THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 5. NO. 23. DEPRAVED CONDITION * IN LINN COUNTY HOME SCIO, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER 1«. 1916 Villa Brandi Hia Foe SPLIT ELECTOLATE REGARDED UNLIKELY 11.60 THE YEAR 968 U. S. Vessels Built MINTO RESIGNS AT DEMAND OF BOARD Washington. Nov. 14 The de El Paso. N«»v. 14 Confirmation partment of commerce today an- of the report that Villa had ordered nounciM that 968 sailing, steam, ga* all captured Carranza soldiers brand-I and unriggvd vessels aggr«-gating • -I with the letters V ( ' " for Venustiano Carranza, was receiv«! Officiti Cwwt it Cihfinia Sim Gams 405.894 gross tons were built in the Yata la itaoii is Uait -Peaitiatitif Erari Driftmh if Near Sen, Was Unit«! States during th«- 10 months her» by government agents from «id«*! Nov«-mlw-r 1 Fir Wdsaa it Mijinty if is Teatpaurilf in Hands al Arretri m a Chart« •< Chihuahua City. In addition, there wen- construct ­ Refugees say Villa ordered th«’ Deputy Waidaa lastaeces liatmt N k Wifi ed for foreigners 36 wooden v«-sm-l« Carranza soldiers branded aa traitors a of 872,000 gross tons, and 11 steel («•cause they did not drive the vesM-ls of 25.418 gri»«a tons Of the "foreign invaders” out of Mexico Salem, Nov. II The state Istard A case as interesting aa it is re- San Francisco. Nov 15. Predic­ total tonnage. 284.668 were st«-am of control today demanded th«* re­ volting came to th« attention of the tion that the low «-st democratic elec­ craft. signation of J W Minto, superin ­ district attorney's office yesterday tor in California will run ahead of tendent of th«- Or«-gon is-nitentiary , when Mrs Marv Dobrkovsky and two the highest republican elector were I m * chus «- his administration of the children, who live seven miles south­ made tonight by democratic leaders piiHon ««« d«t*me«l unsatisfactory. east of Scio filed a complaint against after watching th«- sluwlv augment- Mr. Minto at once handed in his Frank Dobrkovsky for assault and ! ing returns from countv clerks resignation. batterv. "The differrnoard to dis­ The Dobrkovsky’• live on a farm Attire, (turai Bnwi San Trit tkt jin favor of the democrats," said miss the superintendent came after seven mil«»* southeast of Scio. In the Sydney M Van Winkle. Jr . chair­ Aa latiretiaf Maatiag Was Htld it li|t$iatara Mist Malt th Governor Withycoml»- ha«l present- family are nine children The wife, in man of the dern<»cratic cam|Mttgn «-«I results of his investigation of th«* her talk with District Attorney Gale I Act Effettivi the Qatea City Last Satar- committer hosing" on November 5 of Jeffer­ S Hill and Willard L Marks, slated Available returns stere considered daj Eveaiaf son Baldwin, serving a term from that on Tuesday her husband twat in themselv«-« not an index of the Clatsop county for burglary and and kicked her ami otherwise ¡»treat- Salem. Nov 13 Verltallv. Attor­ situation, proportionately, because Jam«*« Curtis, serving from Marion t«i her. She has a bad bruise on her ney General Brown held today, that they were from smaller counties The Scio lodge Knights of Pythias county fur a statutory offenm- knee to prove her story, As she sal the '‘bone dry” amendment i .«*«•< I which had given Wilson good major­ entcrtaineii Saturday night at a sort' in the office of Hill & I Marks with Expressing displeasure at what h«* at the present general election will ities. They showed the lowest demo­ of district convention It was at term«! cruel treatment of these her two children, they present««! a not become effective until the legia- crat 14,773 abend of th«- highest re­ tentled by II G Wortman, of Med- prisoners and diraatisfaclion with pitiful sight. Neither had uruler- lature provides the necessary legis­ publican. but nearly all th«* btg ford, gram! chancellor of Origon. the genet si conduct of th«* prison, cloth«««, the bov had no coat, shoe«, lative machinery for its <>|>eration. counties still were missing. Walter B Gleason, grand keeper of the governor requc«t«*anv. and occupier! the prelate’s chair. Is-otiard most of his m«>ais. leaving very little legislation, the present prohibition charge of th«- prison's ad ministra­ McClain occupied th«* vire-chancd» Whereas, This measure has ta-en in the house for the family. As they amendment, and the legislation en tion « tor's station. • * talked yesterday the woman said acted in connection with it, will be credited with having the endorse­ Following the degree work and they had had nothing to eat since in effect. It naturally follows that ment of the Linn County Farmers’ Jury List For the December Court several impressive talks by Measr« the morning before ami that there until the legislature acts liquor can Union, and Whereas. The county union ap­ Marks. Wortman. Gleason and otb- were only potatoes in the house. be imported into the state under the era. the Scio lo«lge put on a mock The following jury list was drawn Dobrkovsky was arrested by Act­ rest net ions provided under the pres­ point«! two of its members to as­ initiation, that for c«>m«ly, was said today for the term of court to be­ sist in drafting plans for a more ing Constable B. Helen and brought ent prohibition law" tn tie the I .eat ever. The member* gin Deeembet 4: uniform system of road building, to this city. He was given a preli­ Several constitutional lawyers