The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, December 14, 1916, Image 3

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It W as Pound Essential
to a Fortune.
"Either yno «ball marry li»im Gray
or I «III M*v» th* prufiortj to jruur
Cmiad« Edgar
Hare ar* two will«,
on« In your favor, tba Mtwr in favor of
If within on* month you* aro
n t ««d<l**l to llelwa. I will doatruy th*
will leaving all tn y«m. Go your wod
«1. g day I artil dratroy th* on* leaving
the ewtat* t>> Edgar, making you oole
|i< t>rn< lary."
I . •» a|M>kr Martin Traver« to hi*
» •»> vValier The elder Tr»wr» waa a
n nt of atrong will and bla aon had
rtted It from him
The fortun*
had ta-eu act mutilated by th* father
and hl* partner. William Gray, largely
G n
■ nitld<>r man and Traver*
hi *>..» tame to regard hlln aa auptu
'rnry t> the bualneaa
Tra er*
I the® f
rd him out
Gray had
ill* d In poverty, and Traver*' ‘OU
at lent e atutMr him
lie |>ro| <wed now
to make what reatoratlon he could In
lii» own way—by uniting the property
after hl» death In hi» aaa. Walter
Traver», and Gray'» daughter and
only child. Il»’en
•||ow do you know that the girl will
ht‘Ve m»F aakrd Walter
I don't. t'Ut I hav* liiti» d<>uM the
It • an lie arranged Rhe will not
I •
.rly to thro« a Iva If tntereat tn
.»* over tier ahoukler. e»i>e. tally
■ ■ .»he 1» obliged to earn her owu
I Hr Ing.”
• ry well, fattier I «ill think the
i. . er over and let you know mv de
Mr. Traver» bad another reaeou for
hl»»n tn thl» matter
Ue knew
I that bl* • 'h »a« Io i *i t . »•■ i » fl mf
Waller li d fallen uu let 'be Ln
Burn e uf a woman Iru year» older
■ than h Inter if hie Inferior awetatly. tn
| tellertually Indeed, lu every way Tn
I known to the aim. the father bad trtr.1
to buy her .*ff toil wa* »»•*< willing to
pay her prbe, »be l»l*evltig that ahe
could get the b»v and the fortune a*
! well, for ahe beM him eulhrwlled
Walter wa. of that dangerona age
| When a man la liable to hr»" ma ti.fal
I Bated with any w-unio g -»I or bed
Mevertbelewa there wrr* tn him the
> germ* of g>**l »eu*r In,lead of going
■ to the woman who had fa* Inated hltu
to pour their mutual trouble tn her ear
and aak bar adv ire. be r«ni luded to
go to Helen Gray, tell bar the whole
»lory amt make bar a propualttoa ho
ha<l in mind
It waa md a very pleaaant atatement
< to make, but Trave • bad prv|uvred
i hunaelf for It and
“<> better than
I might have Iwvu el|w> led
lie Hn
geravl longer than lie**- awry «m the pre
llmlnary alatriueot In order to get up
hl» courage for the main announce
Mtaa * tray itaicued to him attentive
ly and without any rvqwi lai eipre»»Ion
of word or countemvii- e until be told
her of bl* love for aiiutber woman.
Then a look of dlMp|*olntm*nt rame
over her fai*
\nd now," be aald b-vvlng prepared
lhe way for hl» piwpoattloa. 'I »ug
ga.t that we he legally and only legally
I mean to a< cede to my
father'» Mlpulatbm
Rv orb a mar
rtage we will obtain a fortune which
we mint forego without It "
There waa a long »Hen e between
the two, which waa at la»t broke* by
Ml*» Uray
“I honor you. Mr Traver*.“ »he
aald. "for your franktu-*», and you are
I acting with common honesty in not
laying a plan tn obtain a fortune uu
der false preten ev
I will lake what
you have »aid under cwuaMrrallon. I
1 have the advantage of you io thia—I
am faucy free"
In due time Ml«» Gray wrote Mr.
