Special candi«-« at special prices for Oirhtmas at Slicha’s. A NEW DEAL Read Peery's cut price ad on the first page lie is surely offering attractive prices. Lou) Round I rip On Nuvemlirr I. 1 purchased the Itmamorv-Werfe Produce business and have t«-n in charge of the same since that dale. I am in the market for v<»ur Egg*. Chickens. < iaoas. Ducks Turkeys. Dressed Ilogs. Veal etc., for which I will pay the highest market price My weights are right and I will treat you fairly I want your Cream as well. Bring it to me in good condition, you will be satisfied with the tests and th« price. I am at my place of business from 6 a. m. until business closes in th«* evening, so that you will always find me on hand Give me a tiial and If I don't treat you right, go elsew here The demand for condensed milk is unlimited. The trouble in to get Th«* Albany chicken show is on enough raw milk. It is a fact that all people do not thia week. look through the same brand of Hirns developed free al Peery'a glasses All cannot think alike drug store. Teachers Attention let us help A gift any young lady will appre­ ciate, a handsome box of chocolates. you in selecting your Christmas candies and nuts. J. 8. Sticha. Sticha’a Confectionery. Dr. Prill received the intelligence Pendleton wheat buyers are en­ * of the death of a stater who resided gaging wheat of the ¡917 crop at in the state of New York, the first 11.10 per bushel. of the weak. Mrs. Frank Thayer went to Hub; The car shortage is easing up hard last Friday, called thereby the somewhat Our potato shippers and sickness of a gram! child. the flouring mill are now enabled tn A big show "Hello Bill” at get an occasional car Peoples theater on Decemf*r 14 Mrs. Parker, of the local hospital, the Scio Dramatic Club. It wil has purchased the lumber of the! worth hearing. dismantled hotel building on the j When In n««*d of anything in the south side and will erect a bungalow ( way of job work, call and we us O R. TURNER residence on her property just «*ast We do first-class work at reasonable of the prochasks store Densmore-Wade Co. prices. W. R. Smith, who has been away j At U m «M MaaaS. Mat a* J r Waaab'a S tata Bert Bilyeu save his trapping from Scio for several months, re-1 MMBMBaMMMBMMMH expedition did not pan out as he turned on Thursday of last week to hoped for The fur (waring animals spend the holidays. When he went * teems to have been scarce. away, he weight'd 200 pounds or | Joe Warwick, after a week tustle over. When be rrturn«*d he weighed i with the grip, was out last Friday | less than 150 pounds. The boys Possibly Hugh«*«’ defeat might have We are prepared to take wanted to know what had (wcome had something to do with it. £ Local Market Report charge of funerals in an of the rest of Smith. We make a specialty of Friend- : up-to-date sanitary* manner A del>ate between ijebanon and ship. Engagement ami Wedding Embalming is done bv a the Scio High srhool delisting team« • Rings F. M French & Son. Albany. licensed undertaker. will occur on Ihwmher 22 at the Wheat tier buahel I 1.25 Oregon. Satisfaction guaranttwri ” High school auditorium. At the Oats 45 From present indications I game tima our negative tram will Bran oer ton 28.00 N. I. MORRISON & N. C. LOWE council elect will carry forward the AJhany qu^ W heat chop per ton 45.00 • a plans for civic improvement mau- Uon b: *Thlll Oregnn Oat chop 34.<81 ■ « gu rated by the present council. should adopt the health assurance Barley Chop 30(8) Ed School, of Tangent, has galh- law. embodied by the American as- Flour per sack 1.90 ered in about all the premiums poa-i aociattao of labor.” Egg" t>er dozen 3« Notice. We have an un­ Bible at the stock shows on Chester ,lf ou, „„rons Butter orr pound 35 limited amount of funds White hog. Hr is there, also, with |o lh,nk that our Chickens. hens per lb .11 to lend on farm security at his chickens and sheep. readers do not read their ads in spring at per cent per ‘annum. .12 «I roosters 07 !n automobile« to 310 fier year. He does this to make up the deficiency caused by the tax limitation law. He does not seem to consider a reduction in th«* cost of state government as was the con­ templation of the people when lhev enacted the lax limit law. It ia difficult for some people to read "the handwriting on the wall.” Go home for Xmas Stay far New Years Day. Our low round trip Holiday Tickets allow you twenty of time. All points in a Perhaps a good fit is the most im­ portant essential in buying a suit. Are you tall or slender? We have a special model for you. Are you short, small and usually hard to fit? We have a line of suits made especially for you. Also for the large corpulent man we have a large line All this in addition to an immense line of regular sizes and styles. Do you not think we can fit you no matter what your build? CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR MEN AND BOYS Everything a man uses or wears. The Blain Clothing Co. 224-226 W 1st St I ¿9 You have a Right to Demand invested in timber up Thomas and Craetree creeks to allow it to rot. The demand for lumber is sure to bring the 400 or 500 sections of timber up these streams into de­ balls seems assured. Everybody mand. wants to have a good time during the holidays and a few people . want to make a piece of money, of course, Mylo Cary. who was the victim of an auto accident in October and whose mind has. except at short intervals, been a blank, was able to be on our streets the first of the week. He cannot recall any of the circumstances as to how the accident happened. HOLIDAY FARES -=0 Item. last Sunday. As a consequence Mrs. Wesely was in the store looking after the bookkeeping end of the 1 business Monday morning. The usual numtier of ('hriatmas ' lai Vailiers and neck chains com­ mand the attention of all well drees- ' ed ladies Our stock never was so complete for the holiday trade aa it ia just now. We have solid gold ones from $3 up. F. M French & Son. Jewelers and Eng ravers. Albany. Trace/ on Albany, Oregon v H i 1