5^ THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 5 NO. 21 DEMOCRATIC CANDI DATES ARE WORTHY I All Nm Itti Sacctsslal m Prnati la$i mu Ml Will la Faitfefai la Frthc Affairs The Tribune in this, the last issue before election, deeirvs to say a few words of commendation of our can- didst«-« We believe they ar«* all worthy of the trust of toe people and will r«flect credit upon them- aelv«M and party, if elect**»! Mari V. Weatherford Our candidate for congrewi, needs no introduction to the reader« of The Tribune. He is one of our brilliant, brainy attorneys and p<>«- sew» every requisite to make a successful and useful member of congress He has, perhaps, marie the most thorough canvas of th«' First congressional district, in order to get acquainted with th«* people and let them get acquainte«! with him. ever made by a candidate for that office in thia state. Being just at the threshold of middle life, full of energy and courage, it would I* difficult to select a more ideal candi­ date. It ia quite probable that Mr Wil­ son will be eleeted. -In that case, he should have a congress in sympa­ thy with his progressive td«*as Mr, Weatherford will lie found, if elect­ ed, a warm supporter of the primi- dent's progressive ideas. Il is safe pi sav that the Cannons. Penriwes, Smoots and others of the old reacti­ onary gang, will have little if any influence with Mr. Weatherford, as has tieen the case with the present incumbent. Mr. Hawley. On the other hand he will be ready at all tinres to co-operate with such men as Borah. Cumming« and la Fol- lette. Mr. Weatherford is worthy and will lie honent and true to the Inter­ est* of the people. You will not SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. NOVEMBER 2. 11*1« vote for a blank if you place an X |$ before hi. name ! Year* ia Office; r-t 11.50 THE YEAR An Important Office and g Change a Competent Official Our Legislative Ticket Our Oregon legislature ha* ts-en To the Editor: * off color for a numlwr of y«*ars be-; la a recent spee.*h at the Halaey cause of Its extravagant legislatl >n ' (opera house. Supt Jackson etiipha- and th«* creation of uaelese and ex­ sired the fact that Linn county with pensive commissions, officials, etc. its 137 district*. MXWiachool children Its membership has b«*en almost and 250 teachers was an enormous exclusively republican Had half task for one person to superintend or Marly half of the members Im even one with his experience of 16 democrats, the record would, prob­ years It certainly ha» ts*«*n an ef­ ably. have I wen better. At least the fort for him as he has had two republican party would have b««en supervisors to assist him for four abl«* tn divide the responsibility. years and one during the isut v«*ar, Hon W. P. Elmore, of Browns­ St an average expense of Slti.tMNI ville. has dem<>n«trat«*d his great for the five years, ami upon taking value as a friend of th«* people and a vote of the directors he found ability as a l«*gislator, by his service that they decideti he didn't wed in that body. Bv his watchfulruns any. and persistent ability he saved the With his mode of traveling too. state nearly one-half million dollars with a horse and buggy, requires a at the last stwion. This one accom­ great deal of time plishment should be sdhcient to in­ In stating his qualifications on the sure his r«*electu>n. cards he is handing the voter*, he Investigate W. L. Jackson's char­ acter. review his services and you! wili surely vote for him on Novem JUDGE GALLOWAY HITS DETRACTOR HARD her 7 His life, character and work StftktS Fr»« tfcl Skoulhr M Replfllf It will stand the X-ray and reveal: tba SlMiifMs Cucalii Issati nothing und«*sirable, but much to' favor his reelection. Thia is a time by I F Hilton when persons for petty personal j caum*s or janloaiea start untruths to I farther their own interests, at the |f thp people of the Thtrtl judicial cost of the public welfare 8«» should district want a judge who will decide you h«ar anything against Mr. rMrs to suit any individual, ciaw* or Jackton, just investigate and you interest, regardh-« «f law or fact, will tin«! that it is false j ,f they want a judge who will bar- Mr Jackoon spent most of hislife gain and traffic in deebions to gain in this community. His home *** popularity; if they want a judge here, ami he attended school here. 1 wh„ ,.an 1m. n,nlr«>llr«l or ¡nlimidat- So we have known him since child- then they should vote for some hood and know whereof we «peak 1>rM. elap |f rr,.