The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, December 07, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. 6
11.50 THE YEAR
CMStHtMN'l« aim h “ClM" ly t*
ANf«$- N«ip is Seat II
l»ndon. D«d. 3. An event sur­
passing in far reaching importance
the actual military operations of
the war came today in the public
announcement by the new Russian
premier, Alexander Trepoff. that by
an agreement concluded in 1915 and
sutmequently adhered to by Italy,
the allien definitely established Rus­
sia’* right tn < onatantinople and the
Simultaneously, with the fate of
Bucharest «till hanging in the bal­
ance. came the new* that Russia
wax making heoric efforts tn turn
the tide of events in Roumania in
addition to exerting vigorous pres­
sure against Von Falkenhayne in
Mddava. where the Russians have
gained a footing at Kirlibaba
The new Russian effort was visible
south of Bucharest in an important
attack on Field Marshal Mackenaen's
rear, which, according to the Rus­
sian official report, was accomplish­
ed by some success, the German*
and Bulgarian* having been driven
from Txomana and Gostmardi The
Russians are also successfully apply­
ing pressure in Dobruda.
These Russian attack* on the two
extreme Dank* of the central forces
may change the complexion of the
Roumanian campaign, a* there is
no indication as yet that the central
power* have succeeded in cutting
off any considerable portion of the
Roumanian armies.
Bay’s Essay on Editors
A Country schoolboy was told to
write an essay on editors, says the
Fallbrook (Cal.) Enterprise, and this
is the resnlt:
Don’t know how newspapers
came to be in the world. I don't
think the good lxird does, for he
ain't got nothing to say about an
editor in the Bible. I think the
editor is one of the missing links you
read about and stayed in the bushes
until after the flood and then came
out and wrote the thing up and ha*
deen here ever since.
1 don't think
he ever died. I neysr seen a dead
one amt never heard of one getting
“If a doctor makes a mistake he
C E.
There will lie a musical program |
remlered at th«- Federated church1
Wednrwlay evening, th-cember 13
for the benefit of the Young Peo|>lee
Christian Endeavor society. Pro­
ceed* to go toward the new piano
lately purchased for the church
Come out and enjoy a pleasant
evening and help a good cause along.
(General admission 15 cent*.
The City IrtaMct « Nat Irari Eaaefl
ti Stef ShifMiats Sin
Mp Killy
In a decision rendered thia after­
noon by Judge Kelly, the case of
the City of Alliany against C. Bur­
ns*. appealed from the police court
was dismissed
Burris* i* charged
with transporting liquor through
the street* of the city in violation
of the city ordinance.
Judge Kelly in his decision stated
that the ordinance is not broad
enough to «top the transportation
uf liquor through the street*. The
state makes it legal I» bring the
good* into th«- state in original
packages and the present law of the
city is not adequate to stop the
good« from panning through if there
is no attempt to «ell or dispose of
any of the content« of the car* or
Thi* mean* that the cases against
Burris«. C. Cilg. A J. Bennett. Jack
Well« and H Hawkm«. all brought
by tee citv ami their good« confis­
cated, will be drop|>ed and their
good« returned.
The present term of the circuit
court for jury trial« was an extrem­
ely short one Court wa* convenced
thia morning by Judge Kelley, but
there were no cases on the docket
to be tried by a jury So the grand
jury for the December term wa*
drawn, charged and the whole jury
list dismissed. The county is saved
393 a day by having no jury trial
The jorors for the l>ecrmber term
arc: Foreman, E. E Taylor. U-b-
anon, II. Dlnkard. Halaev. Wm R.
Kirk. Albany, W. F. Farson«. Fnce;
L. F. Millhollen, Orleans, J. N.
Hunter. Holley, and J A. Witt.