Traver* that »be had decided to ac­
cept hie propoattlea. “A statement of
my reason» for doing ao ." »be wrote
"would be very hard to make
able* they have not l*vn called ft»r
■ Voder the ctrrum*lai ••* what you
’ propow» is the only all n ative both
h-r yog and for me I - ' • cell a fortuue
a»* 1»
A l’|»*t* r« « i*4 «>f itu» iw*te Walter In
f**rwd bU fkl ber tt> »1 he hail pro
|» **d tu Mi«» Gt*v ■■ d Iva 1 l*eeii ac
cvptwd. Mr Tr*’ ’« a «»c«l if the m»r
ri»«* wmild 1* 1«
• W .it.-v
Infort컫*! bit» tbat U « >uld t* teg*l
Tr*v*r» after »*»tu« tt K-iigtit attivi tliat
If thè |a»rt ■ « *•<■ Il ». >«
* t . bavr
tbe luardage »ui>ul««l •>r gei a itlviHT*
wltblu live ve«r» •«- WUWM he Aatl*
Walter a
i»»ci «lAtlng that II
« aa mH hi* bile i«,ti tu g-H ett Iter ad
AUllUlllUCllt nt A di' f
al an» lime
Bui he c«mfr*«evl timi le- r*«*TV«d |l»v
righi t>* iuve *nv » ih*ai. other that*
bl* Wlfe Tba-re v* , , ,.* •' «i .
of »
«mite aiti 1'.* fa*’
fm-w a* I»» a»
•ented tv» lb<* pgi.rl«
W all, r R ’ • » r * ■ » Al d* levi »itav wer,*
marrled wtl> ut h- ■■ i-i g auv thill*
lo hi» in»mur»t* »!• ut hi» cowing
Tlie wa*«t-i In« liHvk pki* e
of ao ufi- rii. ».ti and th.
t*rt«1* »ud gr*»in>
» t«» Uv* In »
bavu*e f*t»v«M«l
M r Tra ver». Hr
wlth a
••l«f rlMv’e Ite '»me lie«|. I «•
l'tie IWii atltfcvl l- vp ’h *-r Iti a ft Ir wilt
«ay In thefr n«« y •»me. »ml afir
dinne« Walter w • i t
■ < G.» «A» gu
Ing 1»» »imrvun** hi* 'ntarrü» « to thè
w<>mati lw- lov. » i . feti ber »hat 1»
wa* ftw »«««» «rrai «.«tiiwril he i’wuiil
make f*»r htm*«lf « > f*»r her and II
wa* uoder»t****t th*t he waa fm* In
love ber »» l>*ug a» he ll|vr*d.
Bui U aitar <■« ■ .»■ f> liar tb«a a
Ile I*.-.
with the woril*
“1 bave t*eeu ii»
va ht-ieupon
III« lady p**uri*l u
linn »u<*b a l*»r
reni taf nbiMM* Ihat bc «<O<*1 like «Hi»
tran«tl tri
"And *a> that ubi li* -ni ben ha» kepi
yo*i under hi« ihumb after all.“ »he
aald hi a raaplng vi*l 'r thai he bad
never beard cntur from b»r before "I
always <mi«l>lerrd >ou a milksop, ami
now I am aure of It
Td tbe woman
you V* married that »• c basii t got
mu<-h of « man wirb I tn* fortune I m
lu. ky In escaping that part of it any­
way “
This I» but a sample of what the
women poured out up-m lhe o n who.
looklug <>u l«ve purely ». a mailer of
•vutlmeut had rotue t>> ti ll tier that
the pl»*» »be held In hl« te-nrt Would
never I* occU|>h-d l»v an
obe el-e
W hai »lie would h» » ■ ».| to him b ul
he tiegun at tbe other . t ..f til» . -m
fe*.ion that all • f hl«
I lie her*
did mH »t-n t U h*»
i d II bj
tn flailing* With an atmoutv^ri.ieuf tbat
she had h*n a huge fortune
da ui Ing »yea. her rasping Voice, ber
rod fai*, ber cvuitecipt for him. drove
him out In'fore «be liad Sul»hvd.
