The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, December 21, 1916, Image 2

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naturi» rvxxY
tmurspav by
r. U DUQOgg. XPtTOR AND fW»r
Entered at the poetoffice at Soo.
Dragun as ascood rissa matter.
suaaciurnoN. in advancb
AT BNt» or VRAM______ _
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l*<cal advertising, per line
Display advertising, per inch
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Display advertising. I«»ng lime, sec
Extend«"! marriage or death nolle««
per line
Special rates nn lung time display
Th«- American people can cele-
brat« the (*hrtotmas holidays with­
out any haita or misgiving»
As a
rule they have raiwd abundant crops
during the |«ast year, for which
unusually g>-xl prices have tw-en
obtained. Our manufacturing in­
dustries have I m -«*» crowded with
busim-a« during the year ami skilled
and common laltor has had constant
work at wag--» better than ever re-
reived heretofore. So there is nu
reason why almost every American
family mav not celebrate the coming
holiday wash with better spirit than
at almost any time in our history.
The only drawback is the high nml
of living, which bears h«-avily on the
But. if our producer»
receive swollen price« for their pro-
duce. the consumer neci-saartly must
l»ay accordingly.
Our friemis over in Eur»|ie are
not so happily situat«*d. Almost
even family ha» one or more of its
meml>ers al the l*attle front, many
of whom will never return. Homes
are being destroyed, and the future
holds nothing but gloom for them
The real Christmas spirit will be
wanting in nearly every homt* of
these warring iieopte. While the
American people sympathize deeply
with the European countries in their
misforturw-s ami are anxious to alli-
viate their sufferings ao far as we
can. we can but feel thankful that
we. as a nation, are not involvad in
this colossal war. We certainly feel
pn>u<l that our president has man-
age«! <>ur relations with these cuun-
tries so that we are at peace with
all of them. Our diplomatic rela-
lions with Imth »ides <-f this world
war. have b«*en strained at tim«w, so
that it svm«l that we must actively
pa-ticipale in order to preserve our
national dignity.
But President
Wilson, by writing "notes" to these
warring nations, has kept us out of
the war. The American people have
shown their appreciation of thia
fact bv etecting him for another
four years.
So we can participate in the
Christmas festivities without any
misgiving, We can do so iwcause
we are the most favored of all
nations. The Tribune hujMX that
its readers will all be imbued with
the true Christmas spirit. Be happy
yourselves and endeavor to make
others happy as well. Above all.
d«gi*t fail to ext«*nd a measure of
your joy and happintws to vour poor
and unfortunate neighix-r. Remem­
ber it to said in Holy Writ that **lt
to more bl es s e d to give than to re­
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ministration of the state govern­
In nearly every instance* our state
elemosynary mstitutiona, in their
budgets filed with the secretary "f
state, increwsed appr-pnatioos. for
new building». Increased cost of
food products, etc . are asked for.
Nor are our state college« at all
modest in their demands leciuw of
the less amount the millage lax will
So our official heads are puzzling
their think tanks to devise some
plan to supply the deficiency which
is likely to exist in the state treasury.
Heretofore, no thought along this
line was nrer-saary
After the legis­
lature had made such appropriations
as it thought nr nasary or advisable,
the budget was made up. each
county was apportioned its share of
the state expenses and the county
courts did the rest when they mad«*
the annual tax levies.
But a new deal ia now on. Tax
levying bodies can add. in making
their levies, but a 6 per cent in-
crease to the sum col I«-c ted t he-
previous year.
In appropriating state money, the
legislature will find itself handicap­
ped for th« first time, if too large
demand is mail« on the countin*,
only such part can be paid as will
come within the provisions of the
lax limitation law. 8n in order to
make up any defficiency of cash to
supply the m-*ds of the state treas­
ury. It is proposed to raise the auto­
mobile license from the present to
a fee of |l |>er horse power which
the machine is capable of develop­
The Tribune suggests a plan to
supply this dcfictoncy which it lie-
Hevea will be much more satisfactory
to the people. When the bustBaas
man or farmer find* that his expense
account is growing too great fur his
income, he diminishes his expensr
account bv discharging help which
he can get along without. mak«*s
fewer improvements, buys leas «u|>-
plies, etc. Why may not the state
do likewise?
Ix-glslaturtw of the past have
created some 30 to 40 commissions,
most of which draw down salari«««
for its memlx-rs, secretaries, inspec-
com, etc
In fact our state has
lM-en building up an expensive beau-
rocratic government very rapidly
during the |x»t few years, the main
object of which is to create salaried
offices for fav »riles.
Now fully
three-fourths of these commissions
and the employes connected there­
with. can la- dispensed with, without
injury to the public service. Why
not get busy Mr. Ijrgislator and lop
off a bunch of the»«* grafters? You
would do so if it was vour private
business ami why nut use a like
economv for the state?
All of these 3li to 40 commissions
could lie consolidated into one duien
or less, without injury tu the public
service. Aye. some of them can be
abolished ami the stale will lie all
the better for it.
Then our state colleges can get
along with a few less massive atone
buildings for a spell, at least and.
possibly, with fewer teachers. In
fact they will probably have tu
do so.
No private businee* will ever suc­
ceed. if conducted no extravagantly
as is our state government and any
private enterprise expects its em­
ployes to work. The stale does not
or. al least, her employee do not
work half of the lime
The state
employe’» only endeavor is to get
on the salary list, for his job to com­
paratively permanent and nobody
seems to see that he earns his salary.
