The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, August 17, 1916, Image 2

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«* ?» jCe
their anger by electing democratic will not admit that there is one
single redeeming feature in the
When the presidential year arriv­ Wilson admliiistration,
All are
unirgli kvkmy thvkhuay by
ed and the national convention wm marks of incompetency, dishonesty
t . u nuGGO, mmm anp riu»r
in SMsion, they were still angered and <>f pork barrel instigation.
M «9
N<>w th«' great mam of the Ameri­
But Mr Taft had »> msnip'r.ited
Entered at ths poatoffic» st Scio. 1 platters in the selection of delegate« can people are r«'anonaNy honest
Oregon m aacund class mattar.
that his renomination could not t«c and they believe that the man they
defeated ami the angry delegates. select to office, no matter what his
11.26 ' under the leadership of Colonel political affiliation may be is, like­
1.50 I Rixwevrlt, refaxed to play ball They wise. occasionally honest and diwn-
.75 i withdrew from the convention, a» terested in hi» public acto. They
at believe that most people, regardless
did the southern democrats
Charleston, S. C. in 1860, and of political sentiment, arc fiatriotic
and desire good government. Nor.
Ixical advertising, per line
6c I formed a new party.
Now Colonel Roosevelt ami hi» do thev believe that all public'
Display advertising, per inch
lieutenants are endeavoring to lead honesty ami e«*mfietency reside in‘
Display advertising, long time, se« I
or drive three same progressive«, the bo»om» of republican statesmen.,
who declared the new or progressive nevertheless Mr. Hughes* s|«eeches I
Extended marriage or death notices
party wm formed on a iMuas of pro­ are In the mntrary
per line
Candidate Hughes' public speeches i
gressive principle« which the g o. p
Special rates on lone time display
would not adopt, back into the folds are too much of the character of <
of this same g. o. p
"Father for- .the lawyer addressing a jury
give them for thev know not what wants to win his case and think» itl
they do.” wm the spirit of the g. o. can be done by belittling the argu- ;
D. leaders at the Chicago convention menu and facts which may lie on)
BUNCO GAME The backsliders were invited to th«* other side. This method of
again la* reconciled to their gods. campaigning will not ap|«vid to the
It ha« lieen »tail'd by a republican Wall street, the protected interests, fairnunded American jnihlic.
.Mr. Hughes would admit that the
leader that the republican platform etc.
Colonel Rooacvelt and his lieuten­ Wilson administration ha» stumbled
n ado in Chirago at the late national
convention, wm so broad, lilieral ants were anxiously willing to for­ ufH«n an occasional gixxi measure
principle», and enacted it into law. hi»«|>reehes
and progressive in the line of re­ get the t>lat form of
form. that any patriotic progressive which had been proclaimed so en- would have a much gr ester in«
could »tarn! upon It without anv thusiMlically when the new party fluence.
<|ualtns of conscience and without was formed ami again unite with
Now, it is claimed by democrats,
having to take a backward step the ’’crook»” and ’’malefactors." that more reform legidatioo which
from the position he assumed. when simply to beat Wilson.
effects the American people, has
Rut will the rank ami file of the been enacted into taw by the present
he marched from a similar conven­
tion four years previously, under l>etrayed progressive party forget? administration than during the pre­
the banner of the doughty Colonel Can they forget the co I imm ) bunco vious forty years
They go further
game plaved upon them in 1808? and cite these reform mcMurva. one
of Oyster tray.
This sugar coated statement is Will the molasses, which ia being a>> after another. Mr. Hughes does
very nice if platform promise» can copiously soraak th catch the pro- not either deny <>r admit the«e
be relied upon to lie made good greasive fly. prove effective, even if sections
Rut scotns content to
(• /-
later on. But the history of the
republican party made eight years
ago, is not such as to inspire the
doubting progressive with confi­
When Mr. Taft wm nominated
and afterwards elected, a platform
of principles was declared.
people then had confidence in the
republican party for they believed
It would live up tn its promise«
made in its platform of declared
One of that platform’s leading
declaration» w as that it would revise
the tariff. The people bad become
tired of an extreme high tariff, (the
highest ever known in the higtory
of th«* government up to that time)
and they demanded that the sche­
dule» should l«e revised downward.
Mr Taft, in his campaign speeches,
said thetariff was too high and that
the duties should lie reduced.
The people trusted the promises
of these republican leaders ami elect­
ed Mr. Taft. At the same time
both branches of congress were re­
publican by a good working majority
and there was no reason why the
tariff promises made to the people
should not be faithfully kept and
the tariff reduced m the people de­
manded and lielieved would be done.
Note the result.
After Mr. Taft’s election one of
his first official acts was to convene
congress in special session for the
one purpose of revising the tariff.
After some months of investiga­
tion a tariff bill wm passed and with
President faft’s signature, became
a law. In signing the bill, popularly
named the Payne-Aldrice tariff, he
said it wm the best tariff law ever
enacted by the republican party. A
republican congress had made good
a promise made to the people at its
national convention. It had revised
the tariff. Hut when the law wm
analyzed and dissected, it wm found
the revision wm upward instead of
downpard, as the |«eople demanded
and m Mr Taft said should I*
As a matter of course the people
were greatly disappointed and. after
they found how they had been bun­
coed. they l>ecame angry. When
the biennial election arrived two
years later the people registered
indorsed bv Roosevelt. Perkins &
The great maas of republican«
who rarnrel up the progressive ban­
ner. are men of principle. They did
not take that momentous step at
Chicago in 1912. without aenous
thought and. probably, a large ma­
jority of them will refuse to be
herded, like cattle. I>ack into the
old g. o. p. pasture« They are men
who think and wh<> place principle
abova partisan gain and are sure to
refuse to be made catapaws of to
rake republican chestnuta. When
they retielled against g. o. p. tactics
it wm for the purpose of driving
the old gang from governmental
management. Now they are invited
by sugar-cmite<i promises, to help to
place the old gang in power again.
