». : - 4 'Vf, THE SCIO TRIBUNE AND SANT1AM NEWS, CONSOLIDATED r;v SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. JULY IV, 1917 VOL. XX. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor­ mation of Our Readers. I Drowned at Waterloo On Annual Outing BETHMANNHÛLLWEG Dr. A. (>. Prill left Monday morn- i ing for his annual outing at Camp | Prill on Marton lake, exporting to : ; William Zlmbrick, aged 19 years, was drowned at Waterlou last Sun­ day afternoun, Zim brick waa a good swimmer and dived from a n>ck near th« falls. Wh«n he came to the surface he called for help Despite the fact that a large num­ ber of other« were bathing at the same time, no one could or would go to the rescue The body waa recovered at or near the bridge two hours later. Effort« were made with a pulmotor, but was without avail. Zitnbrick was a farm hand nt Sodaville. Hia home waa at Bea ver ton. be gone for a week to ten days. He joined the rest of hiu party on the train at Munkers. the personnel of whom are Dr. Dale, of Harrisburg. Dr. Campbell. Mr. Overbeck. James Morris and R. C. W inters, of Port- land Camp Poll was eaUblished by the doctor, whose name it bears The camji is »*omp<>«ed of a g was selected as the next well. place of meeting of the I'niied Swedish Bingers of the Pacific coaat at the GREECE ENTERS WAR close of their convention at Tacoma All troops in tha Oregon national Conoids re M«re«lf a Belligerent •nd guard not now in federal aarvieo, with Army Soon to Be Mobllli«d. the single exception nf staff corp« and Washington —Washington haa been departments, will be mobilised on July officially advised that Greece baa not i *1.60 THE YEAR only «evsred relation« with Germany Robert Booth, pioneer minister, last •nd the three other central powers, of thoa« clo««ly identified with early but la actually tn » «tat« of war rehgious work tn Oregon, died «1 tha against them France has been not! h u« of hi« «on. IL A. Booth, ia fled that Greac« cooaldera herself a Eugene full belligerent and will act accord A company to be known «« tha Pa ingly. eific Coast Linen Milla, with a capital Greer« la expected to I om no tim« stock of tZ&O.OM. has bwsa orgamtad I la mobilising h«r war resources and to manufacture flat and hrmp preducta totning «ffacttvely In the alllM' op«r In Portland atlona In th« Balkan« Professor M. B McKay of the de­ CommlMioner Jornart. whom th« partment of horticulture at th« Oregon allies entrusted with enforcing Con­ Agricultural college has be«« called to stantines abdication, haa reported eastern Oregon to tnvretlgal« « ««nous that a Greek army of 2S0.000 will be potato dtscaae. raised to add to the 700,000 allied Five visitor« to th« «t«t« druggists soldiers already In tha Balkans. convention at Sreslde ware ««riously injured while taking a «pl« In an auto B««ttl« Car Men Walk Out. to Cannon twacb. when the machine Beattie. — Between l&M and 1WS ran into a crab-holo and overturned. member« of the Amalgamated A mo Th» m»n injured are C. A. R kalian. station ot Street and Electric Railway Portland representative of th« United Employe« employed by the Puget Riat«« Rubber Co.. two ribo brehen; Round Traction. Lieht A Power com- W L F»rdon. ot Ban Franctaco, back paay. which op<-rales moat of th« Injured and cut about th« taco and street railways of 8-attta, want on fe tags. A W Allan, «ecrotary of th« i •ink« Monday nicht * association, face cut and tooth Jarrod .. ,ee IWOivU loose. Glen 0 Hart, «f Portland, brute ed about the h»ad and body. W. *. Ing Oregon b-u« book, which will *-• Aawyer. knee in]ur«d and body brute issued by Seorrlary Otcuu ebortly. •how Hint in th« right regular and ed and cut Hundreds ot trees tn tho Long Tom two special «dccton» stnc« IMS. at district of ItaM county, Infected with which InUlativa or referendum meas­ fire blight, have been cut down and i ure« hav« been voted on. a total of destroyed during the last taw weeks US measure« have b«en submitted te upon th« direction of C. E. Btowart. tha people. Ot this number M have county fruit inspector. Tho ftald of paaaed and N have been defeated. Following ■ conference between Gov­ bls operation« ha»« «xtandod no far north as tho Benton county lino. Tho ernor Jam«« W itb/combe, Adjutant blight, which Io declared to bo ths General Q«mg« A. White and State worst disease known to attach fruit Hr« Marshal oarvay Wciia aa to the I W W s.iwatloa in «aa»sr« Oregon ire««, has been spreading badly amoag the wild hawthorn« and crebappta th« adjutant general aanounesd that trees In lb« Ixmg Toot bottoms Th« there 1« In proc«»« of formation a bat­ only remedy io tho daetrectioa of tho talion to be mada up of men of «x- trees A few fruit tree« m farm« 1« per1«nc«d military training, to b« ata- tioaad partuanaatly la Oregon tar that region were also found to bo Red Croat Meeting Th»- Scio contingent of tha Red Cross will meat at tbv Christian church Friday night. Th« member­ ship roll ia still open for signatures and everyone is cordially invited to become identified with tha move­ ment. Former Chanesllor Von Bethmaan- HoHweg, who was lorctd ta realgn so • result of Internal trouble« In Gar many. MOBILIZATION OF GUARD IS BEGUN Washington Mobtlliatton of th« national guard began Monday While no orders for embarkation of •tat« troop» for France will be given no HI after August i when the entire fore« will b» formally drafted into the United B’at«« army. tb«r« are Indica­ tions that «otn« divisions will be re­ garded •• ready to board transports soon after that date Rapid progress la being made In re­ lieving