1111111 HI H 111 I 111 IM W | When in Albany WHKN VW WANT----------- -- ------ TRY A ROOM AT THE Plumbing or Tinning Revere Rooming House < hmi 4 ('lean Wholeexn* Ruoma mot - FRED OHLEMIER A m A NA. sf 111 i EARM LOANS ATTORNEY AT LAW m M uths ** M* !4«tM Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed >■»«„ r«Ma H. B. CHESS Otta» a Reaaonable Rates Any Amount Hing Time On No waiting HECKER A BEAM Eedera/ed C hurch 133 l^<»nSt. All»*ny. Or SCIO. OREGON Sunday School 10 a m Breaching Ham. L mm S b («< calad N. M. Newport Christian Endeavor 6:30 to 7:30 t> m Song Service h«4ary F«M m 7:30 to 3:00 p m Attorney at law Prayer Meeting. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Brother Meikeljohn. leader. K ITT ATTOUNKYI H. B Iler. Pastor. OHKUON IXHANON ■ Scientific Farming ii oooooooooooooooooooooooooo I BITS OF FARM WISDOM. I o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tu present your apta«« ami crai«« troni rotting «|Way them with bonhwut mistura I io ...it fall tn «et a tew r>>«* uf lale >-4-»-l-»a4-4 H ' I I I I I I H I HI IM liMi.ntuca If galhcml )it»t IndwCe fosit and w replied In |>apvr the grwu fruit THE “LAND POOR“ FARMER. will keep until t'liriatmsa or later and rl|».u well Leng Winded Otecussiais. If • auiilliitter I« lo thrive it muat tw Fsrms Arw Oftwn Citkwr T m amali *r *'l,a. what la meiiut tiy nilbiialertugF* plnlUe I oti mi*M. Well drained fertili Taa Larga Far Succea«. “Talking agalu«l time, my a«UI. I limi «taira «Ir,- ttmenl »r In the ' a»e of youug fritti Ima "No. my boy With th«* es.vptlou of agrt.ultor« >»« >wr l»->« ) Idanled alami ttw h >me grounds, where that ln>|«>avd l»y pliyalotl cvliatietloii. Tbw alte of thè lotaliMwa »firn bua they oiiinil lw> .-«iltlvalcit kv«*p the noil • there la uo limit to the a pia** particular lw>ti«e “ lllrnilnghaiu Age |l» Iwpartmvtil of agrUniltuiv 11 eml.) farm mauagrm.ut mi.nl« .h.rw that ferula ere »flwn rlthrr luo «tuall or li» latitai fot thè ni<«< ao .ii.ful fermio« Thrrv mi, he tasi fra a* «vr>ll ea tana tnany serva A man may u*M bave enougb land or tw may l* land i-«ir.” tberrby rrmlrrlng all hi. «erra uuprof Itahie A WlacOMta tarmar wlth a laritv Family waa drwply lu ilei-' llla farm consistaci of I3i ai rea. Itali of aatil b «re» umlrr thv piu* Thr rvtnalBdar arac armatland aia! ripriial»«' lo rigar F ot twadvv yrana ttir tarmar hnd »»•»< hm*n qulte etile (o mavì bla Inlrrwrt. To blm tbr wbole farm n«lal«al of improntatile a« tea Ile tliially dr.kl«-d that thè farm waa too amali for thè moet erti- leni use of tbe l to enforce their demands for a 100 million dollar wage increase. I lit railroads arc m the public service— your Ncrvicc. I his army of employes is in the public service-your service. ou pay for rail transportation 3 billion dollars a year, and 44 ecnis out of every dollar from you tjocs to the employes. No other newspaper in the world give* so much at *> low a price There has never txvn a lime when a newaiia|M-r waa more needed in the household. The great war in Europe has now entered its second year, with no promise of an end for a long time. events, Thou* are world-shaking in which the United States, willing been compelled to take a |url. No nr unwilling, has person intelligent can ignore such issue«. The presidential contest also will MM>n l>e at Already candidates for lie* nomination are in the hand held and the campaign, owing to the extraordinary character of the times, will lie of supreme newspaper will inform you with interest. the No other promptness and cheapness of the Thrice u Week edition of the New York World. The rhnce-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only 31 |>er year and this pays for 156 najiera offer this unequalled nevvepaper and The Scio together for one yeae for 31.85. We Tribune The regular subacrip* tion price of the two pa|>er is 32.25. Send you Subscripion to THE SCIO TRIBUNE St IO ¡ around ila-m i lu a».» mui. Ii of siraw or stable manure line (lie »W.I» out of the esimer uf the garden tmforv they dcirlop as*d. ami you will h-warn the utimlivr of weeds that *1). esune up next year fxairn to In«»» our Is.lylmg frletwiy and glee them a ebamv to multiply aa much aa |«ro.i|>ie There arv « iiuiulwr of varkrtl«« of ladybugs, and all of them make war to < usas rxrrssui asm ( In s t c Western railroads in 1915. seventy h»e per cent uf lhe trs ii cmpluyes earned these wage» (lowest, highest and average ol «il as shown by the pay rolls — mask ciMrval lami, going lu debt llu- full amount From that time ou the fan» waa proaprnma ami In ten year« ttw •nttrv farm wan i«ki for ami enough aitdlthmal m -ney aar«u| tn build a gtwal house and Imru The smaller farm had been improntai le because the over head »lieue« were too litgli fur so email a liueliirM In ihla cum - serve weiw mede |*oAtable by Im rraetns their numtier A Sorth tintola raruo-r nwi.nl tbr«— quarter eectloua of land III. farm waa quite bm« lly mortsnevd au.i for a numtier ot year» he bed n.rt Iwru ebb­ io pay Interrai In full III. family «»» smell, and for m.^t of 11» work tn- he.I to depend ou hired help lie « •>». Iod. at. h ................... $20 18 ......................... 1772 ....................1218 ................... 921 > rwigbt Yard $1737 1624 973 1000 $1218 1292 832 MM A 100 million dollar wayc increase for men in freight and yard service (less than onv-fi.th of all employes) is equal to a 5 per cent advance in all freight rates. I lie managers of the railroads, as trustees for the public, have no right to place this burden on (he cost ol transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tri­ bunal speaking for you. I lie railroads have proposed lhe settle­ ment of this controversy either under (lie existing national arbitration law, or by refer­ ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis­ sion. This offer lias been refused by the employes’ representatives. Uniting le.trninq and Labor THE 08EC0I AGRICULTURAL C3LLECE In its SMs School« and F wtv eight Ir pert menu is rnK««e.l in the great work ol uniting Lraralug and Mb<>r. Forty-eighth xhool Year Opens Shall a nation-wide strike or an investigation under the Gov­ ernment determine this issue? 1016. Degree Courses rrq'iirtng a I «’ seal high «chool "reparation, are og«red in the foliosstng AGRICt’trVBK, Ik Uepartmeeta COMMRBt H 4 llvpertmeul«, EM .IN BERING. A Dtuwtmenu, MINHS, 3 Depart meats FvMK’IBY. - liepsrt ■cuts HOMK H.CHsoMICS 4 De par. meat« and PHAM MAC V Vocational Courses requiring an Eighth