« Í USE A SEICTE S wh I Hour Item» Dr. Bellinger haa been extraordinary in the uarenla of a A number of our citixcn» look Quite a few (»«»pie of Swe«’l Home You live in momentous times anti have g»ne to th« Into yani«. • you should not miss any of the Vmendous event» that arc tre- Our obi friend ami occurring. E. Edwards and m-ighbor. A. of Scio, family, ^.<» other new»(ui|»cr will inform you were in Sweet Home a short rheapnew a week ago. time with th«* promptness amt of the Thrice-a-W»»»k Edition of the New York W»»rl»i We understand that J Moreover, a year’s subscription will take you far Bellinger I» visiting in Salem Mrs The Tbrice-a-Wc«k World’s regu­ this wiclt, tn'ing the lar subscription price is only SI per 156 truck U> heiih Brother» into uur next presidential campaign year and thia (»ay» for A. Coulter haa sold hia share in lb« auto her of guest mother. (ta(«*rs. We offer this »jnm|U*llcd newspaper The high arhuol t»»ard met Satur­ for day and again hired icachora for The regular price is 12.25. the achool year. It is to i>e hoped and The Scio Tribune *1.90. together the thene teacher» will retain their pud- If you want the Oregonian, Journal or lhe Telegram, » will tiotM and not resign we furnish it to you at less than “bargain day’’ rates, providing you are a subacrilwr to The I ribune. A Valuable Prêtent < Delayed from last week I Mr*. Anna Tutmnn ami two son». The Tribune desire* correapond* ent* from every locality in lhe Freddie an»l Willie, Scio returned have from San Frantiteli, where they had country. been to *ee the fair. In order to «»cure them, we offer Mr. and Mr», t’rocker drove new» letter» Allianv Monday <>n bu.nm •»« a valuable present, worth I'JoSU for the l»est written four tieginning Septemtier 1, tlie to ail be written and lettera published Judge and try Septemtier. Albany The award» will be by made at Hewitt Mrs. up the ('*lipooiu h I mivv Saturday to U» autoed Holley look from at the country least three reader» of The Tribune. T. J. Mnloiic. Jc*«<’«ichr>>n. W ConteatanUi should lu- gubecribera to Gofinor. the (taper. particular day >»n buKineSH. hobby, tuoi returning M J »dm Mon on the train. but item» of news in your (»articular W, neighborhood. Swink S. is along getting nicely with hi* new houm*. behaving PsMs done all the w»»rk with the help of A. J. Duncan and »on John. H. B. CHESS Mr and Mrs Mrs W. M ATTORNEY AT LAW JJL I „ LI. ...X Murphy, Hamilton motored to Albany We want newa letter*, not maou- acripta on some Ivan an outing up I C-alipoota for several day». IHte«« •• yferawa M und Dicktsm and Mrs. Mary took Hamilton .. I U.J111..JI- B—a ClifT Rice, Mr the They report a delightful lime. William G. Amos Mu*» Loi» Hamilton haa returned ; home after »(tending U h .» summer at ¡ Eugene with her grandparents« Mr. DENI 1ST and Mr*. John Edwards. It ia reported there ia going tu lie Main St. near Grant Lebanon ... another wtskiing near Holley soon. Oregon Peaches For Sale I have plenty of iM-acheM for N. M. Newport at SI per bushel, you come to aule the orchard ami get them and supplying Attorney al I jxw terry arroaNavi your own boxen. Crawfords and Charlotte» now rttody and the muer» will tie on hand next week. E. J. Italey. Scio. Lrd to the Seneca «riling i»J>. » "Yratr money h»« k without question. When a Seneca Camera I« void, it Mayv ■old. That I because of its superMWtty of squipment, i«x «asa pf mam pulsi wir. anil the picture« it make«. On* thing about Seneca Catrwraa that spprwlx to SENECA CAME*A MPG. CO. NV. ■ack»*4*»* « I»' bltAAf U-a4 M J«1 WM «fetta«. BMè- > Italia HABITS IN THE WATER a modem time». It ha.