Sir ' M* / aS* - NEW TYPE OF ALFALFA. May Me Qrown twccecafviHy In Ran •«■la ef the toot. Hard Ths I alfalfs may tw grown so.«ewe Cha*. Lyon i* reported aa «loing nicely on the r««ad to recovery from fully tn the bard pan mills of the east la the ron.luat.iti reached by »tlwrts an operation for trail »tone*. after study of climate, soli and roottl ut that the iartaG<>ua In alfalfa are shown In the sellerai ftastwaly a Dady M Iks Fnrs si • Hauser Brother», of Sal««m, are hardlnewi <»r t ,* plant, the root system visiting their aiater. Mr* I. E Bel the plan* where the biuta start out atei tb* general ability of the plant to re linger thia w«-s*k. Wsskly Ns Other Newrpapas ■ Ike Wsvte Cress Sa Merk News si Se Lew a Frws atot unfavorable «amdlthms Georg»- Hawk ami family are vioit- ing friend* ami relative* in ami The year 1914 ha* lieen the most amund Sweet Home. extraordinary in the history of John Bowser. of Illinois. I* modern times It has wilmraoed the outbreak of the great European war. ing hi* brother S W Bowser a struggle no titanic that it make* all other* look small. You live in momentous time* and you should not nils* any of the tre­ mendous event* that are occurring. No other newspaper will inform you with th«* promptaera and chea|»tM*«* of the Thriro-a-Week Edition of th«« New York World. Moreover, a year’* *ul»acription will take you far into our next presidential campaign The Thrice-a-Week World’* regu­ lar Huhswription price is only fl per year and thia payo for 156 j»apeni. We offer this tinei|uall»*d newapa|u-r anil The Scio Tribune together for $1.90 The regular price ia $2.25. Alfalfa to j prarforod largely in the «v~l and south we«t under Irrigation and under ramdl ‘ Ilona ahkt. make It entirely passslbto for the grower to entro! the water content In the anil, thereby insuring the proper moia tn re rondlGon nero» sarv to the maturity of the seed Much of the wed In th* east comes from Quite a numlw'r of t»eiia and grew under eastern conditions ha* i»««ci>iue a famous resort in the were those l*|«e* With a -prea.llfig P«it •ummer It i* reported that the system wbl. h could malst the soil con dltton« and the alternate freeslng and camp grounds are tilling fast. 'hawing of eastern winter« One authority says “There la a tend epey tn a single tap mot In all type« For Sale of alfalfa The differen-e between the varino« kind« I« emi>ha«l»ed by a more nt less striking difference in the root A valuable fartn 310 acre*, MX struclnre of the plant The main ron mile* west of 190 acre« «Mentirai tn choosing a type nt alfalfa oak er uh Is that the mot structure of the tri» in cultivation •elected shraild he adapted to the pasture land. Fair hi»u«e and tarn In Which the seed I« 111 be plstiled gixal small orchard, within one-half "After much ex|tighii »eli ptvparad rich «oli wm> f..rt» twn t"««it»d- -if pure Kentucky <>*Ur ier i«» Ave |«e»nda »f «ulld radtiip «nd Ih ree p. mi rat. ..f whlte dover |ier ..■tv «i- « «• « -i a« thr land cag he «rl| Pictatml rak. thr «.