VJ THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 5 NO. 8. SCO. IJNN COUNTY. OREGON. Al GIST 3. 191« OREGON WILL FILE HARO FIGHT FOR 40 PERCENT WAGED Itfcticitahrt S nmn I is FOR FEDERAL FUND lart ti Cer OrtfM Skirt if tbt lulriW Crut lumi it Oect Portland. August 2 The pioneers of Oregon were forced to undergo many hardships in carving out homes in the wilderness To help those pioneers, the Federal govern­ ment granted to the Oregon-Cali­ fornia Railroad Co. a large grant of land to assist in building that road ami to give tn Oregon more settlers and more taxable property. The government received its pay. all it ever exweted. in the building of the road and the concessions re­ ceived Had the land grant been deposed of according tn the terms of the grant. Oregon would be profiting today by many more acres of taxable lands and many more settlers. Oregon alone is the sufferer yet when these lands are disposed of according to the bill recently |>a>M'd she gets but 50 per cent of the proceeds. Thousands of acres of arid lands thirsting for water, vet 40 per cent of the land grant fund go to the general reclamation fund instead of to these lands. Representative Sinnot is making a last fight for the 40 per cent and ha« intnsluced a bill amending the original bill, asking that the pro needs from sale of land and tindier apportioned to the general reclama- lion fund he expended on projecta In the state of Oregon. Is there any injustice in thia re- quest? Did the Federal government or any of the reclamation state« ex­ pect to get anything from these lands under the original grant act? Oregon did expect something from the original grant, so why should ■he not expect it now? It seems that there ia little room for argu- ment as to the real merits of the issue, but it is necessary to present the facts to those who should know. Salem. August 2. Oregon’s full •hare of the Federal gohd roads ap­ propriation. amounting to $78,(88), fur 1916. under the Shackleford bill passe«! recently by congreiw. will be claimed at once, members of the State Highway Commission and id- visory Ixjard decided today. Governor Withy com be. in tiehalf of the Stale Highway Coinmil ion. within the next few day will make a formal request of the secretary of agriculture for the money which it ia desired to use this year, if pea­ sible. Tomorrow he will request If the memliers of congress are given the facts with regard to this, there is some hope that they will see the justice of it and vote to give to our state that to which she is entitled Personal letters to mem­ bers of congress or to persons who may have influence will prove an effective means. Wrjle such a letter and by so doing contribute your part in securing this fund for Ote- gon's arid lands. Made a Perfect Scare The Albany Coast Artillery corpa made the highest score with the big guns down at the mouth of the Columbia, of any corps at the meet. At a moving target 30x60 feet and at a distance of 10,000 to 11.000 yards, three shots were fired in one minute and 63 seconds and every shot hit the center of the target. Il is doubtful if any amateur artillery men in the United States can equal this score a ELKHORN NOTES $1.26 THE YEAR $25,000.000 LOSS Prospector D. M Mahoney left here Saturday to record his Stack creek claims and to get a crew to begin work at once. lint Kim ti It R. E. Peery and four men arrived at the Crown mine« Saturday. Mrs Smith, of Mill City, has been rm- ployed as cook, as the large fore«* of men necessitates a cook. $50,000 PAID BY THE CONDENSERY hid; M mj Otlm Liberto, Wood Catties. Milk Healers Severely lejertd- 19 farthest! Birth Bit ad tilt Durfgit Are tbt Itcwtah New York. July 31. Property If Scio is to get anywhere, it Superintendent Grave« »hatter» I IS estimated at $25.IMM>,00<> »M must ba the results of the lalsir of the stillness of the hills every even­ a used early today by a series of her citizens and those of the sur­ ing with a round of blast« al the terific explosions of ammunition rounding community. Favored by Silver King. awaiting ahi|>ment to the entente natural conditions, there is no reason R F Shire is busy at the Cedar allies and store«! on the Black Tom | why this section of Ijnn county may creek property with a force of men. l«lan«l. a small strip of land jutting 1 not be made one of if not the rich- The German mines midwav be­ into New York Ray off Jersey City. ! eat p*«rtions of the state, if we will The loss of life cannot tie deter- I but develop the op|x>rtunities which tween the Crown and Black Eagle There is no ques- has been sold to Mr Mays, of rimed definitely until there has lieen lie at our doors. I ’ I opportunity to check up the work- 1 lion about this matter if our bust- Seattle for $10.(881 I men employed on the island and on netw men an«i farmerswill but utilice Mr. Haggett has sold hi» mining I l>«>ats ntoored nearby, their think tanks Out enndenaery. property at Ogle Mountain to east­ i Three are known to be n« were injurad, some of Attorney General Brown for an During a year of activity, the opinion regarding certain feature« investments have tievn made in ¡them pruliably mortally. condensery will distribute among of the Federal law authorising the Crown stock during the past week. The detonations, which were felt laboring men. woodcutters, milk appropriation, and then will tender Drifting is being carried on rapidly i surrounding country and waters for capacity? sion with members of the advisory Elkhorn to take care of the rapidly many miles around. Then there is a ch««eae factory board and a delegation from Port­ increasing business, due to the great Fire that started soon after the just a few miles out of town, to say land The Portland representatives activity in the mine«. first great crash, which »prvad death nothing of the separated milk which were urgent that action to get the