« witnrMel the pktuure trip laat Saturday and Sun* outbreak of the great European war. ■lay. going up the river (or a »lay a struggle mi titanic that it makes over night. aU others look »mall ish Into the Jaws of Death. semLles an Undersea Boat. ITS A'lh»wgh h Can Swim Only Whan Submerged and Mutt R»«s to th* BvHaca Every Paw Mmwtaa. It la a Marvel »1 Beead W» ha»» route Io regard the soaring altiairxM or th,- cumtor as in» proto type uf the aeroplane. Wfe-n h» look for ■ natural mxadel fur the aubmaruto *• find It well tnadv lu the l"xty of the fur «ral aiel roily «uttcc»t«-d by its utetfeal of progression tn ib» sao. for It Itovel» there only whet I abolly »uh llH'lged Inttke. botrttrr. i I m > »ntenoebo*». the fur «a»t la hoi tilted for swimming on tita surfs»a. It only tge. there to •ur»*y. to hreath» and to sleep It net er attempt» to swim with beaii ■ tax» water on any «vturse. no matter bow abort II rtow when uudlsturtied or not alarmed, looka about with bee I •nd neck well »tret» bed up above the surface of the sea. Ulis It» hinca with •tr dtieratly «oxn(. turn» it» head »Io«»» and «lib Its powerful an tat lor tllp|»'f» dril e» Itself Iwlow the surfs«-» to the «1*1« h of Ove or ten feet then ahead on that level Thus aut> merged lhe body of the MOI *ll»|e> through the waler aa swiftly a» a »«at low tn iba air it la a vanishing streak io our »ye* How long It remain» thus »ubmetgsai when traveling no .me ha» any dehntla knowledge, but llw i»eet con»eu»ua of opinion gives It a rise at Interval« of every three or four minutes to broatha - that In. a (Mtuie of le»« than two or three aocotid« with barely tmtrs iban Ita u» tn I les from that has» Therefore tn tbb» c«xuM*>'tfc»n If «a Interesting to know that the fur aoal make» a submarine Journey In tbe norib ra»1Sr «wean nt more than Mum miles from It» base on the I’rtbllof la land*. In Bering sea. ami then returns An animal whl>h can not only make such an extended Journey but ran •toer Its »-ourao^oeer an un» hartad waste from point to point, month by mouth, with ptwliivo regularity aud Io perfe. t time must b* a Hue type of awltnmlng mac bine, and It la There fat to be otwarved a ctoa* rs •entíname bat aven tbe cigar »bapad •ubmartne hmt ami the fusty form of tbe fur aeal As »• view (hem lateral ly. thia resemblance la complete. They ara l»Hh driven »bead by feathering •crew*, aud they are hotb kept »n the level of their submerged course at a given diatam-e twl»,w tbe surfa«-e by rudder» Then we olaterve that tbe periscope to whkb >t»e aul.inartne »raft owe« all of It» ell!» leocy la dupik-ated exactly by tbe seal’s n»»»e anti eyes and whf»h are ail that It ever lifts above tbe »nr face when startle»! ami In flight of passAge Again we note that tbe fur seal a» a submarine has a great advantage over tbe human boat — It baa eye* that »mi look ahead and around under wa ter - bow far we d<> not know, but It la re»»«»naUle to assume that tbe seal’s eye «lu «ce a» far under watrr as the eye of a «sux-r» u nt «<>io»« our fur »»»«I l»»ai ba-, o,» i«*ri edo tul»«», bul ll -an and •l»»ee bo»»i it» uM»uth off at fl»b with u »¡«»«11.1 «criaini.» lu ibb» tonne tkm II I» inlrrr»tlng lo note thul sxmi» d»» h»»< catch lb»h by pur»uit <»i »hem -n»d gt all They 1 •b<»’i d»»wu from also»* upon the bark» ••r up frv»ut »•»•■« Io «trike at tbe hel ; ■|e» of flieir liuto pre« How fast tbcae ph»» lur »ul'marine» ¡ ■ an -lewl up un»l«r the «titubln» of ex«-|ten>» nf nr trnr un »»be know« Hut it I» sell known » ben a ,e'.-el t. » ».m Ing >f slud fr»m tlte t»ian»l». •» ; glng f»mrtern sixteen kteds that a twey t»f fur «reí» will of ten fl»llow tbe »hip for hour» and re- I»airti1r »wlm by It. »wtm around It 'h»l rften renew tbe chase and «lrrtlng of It H-f»ry W Ellhat In Sew Vorfc i Time« A TRACK RETREAT When the Afghans Lured the Brit I ut by girl. 