource*, the same men who
have lieen blocking reasonable water­
power legislation own and are hold­
ing millions of water horsepower
undeveloped and out of use while
clamoring for more.
Tlx* time has come when such
obstruction threatens the nation’s
safety and success. We need th«*
development of these powers in war
even more than in peace. At the
coming session of congress sound
waterpower legislation should be
IT^RJS t Î f ÎÊ d I 0
We JJmit It
Unscrupulous patent medi­
cine manufacturers are
advancing their price« un­
necessarily. Especially is
thia true of the heavy
Former 50c
articles are now 60c. and
SI articles SI.15 or SI.25.
Do you feel inclined to en­
trust the prroarations of a
company s>> quick to take
advantage of you in this
matter of price advance­
ment? Can you believe
that they are treating you
fair. The fact that many
of the advance prices are
unnecessary is bom out by
the fact that two of the
most reliable companies are
maintaining old prices The
Rexall Co. and the Nyal
Co. still sell their 50 cent
articles at 50c and their SI
articles at SI. Beat the
"advancers” at their game
an<i trust the preparations
or a company with an
honest business policy.
T ff I-4IRD. /W
Your Local Paper
11.50 THE YEAR
A Growing Benevolent Order
If you are n«»l a auluicriber for
The Tribune. why not? If you have
an addition to your family, it an
nouncva th«* glad fact; if you get
married it tell» of your joy, and if
the final summons come», it la ready
to publish your obituary. Moreover
if you make a change in your buai-
newt.'sell your farm or buy one,
make a visit elsewhere or receive
visits from your relatives or friends,
it tells about it if it can get the
data. In fact your local pa|>er is
vour medium of publication of
neighborhood news events.
may not like the editor nor his em­
ployes. but this should make no
difference. It is the neighboihood
news items you want and your local
news|>aprr is the best means of get­
ting it. Hence, if you are not a
subscriber, why not?
Is-onidaa Lodge No. 36, K. of P.!
of this city, has Iweome one of. if it
is not now. the leading order of our
town. Instituted in 1H90. it ia the
youngest benevolent order in the
city. Iveomdas had to struggle for
her existence in the early 9<hi and
not until the erection of the present
lodge home, was tbe lodge put upon
a constant upward growth. Now
the membership is about 70 and
new members are constantly joining.
This lodge now has two members in
th«- army, th«- dur* of whom are
marked "paid” until such members
are regularly discharged
As noted
last week, the lodge subscribed $25
to the Red Croas fund, which makes
leomdas the lea«ler in patriotism of
the several beneficiarv orders of the
Albert Johnson of Hoquiam, Wash ,
on» of flv» American congressman re-
ported under tir» in Belgium.
With the American Army In France
—The artillery fighting tn the »«ctor
held by American troops has become
more lively and there have been fur­
ther raaualil«». shrapnel wounding
some m«n In ths* trenches.
The visibility la becoming better and
It la considered certain that more dam
age and casualtie» have been caused
In th« German lines than th« Germane
have Inflicted on the America»».
The French general commanding the
aector has mentioned In the dispatches
15 American officers »nd »«Idler», In
eluding three who were killed, for •»-
cellent military qualities and for brav
ary display«d In he r«*«ent trench raid
The results obtained by the enemy
were very small, he having been un
able to penetrate more than the first
line trenches because of th* resistance
of th* American soldier» with rifle
and pistol fire and hand grenades Th*
enemy had to content himself, th* cits
tlon continues, with carrying off a
few prisoners
Steamer Mariposa Sinks.
