* ' • » f A • * ■, • st •A e 9, Ì .7 a - f » s tr ‘ ♦ » e- « • ’ >*< ' 9 » % • > • e • s*. ,’k V * •?• A rf/f a 9 The Scio Tribune li 25 a vear Albert Young an«! Harry Johnston were Albany visitors Saturday LOCAL B1EVITILS The ladies pavilion at the grounds ia about completed. drove over to Lebanon Monday. Wheat at II per bushel looks good to moat farmers. But few will hold their grain for a higher price. Have you tried any of the home product sausages made in a clean kitchen at the Sanitary market? • «JW ! V- Q- i \r p J X * ( I . -•* fv "ii ■■ 1 > • . Ci • a, p* ’>* ■>'- ?< 3 -ft l‘* * • ¿ a * J SPECIAL A. B. Homer pnd wife are in Dr. Bancroft, the eye specialist Portland attending the merchant's of Salem, was in town Tueaiay. convention during buyers week. In Roe Lindley and family returned their absence Mrs Gates and Mrs. from a three week's outing at Bel- Cain are caring for the store am! fair knapp hot springs Monday. poetoffice Deer season opened Tuesday, but W C. Simmons left yesterday Scio nimrods will wait for t differ­ morninr on a trip to Idaho, to visit ent phase of the moon. his aged mother. As ex>n as bids can lie advertised The finishing touches to the grad­ the contract for paving will be let. ing of Main street preparatory to after which we will be comfortable javing. are being made. again. Vilas Philippi, of near Mehama, Rol Morris and IJoyd l-uckrnlmch has lieen spending the past week in returned from a months mountain Scio for business purposes Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bilyeu. Mrs. trip to Marmn lake am! other points Adams, and her niece. Mias Smith, last week J GATES ITEMS Bury days in Gates with the new railroad Iteing built into Uie hills toward Elkhorn, the manv logging camps in full operation and a steady stream of miners with their equip­ ment hiking to the Elkhorn and Quartxville districts to say nothing of the camfM'rs. makes one think of other dayf * lu-d ofkly's jack train wends its way regularly tn the “diggins" in Quartxville. lied has some fine landlord Hutchinson of the Scio prospects himself on the south «de hotel, went to Portland yesterday of White Bull mountain. to hear our next would-be-president. Erricksoti A- Winters have taken Mr. Hughes out considerable gold from their Found A container for headlight propertv alsive Nyr creek. They glans of an automobile. Cail at this have a small mill in operation office and pay for this notice and Rumors have it that the old get your property. lawlor mine will soon open up under John Wearly and family and Dr. Sanderson ami family left Monday The bridge across Thomas creek, the management of a New York for a few days outing on Thomas within the city limits is to be re­ company. creek. decked in the immediate future. Will Harris, the g>«nial and expert Street improvement has forced Bert Bilyeu will look after the work. chef of Anderson's hotel, has his the removal of the platform scales Congress is working on a scheme hands full these days feeding the at the livery stable from Mam to establish a standard price for all hungry multitude. street. kinds of merchandize. This is a, Chas. Errickson came over from We make a specialty of Friend­ lick at the big mail order houses. Elkhorn last week to Meet R. E ship. Engagement and Wedding Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Carpenter Peery am! a |>arty of Engineers who Rings. F. M French it Son. Albany, went down to Portland yesterday were on their way to the Crown Oregon. morning for a few day* visit ami, • mines. Ernckson say* business has Wm Manis, it ia reporter!, had a incidentally to hear Candidate Chas. increased to such an extent that he wheat vteld of over 40 bushels per has hae«t qualified hopes the plan will be successful. spring person in the county for the place Tlie Linn County Fair will be " roosters and besides, she makes a splendid open season for county candidates Turkeys impression wherever she goes. and. mayhap, some who aspires to a Geese Grandma L. W. Pomeroy reached state office as well. More election­ Ducks eering will tie done, probably, than her 73rd birthday last Sundav. Mr. Beef and Mrs. Tho*. Smail honored the at any of our previous fairs. Veal event by a sumptioua birthday din­ Hogs, live per hundred lb 8 IM) Roe Shelton and family did not as it ner. Mrs. Pomeroy is a great lover Hogs, dressed ».(Ml get away last week to Cascadia. s< of flowers and takes great pleasure Mutton MOO But. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. in making them grow profusely in W M Miller, started last Monday her yard and garden and her neigh­ morning an«! will extend their trip bors reaps a large benefit therefrom, t on to Fish lake. WAR Diredt from the battle fields of Warring Europe IN 3 RLElJy From the Great Battle f ront in Action First run pictures coinpne 27-7 Oregon’» premier beach report is not far away and is easily reached DR. A. G. PRILL • ~T" "1" -------------------------------------------------- Phjraidaa aad Sorgeoo Calls Attended Day or Night SCIO ORE. ------------------- -- , 2 Daily 1 rains l/IW from Albany to Corvallis, round trip fare* are available Good hotel accomodations. Fine surf bathing. Boating <>n Yequina llav You cant beat Neuport for a place Io enjoy a t'ai at ton H. C. ROLOFF Ask any local agent or write to M.a r—«aw. o».w Auctioneer WATERLOO. OREGON r 0 Ns. I PUs> Ute Sale dates arranged for at The Tribune Office. Scio SOUTHERN PACIFIC