'orre»|«»»rra b» wanted and th» otte»« gave him tbe prsa p art of a >H>ti«tant feast Mot wtaking to he tied to th» otoc*. stoc» It yl»l4»d him no rvtentw that would reward him f»«r ib» motín»meat, b* sand» a pawl-,tn- r- nt Ma teat Wb«nover h» went «oil be put tb» lettere In tela teat When » prrwtn who expected s lettor met thr powttnaater b» found aleo tb» poatoinee, and the publb offl- lal. tate ina off hl* hat. Io«>bed over and d»llv cred tb» mail wtv»r*v»r th» public might nnd him He kept the ofBceun III It »a« «IlM'onttniwd or wa* removed tn I’rlersburg A «mull t«lan»r dn» the g>»v»mm»nl »•malned lt> l.tm'ola'a handa st th*die .»«ninnati» e of thr »di.» Tlm» pasa <-d on and h» t»a.1 removed to Rprtng bold and waa pra»t1»tng taw. having bla pia«» of hualnree tn l»r H»nry s .»HI r Meanwhile hi» struggi* with poverty «a» »tnabsted. »nd he had •ft»n twrn oblige«! to borrow m«n*y from hl« ftlerids to purchat» th» be twat nn . ««arlos It waa at that Juncture 'ha< a government agent celled to *a*A- « settlement of tbe old poatoflkw KABUL ia till» wondrous day uf wire and ‘ wtrvi«^ w* ions, half acron* lb» I MSid. the »»suu of lit*- ,1 a > euioil la »laiilan««‘U*l>. aud the «»<> eh-uicuts iiarrj abroad lb« uews. It tat iu<>r* I tbau n>UMn,«. it bi mira< I*, but a mtr imte that may bauish for»» er from tb« p*gr« nt tb» future historian aud co • iBaucer ou* of tb» uoisi tirsiuallc ng I uro* of the (oiat--tbr anwseuger bring Ulg urst I»»w« trout thr bal'lmeld. long eV«* before l'belilll>|>hta« uf Maratbuu ran tu Atbvu» fn-tu th» im mortal battleth ld rkxl Victory: ’ aud toll dead th» utcwacugrr held a (Mmw lu myth ami chnmlclr that be ba» UMtlutato»«l fur ■ ruiurh* B uxim - I Umw he 1» merely the »wlfte-t ruler or runner, aotuellm«-» a bvru »1 tbe I Uabt. . Uua*n aa an b»nur to bear glad ini lags »omeiinu« a bard i>r««»««l ref uge* sometime» »trn a kat* »urvlvor Lady KlUabellt Tb».iiu-o»n iluth-r. the dietingut»lied wuxuau palmer uf uartuu» ac*ne«. of «bl»b Tb« Roll I al1" 1» most famous, on. » lliu«traiisl tlu a le»» tanowu painting xto* of lhe i most tragic eplmsl»« in 13« te'story nt mixletti England tb» atrlval uf (>r William Hr>don at JatatahMd. Jan 13. IIMJ Her terttble Uftle picture »too«» tb» young ifcoxi b »urgeuu dastd. dr» P*ratw. »rhausted «linglug half »on eccoli ut» Tbe IniervWw took pt*«« In »clou» to bl* WMirted bore« a» tb* «all» thr |>«»-«-o.r of t>r Henry wbo thn* of tb* dty tuom tn «ighi Hr had cvnn- from Kabul, through A m »1 tt i»» Mr Brown» I did m»t believe hr bad th» moo»y tb» mouataln». lu midwinter, uur of a I n h >toi to meet lbs draft, and I was retreating army of Hrltlsb and ttallv» a> «»ut tn rail bint a«14» and offer t<> tru«>|i*. accompanied by awarma of at With lenti him the money wb»u tee asked l*u«Uuta and camp fulluwer*. the «is'-nt to h» seated He went orar tb»tu at (trsl «»re alao bln» Kttgllah wntnext. w I vm of otB«era. Including to hi« trunk at hia hoarding bone* and Fkirnutta. Ijxdy Hale wife of Mir Hob rrittriml with an old blue anek. tn eri Mai*, the commamler at Jalalataul. whl> b a quantity of silver and copper There wer» ah»» . nln« « is tied up rntctng th* aorte, uud hi» «laughter A loua, taiirhale h» poiirwt tb» contenta npo* tbe tabi» fuurt«»ii < blldren » Isk »«*1 and Itidmtua s*rlr» of ' I blunderJf ircm h and |>ro< r«-d»d to count th* coins «•rtc« and murtlcra bad brought tn» rhe government agent found that «tremendously outnumbered British in the ptle nuitslned tbe exact amoont Ksttul to the point where *vacMtioo of tbr draft to a rent and tn tb* M»n of the city and arceptam e of a prom ti al «uta* that Mr (Jn< oln had r* Ised a*f» conduct