Will thev forget ami be forgiven?
Well, hardly, many of them say.
Thev were buncoed in 19<>8 and for
which they are blameleas. If they
allow themselves to l<e again bun-
cued in 1916, they will simply be
fooled again ami la-come mere timls
in the hands of the g o. p. leaders.
The campaign of vituperation,
misconstruction and faultfinding,
now being carried on by Candidate
Charles Fl Hughe«, may I h > a winner
in some localities and with some
unthinking minds; but it will result
Itoomarang like with the vMt ma­
jority of thinking people. Most
people are fair even to an apponent
in their thoughts. They are willing
to give even the Devil his dues and
they are sure to rear nt Mr Hughes'
methods of campaign.
If Mr. Hughes will admit what
he kmiws to be facts, he must tell
of several gixxl things for which
Mr. Wilson and his congress are
responsible. Even the things which
had lieen agitate«! by progressive
reform republicans and which have
lieen carried to a «uccesaful con­
clusion by a democratic administra-
tior, are ¡amm-d in silence by Mr.
To res«I his »pec-hex and from
which draw conclusions, one would
think that all democrats are dishon­
est. incompetent and are trying to
work havoc to the government. He
• »
Fetleraird Church
F<-ur baewnger Buick auto, model
Suiulay School
, Good condition. 1175. Addresa
II a. m.
L C Fox. Allmny. Ore
(Tinstian F»»deavor_6;3U to 7;3u u.m.
Kong Servire
7:30 tn 8:60 p m.
I rayer Meeting. Thur* lay 7;30p.m. ff«
A Mimi
ï f •
Broth, r Mcikvljohn. 1 «cader.
li B. Her. butor
We people on the Pacific slope
Iielieve that, even in politic«, public
men should l«e reasonably fair. We
Iielieve that a good meMure enact
cd into law. whether bv republican*
or democrat», ia equally a» meritori*
ous and will effect the welfare of
the people in nbou t the Mitir wav.
Rain falls alike on the just am! un­
just and good or l»ad laws effect the
people in a similar manner
reform laws enacted by the presrnt
democratic administration are just
M welcome, Mr. Hughes, m if you
were at the helm of the Ship of
State, tacked by a republican con­
gress. The truth in the end will
injure nobody; but misrepresenta­
tions and misconstructions are mis-
chievious and injurious to the speak­
er. more so than to whom he could
An Excellent Cuisii
Wm. Ehlert. who ia now proprie­
tor of the R um house, in Ail>any.
invite» all of hi» old friend» and the
traveling public in general to »ample
the »plendid meal» he ia now serv-
ing. Good well prepared,.served a»
you get it at home and without at­
tempting any unnecessary displav.
ia the rule al the Rum house
you deaire a rood wholesome eat
•nd plenty of it. the Ehlert is the
place to go
The Scio Tribune. $1.25 the year.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Queensware, Glassware, Etc.
field and Garden Seeds
Cash Paid for Veal. I ioga. I ¡ides and (.astata Balk
Prices Righi
Our Molta
l.iVf and Let I.lie ■
Railroad Jubilee
Aug. 24. 25, 26
The Greatest Celebration in Years
find fault with every public act of
President Wilson and his cabinet
No doubt there are faults which
should ba criticised a» has ix-en the
case with every administration since
the birth of our government.
It is
also true that during every adminis­
tration of the government, some
meritorious measures have bean en­
acted into law. Why not admit an
established fact?
Why not. Mr.
Hughes, admit that the present ad
ministration hp fathered several
meritorious laws? W'hy not admit
that the income tax. direct election
of U. 8 senators, regional banks,
rural credits and several
measures which the American people
think meritorious, are facta? Con­
demn them if you wish, but do not
simply ignore them.
For Sale
Coo» Bay County invites the
world to celebrate the coming
of tlie railroad. Hosptlality is
the keynote of this celebration
August 24
Band Concert». SfM-aking t’aremonies, Dedication Simpson Park
Street Carnival. Water Sports, Parade«. Driving Goldspike
August 25
Trips by rail ami boat to Coquille. Bandon, Myrtle Point, Powers,
Coos Bay. Mumtcl Reaf. Sunset Bay. Gq<e Aragp. Sea food dinner
st Charleston Ray. Fishing at Lakeside, launch trips on Coos Bay
August 26
Industriai Parade, Water S|x>rts, Auto Racmg. Illuminaled Launch
Paratie. Eirework», Dancing Hors«- liscine.
Low Round Trip Fare*
<)n sale Aug. 21 to *26 ine
Return limtt Aug 31.
A afe Parai Am»
John M. taoU. ( h **«* ì raMMWMf«* Agvnl
(Portland. Oregon
Painting and Paper / tanging
1 am prepared to do your painting or paper hanging
on short notice, at rciiM«’ai>le rate».
Refer you to
J. F‘. Weseiy a» to the character of my work.
Estimates of material made
Give me a trial.