There to no doubt whatever that a
private business of the magnitude
Tax levying bodim anti th oar who of that of the state, to conducted
riwnd tax moneys seem in a quan­ with one-half the number of «m-
dary as just how to proceed, since plovee that the state employs.
the enactment of the tax limitation
The people are very much In
la*. Particularly is thia true with earnest about this tax reduction
those who are in charge of the ad buatrnw.
lhev demand that the
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ex Dense of government, from state
1» municipality «hail If mliHwl and
that better tnisimxs method* shall
I m - ail opted
Th«- legislature, to meet m a few
weeks, will be placed on its metal.
The people have said how much
money may le- rx pen de. I It* actino
will I m - watched closer than ever be­
fore. The people expect that a
record of economy and general effi-
ciency will be established. If not,
some more tinkering with the stair
c-mstitution may I m - expected
Mr l«*gislat<*r. it ia up to you to
get busy.
Wki* * ‘ -'SMBOb
I m - glad to find a way out. The old
cstchwurd« of
Wellmaeht odrr
Niciergang now fail up-m d«-af
cars. They were the outpouring <»f
a military rhetoric that no longer
«14*«Is to the (¡erman imagination.
The German people ar«- pr«-|»arcd to
accept much lews than Weltmarht
but are dclermined uj«-ri something
They ar«-
better than Nledergang
finally discovering that this to a
world In which >»m- must live with I
his neighbors, ami that is what th«*
Imperial government admits in ef­
fect when it mak«-s its first tentative
proptwaJs fur ptwea. N. Y. World.
I fl
Pbyaician bm I Swrfeea
Calls Attended
Day or Night
WHKN y<»V WANT ■ ------ -
Plumbing or Tinnini
Dr. T. K. Sinderson
òssidi Swfo 4»l flw HruW*
I!to Experience ia Worth Money
The most important thing about
to You
the German pirace proposals to th«*
a Specialty
fact that they have l»een made.
Satisfaction Guarant««ed
Holding Belgium. Northwestern
Phon«' 27-7
France. Russia. Poland and Srrbia.
with Roumania practically hors <h-
comhat. the Imperial government
officially admits that the war to a
failure, that Germany cannot domi­
nant Europa, that i>earr cannot lie
Notary Public and
c-rnq tiered and that rce--ur«*- must
I m - had to the process of diplomacy
O rbuon
W atf . ru k »
(.omeyc tutor
which were w> contemptuously re­
I’hntw IÎ1 Swwt H omm
a. r . n. h 4 i
j«<eted in the last days of July.
Abstracts of I itlr tjuunined
Sale dates arranged for at The Scio
It may he tak«m for granted that SCIO
Tribune Office. Scio. Ore.
the terms pr<>i>sH*d by the Imperial
chancellor will not tw accepted bv
the alites. Neither the British nor
the Frcncti government could con­
sent to any terms which tiermany
would not make without the certain­
ty of revolution at home. The sacri­
fices mad«- by the British and French
peoples have lieen too appalling to
admit of a peace improvised in B«-r
lin to suit German exigencies until
at toast <>nr mare desperate effort
has lw«n mad«- to break th«* mibtary
power of the Teutonic empires
Never!hel«*aa. the German pro­
posals are to l*e welcomed as a first
step toward peace. Impossible of
acceptance they may be, but they
at least establish a basis for' discus­
sion and negotation, ami there can
In* no end of the war except through
discussion and negotiation
will be no Iwipxig or ftedan or
Waterloo or Appomattox in thia con­
flict. however long it lasts, and then-
can be no termination until one side
or th«* other sets in motion the
diplomatic machinery which must K
accomplish what military machinery ,
has proved unable to accomplish
This much Germany has done,
whatever the motive may have been
The most natural infenmer is that
the Imperial government to by no
I am prepared to do your painting or pafier hanging
tm-ans sincere in Its profession of
on short notice, at reasonable rates
Refer you to
astonishment at its own moderation
J. F. Wesely as to the character of my work.
and that it* peace pro|«>sai* have'
Estimates of material made.
(live me a trial.
I mm - o dictated by a full realization
af the ngnifAancv of internal con-
H. C
Painting and Paper Hanging
ditmna in tiermany and Austria-
That may I m - taken for
grant«»d. for if Germany were actu­
ally winning the war and arriving
at the goal from which it could ex­
pact to dictate tM-ace on its own
terms, there would be no rwed of
proposals. And if the («erman people
were aaliatu-d, the Imperial govern­
ment would have nothing to con
aider but the further development
of the military r«-*>urc*» of the
But the German people are not
satisfied. More and more the strain
of war to tolling upon them, and
Berlin has seised the opportunity
presented by the Roumanian trium[»h
to make peace overtures to its
If these overtures are re­
jected. the Imperial government can
then present the wsr to the German
people wholly as a defensive opera­
tion to save Germany from extinc­
tion ami proceed to demand new
sacrifices for the Fatherland with
full aanurance that no dynastic
dangers are involved.
That is shrewd and far-sighted
politics. At the same time it is a
formal admission that Germany is
growing tired of the war and would '
On the Wings of the Morning
Prosperity is coming to this country on the wings of
the morning You will want to take advantage of it.
Prosfienty comes to man. woman or child who has
money in the hank
It |>aaM-s by the • house of the
spendthrift, th«- shiftless, the ne’er-do-well. Start
your account here. Be readv for Prosperity and
Prosperity will be ready for you.
The man who has an account here has a grulwtake in Prosperity.
We Have One Million Dollars
to loan on Improved
farms in the Willamette Valley
J M. A H. M
(¡«neral Agents