• t — • •*.<* ■ y * * • • • s . »• ■ • w . • *• L t / * »♦ 1 • . ',*« ■ I LOCAL The Scio Tribune 31.26 a veer See "The Virginian.” home talent production at the People* theatre BREVITIES tonight. The farmer who I* raising a crop of white Iteans this year is in luck The price is higher for that product Mr ami Mr*. lv*lir Pruitt, of than it has lawn for many year*. Pendleton, are visiting at the home! It is reported that Dr L. M. of Prank Pruitt, father of the for-1 Jone», of Portland, who ha* cured mer. hundred* of case» of cancer. I* now it is reported that the race track suffering with cancer of the stomach. out at the figir ground is now in Whim in need of anything in the fine condition and ready for training way of job work, call and see u* purposes We do first-clam work at reasonable Dr. Prill is expected home from prices. New York this week. It is reported The Tribune is pleased with a that Mr*. Prill's parent* are coming considerable increase to its «ubwnp- with him. lion lately. Yet. like the proverbial We make a »jiecialty of Friend­ stage coach, there to room for more. ship. Engagement and Wedding Several farmer» rejiort that while Rings T. M. Trench A Son. Albany. their bar which was out in the Oregon. storm« is colored somewhat. its Prof. White, after spending Sun­ feeding qualities have not been day at hi* home in Scio, returned to materially injured. Albany Monday morning to again Mr». Emma Cyrus sold her stock take up his political job. of millinery last week and went to Cha*. Wesvly win in Portland last Portland to a.«cvpt a situation. Only Sunday and saw the big automobile O. B. I* left in Scio to keep the race in which two men in the home ne«t warm now. Taroma car were killed. When Scio'* slroeta ar® paved* Nearly everybody in Scio attended our merchants can reasonably ex­ the Sunday *rhoo! picnic over on pect an incrvaiar in business And Crabtree creek last Sunday. The it i* sure to come too. Farmer» audience nuintivred over 300. like to trade in a progressive town. Mr*. L. T. Smith and daughter. Encouraging rv|**rts for Mark V. Helen, of Portland, are visiting at Weatherford's election to congreiw the home of Dr. T. K. Sanderson. come fnun all over the First dis­ Mrs. Sandvrron ami Mr*. Smith are trict. CongresMtnan Hawley has out­ sister*. lived his sphere of usefulmwa say In the war game over in Europe many. the German* seem to la? in a «lump. Prof. 0. V. White will be domi­ The allies east, west and south are rapidlv Increasing their percentage ciled over in Albany for th-- next two or three weeks, tm»*t of the average. time. He say* coming home nights If you want any of the daily and going back in the morning, paper*. The Tribune will get them make* life a bit too strenuous. for you at Bargain Day rate*, pro- The price for new wheat ami oatrf viding you pay for The Tribune one now promise* to he goal and the year in advance Mr». A|da Hutchinson, of the Scio tendency ia upward. Only the high Hotel, was quite sick last week, but price« and scarcity of ship tonnage being now *iie is much better and will soon will prevent wheat from worth SI per bushel to the farmer. be able to look after her dining room duties. Our farmer» should increase lheir dairy herd*. The condensed milk market ia now good and the prospect i* that it will continue to lie so for month* to come Our local ronden- aery could handle twice the quantity of milk it now receives. John Weaely has had a new board sidewalk laid in front of hi* Mill street property just west of the Scio Produce Co., a much needed improvement. W. A. Ewing hail an awning erect­ ed in front of the postoffice building last week which adds much to the comfort of hi* tenants, by protect­ ing them from the *un in the after­ noon. George Morgan inform» The a Tri- bune that the tunneling in which to place the MM) pound» of powder to «pen up the new rock querrv, ha» been completed. A* *>>on as the powder is supplied the big charge The Tribune was in error last will be fired. Mr. Morgan think* week in stating Newt Weddle was better rock for road purpose* cannot rusticating at Kettson hot spring». be found. Just before starting he changed his mind ami went to the Breitenbuah Mias Helen V. Crawford, the Ix-b- spring» anon walnut grower, came