-ed In well • u.t r.»ll tight Ir 1« Rn« <‘*ily Aaand ll-.rtk-iiliurtet Vnireralty l'ara». Farm and Garden s « i >>>****»* THE FARMER AND THE CROW. V.rtusa et t*o ■ -»* Are •eqlnoin* la 0« Rsca*n«red |Prr|ars«t k> ih« trnliad Atatsa dopar« sani af agricoltura. ] None ut or native btrds so much ..»n erns Ibe average tarmar nf thè eas'ern «tetes s. thè ititi»moti crww Msuy of aur pre«eut crlttctome nf ibis iilr»l. aa Ita pulllng «pnmtlng cor*, feed Itqt ou rlpenlng ear« damaglu* fruita of vsrlous klnlk Fave». “bargain clay" rate*, providing you or nee The Scio Tribune. An et®, lent apparatus for Alvin* the are a itulatcrilwr to The Tribune. Scio, Ore air cure for milk fever may lie rlgg-d COfIMililB wilt C l»rfk-! up in a few nilnuio» Kerry man who kwpr cow« should have a milking The only other tube alwaya at baud things necessari are wide nv>utbw the • i ». in »» fle-ftUM»«» 'f H. B. CHESS ATTORNEY AT LAW IfWAfte tug«n-v» The« say I ba I action anal reeatum are always equal On. Ira William G. Amos owe of my stvvaturo Mini ■if to orata «nd I’m I 'Ittatmrg h t dopet*"« rt-.u WH et the Fi DENTIST < Iregon Mauri fatte N. M. Newport Attorney at law tciTT arroKNKYi The pult, »man bad a gambler by th* arm and was waiting for the patrol wagon to arrivo -Wtet are you fiotagF asked a friend of the officer who happened to he passing “I am holding a card party." replied th* cop Ruston Transcript Imprwving th* Maekbaw*. Although the following aoonti* an Irish pun It te ereditati to ■■ A lean ciergrtnaa “Tatrlotlam la the baráteme of the f'nlted Ft*tea" quoth the mlntetav Ills -..ngrrgstlon n-«dded a allaet a* provai "And what we have to do la to trai* that backbone and tiring It I» tbe front ' Boaion HvraML You May Pay Less BUT YOU WILL NOT GET WORK THAT IS SO GOOD AS WE IM) You May Pay More BUT YOU WILL NOT GET WORK THAT’S ANY BETTER IF AS GOOD Throe atatementa refer to Job and Book Printing Y Our facilities are complete. * We use <>nlv the brat of material, and our pricro are right for fl rat ciao* work. We do no other kind Y We alwaya aatiafy our cuatomer*. THE SCIO TRIBUNE al«» l»a»e is-en uiatters of re- ord fot in wev*r, s< b-iitin. «imly ut Illesa problema. In eludilo, thè rkaiulnatbiU of tbe stilili a< hs ut burnì rxnts of cruwn «e. urwl in etery uw-iuti uf tbe >*ar and under a »arlety ut coiidltloa*. tu»« vuabled us lo rondar a much (sitar «erriti i than *• (otmerly |»>a»s|ble 'l lie er«iW ls piaitkally ■ituniturotm Durtug »(»ring ami early •ummet any forrn .»( Itiw-et lite «rem» lo m.ike a tcnirabir itpni in Ita dl.-t, and in wlnter wli.-ri barf tb* total May lavile* and whlte grilla to to be put Into th* taMl-.m of the forai ara ««*ten in every monib *x-ept Janu hottie, ao as to partly saturate the - ot ton Never Use a milking tube for sry bui m eur must prumlnently In In Juiie • nterpiilnr« are a favor either milk fev«< or auy -itlier trouble M*y without thormi.-hly doanitic am! «terll i Ite finsi ami weevlja of vari*** klmi* takeu m vary tn* qoantttta* Ixlng If Neglei t of tbl« prss-autton are tliiiHigliout ««immer and fall About may lone y«»u a row Pump tbe udder full enough ao that It la Ju«t !•*••. tmt hair of tbr remaining Ä per «-ent of got atratned with pressure It will ln»««"t final la eotnp«i**d uf tmued. lai often be necessary to rvprat the opera I ground laa tles. ladybird» predarono* bug* atei i»ira«ltl< wa«|m. and roiated lion aeveral times Mell and Hreeee forma, tbe resi c.»t»«lstlng of neuiral or injurhai« forra*. Numeroua I* «tam'ws are on rw-ord wbero Helda liadl» Infcwtral w Ith whlte grulle or gra-*shop|ier» bave m-vu fkvorit* reourt* of <-ri»w*. wbose «oracity baa resolted in a tuatertel «iippre-«l-'n of thè prat !z>ok after worn spots --n the lawn W ben tbe araount of food requlrerl to Manner them well and «|wde deeply «u«tnln thr Individuai crow te co* Rake and sow grnaa aeed • Id.