r*« '> V«> A Afta» •" «« of the f««rt without r*t>»«tug the slew* In all caaea. howe'er It U iic.v.sary to pull the tntefftlte from the thrust, as the ac tion of th« . urreot I» to cgnao a caw- trs ’l'ai ef lito mus« 'ea. and tbo touguo I» drawn he«k Into the throat com pletely acall ig the air |>asaa«e Part of many flr t aid e-i'rt| meats •■’Modag of a devpe a bl- h will grasp tt>et that tbe throat ta «pen to permit ot artificial com iration Ts Et»NA OAWaON. sf II» MOMMO N* Earl Ford Iet»n4sni H. B. CHESS ATTORNEY AT LAW * € A Bone of Contention H Chine Between a Pair •f Lovera. By CLARISSA MACKIE It atrvtcbod aero»» the «ah marsh Rbeda Island and Teatri«». Harbor Tbe 9<«t < wtu* ket In Wash bead folk calle«! It "tbe red bridge." tagt'Mia dr»t ad ml >iatr «:■•«» Tbe tnak while Portside |>e<>ple grimly referee«! lag of textile» ba* .l»»l per tei of Mt. Il had oevet Isren painted tona work in tt. and Ita uat|>ui la about at all. amt now after two years' et 30 per rent • f tbe mauufb* tumi l>rod pooure to whoi and wratber. tho new uct» of the »rate a tel- h. little aa It la In fourth In 'be trakln." of cotton c>»>da wood had taken on soft gray tints that and third In 'hr mäkln« Men«!e>l with the silver tide that ehbari and w««rstr»|s and flowed tier seen the piles Alih-«»*gt* llart«>rhvad aivtl l*ort»Me Reads te Rebaba were «ounectrd hy Ihr new hrt-lge and para«-: V» bn bad got A •mattering nt anob li» al lore «aid one the vehicle« of hoth village« rumbled dav tn a Ivor Io that rmmdtlra ware to and fro over the planks the Inhab Itanta ware widely separated by a often aeon In team "Oh tbit a nothing!" rejoined the growing bitterness aovhe "I'le often mi self «een whalon' I'areon lane of I'ortald» had pound blubber'“ turar Morte» ed tbe pulpit vigorously over the mat ter "Pot» of paint! Pota »f paint!*' Rateenialng. he »(claimed one mem-wablo Munday ' Flubdub baa «neh » patroniitag “Rave my poople drowned tbelr »<>ola manner“ "Yea, he can't pase ■ globe repreasut- In fwvta of paint 1 Tbe g«»>«1 Ixwd made Il possible f»r these village« to tie unit iBg the world withr-Mit patting tt." •■I by a beaittifnl bridge, and yon fxmlavllle Courier-Journal wrangle over the painting of it aa If tbo color matter»«! Rrethren. »ee that •ush People! your sonta are •■ white •• you would "The Jibway» went to harrow our have the iirblge palnte«l let n«fi fib­ ear tonight." red smirch of anger «ally its imrity!“ "1 admire thrlr nerve " After that sermon the bitterness waa "You haven't beard the worst." Intensified The llarborhead pe^qiie "Welir They also want to know If we'd wb<> weeklv sewoed th. bridge to at object to tbelr p 'in« a Inbel orar <«ir tend I’areon t.aue a chur- b fluttered homeward to spread the g»»id man'« monogram " Pi •hat» It* Herald word» far and wide with most unhap py results Rung tnaoyh Noah Wade and Almira Turner were Finit Playwright If that manager I liad only bad more tit's h» would have to bo married In June Three times a «hown me all tbe t< <-4>'e* »« In hla week N'oah crooned the bridge to Her The» studio Reerrnd Pin w1. hl Waa be borhead to see hla aw<-etheart very busy ? 1‘lrat riaywrtghl J oat had «ever dis«-n«se«l the bridar matter had time tn •how re the door and berauae fhe> had been too ha|»py to talk about anything except their own nothing elate. Pork wonderful affaire The Tuesday after Paraon l-ane'a Federated Church srrvnon Almira waited at tbe front RCJO. OREGON gate foe N«ah Mhc c»mld see him stepping quickly acroas the brMge Sunday School 10 a. m. tall erect with hl* head poised high Preaching 11 a. m. All the Wsdea were proud The girl s 1 a.ne , Song Service 7:3(1 toM:(M)p m. Into them Prayer Meeting. Thursday 7:30 p.m. "Waiting fftr moF' smiled N’ooh. tak Ing the hat from his brow« hair and Brother Meikeljohn. Issader. covering Almira's lltfie hand with his H. H Iler. Pastor. own aunburned fingers Rhe drew tear hand quietly from ho Booth bls