|,^-t«^l I shall, a* in One person who has known Mr. the oast, know neither "wet" or Jackson since boyhood, is going to: "dry.” republican or democrat, vote against him la-cause he thinks friend or foe, in the decision of any he ha* had the office long enough, case. He admits that h«* cannot find a< I submit inv cause to nil right­ single fault with hi* private or pub- thinking women and men. rrgardlims lie life. Very well Mr. Merchant i of party, class or creed; to the peo- you ha«l better discharge that faith- pie who want fair tights ami honest ful, honest clerk of yours, whom ’ elections; to the people who detest you have had twelve years and break the eleventh hour mudslinger, th«’ • n a new one. Your business would secret slanderer and the liar; to th«* be better cared for. people who do not want their judges Mr. E C Peery, of Scio, give him fail* to tell where heattend«*«i school the experience in the l«*gislature or if he ever graduated from any which Mr, Elmore has had. will coll«*ge. but «ays he i* a "promoter prove an equally if not mure capable of high uchool* and industrial fairs " member He is on«* of our m<>«t Mr. Jackson said he was petition capable and progressive business «-d by the teacher* of the county to men. is always in the front rank in liecome a candidate for reelection, public affairs, and ia capahle of the fact ia his supervisor, at the handling large business affairs sue expense of the taxpayers. prtitieo«-d It ia generally known that 98 per filed nor their juries packed, ceasfully. , the teachers, (many of whom ar«* at Wm. Galloway. Mr. Peery ia th«* only candidal«* present supporting Mrs. Cummings) cent of the teachers in Unn county i (Paid Adv) of eithei party w ho is strictly repre­ and many who signed the petition petitioned Mr. Jackson to again ac-1 sentative of the Forks of the Santl- are from outside counties and have «■ept th«.* nomination. It is because am, a section which embraces more no vote. they are in a position to know hie j The Straw Vote than one-half of the territory of Now Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cumming*, ti relet* efforts for the henefit of the 1 Linn county. This fact alone merits with her qualifications, living a col­ children and whwols They know ‘ Straw vole« ar« «imply pointers. his election. lege graduate, having attended four he ia honest, capable, strict, con-1 nafnt, ta obtained from th«* fact I Mr. Peery is responsible for th«* different eolleg«*. and a holder of a scieritloua, economical and no one ijjgj straws point in the direction adoption of our present high school •tate life diploma, will find it no can perform the superintendent's ths wind is blowing. The Rexal! system in Unn county and is a strong great task to auperintend, sup«*rvi*- duties better. drug store straw vote for president, fri«*n the vote was counted and stood Other counties besides Unn haw miles southwest of Scio, good new [ Wilson 18, Hughe« 1. Mr. Irvin R. Schultz, of Albany, is a bright young busin«-m man.' high schools and industrial fairs. In and modern 8 room house, bath, I whose qualities as a («-gislator and fact, on page 48, Oregon School pantry, fair large barn, Mr. and Mr«. C. C. Jackson, of family in public affairs, are yet to ba tried Law. will be found a ¡»aragraph, orchard. Iwrrie*. etc. Will aell weal of Halaey. came over Saturday out. But a start in public matters which provide« for an appropriation either the whole or subdivide into and wero guest* over night of Mr. must I m * made and Mr. Schultz, a from the state for county fairs. 40 and no acre tract«. Title good and Mr«. J. A. Bilyeu. Mrs. Jack»**n Give the lady a change. Will sell for cash or take other land i« a sister of Mr. Bilyeu. The Tri­ (Continued on pag«- 4) A Subscriber. for |*art payment, if suited. Very bune acknowledge« a very pleasant I Paid Adv) WILSON JOY RIDIMI IN HUGHES’ TOOL'S PARADISE 03 Advertising Pays reasonable price. B. F Titus. If our merchant* deal re proof that It pays to advertise, it was furnish- ed right here at home last Saturday When the John Weaely «tore was opened at 9 a. m . there wa* a mob ready to fill the store Within five minute« aisle« were full of people who when they found what they wanted, were ready to buy. Simply convince the people that you have bargain* for them and they will be on hand at any old time. Washington. Oct 29 Equipment of Army heavy artillery batterie« with motor tractor« instead of horae« is forecast in a report on recent teat* made at the artillerv school at Fort hv can *LL ( jo and VU It tor WILSON Sill. Okla. The artillery board found that, in addition to giving the heavy guns greater mobility and efficiency, equipment with gasoline motor trac­ tors would result in s reduction in original c.at and maintenance charges. tf call from Mr. Jack*on. A ROTTEN REPUBLICAN SHOW Artillery Io Use Motor* 1 rA' «V* « •< » t* I