"lleuvena!" he egclaltusal « boo be
got out Into tbe ia«o| air "What a h*<
Ghie fate I tuve e*ea|ivl!"
lie walkevl the »irret» for aa hour
thru «etil to ba* house Ilia alfe wa»
just going tu Ivor rv*>m. loti, noticing
hl« .»Citation, delay rd her going au<1
a»ked him If »ly ibing eerloit« had hap
I «¡rd it* v< 4, ti, a m<»al to de« tre au
cur dito nht' b lu |»*ur ihr «lu« k I m *
bed rwcvHvrd She already knew of hi*
Infatuation. l| *»i l> tenialnwl foe him
to tell l«*n lie bad Imen dl euebant«!
“if there w»» over a cvmteiuptfWa
e»lulne. tinlur»l leit« ha.l.“ Iw hogan,
“I *u> that f en*.ui " Ttieu lie told her
wberw tn- had l«v-u. uf hl» . imfevieloii
aiul the roc. i it h, <| had ou *t»e oi*'r« !
>»f Ma prv-vkni« »d<*r*tl<>n
“Why, juot
think.” hi- «eut «>u "« b.vt • horrtbi«
tue». I e - . .| have g 4 luto If I l«el
marrtrd that »i*:w»n? Ilel| «.mid have
beri heaven to li."
’I**vi are f»*r*ui»at*- tn e»*~N|*
tag «w b a futi*
I hafe belleied that
r**ur father knew of tut« tufatuati->u
anti Mw of bi* priu l|»al momma li.
forcing you itc • five «'m illion . f lernt
matriliMvuy «Ith tu« «a» ti» get ym*
«uit of tile foil* of ait adventure»» ”
I eirvl iu»i rtniouy," rv-|eutv«| Wai
ter, for the first time quirting down
nud pr.-ti-muulng the w«rvl< aa if tber
hurt hint
“Afri u**W." cwiifltptrd ili-lcti, "| will
ibi» Rh>* 0 n» ir father*« <*h)r» t In
w HI m I tuì >*• hu
ymi fratti tbtei w»»tnah
tlA< ÍMNrti n * Mj; p H iiìm M,. n hvu«’*"rr
♦’ > m ?» <n In n r’-’fiHHii ttwit thl*
aulirvi r t r u cet»
I h » Uh
niilhM 1 «HH
Thr r\| ■- *: gì t- H t!l»»r m ’¿l'r 1«
tt>'< <!<*<*• riIt«»‘4r, )!<• L 4
uri'»# tU*
•Un liete «»» an
«tt ber
ita«• » nw «Uildenly cam»
b» bit» lìh*t fisi H K,d woman ha* bari
t •ne
It»*» he not
ff>»| he n>l$M |H.««lli|v hav» wo«
the g.rl who *n hi» tat her hut w|«bed
him to uni
and n <v h «tend of I*
ing lu ml1 *-ri, be mltdil le happy
lt*dvu alarie*! Iw leave him to gw to
her room
lie give tur an ltu|d«irlng
m* k
"iHm'l goat oti-e." he »aid "I’m all
broken up”
1 (hing 1 run du
> tu ciwnwt you i will
i d<*
Hut 1 t*»1 ■*l brfur* 1 cvu»»nt«i|
Í t** thl. ui.iti'b • !wt 1 wa* gtvtug up
uiueh la u«t
iI’ig myaelf of mie tu l<»v»
ui* and w b- i 1 »u’vgbl love. Wtlb you
It «AA •1I. . .--.If
Vou rvf*e<'t»at tv» rtiid
j tb*t cu«nf<>ri i«li i h la tu tie derivad
fr»>tn a pure »H'evt>«u elee where,"
Killl that art« tful '-»»k un ht* far* te
m» ì tied
"t’utne." th» ailded. » banging her tone
1 to • tauro » tw v i•fUl olU*. "la-l IM Hid t*
’ Kin our life
set( mw repining
; are rrfresb iw t • *» ill • tie tarda-r
um? (» «A. to* 4»i•• * litldivn »ay tliat thl»
to n r»,r»l w«<h!i •g for u* and t**> merrv "
« uruomih <1 * m *lv| and told her
1 oT otvernl d*sh .1, tn liCtug that Wi'Ukl
i oi .l for a nlfllit »up;»er
When the •!»•.*•1* War* «erred tbe pilr
¡ »«t d>»wu «i
lah r. Tile brMe pl*. «4