to Jalatatanl «rem c*iv*d lie ncv*r under any ctreum rd t<> their l**«l»rs the '»»st ibai ctarhl •tin»-«« u«ed truat fund«“ lie hoped for. ami tit* retreat twgan But tbr Afghans did mH keep their IT WAS A TOUGH STEAK word, and soon there «ere u<> leaders Bef«>r» the man h waa half ov»r many But the Realaurant Man lastly P It Whan I he Kieh Came bo(»»i*a» that the other* yielded to a It hap|>eurti In a .fewntowft reata» prni ma tilling A wall drnwd ai he always ; ttxMtrrai hlm»»lf (toberal Klphinsiou*. rani, must be to mak» • g,"»d story joust lox.ither with the women ami chll titan »«'lerci s steak Tb* sraltrsaa. i dr»n Into the care of lite Afghan chief ratrn-r pretty wtek b quail*» srfc»n ab» Akbar Khan. hostage«, but not un uniat i«M»«n» la writlsg a story of this til th» Kurd Kabul wa» pa»«w«t kind tlllel tb» ordsr. and lbs young The gorge of tb» Kurd Kabul la a mtn »lartad in to devour tb» fsaat I#«» mH* ravtn* between high tmxin «hi- h had l»e»n art before him ; Mlm ao narrow, lofty aud grim that Tb» >'H»ng man bad nu aoooer agnrt j In • later tb» »Uli a- arvely rva«'hxw Ila That January II wa» deep tn rd In <»n tbr steak than be discovered 1 »l»|Hh* that hr had a kick »omliig aud as the ■now. lhe rock» were glared with kw. rr»ta«r»nt proprietor pa»«»<1 b» stop • and up>m *v»ry mountain atop«-, tn •» pr»t him by eaytog: “I ».«n't est this ¡•ry «wevsae*. lieiilml every bowlder »leak rnttrel) too tough I wish yo« ' lurked lb» fanalk Afghan iriiw»iin i> would -r» that I get hotter meats when | with their long gun» and long knh»» Weery. crowded half crt|»f«led by froat I nim« in her».'’ xbr confused ami formle«» ma««r» ’Too bad' That aleak look» all right Hut let n»e gel you another " And th» i atruggllng through th» gloomy .anyon aforesaid pr»g>rt»t«x to^ th» aleak th» « mw lost all »»inlilii nee uf an army ailverwato which had hr»n served with I aa Hw> «taugbier mtua lo»i all «cm It tw- ante »imply the It »ml departed H» aoon returned • blame of battle with a «teak a tilt h looked etsetiy like , ma«»acr* of a rabbi» ami Ute »m»o its- tlr«t one The yonng man ptrfced ■ grew red Thr»» tbuosaml m»n." »ay» th«, bl" un hb» knife and atañed at bla aerond order 'Fine'*' be »aid a» hl» knife lortan Mir J W Kay*, "fell andaf tiw» < ut 11 apart without tbe least effort fir«- of ih* enemy ur ilropt»-«! down Th»- »-naiomer was pleased heynod i p*n>lys*d and *xtiau»trd to tw »laugh Ami am hi word« and that ho enjoyed tbe »teak tered by Afghan knlv»a fearful a>»nro of «-arnage «a» evident, for b» left »aly the plat* the«» A» th» reporter paaaed out he met through a abowrr of matrhhwk ball» the proprietor again, and thia I» what rode English tadlm <>n twf the ««me «leek on enother plat* and tb* deoolatinu mar» b Aft*r-the ».»iwral he tn a «»i "«» bring him a »harp knife You her» no « idev whet a »llfferen»« a aharp kalfe wit* th* wumt u lhe rvwit aril » -u Tit» l < nu-rs x-bool ”1 railed to aee your motbor •d ell»» Within sixteen mile» of J.iiaiubaH resteniay hot. unfortunately, ate» wa» «mly six of I tees* remain»-1 r ft»re tot at home ” tte» "* Mltsen mile* «»re .n,i-i.<' r.e “Ote. jaa. »he »I» «»piled ite» boy blit I guess ah* took you for lb» to «if tbe all bad l«r»n klH«"i hi -tr»u sta 11met» t gtan You look aoaaotbta* ilk» giing maraud»»» (M Hrvdon al«»«w ««m- m.in mtf nt him ’ I’biiadelptela ITm»e IflOOn r»*> hwt the «««I sod hoc* tbe swful aew» I later when England a«otw> vn*l »v»a**d. th* women an«« «tend in an : a f»w prleoner» were re- n*d IH Hrvdon hlm»»lf Ht»«l t<> »her .nd «ur » vt»» tbe famous »to«» nt (.nckn--» an Mber «»rrlbi» »piwsfc i* his «-onntryr'« history but -me a» femora ble an! in Spfrtag as th* retreat front Kabul wa» I I