THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 4 ---------- r T COUNCIL ISSUES MANY WARRANTS Tie New Charter Pttitme W m Agertved PmltiM fw Citim, far Cwritn fw Yififets Art Diluiti « —Tu ten •< EitHI Mdh law Mis leal Trett Irtart Portland. Oct II. So that «m- sumers, vendor*, carrier* an*I offi- ciai* may have a bird’» eve view of th>- (»-naiti«**-f<*t violation* **f the prohibitiiMi law, which takes effect January* I. District Attorney Evans has selected the high apote in the law. District attorney» of Oregon have decaied that the best way for them to make enforcement of the law a simple matter is to keep the public informed of what is expect­ ed of them when Oregon goes dry. "Very few people." says Mr. Evans, "will take th«- time to read the long statute, *<> it is advisable to keep before the public some of th«- mam points those touching on the penaltire and thereby have the public pretty well informed by the time the law- ht-gins operating That there will lie an honest effort to en­ force th«- law in every county is un- qu«»tiune41 a ch*>rum present. Mayor Ewing being absent (Councilman E. (’. Peery was called to the chair and presided at the meeting. An initiative petition *ogn«-U by 77 l«-gal voters of Scin, demanding that a proposed new charter, a eopK of which accomi>anie«i th«* petition be submitted to the elector* at the coining city election. Council ap- proved the petition and ordered the title »f the charter dared upon the ballot. The «>uncil by ordinance. placed the tax levy for the year 1916 al eight mills on the dollar. The street committee was instruct­ ed to have the water main covered near the residence pt Mrs. Pomeroy. 30 days. Transfer of shipping receipts, bill of lulling, order or other receipt calling for delivery of intoxicating liquor is a misdemeanor punishable by a tine to $500 or imprisonment to 90 days. Carrying liquor to a dan*-«- hall or public plare*. or having in possession at such pla*-es. is a mtademtrnnor. with a tine to $200 or imprisonment to HMI «lays. Diaot>edi«mce of subpena. refusal to testify or mgn testimony is a misdemeanor subject to a fine to $300. or three month’s imprison­ ment, or both. Il ia unlawful to handle commer­ cial (>aper to which ia st tach« 1 a bill of lading, order or receipt for intoxicating liquors of which ia con­ nected therewith directly or indi­ rectly Punishable with a fine from $25 tn $100. or imprisonment not 4| V-Mire than 90 days fl For violation of injunction re lat­ ing to premises, the penalty in a fine not less than $100 nor more than $5 and imprisonment from 30 days to a year. Maintaining or assisting in main- taming a nuisance is a misdemeanor ■ punished under general provisions The first offense is punishable by a fine up to $.'*00 or imprisonment ur> to six month*, the second by not less than $I(M) fine nor more than $500 and from* .«• days to a vear in jail; the third offense by two year* al hart! Ials>r Premise* where a numsnee exists may t-e fined the c*»ls, which are made a lien on the property. The u* of l«ased premises to maintain a nuisance voids the lease (Continued on page ¿I $1.26 THE YEAR SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. OCTOBER 14. 1915 NO. 20. I Hill* Allow«*! Planing Mills $6 55. Erol Sims $1.25. Fran! Thayer >225.15. II S Johnson $16.20. R. M. Cain $1.50. W. K Arnold $2 Scio Mtiling Co. $45. Clifford Shelton $15. Walter Bilyeu $75. Frank Morri» $5, Ralston Electric Co. $52.27. Western Electric Co $8.32. R Shelton $1 50. Wm. Knauf $15. Geo Daley 7.50. D. R O'Brien $42. J.* N. I »fig $ 1 50. J 8. Sticha $22 14. J N Weddle $10 N. I Morrison $6.90. Allntny Iron Works $|Hi 30. 