The Scio tribune and Santiam news, consolidated. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1917-1919, June 14, 1917, Image 1

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»1.50 THE YEAR
NO. 45.
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor»
malion of Our Reader«.
Day ol Grace Paaaad
A Busy Plsce
Portland. June 13.—■The period
I of grace for men of military age
The condenaerv is now the busiest!
place in Scio.
new annex to the
on War <'ensue Day. ia ended
up new machinery an<i taking care
From now on every slacker ia to
I m - hunted
There will lie no more leniency.
ft-r*berrv pick mt began at Hood . ed official instructions from the
River thia w**k.
' provost marshal general, at Wash­
Oregon'* official war a*rvle* regia
ington. that the most vigorous en­
trn'lon totaled 42.900
Ara lea lxvdg*. I O O F. of Rlddl*. forcement of the penal clause of
the law will be required against all
will buy a I1M "Liberty** bond
The Oregon «tat* Hanker» aaaoc'.a who have not registered.
tlon convened at Marshfield last week.
It is announced that the quota of
Pendleton was the first city In th*
men to be drafted into the military
ata'* that met Its Liberty Bond quota
Approximately 1*.000 young men of service from each state will be
MCtaomah rounty registered for war based on previous census estimates,
not on the
The fourth older girls- e«inf*renc* of figures, which in Oregon were slight­
aaat-rn Oregon convened In I-a Grand*
ly lower than the estimate. Inas­
Th* fund for the Woman a memor much as the m«n to be called are
lai building at th* University has chosen by lot. the failure to regis­
passed 1151-00
ter of any man who should have
The Dallas commercial club has de done ao increases the chance* against
elded to hold an old fashioned cel*
every ether man who did his duty
bration on July 4
Th* Oregon Osteopathic association and registered.
will hold Its mid year meeting In Sa
On* of the blr rest and oldest ranch
lem. June 15 and I*
In central Oregon, belonging to
Charles L. McNary, appointed to
sun *ed the 1st* Senator Lan*, was G*orgc Mlllhan. was sold to
Sloan, a wealthy stockman of L'tua
sworn In laat Friday
J Htultx a carpenter of Corvallis, Ulla. It la understood that th* deal
committed suicide by shooting him Involves approximately 150,000 and
concerns about 300 acres of tillable
self through the head
The Lebanon mohair pool of MOO land, about 1700 acres of range land
fleeces or about It» 000 pounds waa sold and 7*»o head of cattle and horses.
Organisation of the Oregon Ship
at dl»q cents a pound
Th* drotiata of the stat* of Oregon Timber Milla, perfected in Portland,
will hold their annual convention In provides for th* •■»tabhahment at
Portland of an excluaiv* sawmill for
Portland June 14. IS and 14
1 i< « atl»n for th* first unit of th* turning out long lengths and dim«n
Wittenberg-King evaporating plant at aion material for wooden ship con
struction. and In (hat re«p*ct it will
Salmi ha* already been started
Irvin* P Gardner of Rlddl*. ha* a be equipped to cut th* longest Um
ben, R 0744 that has Just completed beta of any mill on th* Pacific Coast.
W. J Conrad and A E Adealperger.
a record of 111 eggs tn a* many days.
Returns from all th* counties tn th* timber dealers of Marshfield, an
state give a majority of 14.759 in fa­ nounc* that they have closed the deeds
vor of the 14.000 «00 stat* road bond for th* sale of Umber in Coos county
aggregating 500 000 000 feet
Most of
Federal authorities ar* Investigat­ the purchasers were eastern capitalists
ing reports that forged registration and In some cases the purchase of
cards tor th* selectlv* draft ar* being Umber will unimatcly be followed by
sold tn Portland to protect some who lumbering operations on the part of
failed to register
the purchaser*.
A circular has been issued and sent
The ear shortage, which for many
to posts of th* Department of Oregon. months has wrought Industrial havoc
G A R , announcing lb* sudden death In many parts of th* northwest I*
on June 1 of H 8 Fargo, ex de part
Report* issued by the public
ment commander.
Service commission show that the Ore
Several wage Increase* were granted gon Washington Railroad 4 Navlga
by ihe stat* board of control to *m- tlon Company has a surplus of 74J
pk>y*e at various state Institutions at care and the Oregon Trunk a surplus
the request of th* superintendents of of 114. The Southern Pacific now has
such institutions
a shortage of only 39 care. Tbs Spok
The H 8 Gil* Company, with head an*. Portland A Seattle waa abort 129
quarter* at Halves and with a branch care. The Oregon Electric bad 24 un
office at Roseburg. Las leased a tract filled ear orders and tbs Untied Hall
of ground at Riddle and la preparing ways seven
to erect a prune warehouse.
