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About The Scio tribune and Santiam news, consolidated. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1917-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1917)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE AND SANTIAM NEWS. CONSOLIDATED VOL. 6 JUDGE M’NARY WILL DON LANE’S TOGA Forsial AaBHKtatat is t* Bl Ma*« Iff til G mimi IMHUtHy Afttr U m F ihii I Salem. May 29.- Judge Chari«» L McNary, chairman of the state republican central committee and I formerly a member of the supreme court, will lie named by Governor Wilhycombe as the surceas >r to United States Senator Harry Lane, who died m San Francisco Wednes day night. The governor the middle of last week rrarhed a decision to appoint Judge McNary, but decided to make no formal announcement of his choice until after the funeral of Senator lame. Formal announce ment will be made immediately after Senator lame's funeral, for the governor feels that It is impera tive. during the present crisis, that Oregon have full representation in «•„ng rasa’.’ Judge McNary aa chatrmaq of the republican central committee direct ed the Hughes-Fatrlianks campaign and to him belongs largely the credit for Oregon registering a i majority for the national republican' ticket wTivn there was a national landslide for President Wilson. He is an able speaker and brilliant | • • 932 pupils took the eighth grade examination, including geography and physiology. May 17 and 18. 337 pupils complete eighth grade. 171 receiving diplomas Hazel C. Green, of Mill City, receiving the OREGON highest average, 9f>l per cent; Aenene Smail, of Thomas, received second highest, 934 per cent. A NEW DEAL On November 1. 1 purchased tlw Densmore-Wade Produce business and have been in charge of the same since that date. I am in the market for vour Eggs. Chickens. Geese. Ducks Turkeys. Dri4aed Hogs. Veal etc., for which I will pay the highest market price. My weights are right and I will treat you fairly. • I want your Cream as well. Bring it tn me in good condition, you will be satisfied with the tests and the price. I am at my place of business from 5 a. m. until busineaa closes in the evening, so that you will always find me on hand Give me a trial and if I don't treat you right, go elsewhere O. R. TURNER Densmore-Wade Co. AllWMuW. M atJ.P. «WWlW fteveat Rats—All EI<iM»s te Rt(Uter Washington, May 29. Attorney (»eneral Gregory today instructed United States attorneys and marshals throughout the country to use their utmost efforts to arrest and prom- cute all person/ responsible for the agitation which has manifested it self in localities from New England to Texas against the registration June 5 of men subject to selective draft. , The total amount of funds raised to provide Scio with a municipal Hag. were *27.50. Of this sum the disposition has heen aa follows: Paid for wire * • *1.45 Paid for or rope - • 1.70 Paid for pipe ... «5 Paid for paint * • I 20 Paid for pullevs - - 1 25 Paid for hauling pole • 2.00 Paid for grounds • 50 Paid for flag • * 18.75 The cost of the flag wilt be *27, leaving a balance of *8.25 yet to be paid. , • A. G. Prill. wa-sav DENTIST • GmrM««t Takes Drastic Actwa ta Expense on Fag and Pole ■ Dr. T. K. Sanderson Phone 27-7 CONSPIRACY AGAINST | DRAFT NATION-WIDE S2 X.TZ ZZ theater Tuesday night. Hon. Wm W. Lunger, of Yamhill county and Hon. E. D. Cusick, of Albany, were the speakers. Messrs Percy Young. T. J. Butler and Carlton Sox accom panied the s|M-akere from Albany. Of course the speakers did not advance any new arguments for good roads, for everybody wants good roads and is willing to spend money to get them The only ques- lion is the issue of bonds and the spending of the proceeds thereof in paving roads which are now fairly good and which are less necessary for commercial purposes than lateral roads. Also the taking away of part of Linn county's road money to improve roads in other counties. The Tribune is inclined to think the bonding measure will carry in the state as a whole but that it will be defeated in Linn county. lawyer. Aa a jurist, he made a' splendid record on the supreme court liench. He was reared on a farm near this city and after acquir ing his education, embarked in the practice of law in this city with John H McNary, his brother, widely Eighth Grade Examination Result known in state republican politics SCIO *1.50 THE YEAH SCIO. IJNN COUNTY. OREGON. MAY 31. 1917 NO. 50 : This agitation has made itself felt somewhat in many sections, but thus far there apparently is little connection between the outbreaks. Officials have undertaken an exhaus tive investigation to determine if tb<- whole anti-draft sentiment is not rooted in extensive machina tions of German propagandists hav- ing a central headquarters in this country. Color of this theory is lent in some degree by the marked similar ity In the methods of procedure In the widely separated communities. Some officials believe that the entire agitation is manufactured by Ger man agents, who, baffled in their original program calling for an armed uprising of German reservists in this eountrv upon America's entry into the war, have turned their energies to this method of hinder ing the n ilitary plans of the gov ernment. Schools Close This week winds up th«* achoolastic year of the Scio schools and the retirement of Prof. O. V. White aa principal. 