THE SCIO TRIBUNE Therefore, let us all place some­ thing <>n exhibition, riu aotnething, or attcrxl the full three day«, to in­ sure that our ninth annual shall far suri««-» any ol our prevlot « fair» Particularly should Unn county pro­ ducts I«- well represent««!. though the scope of the fair is unlimilmi ami competition is open to all. County fairs, taken all together, reach a far larger numbar of people than does the state fair Thouwmd* of people can visit th«- county fair, without leaving their homes over night. Ilcncv the nre»-w*ry expense is limited to the fee at the gate. Only those who live in the imm*-di- ate vicinity of the stab* fair, are thus favored. So. neighbors, come to th«* Unn County Fair! Bring your wife and children and let th«* entire family have aj baud om* day of recreation and social intercourse with their neighbors! It will be a day or days spent with both pleasure and profit. OWI'KII KVKKY HI I K.«! ) A Y BY T. U MNMMB. Kl'tTug MNP HUft Entered at the wetoffice at Sri«». Oregon a» *n«i «-la*« matter. auiMM'iurnoN. in ai > van <* k AT KNI> or YKAK «II MONTH* SI 26 1.60 .76 AlaVKHTIHiNO KATKn lx»eal advertising. per line Display advertising, per inch Se I Or Display advcrlrong. long time, see manager. Ki tended marriage or death notices per line 3e Sperisi rates on long time display advertising. OCR COUNTY FAIR WE ARE NOT KNOCKERS Only three weeks from the date of this issue of The Tribune, our Ninth Annual Unn County Fair will l>e <»n hand '"That Th«- Sri«» Fair*’ as most people designate it, is gradual­ ly growing in scope and important»' cannot In- drnie«l The annual ex hilntion of pure registered horses, cattle, swine, sheep. goats an , poultry, shows that <»ur farmers hav« recognised the importance and th« profit of raising good stuff in slock and agricultural product*. This was not true of our fair a* the tieginning Our cattle stalls, swine, sheep and goat pros were few We could scarcely make a shallow of exhibition of registenHl stuff In rithor clans and rarely enough for competition. Now it is different. Nearly every farmer can Isiast of pure bred stock of one or more of th«-*- c I immw . Fa|«Tiaily is thia noticable in our swine pr<«luct* The «»Id lime razor­ back hog. marketed when one to two years old and weighing but a scant 160 pounds, has i«een replaced by high clan» grade or purebred, which weighs as much at six months The improvement in our dairy stock shows an advance of equal note. The Linn County Fair in largely responsible for tloow improved con ditiona. It causes the exhibition of pure bred stock for the inspection of the farmers in general anti plan the seller arnl buyer in touch. Th« fair. ala», excites rivalry in growing farm products of all kinds, result­ ing in the growing of lietter veife- tables, fruits, etc., and the conse­ quent better profit to the grower. Occasionally one will bear the re­ mark. **I don’t like Che management of the fair, the methods, etc.** It is much easier to criticise a method or manner of doing, than to tgk«- hold of an«i do the job. Suppose out fair officers do not conduct matters just to your liking? They are, evi­ dently. doing the liest they can and are devoting their time and energy without pav. Will you do as much and can you do as well? The Tribune twlievca it is the duty and should be the pleasure of every citixrn to exert his influence to help make the fair a success. You can say a good word or do a helpful act. which will cost you nothing. You can place something on exhibition and. even, if you do not get the premium, you can ascertain the reason why you fail If nothing else, you can show your appreciation by attending »nd thus help to bring up the financial end. We are told that there is some­ thing yet due <>n the uurchaar of the grounds Surely, farmers, you should l»e sufficiently interested to raise this lailancr and place the **««•- ciation on its feet if you cannot reap a direct benefit you will in­ directly. for in d«»ir«g something