C«Mt) Curt N«ts 11 5
Bat Will Nat lusa As
M ho A s U1S
The Linn county court han ci>m-
plcted it* tentative xetimate for the*
county budget and will Ix-gm adver­
tising it today, to run for a period
of twenty day*, after which the
final levy of the counlv will lx-
From the following estimate* it
will be seen that the state levy i*
higher ami the county levy iowar
than last year
The •tate inform*
the court that their demands will
lie higher next year. The proposed
levy of 115 mill* la just th«- same
a* last year, but it will not raise a*
much money, for th«- tax roll is
nearly fl.nOO.iHXi lower than l**t
years The proposed millage lew is:
General Co. expense*
2 •
Common nchool*
2 3
Co, High school*
Road* and Bridges
1 2
Stale Tax
2 M
The county is not taking Mivan-
Lage of the tax limitation law to
raise the taxes six per cent more
than the aaseaimeni last year, n<>t
even raising as much this year
Total tax will tie
Probable receipts
From State and County
fund* and office fee* I 32N.3N9.00
Balance on hand
I ft 1.4M 83
Woman New City Treasurer
Sweet Home. Ih-c 4. Of four
city officer* elected in the municipal
election here today one was a
woman. Mr». M Story was elected
city treasurer
Other officers chosen were \& . II
Davis, city recorder, A (River,
councilman for one year and Fred
Rolfe, councilman for two year*
Most of the present city officer* hold
over for another year.
Clttritt Wirts NcMmivill* Cilbtnet
el lew Wheat Prices After
th War
McMinnville, Dec 5. More than
100 delegate* were in attendance at
the annual gathering of tin- Farmer*
Educational ami Cooperative Union
of America for the district compris­
ing Oregon and Southern Idaho,
which convened here today for a
four-dav session.
. J. 0. Brown, of Portland, ia preai­
dent and F A Sike*, of Corvallis is
secretary of the organization, which
like the Grange, ha* taken a keen
interest in the extension service car­
ried on by theO. A ('.. both through
the county agricultural ag«-nt* and
special lecturers and worker»
Governor Withcombe wa« ->ne of
the qx-akrrv. lie declared that there
was no place where mx-d time harv­
est i* more certain than in the Wdla-
369. N73 33 met tv valley, and that the time is
coming when the whole world will
wonder at it* product*. He spokr
of the n«-ce**itv of getting th«- boy»
and girl* to see th«- lieauties of farm
We ha<l a Thanksgiving exercise life, and a* on«- of the solution* of
at the church and a big basket din­ the problem lie advised the building
of Ix-tter farm home* and making
ner which wa* well attended.
civic centers of rural school houses.
Edward. mm of Dr Howard, kill­
"Don't be led awav by present
ed a grey fox east of Brownsvtjle^
pruaperity that i* du«- to the war,"
and Mrs. T J. Malone i* mounting
wa* th«- advice the governor gave
it. She ha* just mounted a great
to the farmers. He made the pre­
horned owl for the doctors little
diction that at the close of the war
American wheat would lie offered
Fred M alone and I * W. King
on the market at a price lea* than
succeeded in bagging two while
for 25 year* past.
Arctic owls. Two mure of them
"Don’t throw your livestock away
have been seen in thi* vicinity
and run after wheat," he warned
Bro. Johnson ha* been preaching them.
at night since Thanksgiving at the
Marshal ol Slayton
Christian church
F T. Tbiytr Is Eliciti Mijti iH W A
Cress is Musini iad I. $
StKfea Itcitiir
Scio'* city election jui-vx-d quietly
with aliout HO percent of the vote
The principal contests were
for mayor and marshal The follow­
ing is the vote as cast for the Indi-
; vidual candidates
For mayor F. T Thayer 74. W.
i A Ewing 69.
del. J S Sticha 1
For treasurer, Roy V Shelton 12b.
For marshal, W. A Cross 79, J.
N. Weddle «6.
For councelman. W E. Arnold 77
F T Bilveu 109. W. J. Chromy 124
R M Cain 97, J. F. Oupor 102. J.
M. Lindley 115, N. I. Morrison 101,
Cal Carson 73, Walter Bilyeu 71
Albany Rejects Bond Issue
Alliany, Dec. 4
In an election
in which le*s interest wa* taken than
in any city election here in many
years. Albany today elected three
council men, rejected a proposed
Imml issue by the narrow margin of
one vote and decisively defeated an
ordinance to remodel an old achcad
building for u*e a* a city hall.