4 Canal Slide* Gain Panama. Oct 11. All predictions with regard to the pr<4>ai>le date for the reopening of the Panama ('anal, even with a temporary channel, were art at naught today by Major-l leneral 0. W. Goethais, Governor-General of the Panama Canal Zone, who said that «mditions were such that it was impossible V* set any definite date. General Goethais san! the move­ ment of earth front l>oth (tanks into the canal was au rapifj during the last week that the dredging float was unable to make any gain against it. He declared that therefore he would withdraw even the tentative reopening date of November I, set by Colonel Harding, engineer of maintenance (»eneral '¡orthat* au*iy with the intention of re­ moving the source of the trouble. No effort would he made to drive through a temporary channel. he said The statement was made that shipping interests would be inform* «1 that they muni make arrange- ment tn disregard the Panama < anal for their vetwrls until the situation m the Gaillard cut improve* Alvin Gilkey startetl to achooi last Monday morning The senior dais» was organised the other day with ten member*, Thia ia the largest elsa* that ha* been known since the four year course has been given, The follow- mg officer* were elected: Kun ice Shimanek. president; Orville Gilkey, vice president; Bertha Smith, secre­ tary; Ethel Carson, tn .«surer; Sylvia Gooch. «Iitor; Lcdmela Kukacka. Loren White. Inex Hiruna. Emma Kotan and Alvin Gilkey, assistant editors • Krol Howell was a high school visitor Monday morning Orville Gilkey's knowledge J*>( English was shown the other day in the German class when he trans­ lated "Der lehrer lehrt da* kind,” "the teacher teaches the kid." Great preparatKHM are Is ing made by the school children to send ex­ hibits to the Alliany fair. We girls in Domestic science don’t like the idea of sending all the cakes to the fair because we don’t even timi out how they taste after we make them unless the cakes are no good. Miss Shannon reports than we should give her pupils the credit for the clean school yard Miss Shannon hu new mana new gioia** for her room. IMHÌ Senior Editor. K. OÍ P. Grand Lodge Officer* Were Elected rhe Gram! Lodge. Knights of Pythias. in srauon at Portland this week, elected th*- following grand officer* for the ensuing year: Gram! Chancellor of Alliany Willard Marks RECOGNITION PLAN IS SANCTIONED MRS. DUNIWAY ENDS Muy Y tin finta ti fitti« Sitlrtft PresidMt W i I sh Fereealty Airees te it OrtfM Cuttr At a Recetóte Mence íerege te Writer Irifbt Feilew Lead Portland. Vet 12. Mr*. Abigail Scott Duniwav. HI years old, slater of th«- late Harvey W. Scott »nd known as the "mother of woman suffrage in Oregon.’’ died at Good Samaritan Hospital at 12:50 o’clock Wilson today gave formal sanction to the plan of th«* Pan-American «inference to extend recognition tn th«* Carrania government in Mexico. Washington. Oct. 12 Preaident Diplomatic representatives here Monday morning, following an ill- of several South American govern­ new of several week». Mra. Duni- ments received instruction» tn take way underwent an operation recent- the aame action as the l’nit«*d Stales. Iv for an infection in her foot, and Similar word ia expected within a for some time there had been virtu­ few day* from the government* of ally no hope of her recovery all the other American republics. At th«* l*edsid«* at the time of her The time of recognition will l«e Ax«*d death were Ralph K I turn way and then, Dr. (’. A. Duniway. sons. Dr. J. C. European government*. It is un­ Zan and the nurse. derstood. will follow th«* lead of the Mrs Duniway'» death rame while United States and other American he was sleeping peacefully. republics Great Hrilainand France, Mrs Abigail Scott Duniway was it is known, have intimated that I urn Oct 22. I KM. in a border thia would lie their policy, and it ia Her father, believed here Germany and Italy cabin home in lllinoia. John Scott, born in Kentucky in will do likewise. l»»th having main­ IMnp. was of Scotch-Irish ami Eng­ tained an accredit«»! agent to <«etH*r- lish parentage, while her mother, ial Carranis for some time. Ann Rovlofwm, was l**rn in Dill of Corrrepotwlenre that pewed tie- German. French ami English stock, tween Eli** Arredondo, Carranaa’s Mrs Duniway was one of a large representative here, ami Secretary family of children. Two of her