•* ,V/ * r- £« •vf.'iì The Scio Tribune 11 26 a war • Fred Jones returned from bw Manon lake frahmg trip last Friday. bringing a supply of lake trout The Wtwely*. their families and relative* gave a family picnic up Thomas creek last Sunday. John Wesely returned from a The Scio Dramatic truup play«! business trip to Portland Timed ay "The Virginian'' at the Richard *on J. J. Barnes wm in town over Gap hall last Saturday evening to night Saturday, returning to Salem a g<* J house Sunday. Mrs. Ira Abbott, childrtm and The Albany creamery made 122.- mother of Myrtle Point, are visiting I 000 worth of butter in the month Mr. and Mrs. W M Abbott. of the Scio hotel. of July. » Railroad Strike Averted The bridge across Thomas creek, When in need of anything in the within the city limit* is to ta re* way of job work, call and we us Just as we g<> to preas. The Ore­ decked in the imnwiflste future. W'c du fimt-clae» work at rca»-nabl* • gonian stales th«' thruat«-n«-d great Bert Bilyeu will look after the work price* railroad strike which wotiki have involved 400,000 men ami 3(11.000 mile« of railway is. temporarily averted and it is believed the trouble will b* amicably adjusted. Both the men and employers have agreed tn give the national board / Ac final touch of elegance of mediation time to •** if the The la.d enhancing charm difference* may not be adjusted and the big strike which would have in Milady 1 Toilet paralized industry all over the Unit­ ed Stales, averted. Score another i virtary for Wilson. - - Mr*. N. I Morrison is reported I Quite a number of Scio people A number of cement sidewalk« went to Albany the first of the week are to ta laid, caused by the street to see the great photoplay. "The improvement. to be on tie Sick list. Have you trM any of the heme Birth of a Nation." PERFUME an A new fvne»- surrounding the race i Georg* A. French and Miss tatha product sausages made in a clean Sanders, both of Shelburn, were track at the fair ground* ha* bwn kitchen at the Sanitary market? Ro«' Shelton and family are pre- married in Altauiy by Judge .Mc­ «•rtTtod and lumber for the new ladies pavilion is being haul«!. ing for an outing at t'awcadia, ex­ knight last Saturday. Mrs. Cross returned the first of The Tribune will furnish extra' the week from a vistf with her copies of the paper to any of its | Mrs Ed lioraky and daughter, advertisers and mall them to anv-| perimt*. of near Oregon City, tath Blanch, are visiting at the Svoboda of whom have lieen seriously ill. body in Ijnn county at !>«’ parental home this week. each. The Child l^leir meaaur* wm A litany, in addition to her Harvest paaami by the U. S. senate Tuesday If you want any of the daily Festival will include a round up. by a large majority. It will liecome paper*. The Tribune will get them the contract for the same ha* been a law with the president's signature for you at Bargain Day rates, pro- signed. viding you pay for The Tribune one Three l«nn county school fairs We make a specialty of Friend­ year in advance ship, Engagement and Wedding are to be held this year. At Scio at Harrisburg Who will exhibit the largest pump­ Ring* F. M French A Son. Albany, September 6. 7. N; October fl and 7; at Alliany Oct kin at th«' Fair, next m<»nth' Ths Oregon. 12. II, 14. Tribune will give a year's subscrip­ Wheat threshing on the fall crop tion bi the exhibitor if he or she is President Wllaon will lie oflimally seems to It* general all over the a school l*iy or girl. notiflwl of his nomination during Oounty, this week. Good yields are the last week of August or on Sep­ Frank Shores, of l-aeomb, aceom-1 generally reported. tember 2. The date has not yet panied by I’rof V. K Froula. <-‘f Unltws the Wsat Scio r<>ad is taen definitely fix««d. Seattle, was in town Wedneaiay materially improved before winter, Prof. Froula owns a farm adjoining • Work at cleaning up Mam *tr«*t we will have a mad which will re­ Mr. Shore* anti spends his yearly: mim! us of old times because of the preparabiry to paving was commen­ vacation on this farm. Prof Froula , ced Monday morning. The scara- mud. is principal of the largest High, Dr. Bancroft, of Salem. Or*., fier. pulled by Frank Thayer's big school in the northwest, having - will l>e at Scio Hotel. Scio. traction engine, is some digger. 