-teff i * A' THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL 6 NO. 26 HATTERS CALL FOR OREGON RABBIT FUR Otter Ftr 110 Prepjfte Shus fas tt Crete CM>t>- Enttre Muts Vite to EiieriBMt SCIO. LINN CXHJNTY, OREGON. DECEMBER 14. 1916 Many Chickens Rood ta Albany Albany, i>cc 13. Chickens of every sire. prior and variety are occupying the center of the stage at Alt>«ny thia week, the occasion be­ ing the annual Central Willamette valley poultry sh««w Chickens of all leading breeds are on display and their quality is the topic of manv conversations The judging ia being done by the individual cord system H. Colli« r. of Tacoma, one of the beet known poultryman on the coast, is the judgr. This system allows the owner to know the weak and strong points of his fowl and is expected in an even lietter class of poultry to be exhibited next year, J. D. BROWN NAMED FARMERS UNION HEAD Itprts Olttrte At luitly Attitete StssiH Itvpl Bif G mk 1» Grew Duls Basket Ball Tea« last week lable of meeting any other team in the valley <>n fairly equal terms. Dr. Hobeon has lieen elected man- •g«*r and h«> will entertain a chal­ lenge from any other amateur team in the vallev This lodge now has a band which ranks well with any i other small town band in the valley A tiase ball team may. also, la- , organized next spring. ■* ♦ 11.50 THE YEAR OREGON DEMURRAGE SCALE RECIPROCAL Rthif >1 Skirt if i litiit liti Shippers ite Rites Mast Pay Far tte Oelifs McMinnville. l>ec. 9. The Farm- Salem, I*ec. 10. Charges in the Washington, lire II Two Phila­ era' Educational and Cooperative demurrage and reciprocal demur­ delphia hatters today communicated union closed its annual convention rage rul«*a in Oregon as applying to with Representative Sinnot and ask­ last evening, after electing th«* fol­ mirrutat« freight in carload lota ed him to have aent them by express lowing orticera: J D. Brown. Port­ have been decided upon by th** pub* 50 Oregon jackralibit skins, with land. president; Frank Burkholt>*r. lie srrvice commission to lte<*om<- which they wish to experiment. Coquille vice president; F. A Sikre. effective January 1. 1917. Service They had heard of Mr. Sinnott’s <«■ «1 Corvallis, secretary; executive board of copies of the new order will lw now famous hat and one manufac­ 50,000 Fanners Ask Loans W. W. Harrow, of Pendleton, J. I’. Our Albany New» Letter t secured tomorrow on all common turer explained that as there is a Arkison of The Italics. W K Peery carriers operating within the stat««. decide«! shortage this winter in fur Washington, D«-c 12 Officials of of Dayton; legislative committee Under the rul«*a now in effect, suitable for felt hat manufacture he 1 The streets of Alliany have Iteen th«- Farm Lian Board announced W. O. Parks of Elgin, C J. Whit ­ ■lemurrage is charged by carriers at and others are being forced to find decorated with evergreen for the that more than 50.(881 farmers have aker of Weiser, A R. Shumway of the Hat rate of >2 a day fur each some other supply. poultry show and the holiday season applied for mortgage loans aggre ­ Milton and J A Smith of Blalock. «lay which can are held bv shippers He told Mr Sinnott that if he and the High school ban«t is giving gating approximately >150,(88).(88), A. R Shumway was ch««en delegate for unloading or loading after a found the Oregon rabbitt fur suit street concerts in the interest of the or more than seventeen time* the to the national convention and W. period of 48 hours fr«*«* time ha» able for making hats he would place “Do your Christmas shopping early" amount of money which will be im- K Peerv alternate. elapsed. an order for a large numtier of pelts movement. The convention went on record as med lately available for loans upon Under the amended ruling an- lie explained that rabbit skins should Alliany Associated Charities is favoring bulk handling if grain and the organizalmn of the twelve farm nouncetl today, a graduated charge be stretched and dried on boards finding many cases that need atten­ i ¡»an banks. has Iteen tix«d. Th«* regular 48 constructing elevators for that. liefore