to build up the community, you are brnefittmg yourself or y«»ur children the market ha* laa-n rr*>w«k«d d«*wn so that th«- pnre for their product is reduced brl««w th«- cost of manu­ facture. Hence tb«*tr only rer«»urse is to greatly reduce th«* price of whole milk b* the farmer eise d«» I iumim mm - iw at a U mh , neither of which is th«* company distseied to do. At the flood milk M-aM»n, the c««n- d«*n«ery was barely making vxpenatM hut could m«*et co mpctiliun without laws N«*w that th«- milk supply has cr imiustrv. of the note published in Die I rr which ta our chief asset, will again hune to substantial«» that conclusion 1« iMMimmg ami tin» will supply a Tin- Tribune’« Criticism was not prolitabh* market foi the cumJcriM-d £k>, faruv rs, do m«t intend««! as a knock at Albany, milk product further than to stiow the r«*a«on sell your cows under th« impressionj why Mr. Bryan fath-d to draw a tnat Ute slump in milk products is On th«* other] A Uduuion |Miitisan to be |wrman«.*nt larger crowd liaml now is llie time U« mcrea»«- Hie j new«q»ap>-r attributml the "lei* than s 2 audience’’ to Mr. Bryan’s wail­ dairy herd, so that all will I m * ready ] f«»r the, sure U> be, prusuerous ] ing popularity a» a public man. But why should not Scio people future When the Europ« an war end» a.« knock Albany? lias not Albany al- ways knocked our Fair ami refuM«l end it must in a f«* months and | to attend it or piac«- exhibits there­ m-a freights resume stable cumiilmns. in. except to a very »mall extent* there is acre to I m -a splendid market During the eight Fairs w>- have held, for everything grown iu the field, it is doubtful if Im» Albany people- forest ami stream. Tb«-n the flood have attendeii during any one year. of home seekers on the t’acilic eoa«t I her«* was more than I mi people and the true laments ol Hu- Panama ] from the Seto country attcmh«d th« «-anal will be at hand. Then the ] Bryan meeting perha|* as many as farmer» lands and all it product*] attended from the city of Albany w ill sell for prices not now even | But Set«» does not wish to kmick con tern (dated. Albany. Whenever Albany holds a meet of any special public impur-• hxliing laiklc lane«-, Scio |w-ople and people from ' th«* Scio country are found in tin- If you want fishing tackle to take audience. Scio people patronise the with you on your early spring out­ Albany merchants, the hotels, feed ing. don’t fail to «re llagi-y, the stables, etc., ami spt-mi humirols of jeweler, about it. lie has just re­ dollars to cents spent by Albany in ceived a new stock which is the best Scio. True. Scio is but a village as the market affords. cum|*rvd with Allatay and cannot furnish a* high class entertainment Farmers Attention as the cotinty seat. But Scio is the repreaa-ntaliva town of tile largest lh*twmore A- Iztrgr. of the Scio half of Linn county U-rntoiy, of on«*-half of its population and |*ays ("a.di Produce Co., ure in the market relatively a large share of the for wh«*at, <>ats amt l*arley at high­ county’s taxation. Don't you think est market quotations, quality <*on- brother, that there should lie some­ aidered. We prefer to buy in car thing like rccipriM-ity between th«- load lota. It might |«ay you to see us la-fore wiling, a« we are repre­ tw«> sections of the county? senting one of the largest of Port­ No. brother! W'e do not want to knock Albany, nor Lclamon, nor land’s Gram Exporting firms. I J. F. WESELY Jefferson n««r any other town. We want tn visit you, »pen«! our monev. The Scio Tribune i i.2>> per year buy your goods ami help mak«* vour public functions a success. But we like to have you people return the P LacaJ Markri Report courtesy We would, even like to have the «-dit«>r of the Democrat at- ten«! our Fair and tell us what he Wheat per Ltuihel S fib thinks of it in the "Misât" column. Oat* *’ .46 30.00 Bi an iwr ton Sunshine Behind the Clouds 31.00 Wn«-al chop par om 30 <10 Chit chop It is with regret we learn that Harley Chop " 30.00 our c«>n