The Scio tribune and Santiam news, consolidated. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1917-1919, August 02, 1917, Image 3

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    mg.Te r—fn«^-aT rrtor-irj». mt .T« tta only way out of the matter was
«teetioed to give It >m tta ground that f«»r on« to lay «¡aim to the eatat« and
a wo-nan’a age Is ber private property | the ottiee to .¡¡«, .<« tta claim Th1.«
Tta truth la that if ta knew ber age * would bring the matter tafora th«
at»! It was tw-nrer th« |><lse tbau his court, w bo « oui«l giv e a dcv-talou.
H« water. nothing umki i«e da»«« be
he might prepare hltusclf to pros- that
he was ol<)er <w younger than ata wax f >re th« 1st of June next, and that was
ills» JuUs I*••!• wortb wss equally os •till threw m«*ntb» distant. Meanwhile
prumtocut In eoclety as Koger Deane, Koger iw-aue aud Julia iKaiaworth had
They met quite
and tta pnesesstoo of property worth • «wmmoo Uitnreat
several trnndo-d thousand dollar« wuoM often with a view to finding aom« way
ta as mob of at» Ad>«i>tagv« to tar as by wb h they might at least divide
to him
Mta itatefore canrlutied to Hi« b*heritau «. It was suggested that
cultivate him. with a view to getting* they bunt up the doctors who presided
out of him hts agr Neither would be •I their birth hi order to discover
<>o Jun* 1. MS®», much Ices than two which had been horn at ths earlier
years atara twenty, but no «me >«f the hour of the day l>eane was stx-eaa-
«tewvndan’s of tta original lirane or ful on bl« part. He found th« doctor
Dodawretb ha<! turned up nearer tta wb<> brought him Into the world, who
bv reference to certain notes he had
required agw. ami It ere-med proiwble
taken down with regard to bis pntleiKa
that re»« nr the other of ttawa two
found a record that Roger bad been
woubl get |ta fiwtune
bom at 5 oefock tn the morntng of
As tta time drew near for tta turn
April Id, l«TB This, the lawyers said
tor over tb» s«-re to tta designated
would not give him the property uulesa
heir MesarA Ackley A Th- rp wrot« to proof was adduced that Mias I‘ «la
tta Deanes and ItaJnwortlM to state
worth Usd been tarn at a later hour of
tbelr agre
Roger Imane and Julia the dgy. t*<> there was wot blag gained
Dodsworth were tnrlmlrd In tta tn for Itaatiu Aud as few Miss Dodn-
quirles Each had been endeavoring to aorth. It simply meant that by h inting
learn tta re tar’ a age. but ttelitar tad up tor owu record ab« would run
sur»•<•!•*•! "Th, refere neither bad any twulva >*ban«*vs to on« of giving the
advantage <wer the other In thia re­ property to Dvsn*
spe« t There was nrehlug for either
By this time this matter of mutual
to d«> btif give the true date of birth
Intacret had drawn tliem so closely to-
Bore» after doing ao es*-h recelt«l a grtlwr that If II «-«mid ha»« been set*
letter sating that tx-tli bed toen bum tied by their marrlara there would
no tta sain» day and this would render have team n«> further dUBculty
tta will inrewrattve «toe» it dUtltictly
M um Dtaleworth remembered that a
•I*«» i fie. I that Ibe pi**pcrty ta tumel woman usu>cl McCann bad lived with
over eu tta 1st *«f June. HXM, to the tier mother •• houaekee|ier or upper
re>e iwr«iw near««' to twenty years of servant for many years. When J nils
sge No one hud ret appeared to ta we« alxnit twelve year« of age Mrs
nearer than they to the designated
M'^'ann had left the family, lib« was
age. but the property, tmder a literal
with theta when Julia was born and
iuierpretatiuu of the w bl. o-uid not be
might remember the hour of ber birth.
¿1«en to either
Julia tw-gan s system of sdvvrttalng
Roger Iteane arxi Julia Ik.isworth for the wmnati, and a rrsi*ooaa was
vlaited ths attorneys with a view to a filially elicited
She wrote Julia that
They at first suggreted
she had k-|.’ a l«-ti«‘r Mank book. In
that the property ta divide«! tatween
whl«'h she had outed Iniportant «rente
Hut the lawyers would ure do
Hits bo>>k was, with other effects, in •
this without an order from tta ctaurt of
trunk in a garret of uoe of Mrs M<-
< turn ery. Imane took the man of law
t'aiiu a relatives She wtaild get It and
•side and asked him If marriage would
settle the matter. Tta reply »»» that •re If It contained th« required Infer
tbougii m«i> jy’«* wife «ere ouo tn cor.