Seattle —The »learner Mariposa, the
largest and finest passenger steamer
on the Alaska run. owned by the Alaa
ha Steamship company, was wreched
on a reef oa Straits island. In Sum
mrr straits. W miles from Wrangell,
and sank after the 218 passengers and
the entire crew had been taken off
by the steamers Curacao. Jefferson
and Ravalli
Convictions End Draft Law Conspiracy
Seattle, Wash -Mai Gorman and
Mr» Rose Leshln. convicted of con
»piracy lo assist Joseph Gottatsln in
evading the draft law, were sentenced
by United States I>1»trlct Judge J er*
miah Neterer. Gorman to 10 years at
the federal pemtentlary al McNeil’s
island and Mrs lx-shla to sit months
In the Pierre county fall The woman
was also fined |5t>0.
L enacted as a war measure, based
upon ptinciples fair to all aides,
| These principle» I believe to te
I briefly as follows;
1. The thing to do with water-
I power is to develop it. Whatever
retards or restricts the development
1 of public waterpower» on terms fair
I to the public is against public policy
and hostile to the general welfare.
2. Waterpower belongs to the
people. The sites where it ia pro­
duced should always be held in pub­
lic hands, for only so can effective
control in the general interest be
(Continued on page 2)
The High school and eighth grade
boys played the first banket hall t
game of the M-a*>n last Friday night
The High school boys were victori­
ous. the score being 21 to II
Our High school yell leader is
very proud of his team. Their yell­
ing last Friday night was certainly
The senior» are thinking of giving j
a plav sometime after the holidays. ,
The High school is rejoicing for
the last month’s tents are safely
Russia baa no strong man now Prem
ter Kerensky baa drupprd otii of sight.
One report had him a refugee In dis
guise, fleeing from Bolahevlkl wrath
General Kornlloff'a whereabouts were
not stated
In France tbs training of American
troops Is being carefully carried out.
In the sector where our forces are In
the trenches they have shown them
s*lvew worthy of the b*»l traditions of
our armies
Italy’s armies are making a heroic
and. so far. suce«-«aful stand against
the AuatroGerman masses, thrown
against them In desperate attacks
along th* line of the Mass river and
In tbe mountainous region from th*
Have westward to the edge of the
Trent I no district.
The latest unofficial advices from
Russia Indicate that Petrograd and
Moscow are In th* hands of the Bol
shevlkl and that Sebastopol, lb* big
naval base and arsenal In tbe Black
sea. has gon* over to th* workmen and
soldiers' delegates, the sailors of the
fleets having sworn allegiance to thsm.
I, W. W. Suspects Face Federal Court.
Camp Lewis. American Lake, Wash
—■Fourteen alleged I W W . who were
arrested laat week by the military pn
lice at Camp Lewie, and held in the
guard house since, will be tried In the
federal court rather tbaa by court
martial, according lo Instructions re­
ceived frotn Washington.
Hoover Warns Housewives
Washington Information ha» reach
ed the food administration that per
sons In different parts of the country
are representing themselves to house
wives as government agents empower
sd to commandeer foodstuffs
Administrator Hoover denounced them
as impostors
London. The city of Jaffs, on the
Mediterranean coast. was taken poe
«•-«•ion of by th«- lirltlah army In
The Turks, who are apparently con
Gnulng their withdrawal, offered no
If the Kgypilan expeditionary force
hasps up Its present rate of «peed the
envelopments of Jerusalem and Beth
l«-h«-m will be complete on three side»
within two weeks
Joppa la conald
erably northwest of the holy city. l»l
rectly south of It another arm of th*
British army has now reached within
It miles of the town
Th* subjugation of the Palestine
country and defeat of the Turks prob
ably will mean a junction of General
Allenby’s army with that of General
Maude, who. with approximately 300.
000 men. Is now at Tekrit. north and
West of the PalsOtiM fords
Caught In Burst of Garman Machins
Gun Fir» In Belgium.
