The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917, March 23, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. 4
Hopes «I M Early Captare Eales Wtai
Canavistas Retase ta Cree
El Paso. Texas. March 20. The
Carranza force» have failed to hold
their end of the net that was closing
about Villa and the tiandit chief has
eaca|M>d to hi» mountain haunt«, ac-
conling to reliable information re­
ceived today.
The eecape of the bandit i». how­
ever. far from being the must
serious item of new» reaching the
border today. A feature of the
gravent importance was injected in­
to the situation by substantial con­
firmation of the numerous reports
received for the past w«*ek that the
Mexican government troop« were
failing to co-operate
with the
American troop«, hut in certain
instance« at least, were actually
withdrawing from the
The Associated Pre*« learned on
unquestionable authority that the
troop« of the de facto government
which had been stationed at Casas
Grandes have lieen withdrawn and
are now in and about Juarez.
from tbe same source it was
learned that at least one detach-
ment of Carranza troopshad refused
to tight Villa and had withdrawn on
the bamlit's approach, leaving him
free to pnw into his favorite moun­
tain fastnesses in the great conti­
nental divide south of Namiquipa
Thia detachment withdrew on re­
ceipt of a message that he was not
warring on Mexicans, but the ene­
mies of Mexicans.
The extraordinary rapidity with
which the American cavalry had
pushed into Mexico gave rise to high
hofs-s yesterday that th«- unexpected
had happened and the notorious ban­
dit was cornered. This seemed in­
evitable if the Carranza soldiers did
their part and if the account of the
strength of their field forces was
Villa, cut off from th«- north by
the forward sweep of the American
Column«, from the west by the Sierra
Madre barring the approach«*« to
the state of Sonora, was supposed
to tn* equally tarred from east an«l
south by powerful Carranza force«.
Those hopes have tieen completely
^is»h«*d by today's developments.
.More than thia, it now seems cer-
tain that Villa is moving freely in
at least a large section of the coun­
try supposed to be held by the
troop« of the first chief
in the
last few days he has been variously
reported by General Gavira. the
Carranza commander at Jugrez. at
points along a line reaching north
and south from Galena to Nami­
quipa. a distance of about 76 miles.
Sealed Bid« Invited
Sealed proposals by parties having
pro perry to sell, suitably located fur
a home for the Scio Mutual Tele­
phone company. will be received by
the undersigned committee up to
Friday. April 7.
All proposals must be in writing,
price and terms of sale.
Chairman of Committee
81.25 THE YEAR
NO 42.
Th«* liasket Itali gam«-, which *l<
(dayrd Friday lietween the Freah-
man boys of th«- Sci«» high school
ami the Riverside boys, resulted in
the defeat of the Scio bove
score bring 22 to 28.
The Station end the Junior High
school boys will play a game of
basket t»all March 24. Come and!
enjoy the fun
The arnioni have decided to give
a basket social on Thurwlay. March
30. Everybody is invited to wnw
and bring baskets. A program will
Ite given by the seniors with the aid
of Mr Kendall.
The physical
should tie able to pass an examina­
tion at the end of the term, on ac­
count of the review thev are getting
at present.
The pupils were surprised at their
teacher for they did not exp«-ct a
change so soon. Mrs. Yordy is get­
ting along tine with her work, al­
though the change is very hard on
the pupils
New Butcher Shop
Guy Mcknight and George lialey
are preparing to open a new butcher
shop in Scio. They have rented the
store building formerly occupied l«y
J«-**- Beard, for a temporary shop
until a proper building can be pre­
pared. Th«-y will lie ready for bum­
ness at »out April I.
The boys are well known in Scio
and that they will conduct a clean
ami wholesome shop goes without
Team Runs
When young Mr. Colgan, who
hauls milk from Marion county to
the comicnsery had unloaded his
milk Tuesday morning, his team be­
came frightened at the sudden blow­
ing of steam and immediately lit
out for town
The wagon box ami
cans soon parte«! company with the
rest of the wagon
The team after
colliding with a telephone pole, was
stopped just in front of the livery
One of the horses was injured in
the right hip severely and the seryi-
ce« of a veterinary was called. The
damage to the wagon was slight.
