a • 1 * . am. to make a surer*»’ Can you evidently desires the g-«»l office* of THE SCIO TRIBUNE Manar ua for looking upon your the United States to help her let present activittes as an unfriendly l««e of-the war hear she no willingly •ct? seiM-d st the tv-gmnmg White < 1er many ••rtn» tn ta­ aide Several year» ago the Scio country T. U OUGCgM. KP I TOM BNO PMN* tried tn have the forks of th«- Santi- to do as she wills with Russia ami am organized into a rvparate county Could dictate terms were these tW<> Entered at the ptwtoffics al Scio. and we would have succredmi had countries alone at war. she will, as Oregon as second rias* matter. it not been for Albany opposition. a rule, get the worst of th«- o«n flirt Now. ft seams, the same element hereafter. Her splendid state of Si 26 which defeat«*! our county aspira­ prenaredness al the l and France aro far lietter prrtsired Display advertising, long lime, ace ■. for war than one year ag->. both in despite vour opposition. manager. Unn. to reach the state of pros­ the number of troop* am! munition* Extended marriagv or death notice» perity she should, must develop ad □ermany. with her deplet«*! armtos. tier line ___ _ ... 3c parts of the county There must i is likely to fin«! the task much Special rat«-* on long tune display lie a reciprocal and fnmdly feeling < heavier. advertising. for all parts by each particular sec­ When |M-acr is established. 7uig- tion. Antagonism will never get lam I ami France and Italy will likely anywhere We want a harmony of hav«- much to say about terms. Eng­ NOT AN OPPOSITION FAIR feeling for the lsrbanon Strawberry land ami France have suffer«*! The Tribune, of last week, sue- fair, for the Pioneer Picnic at greatly in i»oth rm-n ami money and cecded in its purpose, in writing the Brownsville, for the Potato fair at i«oth th«*- nations will md»! that criticism of the propose«! Ali«anv Harrisburg, for the Neighborhood reparation »hall be made to Belgium fair. Both Albany dailies |>ai«l their fair at Holley, for the Unn County : tor th«- d« »Iructom of her eitn-x and respects to our article. This brought fair at Scio and for the Uhautamiua. j term««» Whenever peace 1» made, it will the matter before a large majority Appld fair am! other functions at | of the citizms of Albany and vici­ Alliany. All should lie patronized ■ he by a court of arbitration. Ger­ nity and. let us hope, set them to morally ami physically so far a* many teirilory ha* m>t suffered any practicable, by all communities To; material io«», aside from her cutoni«**. thinking. The Democrat say» the Albany fight or opjxw anv one of th«-*. m Sh«- will, therefore, la- re«juir«-d to fair is to lie entirely different from to create disharmony and an un­ make reparation for the losses she the Sci<> fair, in that there will le­ necessary liad feeling. Heretofore, ha* cauM»l in oilier countries White no horse racing That t»anrr might generally, harmony has prevail«*! »hv ha* i<-en victorious in a large' have slated, also, that no entrance By establishing this rival fair, Al­ »mas in both the <-a*t and the w«wt. bany has »tartrd something which •h«- will I m - required to pay an im­ fee for exhibit* will lie charged In all oth«-r resjiect« the scope of will m>t. probably, be the large »uc mense indemnity t»-cau*- of the I« m * resulting from those victories. exhibits at th«- Alliany fair will hr cera which she anticipates the »am«- a* that now at the Linn County fair, viz. all kinds of stock, agrteultural products nf all dames, fruits of all kinds, a ladies depart­ ment. farm and industrial exhibits, amusements. etc If a radng pro­ gram could Iw added (which they would if a track was ready) an ex­ act program of the Unn County fair would ba the plan. The year before the Unn County fair was organized, Scio trave a street fair, just such as that which Alliany now propose*. So much enthusiasm wmed to exist and the farmers manifested so much inter­ est that this writer at once com- menc«*i agitating the organisation of a county fair. At that time Linn county had no fair. The field had been open for several vears and Scio antagonize«) no other portion of the county except a jealous spirit on the part of some of Albany's citizens, in making a try at the fair business. Now Albany proposes a street fair, just as Scio did and. a* many of the instigators are well known lovers of horse racing, another vear will surely bring about a race track and »jM-e«l program. As a matter of fact and of goo«l horse sen*. n<> exhibitor will ft o to the trouble of preparing an exhibit for two fairs in the same county just for advertising purpose*, for the premiums m neither instance can be large enough to make the two exhibitions an object. Two fairs in the same country, embracing, practically the same scope and but a few mile* apart, are sure to be antagonistic. They cannot be otherwise tweauae their purpose* are uientical. For thia reason Scio people look upon the pre«eni proposed Albany fair a* a dangerous rival. Admited- ly. Albany has the bettrr location m point of railroad facilities, larger population, etc. for a fair and it will be only a matter of time when the present Unn County fair will run behind