While waiting for this Julia told
iiuu respe« i,. U« the eye of tta law
After Roger atH>ut It Roger said that if the
•bey «'
mt in «all
«'«led that book cnctalne«t a memorandum of the
llh I» ■
hour of Jnlia’a blrtb he re at» would
inherit the acre. Hut be had a doaam
«« to one <>! ba
«-¡r Then
be told her that be had become attach
< h ! to ber and proi-cauMl that, whether be
or »lie or neither the «me nre the other
Inherited, they pa«a the reat of their
livre as man awl wife. Jolla waa of
the same mind, and they pltgbtel tbelr
troth, their union to take plare Irre­
ap» tire of what by thia time they bad
com« to ■ all the golden acre
A few «lays after their betrothal Mrs
klct'aun arut her notebredi by register­
ed mail t«> Julia. Julia turned over the
leavre hastily till she came to May and
June. 1S79. aud there found an eutry.
"At HI o’chM-fc In th« morning nt Apr!)
10, a little girl was born.”
Mias Ikap.worth «-onstrued this as
proof that ah« tad won, sltw-e sb« was
born nearer to the 1st of June. 1900,
then liogrr She sent 11» u«*tebook to
sttorueys wrote linger that she
made up ber mind she did not love
as much as ah« thought ■be did
broke the engagement
This break prevented any further
eonferetn e. and when the 1st of June
cam« round ea< b received a n«Hlc« to
spi-ar at noon on that day at Ackley
A Tborp'a offlee
They found there
quite a ntuutier of dewceudanta of the
original Imane and I »«Is worth of va
rtoua ages Mr. Ackley thus a fid rested
UtoM present
"By tta terms stipulated fifty year«
ago today by Ellbu Deane and Herbert
f»udaworth a certain acre of land was
t*equcxthed to such one of lb<dr de
scviidauta, male or female, who stwniM
» «?-. »Äy
tie nearest to twenty years of see an
the 1st of Jun«. Rast There are four
persons living wbo sstS l>oni near Utat
date ami who are drecendants of H
(her lMsne or l>«*d«w-onh—vis, ftogre
I Marie. Julia Itodawurth. led ward
Payne and F.mtna Osborne, t«orn May
3». I**-*«». Kmma Ogtarn«. having pro
du«-«*d aatlafa<-t«»ry evidence of blrtb.
will undoubtedly be adjudged th« heir
rant ix
by the siirrvguta"
The nun with less than $1000 to «pend
There was an Involuntary bum of
simply cannot find another Six as economi­
dlsaattsfar tbm throughout the a seem
Roger Iteane and Julia Imds
cal, ns high-powered, as well built and
worth kaiked at each other aud laugh
finished, as roomy ami as easy riding as
e>t H<«th Iwiug rl< h. they could aff«>rd
to laugh
Mr. Ackley walked up to a demure
No other popular-priced Six follows so
looking girl dressed very plainly and
doaely the standards of construction of the
eougrat'ilated ber ou attaining tta poo
session of the golden acre. Mr Sidney
higher-priced cars.
Walker also »«ngratulated ber. Yield­
T he only way to really appreciate the
ing to an Impuls«, ata threw her arma
about bla neck.
exclusive quality of the
rant ix is to
Walker during Ma tnveatigatlnna as
check it up point by point with all othep
to wbo would inherit tta gulden acre
popular-priced Sixes.
bad fotmd a little schoolteacher living
tn Missouri wbo wss about tta re­
According to the run of market prices
quired age He corr«sf«»ndsd with bar.
the rant ix is at least a $1000 car — yet
told ber of tta fortune that was to ta
you can Iniy it now for $875 —
turned over to tta legal heir and helped
her to obtain undoubted proof of tta
on<f now ta tA« time to bay iL
day and aven tta hour of ber Mrth
This ta did merely In the line of buab
neaa. Th« girl came to leva him. tat
did not show ber love till tta dsty ata
was adlwlgrd sn heiress
yrt mu
li. mif«-»«». any or «acca
•v«y vbitwl It they oaw a part of the
prairie, on wbkb. aflat a rata. ato«<d
a pool of watrt varying from «•>• to
twrhe luctaa la d«»i
Wbeu forty yenra tad retied round
oritber Iteatt» uur l»«*l«uretb u<<r any
cMM of »Utar wa« tlrtag Tb« re were
many grni.«l< Ulktren. n>me of whom
It Was Half a Century
knew anything about tta acre **f prop
Before It Produced
atty that bad bta» ita! Up f«w half a
century Belare tta death of Ita I«*
tatara a fund tad tareu provpied from
wbk b the taie* were to ta paid. *nd
a «ertalo firm nt lawyers wet« to pay
them In luuu thia Arm dl«a»h«4. and
tbo duty dr«olved upon their auecaan i
In K*» Ellhn !>«ane and ft erbon on By Ibla tUu» tta property had ta
Into a lawsuit over a cot»« a attug fortune, au ! ih -te w «a u>*
(deco of l<«lrU land lotta) • mupl« «tangve of any f*»«nr <>r IkolaworUi
wbo lived ta Cbk-ago n»t ka«*«lng
of mile« from tta «'enter of the city of •nmethJug about It |t«>l botb famille«
Cbkagu. The property was worth ba<l aproad oui far.lik« and bad scat­
oothtug. and the esi*enaea of the «ntt ter rd
were henry
They wer» advised by
t» Ita A kley A Thorp, attoruey*.