A Valuable Hea
The 0. A. C. chicken department j
reports that one of the college hens
has completed the laying of 1000
eggs. She is five years old and is
still on deck.
At 25 cents per dozen, the market
value of this hen is over 820. For
hatching purpoaes. the value is four
time* as great.
A dock of 50 such hens would
provide a living for an ordinary
family, providing the old man would
earn enough to buy their feed. etc. |
But it would require a great deal of
money to develop such a flock and
tbe average hen raiser doe« not have
the state behind him to pay the
If you want any of the daily
papers. The Tribune will get them
for you at Bargain Day rate«, pro­
viding you pay for The Tribune one
year in advance
its» I. Itapo ata Miss Alta SH mmi
Return FrM Altai? as Mr
ata Mrs Renters
Shelburn Items
tieurgr Gibbons is at home fur a
few days. His mother is very sick.
la* >nard Gibbons ami wife, of
Portland, was up last week vimling
home folks.
Mias Marv Blatchford. daughter
of Alfred Blatchford. and Eph.
Zink were baptise«! Sunday at the
Presbyterian church.
last Tuesday Miss Alta Shannon,
one of our m«wt highly prize«! public
school teacher» hand«*«! Prmcq>al
White her resignation as a member
of the tt-aching utaff, to take effect
at once.
Mi»« Shannon assign«*«!
sickness as the cause of her un­
expected action
On th«* following
day . St 1‘atricka. di«- accompani«*d
Jeae Rodgers to Albany and return- ■
ed as his wife
Mr. Rodgers has not stat«*«! wheth­
er or not he is a leapyear victim;;
but as h<* has passed a number of
years since he b«*eame of a marring- i
abl«* age without l»eing .-aught in
Cupids net. The Tribune is prone to
believe the leap year prerogative
has a bearing in his surrender to
Miss Shannon*» charms
Miss Shannon, or Mrs Rodgers
now. was serving her second year
as a teacher in our school» ami ha»
ha«i splendid success. Her formet
home was in Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers are now at ■
home and will reside on a farm east;
of town.
The Tritium- extends congratula­
tions trusting that the union of
th«*ae two hearts mav form a happy
am! prosperous home.
EHsrts ti Supply Labor Wtart Nttata
Wittait Cast ti EMgliytr
•( Eapliyt
An item of considerable ihtereat
County t’lerk Rusnell ami wife
to every employer of lal»or in Ore­
visited the latter» parents. Mr. and
gon and Southern Washington is an
Mrs Fd Jones, Sunday.
ann«»uncem«*nt of the consolidation
Earl Russell visit«*I in Mael«*ay of the working interests of the
over Sunday
Oregon branch of the federal em­
Salmon is reported to be running ployment office and th«* public em­
ployment bureau of th«-' city of
in the slough on the river.
This weather is bar«! on farmers
Th«- two offices and the traine»!
who have hay down.
corps of workers in charge of same
The water service gang of the S will cu-operat«* in an effort to bring
P were here last w«*ek installing together U h * employer seeking help
another water valve in the new and the worker seeking employment.
water tank which increases the
It will also lie their further ob-
agent's work as well as salary.
ject to exploit the state's r«*source«
Wm. Kula has gon« to Jefferson bv getting men and women into the
as watchman for the A. F. Gooch channel of industry where they are
moat needed. and to secure them
»aw mill
work for which they are l»«.«t suited.
Helmer Churchill ha» gone to his
Another matter worthy of note in
brothers near Tillamook, for a two
thia connection is that thia is thi-
weeks stav. Claud Churchill has his
fi rat practical combination ever at­
place on the section during his ab-
tempted l»«*tween the employment
branch of the fc«leral government
The Shelburn railroad station is a and any other public employment
pretty busy place th«w mornings. office. Results of the work are to
Several pasarngers change from the fonw* under the cloee scrutiny of
motor to the Woodburn train and the officials at Washington, and may
a great deal of express m-ems to la- I m * the basis for a combination of
th«*se interewts throughout the Unit-
«1 Slate«.