who attending were c»nvuls«i with but no such plan, to our knowledge, T. C. Davidson, South Browns­ minary hearing last evening before have examined the provisions of the mirth Th«*n came a supper at which ville. has lawn endors«i by th«- ljnn Justice of the Peace Swan, he plead "bone drv” amendment agree with the Scio memliers did themselves J. N. Hunter. Holley. not guilty and his trial set for one Attorney (General Brown in his in­ county union or any of the locals of pmud and received the hearty com­ the county tn regular or special ses ­ M P. Briggs. Tailman. o’clock Saturday. The charge of terpretation of it. pliments of their guests. The mem­ Chas Blank. South Brownsville sion. therefore aiwault and tmttery was filed for After being advised of the attor­ bers of the Albany lodg«* return«! !,. F Millhollen, Orleans Be II R«wdv«1. That Lacomb local the prewent, the officers preferring ney general’s oral opinion. (Governor to the citv at an «-arly hour Sumlav j T. L. Dugger, North Scio. to invmtigate further before bring­ Withvcumls» saxi that immediately No. 103 make public orou-st against morning Alt*any Democrat. E. E. Taylor, South ls*banon. ing a non-support or other ch.irges after the canvass of the vote he the use of the name of our county N. V. Shelby, Knox Butte organization, as sponsor for any The case is an example of deplor­ would issue a proclamation declar­ Eight Measures Were Samuel Fawver. South Harris- measure, hill, amendment or any able ignorance, depravity and utter ing that the "tione dry" amendment burg. Carried, Three Lott public movement, which has not selfishness As the man sat in the had passed J. II Meara. Shedd. been brought up at a regular meet- justice court denying everything The figures now indicate the pus-! J A Witt, Crawfordsville. i ing of the county union and receiv ­ that he is charged with he punctuat- E. P. Hurst. Berlin ed a favorable vole by a majority sag«- of th«* following mt-asur«-« by «1 hia remarks with iwezr words. a Dog C. P. Powell, W«*st Brownsville of the del«-gate»i present. the majorities giv«-n: Upon the request of Judge Swan Melvin B. Miller, Waterloo. | Single tax veto, 78.640. And Be It Further Resolved. That «^>t to swear in court the man said A damage case is being fought in J. L. Calavan, North Scio. Single lax exemption, 50.732 this local expretsi its approval of the he was not swearing Presently the Justice of the Peace Swan’s court C. E. Milk Albany No. 8. Negro suffrage. 1,051. same thing happened again and he this afternoon between 0. O. Archer action taken by a majority of the John P. Ilarrang, Foster. Anti comp. vac.. 389. was again cautioned. When it hap­ of Kingston and Chas Salzel. of county court when aforesaid ineas- D. S Smith. All»any No I. Sunday dosing law repeal. 81 470 was brought to them bv petition at pened the third time Judge Swan Jordan Walter Winslow, of Salem W W. Fronk. North L banon. Absolute prohibition, 3,101. ts-came insistent ami demanded that represents Salzel and Archer is their October session Karl Bramwell. East Halsey. Rural credits. 21,042. ■wearing cease The man again in represented by Hill and Marks of Be It Furthct Resolved, That a State wide tax limitation, 12.M7.1 C. E. Clifford, Albany No. 3. sisted that he was not swearing and this city. copy of these Resolutions tie publish- George B Gay, Crawfordsville. Lost: ask«-d what he said He was told «1 in the Lebanoa Express and that The case is a suit to recover 1100 Homer Dinkard, East Halsey. Pendleton normal, 9,404. that he said "By God," whereupon one copy be address««! to the Unn •nd costs for th«- loss of a cow an«l J F. Bain. Price. Full rental land tax. 84.604. h«- slated that he did not know that county court. •log which Salzel ran over near Glen McFarland, South Browna- Brewers' amendment, 48,617. he was swearing Resolutions Cximmittee Kingston July 18, last. Salzel Haims vllle. The <-ase has very peculiar char­ that he was going less than 15 miles Lacomb, Or . Nov. II. 1916. O. D Austin. Albany No. 6. Compare the streets on both the acteristics and some other develop­ an hour at the time and that the George L. Howe. Albany No 6 north and south sides where they Albany Demo- dug and cow ran across the road in ments may arise Attention Farmen A. A. Hulburt. Calapooia. have been improv«rd with their mud­ erst. his way before he could stop. He Wm. R. Kirk. Albany No. 8. dy condition of last winter and you presents a counter claim for damwes W F Parsons. Price. I want your beef, mutton and fat will not regret the expente This Now that the tax limitation law to his car. which amounted to be­ hogs R R Myers. Peoria. I am still in business and same improvement should be com­ has been enact«! bv the p«>ple. tween S 125 and 1150, At the time when you have any of the above pleted on Mam street. Mill street many cities, towns, school districts of going to pre« the trial was still mentioned, telephone me at .Scio, from the flouring mills to the dty For sale, if taken at once and road districts will be compelled on, several witnesses being examin­ between 6 and 7 a. m or from *5:341 hall and on the main street leading flrst-class young grade to revise their budgets. ed.- Albany Herald. to 9 p. m. Thou. Large. east on the south aide. register«! bucks. V. STATE NOT BONE SCIO LODGE K. OF P. ENTERTAINS VISITORS I