touch. “Yea." ahe said grave ty “Como with me. Noah I bare something to any to yon let u« go tn the orchard " •What la the matter? Are you In trouble? Haa anythin* ba|>penedF* Attorney at l-uaa Why don't you say outright that you d»n t care for me and never didF* HI» fare was growing whiter •nd the hand pressed against tbe tree trunk waa clinched until the knuckloa were livid floddealy Noah swung away from tbe tree and without »no backward glance tramped arroaa the grasa leap ed tho fence Into a winding lane and disappeared along tbe aboce road. After that tt became known that Al mire s wadding garment» were care fully laid sway oat of sight and Noah Wade no longer ctnaaed tbe bridge three times a week Thon followed a aummer aaprw e dented fur It» lack of rain Weeks followed days, and months followed weeks while tho aun poured relent- loasly down on the sister towns snd burned the vegetation to .-rlap brown oes» Only the salt graaa that waa wet by the tide» remained green t'ropa died in the baked earth. Kept ember reme flenely hot One breathless evening A'mira Turner walked llstleaaly along tbe bridge it w*> aaki that abaXtAtsi Ucug* UMU N. M. Newport i flam.» <1 rX'i^uS run moon u !. ht ta» » hl I* Mt on the lout Woodett structure that united the two vlllagsa. yet In Ita way formed a bar­ rier between inauy heart» Olbera were walking ea ttea bridge but It was noticeable that r<«rt»ldv folk» walked only na far aa the middle of tbe bridge and than rvtra«-«d tbelr •tv pa Hartoultead people did tbe •ame thing al their eml. no there waa n<> t«a»ing over the bridge »ave tel ttevae who bad liualnaas ta attend to IVIw-tv frb-ndly relation« were »»tab I Is bed twtween famlUea In the warring vil la rea It waa cmsMered moat arnica Halfway am«»» »be mat Nuab. and they both stopped Noah guided her gently Io the railing where they could lead al««« tbe bright aaeoullt path that wrinkled th» water tour •Tv» bamt to sea you. Almira mother »aid I might moot you." ba ■aid wistfully “I- weat to Purtsldo to maU • letter -to you. Noah I thought you might gat It sooner- tonight -and perbapu you would route I wanted to tell you bow foolish I va been"- Noab »topped her w<»rd» with a swift caress. "And I waa on the way to tell you what a fool I've been, but we've met halfway, after all." When the wedding day came round both »Ide» thought It would he a ault able rtale are lb rough trying to be happy In thia work! Hut Almira could not make It up with Saab Wade fie 4M not give THE STRAIT OF MESSINA. her t chance He wmi away fros» I'orttlde and found work elaeehere. and «be had m>t even him through the And ths Ancl»nt L»g»nda af teeyll» and Charybdis. long »umnier Now «be waa thinking The Kh lllau and Italian banks which of him and of her fooltah eicueo for bonier the strait of M<*«aln» for nearly giving him up. A loud rumble of thunder «ent tbe twenty five miles Io the raid and west pedr«* i lana on the bridge »currying are among tbe moat luiuriant to ho home, but Almira lingered watching found tn a cruise of the Mediterranean. the lightning leap from clond tn cloud Magnlthrnt goklon groves of lemon In that omln<>* blm'k mountain In the and »range and orchards of |H>megran- n<>rthwe«t, llAtmlng tn the crackle and ate. with their brilliant red fruit, con­ trast wonderfully with the fi< »rr« of volley of thunder, barking to the »IM lant hla» of the high tld» among the the almond trees whb h i>erfume the whole region bridge timber« The »trait 1» entered from tin- Tyrrho- Juel a» »he turned her »tap» homo- ward there came a blinding craah that nlan Bea. rhead In yellow light; then all del Faro, on the Hl'lllan »bore, and tho •ound ceaaeR for an Instant, and out mainland lighthouse on Punta I'esso of the murky darkne»» there »prang a being not more than two mile« Tbo bright flame and another and another whole of Hie t'alabrtan roust 1» thickly The lightning had »truck tn Harbor •own with village*, some