shipment and asked that thia tion. One boy walke<| in through Most of th«* applications have come hours of free time ia allowed the Marketing was discussed and be done with the skins to be sent the snow with holes in his shoes to special stress was laid on finding a j from th«* south and w«*st. R«s|uesta shipper, but after the expiration of him. Mr. Sinnott telegraphed to secure a new pair. Clothing is be­ market for the farm products of the for loans to 2000 farmers have come that time the following charges will Crook county to have 100 skins pre­ ing collected to distribute among from Iowa alone. Willamette vallev. lie made until the car is released: pared and forwarded as soon as the poor and every effort ia tiring Il was said today that almost im- >2 a car for the first day or fraction Reports showed that the ¡«st year possible. made to keep the indigent families has been one of expansion, and of , mediately after organization the thereof that the car is detained ite- Meantime another consignment of supplied with food. business organisation. Four gram | banks would find it necessary to yond free time; >3 a car for the 0*i-gon rabbit skins han been order­ The different Lnn county towns elevators were built in Wasco county. issue bonds for virtually their entire second day or fraction thereof, am! ed for another factory which has are being closely scanned since Rev The one at Pendleton has a capacity capital stock to meet the demands >4 a car for the third and each sue- shown renewed interest Mr. Sin­ G. H. Young, pastor of the Baptist of 125,000 bushels. The work of of borrowers. citeding day or fraction thereof. nott believes that if the Philadelphia church in Alliany. announced that the Tristate Terminal Warehouse The >4 ia the maximum amount al­ eX|M>rimenta prove satisfactory there Teachers Examinations he had been called over long distance company was indorsed Its gross lowed by statute. will be a large and profitable market from a near by town and requested I business exceeds >6,000,000. be-sid«** Provision is made that when an for jackrabbit skins throughout the i to secure a wife for a lonely liach- IROOO.OOO business done through Notice is hereby given that th«* empty car or cars are place«! on remainder of the winter. elor. A number of theories have subsidiary warehouses, all owntd county superintendent of Linn coun- order ami are not used but are re- been advanced but no definite con­ cooperatively by mcml«*rs of the i ty. Oregon, will hold th«* regular turned to the railroad empty, no Bracelet Watches never were so clusion has lieen reached In the union. examination of applicants for state free time will lie allowed, but d«*- popular with the ladies an they are mean time Dr. Young is religiously i Reports from small local buying certdicates at Allmny. Oresron, as murrage will be charged from the at the present. We are showing a attempting to carry out the bachel- organisations under the union's plan ' follows: first 7 a. m. after placing or tender large variety of styles and have ora request. , Commencing on Wednesday, Dec- as follows: show a grana business of >225,000 some attractive l«argains Com» and Two dollars a car for the first day and of this >125.000 is credited to ember 20, 1916 at 6 o’clock a. m.. see our wonderful display of Christ­ and continuing until Saturday, or fraction thereof, >3 a car for th«* Mortgage Loans Coos county. It is estimated that mas gifts. F M. French & Son.: the entire grain business for the December 23, 1916, at 4:00 o'clock secund day and >4 a car for th«* Jewelers and Engravers. Albany. union will reach a total of >8,000.- j p. m. third day and each succeeding day In amounts from $2.500 to $10, or fraction thereof. 