land desolation in its wake, destroy- is sold to our creameries So there Lotx & Larwm will start up the money be immediate, fearing that cd 13 of the *hugh warehouses of 1 ia no danger but what the market Black hagle concentrator, in a few to delay until the legislature meets National Storage Co. and MX others for milk is to be • permanent and days, with ore from the Minnie E might result in the state's losing its in which were stored merchandise. lucrative. Tom Skaif and his crew |«a»M-evla. kale, vetch, district ia "Send him to me and I'll organiser of Woodrow Wilson clover, etc with which to fev«l them Doug Hamilton, of Scio, well •how him ” 11 «‘agues in Oregon, was in the city and you are sure to win. Besides, known throughout the county as a last night on his way to Brownsville. you will build up the fertility of street preacher and moving picture "The Virginian" Draws Big Crowd : where he organised a Woodrow W i|- your land. fan. was pr >n<>unced mentally un­ | »on club last night, with a good There is no reason why all of the balanced by Drs. Robnett and Davis The Peoples theatre was entirely ! memliership So far Mr Harry has! hog prisiucts produced in this Saturday afternoon and ordered too small tor the crowd which de­ i organized 36 duh«. in about every 1 vicinity, may not I m * converted into committed to the asylum, sired to witness the home talent i county of the state. These N u I m l>acun. pickle pork. etc. A amali Frequent complaints have been play. "The Virginian'* on Thursday are non partisan so far as the mem tracking house can tw made to pay. lodged against Hamilton charging Slanding room Iwrship g«>en. all of them having night of last week if handled intelligently and country him with showing signs of Inmnitv was at a premium ami a numtier ' many republican» as memliers. Quite cured bacon will always bring a but no one took the matter into was turned away. ia numlier of the presidents are re- gots! price and is in demand. court until today. The play moved >>ff nicely and I publicans. Some of the clubs orga- Then the poultry business, if During his examination by the without a hitch, bjich player was I nt zed have hat! more republicans intelligently prosecuted, is a sure doctors and the attorneys. Hamilton well up in his or her lines and if on<* I than democrats. < >ne organized in winner. admitted that he did not know what or two of the players had not at­ la country town in Eastern Oregon he was doing at time« and thought The creamery nt Shelburn the tempted to ■ I>eak the lines in a voice ' with a inernliership of 67 had 32 it possible that he might be crazy. conden«erv at Scio ami the cheese to which they were unaccustom­ ! registered republicans in the list of Although not considered violently factory al Richardson Gan, should ed. the play would have ta-rn Imtler. | memliers Mr Harry has been all insane, it has been established that all lie sustained ami farmers or dairy­ Owing to the smallness of the stage, over the state ami is confident Wil­ Hamilton ia out of his head part of men are the people who must sustain the play had to be nbreviated some­ son will carry Oregon. the time and some of the time is them. Nor can we afford to allow* what Jack Waltemeycr thinks the The masm*«. lie says, are back of almost dangerous. these infant industries to languish last act was played a little too the president in his European and He was taken to the asylum Sat­ for the lack of the raw product. I urday evening and placed' in the re­ true to life; but taken altogether, Mexican tsificies. and believe he has Together the three will distribute each and everyone of the troup idone a great thing for the country. ceiving ward until it has been de­ not leas than |1 im > immi annually in I acquitted himself or herself with It is the politicians and jingo lets who termined in what part of the big' this community. I credit. The cash door receipts were attack these policies lieeause they hospital it will be l«est to place him. Is*t us all abandon any business (86.16. and counting the comps, must have something to fight on — Albany Herald. jealosies we may feel and pull to­ the house was easily worth $100 Then the great financial and com­ gether for the general welfare of Sheriff Bodins has captured a The troup desires to publicly ami mercial plan of the president has the community and ourselves We bran new prisoner and she is confin-, cordially thank the K of P. I>and met with great favor, and the mas can make the Scio country the most ed at the county jail. The capture for the most excellent music fur- sea know he is honest ami has only prosperous of any portion of the was made last Saturday morning. | ni shed the interest of the people at stake state, if we but think so ami work Sheriff Bodine is extreemly well —-Albany liernocrat. for it. Some of our farmers are uleaaed in safely securing thia J. S. Warwick. W A Ewing, H. prisoner and so careful is he that Shope. Cal Carson and others who Good repurta come from the har­ getting into line and. as a conse­ his latest catch will be tenderly signed a remonstrance which held vest fields. Spring grain will lie quence. thsir bank rolls are ever in­ cared for that he has given over the up street work some weeks ago. are the iieat it has ln*en for year«. A creasing. What some, do all may do entire management to Mrs Bodine to be commended for falling into ■plendid pmpe of grain just at the if they will. When in need of anything in the way of job work, call and aee us The new arrival is a baby girl and line on the present plan of paving edge <>f town is badly lodge«! and A. T. Powell went up to the We do first-ch work at reasonable is extremely well pleased with her They demonstrate what can be done occasional reporta of lodged grain la i when all pull together Crown mines the first of the week. tender keeper pricca. beard from others.