The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, July 27, 1916, Image 1

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a buaineaa trip to Albany
Fittila ar Twiaty Albxay Ptaplt Viri
D mc
Prisiat aad Hilytl ia tli
Twa Years
visited in Sab-m
Mi«s Pike. wh<> han been vtsitmg
Mr. ami Mrs Alfred Biatchfurd. re­
turned to her home in Portland
Saturday morning
Franklin Butt«* Union Sunday
('hi«*ago, July 25. "This reuntry
Farl Gooch ami Geo. French re
schisd held an ail day service last ia in the thr«M»s of a l«*ather famine turned to the Parrish Gap « hwiiii II
Sunday three ami one half mil«*« Unit-«* the world develops a substi­ ihi« week. where they are employed
south of Scio on what ia known as tute for lealh«-r within two years
E C. Titus. of Stayton, th«- I *r«i
"th«* old Crabtree place." now own­ America will be the next wooden- agent for this district, waa a visitor
ed By Mr. Horseburg.
lahoe* nation
Sh«MM will ctxt fit) a here looking up new prospects and
It was n big affair ami the credit |>atr. high-lvgge«! boots will I m * a report« he ia ready for another ear
for its great success is largely due i luxury beyond the reach of all save load whi'h will make th«- third car
to the goo»! service« render«*,! by i millionair«*» and the people will wear
he and- Ered Bilyeu ha?*
Thus Smail. J. FL Lee, Horneburg wootien shoes, sandals or go bare­ thia year.
and Craiitree am! others in the footed "
Lumber shipments still
selection and splendid preparation
These were d«*elarationa made by
move from Shelburn, I Hit
of a choice lM*auty spot for the del«*gat<rs to the Shoe Retailers’
«lack up until after harvest.
gathering on Crabtree creek under Awociation at Hotel 1-aSalle today i
Mr», lion Ray and M»t«-r were
It was the first annual session ami ’
great spreiuiing maple trees.
at the home of their «later,
There were on the grounds not grew out of the nec»*«s«ity of orga-
less than 300 people and the woods' nixing shoe dealers to meet unpre-l
1 IBU” Churchill
' nurcnHI la»t week.
— —
about th«- spot were literally fill«?«! cedented condition« of famine and; Mr. ami Mr» Shilling
«|««*ni Sun-
with horses, carriages and autumo urr«*ste«i supply, both now ami injday with their daughter. Mr» E.
the future.
, McCrae. at Thomas.
After the morning session had
come to an end the ladies quickly
transferre»! a very firn? dinner from
their liaskets to a very long tempor­
ary table around which th«- company
of interest«*»! p«*ople »U km ! while A. (
M Hammer gave thanks. These j
R W. Rannev, president of the ;
Mrs. Lee George ami daughter
association «aid:
visited at the horn«- of (‘has Ogles-
"Few American« are aware of the late Sunday.
ftuMiats Hill, Niauftrl 1H fill!«» Hi Has Run the JefltrsM Nth timi
Wart Net Oat Far Flair
Yun. Commi Flow Sydaty
Mills Uniti
The visit of Presidents Hill of ’ th«1
Gnat Nortl>«*rn. liunriHford. of the
Northern Pacific and Gillman of the
Spokam-. Portland X S«-attb- rail-
way« were not *>n a pleasure - or
ixulth trip when they visited Cas­
cadia over last Saturday night, The
furtiier fact that a constructing
•*ngin«*er ami a railroad contractor
were of the (tarty, is evidence that
Ijkwt week The Tribun«- noted that
Mr Hazelwood had quit hi« job as
miller at the Scio Milling Company,
Al that time Mr Thum« whh nego­
tiating for an interaat in the mill
but the deal was not el<>-H-d at that
Now the «l«-ul bus lieen c I omm I and
Mr. Thoms ha# purchased a block
of the J. J. liarn«-» stock and im now
was in full charge of lite mill.
ImsineMM rather than pleasure
the cause of the trip.
President Hill i» largely interested
tn th«- timla-r w«-»t of th«* •< aM*ad«*s,
which formerly Iwlonged to th«- W.
V. & C. M. wagon mail and there is
m» way for him to get his money
i«ack. but by building a railroad
Now that luml»er is in
good demand and Is likely to so con­
tinue for some time to come, the
present time ia most propitious to
build th«* pro|M«aed line.
It is
probable that if th«-*w mag nate« con-
dude to build the Im«-, the order to
*lo so will I m - given in a short time.