guard regiments which have been la the federal service alnco the declaration of war guarding property Thia work will b» taken over largely by civilian watchmen. fkeparturo of the guardsmen for France, it was Indicated, will bo gov •mod by the shipping problem. War department officials regard many divisions ot the alate troops as virtually ready now for tha Intensive training behind the fighting Itn« In France which will prepare them for their place In tha trench«« There 1« no reason why some elements could not go forward at one«, except lack of transportation and tha submarine menaco. EUROPEAN WAR NEWS Th» reports from Itarlla show that tha reii-hstag baa gone on strike against tha crown and the military party, apparently In the Interest of a parliamentary ay«t»in of government. - In Champagne to th« north of Mont Hau' and northeast of Tha Teton, the French In a violent attack captured powerfully organised German trench •foment« on a front of mor« than SM yards and to • depth of more than JO# yards Ry th« capture of Rukaaowleat 'the Gnlta Ltpe river, the Russian« ar« now la«« than st mil«« from the On- tlctan capital, on th« southern «14». Thia repreaenta an advance ef mor« than I? miles In the Rtanistau-Hallre- R-iatany «eetor «Inc« Geseral Ksrnl- loff opened hl« offensive. Tha peace clamor la growing both 1« Germany and Austria Hungary. Fart of tha treuhla between th« retcha tag and tha govaralng elaaa la ovar the government's persistent declination to •rata Osrmany s peace terms aa th« basis of tha aon-annniatlon deutaad««, by «hat now comprise« • majority block la tho reirhstag Tb« Sdo Tribune. 11.60 per year Wall Paper Duplay Peery’• Drug Store has evolved a very original and satisfactory scheme for displaying wail paper. A «am­ ple of each design in stock ia draped over a frame work above the «helv­ ing entirely «round the «lore, «bow­ ing a four foot atrip of paper with border attached and an eighteen inch piece of ceiling above. it takes but a few minutes te make a «election from the entire stock, whereas, in the olden days it took several hours of the proprietors and customers time and finally a selection was made from a down or so sample« that had been •cat- lered about the store. Get Your Drsfl Number The Tribune now has ths official namt>er« of men subject to draft for North and Sauth Mdo, Shelburn. Jordan, Providence and Santiam precincts It Is important that every voung man should know his number, an that he can respond when ealled without thw formality of official notice. The drawing will be made at Washington. D. C.. next Satur day. REPUBLICANS TAKE PEKIN Cemplats Restoration «f Republic Is Indicat«« by D«cl«lv« Victory. Washington —Th« occupation of Pekin by the republican rurce«, fol lowing th« surrender at Fung Tai ot the Monarvbtat army of 10.OM man. Indicate« the complete restoration of th« republic, th« » tun««« legation here declared Order In th« capital waa restored with few caaualtl««. Th« advices «aid that two foreign civilian« and four foreign sold tar» who ventured to th« firing line ware «lightly wounded. » hang Haun, who led U>« revolt ol th« imperialist«, took refug« In th« Dutch legation In order to obtain «at« conduct out of th« country Premier Tuan »’hl Jul will eatabllah republican headquartsra in Pekin immediately, it is «aid. Garman Attach« R«p«ll«e. Parts—A strong sen«« of Oormaa attacks b»i»t»n tb« H*>uuu« and th« Alane and In th« Cbauipaan« wer« re­ pulsed everywhere racept near Moat Haut in the I hampague. where they retained a lew trench «tamaata. U m war office «um-uucod. GERMAN IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR RESIGNS f. Dr. Georg Michaelis Appointed to Succeed Von Beth* mann-Hollweg. London — Dr. von Bethmann Holt w«g. th« German Imperial chancellor, has reaignod. according to messages oirculated through the wireless sis lions by ths German government Dr Georg Michaelis Prussian un d«roser«tary of flnauc« and food com- mlaalonsr. has been appointed to auo c«ed Dr. von Bethmauu llollwcg. Rumors of tha abdication of th« kaiser were not confirmed. A Bern« diapaich aays an official telegram has been received there from Berlin announcing th« rrelgnation ol General von Rteln, th« Prussian mIn­ later of war The importane« ot hl* resignation lisa tn the fact that th« Prussian war ministry la In reality tha war ministry for the German «m plre and that General von Stein la a staunch supporter of the I'an Ger­ mans. who are the bitterest opponents of peace without annexatlona or In­ dem al ties The political turmoil which haa been convulsing Germany aver alnco Rua •la's flrat startling success on tho re sumption of her offensive haa cutmln •tsd for th« preeeni In the rreignation ot tho Imperial chancellor. Dr. voo Bethmann Hollweg. but all Indications aorvo to show that bls resignation, far from being the last act in tha drama, la but ths hoginning of tar reaching developments which are bound to affect th« fabric of th« O«r- man empire and hav« momentous sequence» on th« progrsaa of th« £u ropeau strugg!« Rueolane' Advance Captures Vitiagse. ‘Petrograd .--On a front of nearly to mil»» from Halles to th« foothill« of the Carpathian« th» Russians have ad »anred westward across the Lorun lea and north seros« th« Dniester, cap­ turing eeveral villages sod important •nemy positions 1f00 I. W. W.’s Piscsd In Camp. Columbus. N M -The 1100 Indu« trial Worker« of th« World banished from Biabe« arrived her« from H«r- maaaa. N M . and were placed under guard of United Sial»« troops. Colarad« W«man N. F A. Preaidant. Portland. Ore.—Mary