clinging to bead. tbe loach, while other« clamlwr up the Almira hurried toward home as tbe •Ides of well wooded hills which cul­ wild clamor of the churete bella rang minate In the towering Mmdaltn. ris­ out If the Portalde people refueed to ing to an rlei aUr* > »f more than a mile iuiug out their Ore apparatua to the • box» the sea lleyond the strait to rewue of llarlvrliead the cloaely pop the southwest loom» ever ihroatenlng ulated little V vMla; Klage Wag doomed It Kttete. the highrat volcano tn Kuropo. waa known that i__ _ . I'nrtaldera wer» very Tbo m»»t Important city situated on i ag»ln«t the people over the the «trait U tho tuice ma~ nlflble of •ml safeat tn the kingdom ot Italy, tbe little engine a< pm lite bridge It with a depth of more than thirty fatb da«hed |>a»t Altnlra’a gate, drarged by mus Before I be grrat calamity it waa ' a acor» of atroug willing hand». The visited annually by more than (k«00 tx»>k and ladtier truck came In Ita vo»M>la. which brought cargo»« of wake, and there witting high on the wheat, cotton, wool and hardware and 1 »e»l, »leering the truck, wa» Noah took away In r(change lemons, or­ Wade, hla fa an.werrd by Almira’» ap barked like a dog. Mho dwelt In ■ pealing eye«, and then the atnoke bung lofty ecru, from which alio rushed between them one« more whenever a ship tried to pass beneath, The week» that followed after the •nd she would snatch the unlucky sea­ Are were not soon forgotten Plffrr men from the rigging or •• they stood ar»wa were patchMl up and mended ao at the helm endeavoring to guldo tbelr that they would not again break Port veaaela through the perilous p»sa»ge •Ide and Harborbead people mingled Charybdis dwelt under a rock only a together a» they had before the day» tiowshot »way, on the o|ipoalto there of the bridge trouble There were Tbe second creature »ucked la and ••hurrh feMlvala and entertainments blow out sea wyter three tliuee a day. that were enjoyed by everybody, aad •nd woo to tho ship caught la tho I over «11 waa the feeling of satisfaction maelstrom of Ita mouth I that the bridge trouble was at an end I Poets who came after tho great The Harborbeud people bad grateful Greek bard embroiderrd the legend to ly announced tbelr wUllngnaaa that ■ult their farx-y Ovid, for ei ample, itee bridge should be p» In lad white In domwttwd Acylla as the beautiful view of the prompt and neighborly daughter of a sea god who Incurred •errl. e» of the Portside firemen Port the Jealousy if one of file Immortals •Ide people agreed to abide by a choice •nd who waa changed Into a sea mon­ by rot* ster. A seron.l tratiafortnatloa rnado When the vote waa ovt»ead bad voted poets dearrll>ed <*harvl>dls ss an old for a white painted bridge, while Port •noun who aelaed and devoured tho •Ide had courteously voted foe red. rattle of Hercules, and In punishment and tbe vote was tied for thia act tbe demigod's fattier, all Then tbe question was solved by • powerful Zeua. rest her Into the aea, suggestion to paint th« bridge green where her appetite persiated, but her and It was Hone, and «o ;>eace raigned taatee change«! from cattle to ship» and •t last, and there was much passing seamen National Geographle Mociety to and fro Rullotln At last Noah ra«w over to Harbor A Defiant Idlam. bead and stopped at Almira's gate "It’s ms." la an Minai, nays a Har­ Mr» Turner greeted him pieaa««Uy. "Almira went pver tbe bridge awtell« vard professor. and In al.owshle. It la ago N’oeb If you walk bock you may allowable largely for the reaanu that meet her she aoM we haven't »landing army enough ta Noob walked back slowly, watchtag •uiqireaa It. -Il«union Pint for Almiras slender form and dread A glad heart aeklom alaba, tait a Ing t» see It heside that of eeoto oth row ful Boutb often langten, ftanlate er admirer At last she 'am», step yjag quickly, .with now a*d thou a Provsrt. I I v';- ¿. set I N •* r .*<1 ‘it] A2* ‘ ’M ★ *>’ 'i r