A call baa been Issued by th* Oregon
While on ruard duty at on* of the public service commission for a meet
tunnel* between Mosier and The Ing to be held In Portland for th* pur
Dalle*. Private M N Miller, gf Com­ pose of arranging standards of grain,
pany K. was struck by a passing bay and other agricultural product*.
freight train and severely Injured
The meeting will b* held on Jun* It
R D lietsel. director of the exten i Invitations have been issued to lead
alon service at the Oregon agrtcultur Ing grain grower*, grain dealer* and
al college, has been offered th* presl ; other* lntere*t*d In the matter The
deucy of th* New Hampshire agricul­ 1 purpose Is not only to describe and
tural college and has the offer und*r j fix standard*, but to formulate rules
. for weighting and handling th* com
F T Toose city superintendent of modules specified In th* grain Inapse
schools of Oregon City, has rejected I tlon law passed by tbs last legtala
nattering offer* from Roseburg and ; lure
will remain In charg* of local school*,
At a Joint session of the stat* board
having recently been elected to serve of control and th* state highway com
another term
mlMtoa at Belem. It was virtually de
Oregon'a largest Liberty loan sub­ rld*d to carry to the supreme court.
scription to date waa made Saturday I tn a friendly suit, th* question of
when Ma* H Houser, grain exporter, ! whether th* stat* eaa Issue the entire
authorised th* purchase, through »1.*00.004 worth of bonds to meet the
three Portland gunks, of »2M.0M 8h»rklefoi# federal road money as
worth of bonds
provided for in th* B*an Barrett bond
Delegates from California. Washing Ing bill of th* last legislature. or
ton and British Columbia porta a* whether the state can tasu* only a suf­
armbled at Portland Monday for ths ficient amount of such bonds to cover
annual district meeting of the Coast I any deficiency that might exist, after
Maritime association, continued tn see
i th* highway millage tax has bees ap-
sion during th* week
I *Usd to meet ths federal read fund
building, ae tting
of about 19.000 pounds of milk i
daily, the people are convinced that ’
th«- new comnany means business
Governor Withycotnbe has recetv-
With fitting up the
who failci for any reason to register
Germans First Blown up and
Then Rolled Back in New
Some 12 to i« people are employ­
General Cadorna, th*
Italian com­
mander who directed the big advance
against th* Austrian*
London.—General Pershing waa re­
ceived at Buckingham palace by King
George He was presented to the King
by Lord Brooke, commander of the
Twelfth Canadian Infantry brigade
King George. In addressing General
Pershing, said
■'ll has been the dream of my Ute
to a*e th* two great English speaking
nation* mor* closely united. My
dreams have been realised It is with
the utmost pleasure that 1 welcome
you at the head of the American con­
tingent to our shores.“
Newspaper editorials. * bile welcom­
ing General
dwell particularly upon the stgnlfl
eases of the arrival of the American
advance guard as a symbol of “per­
haps the greatest of all the grsat
events in the midst of which we are
living —go visibly great that none can
pretend to foresee what the full bar
vest w ill be for the English speaking
world and the scared doctrines It
txcepi ■**
County Fair Prospects
Are Better This Year
Prospects for
Linn «ountv
London — The wiping out ol the
ed in turning the raw milk into the German salient al Mes*ln«-s sppesre
condensed product of which 200 merely th* prelude to a projected bat­
case* ia the daily output. Juat as tle of a far mightier description
The Germans, though apparently
*x»n as the new machinery is in­
aware that th* blow waa coining and
stalled. the output will be multiplied -
seemingly prepared to meet It. were
by four, providing the raw milk can driven from their nearly three years*
be secured.
We understand the hold on Messln** ridge, opposlt* "Foot
new company say» "get the milk” Old" Ypres. th* last remnant of an
■ and we conclude it will get it. a* Important Belgian town, whi-h. with
the help of the French and llritloh In
they have a man employed to look
turn, has held out against ail the
after thia end of the business. Day massed attacks the Germans could
and night shifts keep the machinery fling against it. Including th* first
moving almost constantly and until great surprise of poison gas a* a
means of supposed <-lvills«««! warfare
the n«-w machinery is set up. the
All ths prisoners say the tierman*
plant is being worked almost to full had been expecting the attack, but
w*re taken completely by surprise by
th* hour at which It was launch«»«! and
th* fury with which it s»« carrie«!