1-ast Sunday the baccalaureate sermon was delivered at the Feder ated church by Dr. G. H. Young, of Albany. Thursday. May 25 at 8 p. m. class dsv exercises were held ami on Friday, June I, the graduating exercises occurred. The graduat ing class were: Delbert l»ng. Victor Lyon; Rus sell McDonald. Clair MeLnin, Ina Parrish. Helle Housley. Effie Reoda, Gladys Rodgers, Lizzie Smith, Neva Thayer. Florence Smith, Lavina j Bauman. Teachers Examinations Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Linn coun ty, Ore., will hold the regular ex amination of applicants for state certificates at the court houae as follows: . * Commencing Wednesday. June 27 at 9 o'clock a. m. 4nd continuing until Saturday. June 30. at 4 p. m. Wednesday Forenoon Ciiftt m Salts Last Saturday While Tryia* la Ois*«se «1 Tbttf Goads s Three Plainview ami Iwo All«ny men were arrested in Sakin for the theft of four and a half hales of wool from George and I lean Wheel er, who reside on their farm al Sand Ridge near Peterson’s butte The men are Arthur Wagner. William Morgan. Frank K *•». W F. Davis and Frank Dav is Sheriff Bodine was notified of the theft early thia morning and imme diately called the Salem officials, who caught the men a short time later when they tried to dispow of the wool. The wool is said to 1« worth over *500. The men were brought up for hearing before Judge Swan late this afternoon, but waived examination. A charge of larceny w<u made agamist all but W illiam M rgan. a rimmr. and they were bound over to the grand jury under *1000 bail United Stale« history, writing, each. A separate complaint was music ami drawing. made out for Morgan, who will In Wednesday Afternoon tried in the juvenile court. Physiology, reading, manual train The Wheeler brothers found two ing. composition, domestic science, Ixles of wool on the road this morn methods in reading, course of study ing that had been abandoned by the for drawing, methods in arithmetic. men and upon Investigation found four and a half bale« missing. They Thursday Forenoon called Sheriff Bodine who commenc Arithmetic, history of education, ed notifying the surrounding towns. psychology, methods in geography, Guards at the Soulhery Pacific mechanical drawing, domestic art, bridge near Jefferson said they had course of study for domestic art. seen two automobiles pass on the Thursday Afternoon road about 2 o'clock last night. At Grammar, geography, American 8:30 this morning the police al literature, stenography, typewriting, Salem found tlw m<-n with the wool fthysic«, methods in language, thesis loaded on the automobile. for primary certificate«. The men will lie held until the Friday Forenoon next session of the grand jury, when Theory and practice, orthography, it is thought that they w ill ph ad fihvsical geography. English liters- guilty,- Albany Herald. If sueh is the case, the conspiracy 1 will come to nothing, officials be lieve. The department of justice, it was authoritatively announce! to night. expects virtually 100 per cent of eligible« to register, and prompt prosecution under the crimi nal provisions of the law will lie ture. chemistry, physical culture. ' instituted in the few cam's where Road to Ha» pines« Friday Afternoon the law is n<»t observed. Be amiable, cheerful and good na- School law. geology, algebra, and tun-d and you are much more likely to civil government. be happy Vou will find thia difficult if Senator Lane Stock Redeved June I Saturday Forenoon „ Si nalor Harry l«ne's funeral oc curred in Portland Tuesday. Sena tor Lane, as a private citizen, as sup* i mlciident of the Oregon insane asylum, as mayor of Portland for Geometry and botany. J. 0. Densmore will be receiving Saturday Aftem<M*n fat stock for shipment al West Scio General history ami bookkeeping on Wednesday. June 6. He wants W H. Thom who is a student at all the fat hogs, cattle and mutton ! that he can get. The market for two terms and aa United States O. A. C. in mining engineering stock of all kinds shows a ten senator has an unquestioned reputa- came home on a short visit with his dency downward ami it may be I lion f»r honesty snd integrity aa a («rents. Mr. and Mr». D. C. Thoms, wisdom to get your stuff in at this public official. He has ever been a last Saturday. Wednesday morning ' time friend to labor in every field during . he left for the Anaconda mines, I ' his official life ami while his judg where he will spend the summer va-' Best Remedy for U hooping Cough ment in voting against arming, cation in practical work in his chos * American merchant vessels was en calling. *'l.asn winter when my little boy had ths whooping cough I gave him Cham berlains cough remedy.” writes Mrs J B Roberts, East St I amiis , III. “It kept his cough loupe and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It is ths only cough medicine I keep in the house because I have the most confi dence la 11“ This remedy is also good for colds and croup. ■ ♦ - • FIVE MEN ARRESTED FOR WOOL THEFT not impossible however, when you are constantly troubled with rorw11prtl««n Take Chamberino* tablets anti get I id of that and it be easy. Th-«- tub leta not only mows the bowels, but on- prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion largely questioned, we know that | Mr. I»gan and Mr. Jacksou, the Harrv l«ne voted his honest convic new owner» of the eotxlenarry, were tion. But aa a man and aa a public j official, his reputation stands as one here this week. They - x pressed themaelve« as being will satisfied J of Oregon’s leading public men. with Scio conditions, except the roads, and they were willing to as Please Pay Up sist materially in the improvement — For perfect sight wear glaanes of them. made to fit your eyes after the All those knowing themselves in-i I have 4.400 feet of rustic which error of refraction is determined by John Simanek. the Farmers Un-' I must dispose of. Four inch round debted to the News for accounts a careful examination edge novelty pattern, good quality other than subscription to this date. ion member o f the state lime board ■ E- C. MEADE May 28. 1917, will please settle at asMsted in the organization of th« and very reasonable. For further upTtiM kt Mi.-rr once, as we wish to dose our books board last week, by the election of information address Edward Taylor | W. L. Charlee I *29 W. Second St., Albany. Ur». the fifth member. lAbianv. or see me in Scio.