over la«t The Albany Herald say* liepuly Sheriff Ralph Thom, by a mistake, locked himself in the county jail with the prisoner*, one day last week. Wonder if he was not elec- tioneering the prisoner»? How about it Ralph? Rciolutioa No. 6 A rewdution declaring intention to improve Mam Street from the North end of bridge over Tlexu** ’ creek, north tn the North property line of Smith street, known a* District No. 1. with an asphaltic hard surface pavement Whereas, the City Engineer han liven directed to prepare and file, and ha* filed with the City Recorder, plan* and specificaUon* and estima­ te* of U m - cost of improving that (»art of Main street in Scio. Oregon, lying and being between the North end of bridge over Thoma* creek and the North property line of Smith atreet a* follow«. 1. By grading the street to a proper subgrade. ' 2. By constructing a proper drainage system. 3. By imving the road wav of said street by a width of 50 feet with an ••phallic pavement And whereas, the City Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of making this improvement i* 15159.10, which estimalr is divided a* follow»: Grading to proper subgrade I4H5.- 86. Constructing a proper drainage system. 3632.00. Paving to • width of 50 feet with asphaltic pavement «t fl 25 per *|uaro rani. 34041.25. N«w Therefore be it Resolved by the Council that the City Engineer's plan*, specification* and estimate* be approved and adopted and that tlie improvement lie made as per •aid plan». »pedficatiotMi and esti­ mates, using such part of plans already prvjwred a» will apply to the construction of an asphalt pavement. And I* it Resolved that the boun­ daries of the aimeMsnx-nt district to I mp benvfittvd and •»>■**•• d for this improvement »hail be determined to extend one-half block.* or to the alley if then- lie one, on each side of Main street and for the entire length of the district described Anwe A Turner, the well known eye specialist, of Portland, will be in Scio again Thursday, Aug 3 at Hotel Scio. Don’t fail tn con­ sult him about your eye« and glaaae« Headache* relieved, and cross eyea straightened. Satisfaction guaran­ teed Don’t forget the date. ,u i l> b«wl.—. /•* K ■MSaASeMfl I following day. leaving Mrs. Jone* here and taking Mr*. Ollie Mac­ Donald in her place, the party went on to Springfield ami then on a* far as Ashland Mr». MacDonald says they did not quite reach Hornbroik. Mr» Ekhart. Mr* JN * DR. A. G. PRILL Physician and Mortgage Loans Surgeon tails Attended Day <»r Night In amount» from 12.500 to flO,- 000 on good cultivated farm*. No delay if your title ia perfect, ("all on J. V. Pine, 203 West 2nd St., Albany. Ore. WALL PAPER REMNANT SALE We have gone to considerable trouble in sorting these remnant», but »t are now ready to give you values that will surprise you. Enough side wall, ceiling and (»order room at any price to tm|M«r an ordinary from 50 cents to 11.50 Cold Water Punte at 15 cent» per i*»uml PEERY'S DRUG STORE De|>endable I RAKED HAY Service •« I am a boy of 11. I raked hay all through When it was over. I had 15. I heard people hutting their money in the bank, I would put my money in the bank. I my money in the bank. Iwcause I know Get C. D. Compton, Scio. Or®., to re|»air your old building* with new sills, new roof, etc. He will do it for you at a reasonable imre. Our German-American friend» must now lie convinced that Pre«- dent Wilson’s neutrality has Iwn and i* the rval thing and not a sham, The proof is, a German undersea merchhntman can came into an American harbor. discharge her cargo and buy whatever she please« for a return cargo, just the same a* an English. Trench. Italian or Rus­ sian merchantman. It is not our fault that German merchant ship* have l>een driven from the sea. Let them get to our harbor*, they can load a return voyage with whatever they will anmv. Bring or send fl here to start your Rainy Day fund. We want the hoy who make» hay while the sun shines. ALBANY ST AIE BANK ALBANY 4 |M>* KÙ1 <* H«» UMf « OREGON Painting and Paper Hanging I am prepared to do your painting or paper hanging on short notice, at reasonable rate«. Refer you to J. T. Waasfy as to the character of my work, ktotimate* of material male. Give me a trial. GEORGE QI BOONS, Sen, Ore. i