financially and we who have financed the »am*, will ba mile of railroad. <>n R F. D. route The farm has good natural drainage and is regard«*! a* «ne of the beat A valuable farm 310 farm» in that locality. All of the mites w«-st of Iwtiam-n «-ultivated land ha» l>een wed«-«! to in cultivation balance clover. For price ami terms write pasture land Fair house and burn, or see The Seto Tribune, Scio, Ore g- ur Motia: Lite and l.et Line J. F. WESELY OREGON East Through California You can travel to any city in the East or South through California at little additional expense You can visit the Panama-Pacific Exposition GERMANY WANTS PEACE (rtrtrtt* IlKkhnm Wiitrl Nevertheless Germany »rem» vic­ torious everywhere in her great drive on Russia, there are constant rumors that she is very willing to entertain nveratures for peace, She seems willing, from pre* rr|MirU. to make peace leaving the inter­ national boundaries as thev were when the war commenced. But »he say* nothing about making good the damage ahe has done Belgium and northern France She says nothing about making reparation* for the millions of live* she has caused to be sacrificed and the home* her soldiers have destroyed Evidently. She expect* France Belgium to make good to their citizen* the losse* cause«! by war. if they ever are made good. Germany has. evidently, conclude«I that she will lose >n the end Sin­ ha* seen her ally before th* war, Italy, join her enemies and now sec* the Balkan state* her probable ene- miea in a few days or week* She has seen her navy bottte«l up in the Keil canal harbors, useleas. and her submarine* largely destroyed. No wonder she wants to «top* fighting Collin» A Starr wsnt an unlimited amount of evergreen black lierrtes. W,ill i«a> If cent* par pound, cither caah or trade delivered at J. F. Weaady's store For furth«-r infor­ mation call at The Tribune office or at J. F. Wesely’s store. Get crate* jit Wceely's store Collins A Starr. Slayton. Ore. »-2 A San Francisco and while the fighting is good. Could she make peace now with her aug­ menting «-nemie*. she thinks lietter term» may lie obtained. But so far as heard from, neither England nor France nor Russia nor Italy is ready for peace England, especially. is just now getting ready to fight The war on Germany's western frontier is yet to be fought. The destruction to German homes is yet to be fait. Germany had the power to have prevented thia greatest of all war*. Without her secret encouragement, Austria would never have declared war upon Servia. which seems to have been the firebrand which ignit­ ed all Europe. Had Srrvia been given a reasonable lime, she would, doubtless, have made reparation for the murder of the Austrian prince forced to see our efforts written and his wife, thus removing all down failure." Honestly, can you cause Austria had for going to people of Allwny blame Kernan» war Now Germany is in a j-eac«- de­ from looking upon your pr-»p«»*ed fair a* the entering w«-dgr to break siring mood. She is willing to modh down <»ur fair for which we have fy her submarine warfare P» suit the desire* of the United States worked w> har«i. handicamied Muer peach«-* will be ready P< jack Sepl«*tnl«rr 1. My orchard will then be open to the public. Bring your boxes and get these line can­ ning |iearhes at SI per bushel, sec­ onds 75 «aits. Crawford Peach Orchard Phone Mam 251 ladatnon. Ore. Pan-California Exposition San Diego You are allowed 10 day» stopover at San Francisco, 10 day» stopover at Loa Angele* 10 days stopover al El Pa*> without charge You will am grand mountain*, fertile valleys, thriving cities and strange nt-ople. 4 I rains a Day In each direction provide comfortable acco­ modations and connect with through trains al San Francisco for Faslern and Southern point* Let our near«-»! Ag«-nt outline your trip. Our folders ‘'Wayside Notes" and "(air tomia Expositions" will be of interest They are free. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Fishiai Tackle Jaba M. Sesti, General Passenger Agent, Partland If you want fishing tackle to lake with you on your early spring out­ ing. don’t fail to see liagey, the jeweler, alwiut it. He has just re­ ceived a new slock which is the licet the market affords If you want any of the dail/ papers. The Tribune will get them I fur you at Bargain Day,rates, pro-! voting >«u pay for The Tribune one year in advance You May Pay Less W U B Ä41 .U.S" ■ ' W riX oW gaanCTB E i iii iai u m B asaanpa u.,, i < ,1^ a r; BI T YOU tt II I Local Market Report U heat tier budiel Oats Bran per ton Wheat chop par ton <>at chop " *' Earley ('hop " Flour iwr »ack Eggs per dozen « Butter per roll Chickens, beri* per lb St _ •• •» spring rooster* Turkey* Geeae Duck* Beef veal Hog*, live per hundred lb Hog*, drwwed Mutton NOT GET WORK THAT IS KU Gt OU AS WE 1 .801 .36 311.011 31.00 .301*1 30.90 1.50 .18 40 . IH.) • ill .!> 07 .12 -7i 8 to 11 IM 11 «50 • 25 4.001 I ’■7T"- You May Pay More BUT YOU Will. NOT GET WORK THAT’S ANY BETTER IE AS <; Tliese »tatemtt>la refer to Job and Book Printing. I t >ur facilities ar« Complete. * We use only the I « -I of material, and our price* are right for first class work. W♦- do no other kn-d Y We always salify our