their lawyer« to meet with a »low to were <barg>l with tta payment of ita
effecting ■ enmpr«»mise. They cam« to­ taxe« on tta acr«. and the «urna were
auAclently large to ta notlcwabie Sid
gether. atw! l<aUM «aid to Drelaworth
"It 1« tmpoMlbi« for either you or me ney Walker, a young man who had
just been admitted to tta tar, wan a
to realize anything out of thia acre of
clerk to Ita «afir» of Ackley A Tharp,
wortblre« land We’re too old But I •nd tbe par men I of tta taxe« waa ta
think there« guiug to ta a big city truated to him
In this way ta came
hero eouw «lay. and tta property tn. to a knowledge ot tta «tra»®» Joint i
•ay. fifty yeera from now may come will of l*reue ami D<*!*woeth, It or-
within the town ltml;a. It will then be eurra«i to IValkv-r that wiwm tta time
worth «omettilng Kuppua« we tear a II can** r<xtnd to put tta property into
Jointly to our hetraT
ita ha 1« of rhe leglttmata tair It
"That would be like dividing «n would ta important that all tta wren
apple into a couple of d’»xen parts tara of tta Doane and lx»l««ortti fami-
Families multiply, and I doubt if tba Ilea ab’ Uld I m * accounted for
luheritan e wiu ever be worth morw Ing that wh«»-«er 'I'd th!« work would
than. say. a hundred dollars. Suppose doubt I«*** be paid for It. be tagan a
We arr.itue so that It alia!
> t>> one eaareb for every member of Iwth fam­
person yet unborn F’
uli*« But he kept ilia lnre*iigati-*n to
DodaWortb was ready for anv propo- btaaeif
•Itiou that would roileve hl.a vi further
Roger l«eaoe. agni twenty two.
bother couverniug the pnput/. and I grande*» of I'.lHm Draue. a party tn
legal documenta were drown up be th«- will mafic In lAfitt, rvo'iled In <’hl
«Itaatblug It to aueb dew rndaut of rag** betwren 1BBO and !•>«> and bad
either as ahouM tic nearest to twenty bl» eye on the at re «« being tta prewl-
year« old on Juno 1. ll«M>. Both men bl« heir. He «»» • metnhrr
XT of moat
were over fifty at the time the arrange­ of tta clulw of the <->tr and prominent
ment was made, ami both had son» aor'sily f]e hunts«! up all the Iwane«
aud daughters.
an<l Dodawortbs he ««>uM find Ttare
But none of the«« sons or daughters was none nearer than b«- to tta re­
took the aiighlewt interest in the prop quired age
Hut l»e f*> .i ■■! < ne thda
erty that had, so to speak, been put worth. ■ wi« «1*01*1 his « wn age.
• wav for the enjoyment of some^oue ab* might. be bearer than ta.
The Golden
c >Xl
In A Class By Itself
‘HERE is no other car at less than
$1000 that offers a// of the advan­
tages you ¡jet in the («
S .
•A » \
Balfour Has A »»«veg Hama.
txjndon -Tore tar *- « retary Ratfonr
arrived b«»ma from his 'rip to America
of ths British
Phy »nun and Surjcon
Call« Attf*nd«*d
Day or Night
Notary Public ana
Abstracta oí Title Examined
fl II
W. A. Ewing.
A. E. Randall
Vice i'rea.
FL 1). Myers, t'«shier
Does a general banking buaineaa,
receive« deposit* subject tocheca, pays
interest on Ume
travelers check a and drafts,
makes «'ollectHina.
Notice, We have an un­
limited amount of fund«
to lend «>n farm nrcuritv
at ft per cent per annum
Long time loans desired.
No delay.
133 Lyon St,
Albany, Ore.
Best Meals in the City
for 30 Cents
Room 50c and Up
St. Charles
GRANT PIRTLE, Proprietor
Plumbing or Tinning
tare. w. a tiw ta-«••
His Experience is Worth Money
to You
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Final Account
Notice ia hereby given that the un­
dersigned a«fminl«tratrix of the estate
of Joiin W Powell, deceased, has fib-«!
her final account in said ratal« with
the County Clerk of l.lnn County, tiro
gon, and the County Court of s»i«l
county has set Monday, August .l>.
1917, at one o’clock In tta afternoon,
at the County Court Houa*- in Albany,
IJnn county, Oregon, •« the tin««, and
place for the hearing of objections to
such final account, and the settlement
Dated and published the first time
thia 12lh day of July. 1917.
M arqamt M P owbix ,
Administratrix of the estate of John
W. Powell, deceased.
S am ’ i. M. G a K mxb ,
Attorney for Administratrix.