000 in Oregon and Idaho. Resolu ­ Wednesday Forenoon For Sale Close in acreage to 000 on good cultivated farms. No tions were pasted favoring govern ­ The scale of charges is the sam«* Lebanon, acre tracts, highly develop­ delay if your title is perfect. Call U. S. History, Writing, Penman­ against carriers as against shippers. ed. Easv terms, interest 6 per cent. on J. V. Pine, 203 West 2nd St.. ment control of grain storage. ship. Music. Drawing, It is belie vid by memla-rs of the There were 120 del«*gates and 84 Write Helen V. Crawford. la* tian on. Alliany, Ore Wedm-mlay Afternoon public service commission that the visiting memtiers, representing 130 Physiology, Reading, Composition new graduated scale of demurrage communities in Oregon and southern Domestic Science. Manual Training, chargee will go a long way toward Bear in mind that the goods offered in this sale are not “junk." Idaho. Methisls in Reading. Course of Study alleviating the car shortage which A visit to the store will convince you. Not a Fire nor a Rummage Delaware Man is Choice for Drawing. Methods in Arith­ has ln*en confronting the shippers. sale, simply the order of Mr. Peerv ‘sell this* or 'close out this line’ _______ I metic. Members of the commission say it j will operatr to cause the roads to Washington, Dec. 13. Senator Thursday Forenoon Saulsbury, of Delaware, was the tush in cars as quickly as ptasible Arithmetic, History of Education. unanimous choice of the democra tic Psychology, Methods in (««Higraphy, and at the same linn* cause ship,»*rs LEATHER HANDBAGS CUT GlJkSS senate caucus tonight for prewdent Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, to load or unload cars m a rush and >7 real Alligator, now >4 50 >8 50 Howl now >4.98 return them to the roads, so that pro tempore to succeed the late Course of Study for Domestic Art. >3.50 full leather lined 12 00 >7 00 Bowl now >3 00 Senator Clarke, of Arkansas He they may be again placed in imme­ >2 silk lifted, vanity glass >1.25 >5 00 Pickle dish 12 93 Thursday Afternoon will be elected by the senate prob­ diate use for other shippers. >3 leather, leather lined >1.90 Grammar. Geography, American ably tomorrow. CHINA >6.50 large leather bag >2.94 Literature. Stenography, Physics, To Christmas Shoppers Senator Saulsburv was elected to >1.25 Plate now for 77 cents Typewriting. Methods in language, the senate in January. 1913. He >1.25 Hair Receiver and STATIONERY has Iwcn for many years active in Tltesis for Primary Certificate. Puff Box. now for 68 cents in the future vou will find here You will And our store full of democratic national and state politics 75 cent Pickle Tray now 49c Friday Forenoon only Symphony Lawn, the bright and sparkling Christmas gifts ♦ S'» ■ ... - —-» ~~ BRASS highest quality on the market, Theory and Practice. Orthography. both in gold and silver for the old Read John Wesely's ad on another and Tulip Linen, a good quality Physical Geography, English Litera­ and young. You will enjoy a visit Swinging Fern Pot 11.50 now page. He is surely offering goods moderately priced line. ture. Chemistry. Physical Culture. to our store to see the wonderful 98c. 1.25 pot now 78c. Fern cheaper than you can buy them else­ display of many things suitable for Stand. Il 00. now 68 cents. where. In some lines the price has Friday Afternoon Boxes which sold from 25 eta. (Tirtstmas presents. been marked down to less than >2.50 book. History of the Civil School law. G«mlogv, Algebra. to >1.50 now 10 cents to >1.00 F. M French A Son. wholesale prices. It will pay vou to Civil Govemntent. War. 500 pages. Brady photo­ Jewelers ami Engravers, Alliany All Empty Holly Boxes for buv for future needs. graphs for >1.50, Saturday Forenoon mailing gifts at one-half price. Densmore A Wade shipprd a car So many socials, plays, suppers, >8 00 Kodaks now for >4 00 (teometry and Botany load of Shorthorns Pt Montana this etc. are being pulled off these days >10.00 Kodaks now for >7.50 >2 Safety Razor now for >1.00 Saturday Afternoon week. The animals are all heifers that this editor cannot keep tab on FLASHLIGHSTS, 25 % off Beautiful Postals 1c to Seta from two to three years old. Mr. General History and Bookke«q>ing them. Please hand us in a report Densmore acconqianied the ship­ W. L. Jackson of these functions and we will do >3 00 Shaving Set now >1.50 Childrens Books one-half price County School 8upt. | the real. ment. Peery’s Cut Price Christmas Sale