British Front in Belgium.—Five
members of th«- party of American
congressmen, while visiting the Bel
gian war lone, had a narrow escape
from death or Injury when they were
'-aught In a sudden burst of German
machine gun fir» while Inspecting lhe
front line trenchee n*4r thxmude
Tbe American» In danger were (’on
gresaman C. C. DHL of Spokane,
Waab.; Congressman Charles B Tim
berlake. of Colorado; Congressman
John F. Miller, of Beattie, Waab.: Con
greaarnan Albert Johnson, of Hoquiam,
Wash . and former Representative
Stout, of Montana. Nobody was hit.
but It was on» of those peculiar freaks
of fortune which soldiers call luck,
because the shots came In a ebower,
so close to them It seemed almost c*r (
lain same one must be wounded, al '
though they war» exposed only for a
brief time
Rlotlrg Reported In Berlin.
London.—Berlous rioting took place
In Berlin last Bunday, according to
dispatches received by tbe Wireless
Prana and the Kxchange
company from Amsterdam Tbe mes
ease says that the fighting between
the mob and the police was very fierce
and that there was a heavy casualty
list as the police used their firearms.
Lloyd George Defends Position.
London — Premier Lloyd Oeorge de .
fended himself In the bouse of com
mons against the first serious attack
his administration has faced, and so
far as tbe commons Is concerned bln
dtftuw seemed highly succoMful Th*
prime minister's admirers call It a
Tbo Scio Tribune $1 50 the yoar i
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor­
mation of Our Readers.
The annual Coquille corn carnlv^
was held on November Id and 17
Between 10.000 and 12,000 men are
employed In the shipyards in Portland
and Astoria. It ia estimated
All members of th* bar of Oregon
will be aak«-d to assist In handling the
legal phases of the next draft.
Three companies of tbe 3d Oregon,
companb-s A. II and C. have takeu out
I0.vs7.000 tn war life Insurance.
A movement Is on foot to develop
the halibut banka off the west coast
of Ijvne county and furnish cheap fish
to the ettlsona of Kugene.
The University of California foot­
ball team »aa defeated by the Univer­
sity of Oregon on Kincaid field at
Kugene by a »cor* of 31 io 0.
I C Robnett. of Central Point, cap­
tured automobile license No I of the
1918 la»ue In a drawing held In Secre­
tary of Btate Olcott'a office.
Walter Thorni‘>n. 25. of Amity, of a
family well known In Oregon and
Washington, has been killed In action
during a gas attack In France,
With »even referendum measures
already In sight for 1*18. present ap­
pearances Indicate that Oregon will
again have a l- ngthy ballot nest year.
At a of delegates from the
various sranr*-» In Clatsop county, a
resolution was adopted authorlvlns
the county Pomona grange to appoint
a buying and selling agent to represent
th* grans* members
The Coo» county court his decided
tn ewure a true valuation of the real
property and Intends having a .com
plate survey mad* for readiness for
th* 1918 budget, which will carry th»
appropriations for 1919
Two hundred to<| of llm* fertlllsei
a day «III h* th* output of the Gold
Hill property recently leased by th*
elate llm«- board
Tbe quarry la ex
parted to be In operation In llm* to
supply spring fertiliser
Th* presidency of Kansas Asrlcul
tural college, paying a salary of 8‘«0<X
a year, haa been offered tn President
William J Kerr, of tbe Oregon Agri
cultural college, by members of th»
Kansas board of regents.
It la announced that a 100.000 foot
saw mill will be erected at Pringle
falls, near Bend, chia winter for the
purpose of cutting the whit* pine that
la to b* found In that vicinity
mill «III b* built tiy the White Pin*
Lumber company.
A Word to
Well People
The modern drug shop is not
merely a place where quinine
and other bitter potions are
dispensed, but it la a store
with an especial up|wu! to the
well. Please do not think we
are most happv when you are
sick. Of course, when sick new»
does come, we are glad tn have
the privilege of furnishing pure
potent drugs to fill your pre-
erip lions
But we have a
thousand and one things that
you need besides medicine.
Come in and see what an array
of things ws have which will
contribute to the comfort and
convenience of the well.
Druggist and Stationer