2200 oufrils Tu«*sda>, August 15, 1916. Will The annual county convention of People in this section of the state make regular tripe. All work guar­ the W. C. T. U. will ba held in will optxwe the Pendleton normal anteed. Brownsville during th«* a«*cond week school scheme, not Iwcauae the Harry Wittman, of Lebanon, was in September, to which all W. C. T arhool i* to be at Pendleton nor be- in town Tuesday, enroute to join U. women are cordially invited. cause it is to be a normal schon the little North fork and It is confidently be disturded as little as possible i and work where rock to improve Main at Quartxville street on the south side will !*• expt«cto«l that one of the richest that uneaven places should be crushed. mining sections on the coast will be brought to grade with gravel or eastern Lmn and crushed rock, placed carefully. Some very excellent road grading develop«! in Marion counties. •ide of has been done on the north Th«' Eugene flax experiment la J—» ji ..t u.«.!! JEANICE OR I.AURICE Liolh an neu' and delightful fiatar combination oJon Not a until but a truly delightful fragrance. pecting to start today. A /• sure to prove mor* succeasful than was that of the spit«' last year. A man who knows how to handle and prepare flax from the time it is planted until it is ready for the •pinning jenny, ia th* manager, He is Eugene Bo I, who is well known in Scio. The big railway strike, which in­ volve* more than 400,000 employes, ia scheduled to he pulled off this week, though there are some indi­ cations that a compromise may settle or delay matters. The federal gov­ ernment may also take a hand, un­ lew agreement is reach«! by the contending parties. Prof 0. V. White was in town a short time Saturday. He stat«! that Mark V Weatherford ia billed to deliver the keynote speech at the Woodrow Wilson meet in Portland thia week, which will be the formal o|M»ning of the democratic campaign in Oregon. Prof. White thinks Mr. Weatherford'* chances for winning the election in November are grow-j ing brighter daily. Thomas creek, a few mile* east <>f town under the surervimon of Mr. Eichenger, A dressing of crushed rock or gravel will make this stretch of road • joy to the auto owner. Dr T. K. Sanderson DENTIST Our old friend. W. Wllaon, of Phone 27-7 down Jefferson way. dropped into OREGON Ths- Tribune office Thursday of last BUIO week and pushed hi* subscription up for another year He savs that President Wilson is the first and DR A. G. PRILL only president to taar his name and that be would vote to give his name­ Physician and Sarg sake another four year* on Novem­ Calls Attended ber 7. I Day or Night John Curl, an old time resident of Scio, now living at St. Johns, arriv­ ed in town Saturday morning, driv­ ing ope of the first automobiles brought out. Chas Wesely nor his auto expert. Arthur Kelly, could handle the machine, it wa» so far hack from any of the models of the past Nve or six years that they WATERLOO. OREGON could not handle the machine. Mr. t. f. D Ns. I PUs. 12s J w * h Curl was a carpenter when he livml Sale dates arranged for at in Scio. On* of the buildings he constructed is the city hall. The Tribune Office. Sew PEERYS DRUG STORE Dejiendabl«- Service RAKED HAY’’ I am a l*oy of 11. I raked hay all through When it was over, I had 65. I heard people nutting their money in th«' l>ank. I would put my monev in the hank. I my money in the tank, I xtmusc 1 know last season. almut other so 1 thought am keeping where it is. We want the l>»y who make» hay while the sun shines. Sun won't always shine Rainy days come. Bring or send $1 here to start your Rainy Day fund. We want the boy who make* hay while the sun slimes. ALBANY STALE BANK ALBANY 4 I*«* rw*t | hsm 1 ue H**1 iht * OREGON X Painting and Paper Hanging « 1 ani prepared to do your j-aintmg or pa|M-r hanging Refer you to on «hort notice, at reasonable rates. J. F. Wesely a* to the character of my work. Estimates of materia) made. Give me a trial. GEORGE ÇIRHONS. S«v. Ort. that vacation trip should not lx- delayed. Newport Oregon's premier beach resort is not far away am! is easily reached 2 Daily 1 rains from Altany to Corvallis, lx>w round trip fares are availaldt* Good Fine surf hotel accomodation«. bathing Boating on Yaquina You can t beat Newport fol a place to enjoy a vacation H. C. ROLOFF Auctioneer SOUTHERN PACIFIC 4