.. 11 mate ............. .............
The government employment ser­
Filed by Paying Fee
vice is a national affair with branch­
Potash Plant in Favor
es in every important city in the
Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummings, of
Through an inter­
Washington. March 21.-
The lialw-y. says the Albany Herald, is United States
la-tween them*
Senate committee on agriculture to­ the first candidate for nomination to
data con-
day virtually aggreed to report a bill ‘ file declaration of candidacy, by
in any
appropriating 8150.000 for the paying a fee instead of obtaining
establishment of a Government the signature of two per cent of the
Portland, being the largewt city in
plant on the Pacific ('out to experi­ voters as otherwise required by law.
sectiun mentione«!. is the natur­
ment with procesae* for extracting
'Die l«*gislature enact«*d thia pro­
market to which all claam*«
potash from kelp.
vision to the primary law at the
and trained
By means of this plant, depart­ 1JH5 aeaaion. Mrs. Cummings paid
ment representatives told .the com­ a fee of 820 and assign«*«! as a reason
It will not be the purpose of UtoM
mittee they believed th«*y could dev­ the re f<»i that she is actively engage«!
elop a commercial urocess for the in teaching. She desire« to become employment offices to supply all the
jobs with men from Portland, but
manufacture of potash fertilizer.
the republican candidate for county
Ground kelp, they »aid, is worth school superintendent. She is one rather the labor situation in «-ach
community will In* investigated to
now 840 a ton.
of the m««t successful teachers in
the end of making an equitable and
the county, having ha«! several years
distribution of the worker«
Carranzistai Joining Villa
of experience.
The service« render«*! by the
Munchausen Has Descendents
As many people who were familiar .
combined employment bureaus will
with Mexican character expected,
lx free to all who wish to avail
the .Mexican de facto government's
Ib-ad German war reports and
themaelve« of them. No charges
troops are beginning to br«*ak up y«»u will think they either kill, wound
will be cxaclc«! from employer or
am! join Villa. General Hervra with or capture about all of their antago­
2000 of hi« troop« are reported to nists am! that there is but little in
Apulications from employers for
have alligned
lhemselv«*» under the way for their march onto Paris.
help and from those seeking employ­
Villa's banner. Many of them for­ Read French reports ‘ and while
ment are invited.
merly served with Villa. The ex­ «light reverse« are admitted, the
pected is beginning to happen
largest share of the German army
Two Lcbaiioa Men Arc
Senator (handier lain
had the is killed in action.
So thick were
Eaployed by Dock Sans
Mexican situation well sized up when the German «lead in one fight, there
he stated that 50,000 U. 8. troop« was not room for them to fall, some
would be required to restore pacifi­ remaining standing after being kill- {
Two ls*b*non mr^ will be employ­
cation down there.
Such reports are too unreason­ ed as painters of ship« by Uncle
So the 0. 8. N. and Spanish war able to inspire belief. A certain Sam at the Bremerton Navy Yard.
veterans may as well Ix-gin to pack Baron Munchausen once lived over They are H. R McCoy and W, H.
their Knapsacks, for the order for in those countries and. it is evident, i Haley
them to join the colors will not be he has a great many deawmdenta.
Messrs McCoy and Hslev recently
long delayed.
who write up these war reports.
pasaed painters' examinations which
The punative expedition, which
qualified them to become employee
This office has received a very of Uncle Sam
ha«, so far been very careful to not
offend Mexican pride, will now be­ neatly printed pamphlet entitled
One w«>ek from next Sunday the
come an army of intervention which "Oregon Walnuts." published by
«nil have to be largely reinforced, the 8 P. railroad company
Every Pacific Const bawball season lM*gina
for a war with Mexico «eems now person who is growing walnuts, Portland's first l«*aeu«* game will lie
at San Francisco.
should have a copy.