dainty hits <wi i tier huataami’a pine
1 sad after < m tli*l*t tbe »•«rfh**«*me f'«wl
« Hl»«? FM’khuf hit'>• a pair of l>o«H«at. »)m
Valter l•••|pan to re«*r«r
1 frmu 4 be ¿nocí iw 1« .ft r* etv «x|. awl
« umM i«* 1vim • i»t »»**ibly. aft* r
•It hr ink Ut * • it till» girl rnr bl* real
j Ml well •« hl« 1 e*gat win-
kn huir |>a»»ed. and t*H*v had I««
com« »itflicieMlv chumtuv for Walter
te e»i>rcMi th!« b"pe
He waa met by
the aeaurnnee ttvaf while »he early r-»
mauri- love pcrt»v<| «. Pd ti»t l*> 'h>->-<
j rim»*. m I m hi r »w wHIh Hutt m<»r>- •;>
1 f«b*e
mi i r
> fh"wr,b 1
■ alitp »nd a u
j »» <«f inirer.Mt
Tin* ; i ■»«te dtf mili
hr-Mt-end'’ ttrwrf
«Ithh» him
? fo kfe her bu lut 5
lowwM her ar
kle**«i t»er
Thl« wveu'iu eventful lit the live«
of ihcoe laro |»-r>«oi.». t ifc pia e I** iim
atuittKh ar« tn warrant th« growth* up
aliim«t to matih<»d and womanhood of
•eversi of their • htldreji
Tlti* fatti»*
anil mother have imlm-»! their «T
vpring that In .the matter of mirriate
thev «hall re*> on older heads fur ap
pm, al of a life twtrttier
Tbl« Is u.*l
that they are
tngryv m.e r«i*ut«l»r t«>
them nr for gain tvn» that they are to
guard ngnle«t a mise Illa tire *t an am*
when Hie- are not ca|*ei*lo of »le«*ldlng
X growing chicli will not t Uri re on
•hurt ration*
If th*- rtrht k'lid of
food 1« feil » fiere I» little danger uf
.■verfeedltiic rep««iati» If they ara gtv
>'i> pleiitv of range
At the Closing Out Sale of Wesely’s
N TEVER before has there been any such sale. Every article in the store is marked down
, A ^1 in price. High clas.s merchandise
Use are slashed right and
anci left. It you need anything, by
OLÌ ____
SAI.L. I housands of dollars worth of
all means get it during this great ’ CLOSING
________ _____
good, clean merchandise to select from. We have a lot of Christmas gifts and toys all
going at cut prices. Come and supply yourselves while you have a chance to save money
We are Quoting Here a Few Extra Special Prices For Friday and Saturday Only
All Art Linens and I owlings
worth from 45c to 95c per yd,
will go Friday and Saturday at
All Flouncing and Embroidery
18 to 36 inches wide, will go
Friday and Saturday at
One lot ol 13oys two-piece
Underwear which will go on
Sale Friday and Saturday at
Half Price
Half Price
All Filo Silks, worth 5c a skein
will go Friday and Saturday at
All Linen Pillow Cushions and
Fancy Work go Fri. and Sat.
All Velvets will go on sale
Friday and Saturday at
Half Price
Half Price •
Half Price
One Lot of Ribbons to go on
Sale Friday and Saturday at
One lot Childrens and Mi«sses
Vests and Pants go at
All Wool Blank ets will go on
Sale 1'riday an< 1 Saturday at
Half Price
33V Off
GET BUSY and buy your
Christmas wants now and at the same time s<tve money and
This is a chance you certainly cannot afford to pass up
help us get out of business.
Scio, Oregon