Go to Portland Today
They had been completely
dated by the moat gigantic mining
The K. of P. band of Scio left operation yet carried out in th* world
for Portland this morning to assist war
More than 1.000.000 pound* of high
in eelebrating Flag day there.
The personnel of the band is as •xploalve* bad been pla< •-<! under th*
German forward position* during th*
last twelvs month* and th* upheaval
O. R. Turner, tut«.
of a score of separste mines spread
Thomas Prochaska. Jr., baritone panic among th* troops, already har
John Prochaska. leader and Roy rss*«*d. as they w*r*. to th* point of
distraction by seven days and nights
Shelton, trombooe*.
of firs from th* greatest concentration
H A. Stei^nek and J. S. Stieha,
of guns on a given froot since th* war
began The battle of Arras apparently
E. G. Arnold. Fred Ohlemeier and had reached th* ultlsnste In this re
epycl. but today's bombardment was
Ed Kalina, cornets.
carried out by 20 per cent more gun*,
Thus. Proapal. Sen., clarinet.
especially gun* of heavy caliber.
Ivan Balschweid. snare drum.
Th* salmon run In the Columbia
J. L. Calavan. base drum.
river rontluu«* extrem- iy light and the
catch al pr«-«> nt la *n.»ll
Many of
At the Hospital
the gillnrttere have place«] their gear
on th* racks and pre- lirally all th*
Clyde Rodgers, who is one of the seining grounds have rea*«d opera­
milk handier* fur the eondenaerv, tions
Governor Wlthycombe has nam«d the
waa brought to tne Parker hoopita!
th* county stock tnepertore for 30 of
the first uf the week, suffering with
the counties of Oregon on the rocom-
The doctors, after mendatlon of the Cattle and Hors*
.due examination decided that an Raisers' associa-lon of the state. No
operation was the <»nly alternative. recommendations were im «I* for five
Dr. Hobson, of this city and Dr. counties
Frank H Ijithrop of Routh Caro­
Wallace, of Albany, has the case in
lina. has be*«1 appolnle«l rv-**-*r«*b as­
charge. The operation was rucres*
sistant In ent i-iudogy ai th-- Oregon
fully (M-rformed Tuesday afternoon. Agricultural eolh-x- «xpetfm-nt sta-
ttoa. Mr. laithrop sill work toward
a more efr «-tivr nontrol of aphis In
Chas. Weaely III
Oregon or*. Sards
fair to be held in ScioSeptember I n .
Just as we were going to pres*
19 and 20. arc Iwtter this year than with our last iVue of two weeks■
ever bufora. aieording to reports ago, it waa reported that Charite-
made by heads of different depart- Wesely was sick with a bad cold at ’
his home. Since that lime he ha*
the been a very sick man and waa taken
■nwi>«>r «»( a tine Hun-furd hvtrd. who to the home of hia mother, just
in in charge of the stock for this acrom the street, where he could1
year, report« that already many'
have better care
We are glad to
large stock exhibits have been se­ state he ia now <si the r<»a«J to re­
cured and a number of others will covery.
tw secured.
Your aunburnv-d face, nick
or arm* need not cause y«»u
the least discomfort.
apply m little of our cool­
ing, healing
G. W. Rumbaugh has
have been secured.
departments art- showing
The race program
Cold Cream
Scio Does Hoc Bit
reported that five large farm ex-
For the Burn of
Summer’s Sun
and all the smarting anil
Stela Bank
larger and people of this community have sub­
better this year. as the premiums scribed for »19.900 of the Liberty j
have been increased for that de­ bond* and the treasury certificate*. I
which make* a good showing in I
partment—*Alt«ny Herald.
m ■■■ — n '-mredb- i—■■.■ ii » —
comparison to other 1«»callties. If
«7.00 buys a Stewart phono­ other localities of the eountv have
graph at Morrison*«. Com* in j done a* well. Linn county will not
and hear a few piece« played be placed in the slacker column.
whether you purchase one or
Scb«>ol election next Monday.
J. I
not We also have a little Fish­
er-Thorsen paint left yet at a L Calavan’a name is mentioned as
very low price to close out — N I a candidate for director. W. A.
Ewing ia the retiring official
burning will cense.
Apply it before exposure to
the aun'a rays and
your akin.
Its a delightful
preparation to u»g
Keep a
jar on your drewttng table.
Druggie! and Stationer