Lansing and Member* of the Pan- sister* are living in Portland, Two American conference, relative to <>f the brother* died in infancy, a the protection of foreigner*, amnes­ third brother died in 1862. while ty, treatment of the clergy and Harvey W Scott, editor of The iCarranaa'a ple«lge to restore consti­ Oregonian, died in 1910. tutional government, lieeanie public tonight. It reveal* that Secretary Passport Fraud* Probed lansing aak«*l particularly of Mr Arredondo concerning the attitude Washington. Oct. 13 Alleged for- of the Carrania government toward gerie* of American |>aiMporta and the clergy. The Ar rendundo reply, their •lleged misuse by German dated Oct. H. follows: ag«-nt* will I m * investigated in practi­ "Complying with your excellency« cally all the European capitals by requeet asking me what is the atti­ a representative of the state depart­ tude of the «institutional govern­ ment. ment in r«*gard to the Catholic It leaked out today that R W. church in Mexico, I have the honor Flournoy, Jr., chief of the paaaport to say that, inasmuch as the re­ division, has l>e«-n in London at establishment of peace within order work on the case* for several day* and taw ia the purp**sr of the gov­ and that he will later go to Pari* ernment of Mr. Carrania to the end and Berlin and then to some of the that all the inhabitants of Mexico, neutral capitals. without exception, whether nationals last July the state department or foreigners, may «jually enjoy the sent a note to Berlin on the subject benefits of true justi«- an*I hen«* of the alleged misuse of American take interest in cooperating to the passports by Germans, but n*ver support of government, the laws of received a reply. reform which guarantee individual Grand Vice Chancellor II G. Wortman, Medford. Grand Prelate Julian A. Hurley. Vale. Grand Keeper of Records and Seal - Walter Gleeson. Baker. Grand Master of the Exchequer J. W Maloney, of Pendleton, (re­ elected I Jesse Grand Master-at-Arms Spmcer, Corvallis. Grand Inner Guard Edgar Me- Daniel. North Bend. Grand Outer Guard H H Fox. Portland. Supreme Representative from Ore­ gon to Supreme L>dge lidward D Improper Relation* With Curtía. Portland Young Girl ia Charged Alternate Supreme Representative - (¡rank S. Grant. Portland Charged with having committed the crime of fornication on the per­ Lumber Charter* Soar son of Ida H<>ag. D**ff Mrepelt. a rural mail carrier out at Thoma* San Francisco. Oct. 13.—Freight was arrested yesterday bv Constable rates on lumber from the 1‘acific John Catlin and arranged before coast to off-shore points are now Justice of the Peace L. L. Swan the highest they have been in many The complaint was sworn to by years, according to a circular iaaued John B»ag. father of the girl. by the Ship Owners Association, Mespelt was Ixiurid over to the made public today. grand jury under $1000 bonds. — The circular quote* charters made Albany Demoeret during the past week to Melbourne and Adelaide, from Coast lumber Will Boy Cream ■ porta, at from 100 to 105 shillings per 1000 feet To South Africa the rate* on lumber from the North The Scio Feed Store will buy Pacific have reached the rate of 142 cream for the l^banon creamery, shilling* and sixpence, »aid to lie paying the highest market pries for the highest ever paid out of Pact Ac aame delivered at their feed store coast purl*. I in Scio freedom of worship according to everyone's «macience. shall In* strict­ ly observed "Therefore, the «m«lituti**nal government will respect everybody** life, property and religious lielirf*. without other limitation than the preservation of public order and the observance of the institution*, in accordance with the laws in force and the constitution of th** re­ public.*' ixmdon, Oct. II.” The German potato emo. estimated at 60.000,000 ton«, ia the largest in the history of the country, saya a Harne dispatch tn the Post. The supply ia an abundant that Germany has withdrawn the prohi­ bition against exporting potatoes to Hwitxeriaod.