Besides the timber, a local traffic
ami pl«*a*ure and health seeking
husinewi would r«*»ult from the
extent of the embargo place.! against
Robert Tindall ami family are up
shipment out of subject countries1 from Shlem, visiting Lloyd Tindall
by the allies
Our supply of cattle | County Judge McKnight was In
ha« been miucij almost to 1>M* Shelburn Tu«?wlay. liMikmg
big. pleasant community dinners art* vanishing point.”
! county affairs.
one of the fine features of these
"all day servi<*cs" which the Ameri­
Fiftieth Anniversary
can Sunday School Union is holding
Then th«* splendid water power
in many communities in this vicinity.
sites offer th«* much needed power
Fifty years ago. last Sunday (July
to develop «-l«*ctric «-nergy for th«*
The program consisted of a few 22). was the anniversary of the
Pnwpector D. M Maloney, ofj
operation of the system. is a strong
recitations ami a couple of solos. marriage of Uncle Haman Shelton
California, arrived July 19 with «evidence that tha*m* men were after
One of the specials was a song by a ami hia faithful wife and companion.
three (Mick horses. He intends to ’ business rather than pleasure.
little Miss Arnold, whose age is four The anniversary was celebrated at
locate some property in this locality.
years. There was congr«*gationai their home on Thomas creek near
It will I m * remembered that the
After having trav«le«l through the
singing and numerous quartets. But Jordan, by a moat sumptuous dinner
Hill people have an option on the
southern (»art of the stat«*, he finds ;
the special features of the dav were which waa enjoyed by their relatives
Clear lakt* water |M>wer and a road
the Little North Fork of ihe North
th«* »|MM-iaJ address»-» by the follow­ and near friends.
to Cai -adia and mayhap to Clearlake
Santiam shows up Iwtter for ore. i
ing gentlemen.
The ceremony, which united this He says it looks the b«*Mt of any he ami across the mountain« to Bend
inav I m * in contemplation.
E. C. Peery, of Scio. "The Sun­ m<st respected pioneer couple fifty
has seen in several year». Mr Ma­
day School a Social Force,” S. B. year« ago. was administered by a
At all events, it is generally be­
loney has prosper ted in ail of th«-
Cole, "The S. S. a Moral Force,” A. then pooular minister in this locality,
that this triumvirate of rail­
mining country west of th«- Mississ­
C. Schmitd, "The Mistake of Life- Unde Jacky South.
did not take th«* time
ippi. spending the m»Mit <>f his life
a Talk Specially to Men,” Prof. O.
Uncle Jacky must have adminis­ in the business
He ap(M*ar» to be to make this arduous trip for their
V. While, of Scio, "Sabbath Iteae- tered a very binding ceremony, for
a man who umierstamis th«- pros­ health.
cralion," and Rev. H. B Iler, pastor Haman and hi« devoted wife have
pecting end of the mining busin«*M
of the Scio fed«-rat«*d church, closed stayed put for a full hail century
Linn Benton Teacher'* Institute
from A to Z.
the day with a short sermon on ami are not yet tired of each other.
The Crown Mining and Milling
"The Risen Christ.’*
Varde is their only child ami he ¡Company, since under the new man ;
The time for the next IJnn-ib«nton
Missionary Rohrbaugh. in
the is prouder of the golden wedding of
agemenl. ia working steady an<! isi teachers* institute has les-n set as
morning, «mnducted an "opening" hut parents than the parents them-
making big headway »me«- th«- Guy | •^•,P,‘‘,n*"*r D*- 19 and 20. This
of a S. S. M-ssion ami gave an ex­ selves.
who had l»een wagging his fe«-t bert­ places the seaaioti lief ore the opening
pository address.
Suffice to say. parents and «on has been unloaded, every tning has of th«* public schools
The Scio I mum ! merited the hearty «re first claw« citizens and are will­ been running full blast
Are eding to th«- schedule of
A large
approval of all by their gmai service ing to push the interests of the body of ore has t»een uncovered and dates for the different county insti-
in o|M*nmg the morning program, Santiam countrv. The Tribune ex­ I the company ex(M*cta to have a mill I totes r«T«*nt)y published hv th«*
closing the same and by again <>p«?n- tends congratulations with the hope running sometime this fall
superintemlent of public instruction
ing the aftern»Min service.
the Linn-Btmton institute an I
that Uncle Haman and his faithful
R F. Shire has a crew of men
are held tiefore school
Five Sunday schools were directly companion may live to enjoy their working on hia placer claim at the
opens, the other dates being after
and others imlirectly
interested diamond wedding.
mouth "f the Big < «-«iar.