T. D. Leigh, VS C. Tweedie ami
II. I .yon* were re-elected council­
men from the First, Second and
Riird ward*, respectively,
were unop|x>*cd.
Two charter amendment* were
submitted to provide for a bond
issue to take care of the city'« war-
rant indebtedness. The measure to
validate the butatanding warrant*
carried by a vote of 277 to 242.
while the bond inaue itself Inst by a
vote of 252 to Ml
The city hall ordinance wa* lost
by a vote of 174 for to 3X9 against.
Thi* ordinance wa* panned by the
council, vetoed by Mayor Curl, pass­
ed lver the veto and then the re­
ferendum was invoked.
Because very little interest wa*
taken and al*o because heavy rain
tell m<Mit all day, only a »mail per-
rentage of the voters went to the
polls and the vote wa* the lightest
in many year*.
W. 8. Swink, of Sweet Home,
Lebanon Elects Countilmen
Stay ton. Dec. 4 —Charles Stabb
•pent Thanksgiving at the home of
Sodaville Election
was elected city marshal, E. Beau­
I J Malone
Lebanon. Dec 4. Only three
champ, treasurer; Jerome Grier,
H. Cross has sold hi« farm to Roy
a recorder ami treasur­
Sodaville, Dec. 4 Sodaville elect­
recorder and C. D. Stayton and E.
Garret and has gone to California.
buries it. and people daaernt say no­
here today. Mayor
ed the following offiteri in the city
Murphv, councilmen, at the election
a holdover offi-
election today: C. L. Patterson, re­
Better Than Some Professionals here today
"When an editor makes a mistake
corder; H. Seifert, treasurer; J. B.
there is big swearing and a big fuss,
For recorder. ('. H. Witman was
Well Attended
Bewly, marshal, and A. Cale, J. W.
The Scio Dramatic Club produced
but if a doctor makes a mis take
R. Wayne Green will act
Wilson, A. A. King. L. A Simmons
"Pierre of the Plains" at the Scio
there ia a funeral, cut flowers and
with Albert Crandall
The Y. P. 8 C. E. was well at­
and C. H. Freaive
theater Thanksgiving evening to a
perfect silence.
the first ward; J.
tended Sunday evening when ibe
Under the local city charter the
crowded house. In fact standing
“A doctor can use a word a vard
ami Dr. W. W.
subject ''Conservation of Buainesa
council elect* one of it* memtier«
room wa* at a premium. The truup
long without anytxidy knowing what
Life*’ wa* diacussed by the several Kimmell re-elected from the third
acquitted themselves in a manner
it is. but if an editor use* one he
members of the mciety, with Mias ward.
Riley Shelton, guardian of the which drew praiars from visitors. A
has to spell it.
Berryman acting as leader.
Jefferson Has Light Vote
“If a doctor goes to ere another estate of Douglas Hamilton, incom­ Lebanon lady «aid "We have an
Come out next Sunday and enjoy
man's wife he chargee for It. but if petent, yesterday filed the inventory amateur troop in Lebanon, but it is
a pleasant hour with the endeavurer*
the editor goes hr get* a charge of of the estate, showing real property not nearly so good as your troup.
Jefferwm. Dec. 4.
With light
Also, don't forget the musical enter­
consisting of 111.46 acres of land Your company of player» are far
shown the
tainment to I* rendered at the
“Any old college can make a near Scio, valued at 15,000 and superior to must professional troupa
church Wednesday evening, Decem­
doctor, but an editor has to be personal property valued at 333.73, which visit the small towns.“
ber 13.
Olando Turner.
The guardian was granted a permit
The company played sn engage­
or, (»oorge P. Griffith; Recorder. J.
to sell the perwmel property for the ment at Stayton Saturday evening,
Teacher* Attention let us help T. Jone«; Treasurer. W. E. Smith.
Him* developed free at Peery’s good of the estate. -Albany Demo­ but owing to other attractions, had
you in «electing your Christmas Councilmen, J. J. Benson, F. R.
drug store.
i crat
¡Tandy and C. M. Smith.
I but a moderate bouse.
candie« and nula. J. 8. Sticha.