I the opening of the schools.
ami engage«! in the days proceed­
port everything progressing rapidly.
TI h - IJnn-Benton institute will la-
Kaigbts of Pythias la
W. M
Abbott, of th«* Black held at Corvallis this year, it having
Have Portland Excurxioa Eagle, is getting things m »hip «hair­
twen nt Altuviv last year The pl are
An Excellent Ci
expecting a large crew of men on ‘ for holding it alternat«*« betw«*en
Runn ing a special excursion train before August L
Albany and Corvallis.
Wm. Ehlert. who ia now proprie­ from Albany to Portland on the
The Electric Milling Company is
tor <>f the Ruas house. in Allamy. first of August, leaving here at 9 a. rushing the work expecting to start
Dr. Brill, nccompani«*d by Dr. ami
invite« all of his old friend« and the tn. t>ie Knights of Pythias of this «hipping ore in a few days.
Mrs. Bates, arrived fmm New York
traveling public in general to «ample city are expecting to have a erowd
^'•-dm-sday evening. Dr. Prill says
Gold Creek ami Sunny Side are
the splendid meals he is now serv­ of at least two hundred people,
the weather ia tropically hot Imck
busy at development Work, twelve
Good well prepared, served aa oerhaps more, go down to - the
there and dangerous storm« are
men being employed at thia time
you get It at home and without at­ supreme lodge of the United State«,
The wagon road out to Mehama
tempting any unm-erssary display, the members of the lodges of Albany.
The Sunday law to be voted up-
ia the rule at the Ruas house
If Brownsville. Lrbanon and Scio tak­ will be open for travel in a abort
you desire a good wholesome rat ing oart in the big parade, one of time, thus giving a fine opportunity on next fall ia given quite a aet-
and plenty of it. the Ehlert ia the the largest ever held in the north- to get the ore out without nulling bark by the picnic# given on Sun­
tL west.
| over the Gatos hill.
place to go.
day by the Sunday Sctxxda.
Mr Thom« has lieen head miller
for the Jefferson mills for the * i*a*t
eleven years, coming from th«- Syd-
ney mills thereto.
He enjoys a
splenditi reputation a» a tloui maker
ami eat sblixhed g****»i name« for
excellent flour ami M|uar<* dialing
at both Sydney and Jeffer*»n When
he left Sydney, many of hia <»l«l
customers followed him to Jefferson
to purehaM* their ll our.
Mr. Thoms is a flr»t-class citizen
in every rvapeet Marioncounty hon­
ored him by electing him to a term
in the legislature, an evidence that
h«- enjoys th«« confidence ami good
will of the people who knew him.
He is also active in public uffairs
and we are glad to know, will I m * a
valuable act|uisition to our town.
This is th«* second family to leave
Jefferson and come to Scio
Parrish coming over to take charge
of the electric light and a ater
systems last winter. Mr. Thoma
will move his family over as aoon a«
he can find a suitable location. Both
families are surely a I< hm to Jeffer­
son as they are a valuable gain to
When a man I* mm * s hi« life in a line
of duty, all the world f«*els the loss
and sym|»athiu*» with his tM-r«*aved
relatives. But when he low-« his
life in a needleM contest of n<> prac­
tical benefit, there i« but little
sympathy extended.
The men who
(«artiripated in the auto races at
Portland, last Sunday, knew they
wen* |>urticipating in a game of ex­
traordinary buzzard. They knew
that the world could reap no bene­
fit from a speed contest of thia
Uke th«- sailing of Im­
practical yacht«, or contest« in
professional baseball, the public can
derive no satisfaction or benefit, ex-
rept a desire to witness a sport eon»
Two liv«m were sacriti«*ed in
this senseleas <h-stre to win with a
machine which can be of no benefit
in practical affairs. The machines
were built for racing puriwmes only.
They were not of practical utility.
They pandered to the abnormal love
of contest only. If they l<»«t out.
only a perfunctory sympathy, they
knew, would I m - ex tended. Such
contest« should not lie allow«*«!,
What difference «toes it make If
these racing car« made ->n«- mile a
minute. The speed is impractical
for practical purpiMM-s. Then why
run such unnecessary risks?
Have you tried any of the home
product sausage« made in a clean
kitchen at the Sanitary market?