-red thè Work of Ihrwe blrd* ap Home of the m-blxanthu« hybrid* are pear» all tbe more impoTtanL Rlngl* striking Aowera They may he used aa •tornai ha i-outaluing upward of flfty cut Aowera anal alwaya «ttract alien grn«sh-'pl>rr» «re n«d un- ■-mino*. Thu» lion In II» 1 hot. e of Iti-e-1 food tb* crow te Golden Bantam la one of the beat rendering an Imi» irta ni servir» lo Ih* early sweet corns It la not quite ao early *a Peep o' Day hut la of better farmet In thè «eher animai fonti of tb* quality Ret out a at raw twerv r*d aa warn aa |e»rtam e Hpi«lera are tak*n the «Ml ran he wnrkc-t «nd in . utisblerable number» In May «nd Nenatnv f»unlap «mured Jun*. bui thè »rari) total I* • Ulti» variety over I per - rnt «*f tbe food. la aarly After agri«« era*ft*ti v* I ORCHARO AND GARDEN »SS - RE t V’.T'" Merahaet *hipe' Flag*. Tike Hrttlab mcr antUe ting Is known familiarly aa the red eroign Htrfc t- ly s|>eakiu*. ao Inland |**-rs*-n baa any right to fly the rol .'Uslgu anborv. tl»« •Illy flag peruiloelbie la-ing the plalu uiik.n Jack, which Ute .*nilnar) i ltiarii often files U|wld.’ down The red ru sign has Ila olili tal status fruii» the •»Ik is of two ipiiH'ti. ijiiou Anna In libi and yuevu V »■ tori.» In IMH Th* men bant mm of the «ulotiira generally tiar the red en««.ii also but by pertui«*l«iii of tbr admiralty may a>ld the badge of the i«*l*»ny in tbr fly “ Motne nntloik* bave «|w* lai met cantil* marión flags, but not all ¡'in I'nllrvl Mtate» fing, for liislan. v to the stara and strip«» fur all m-vank»** I h.- tii rui 1» 11»« r-alitili- tin, of black, while and reti ila le« nnly from |S*l symbolises the liakili ts'l w cell llotivnuillrrn bini k ami wldh »ml tin- red and »»bite of tit«- llaiiM-mic league The Itusslan men alitile tin.. Inlrtalucvd by Teter the Great, waa originally the Imt-h flag, familiar to him from bls studies In Holland. rvier«e«l Mier the arrangement of the three colon waa varied |g»nd<»n Gioi-v Qiving Him a Tip i IM-W ‘ m V’ Mangala as a S<•«.»- Feed. The tuaugel crop to a ln-avy y Ich tor. am! it ia .«mahim-d to la* <>ne <>f tho most satlafaetury uf the r.«»l cru|»a for rattle «a>a the Iowa lliuuratrad llor««<> rt «w*n •Rut mouths ' Rut In the carnival season -Yen Mrtm «topped for two mouths'' dorfer Rlaetter till w-irketi the utbef a«|usth r-«l a» ff«ti Hi.-I II. u-k' leud variety tu tb-- crow s bill «»f fare the yv*r around. In the ct»uaum|gl ■•- 1 trred Ix» Ib»- «loiiiai bs col Meted ih - -th every im-nllt. hut It te oft.n dl It to d. G rt.ilne whether small muliniate found In birds alum ach« were txkea all»«- or found dead Fffle’a Rrotlinr Im you love my »1» ter Title ! Kfflv '• Htendy ttompany Why Wlllto that la a quv«-r «ttieation Why do you went to know' Kflle's Brother Hhe «aid last night «he would *tve a dollar tn know, and I'd tike to «'«op It tn I’m k Early Rising Racipa A man rerontl« drank son- resat m mistake tnr botterwllk llr rreae three hour« earlier than naiial the mornlnt New I tries na Pl< aynne A man mt»«l either Inilt.iir the vt Irate or hate them Montaigne Wendarlul. Wenderlull Aster Hs* famlly heiriooni* ? A»k*r A few He hn« H h t»lo grnphjr pen hl« great gi -mlfalher algntid tbe l»««iaratloti of lmlr|«-mi »n e will» and Ibe «afety rntor pro aenied u» bim by loifaycttr York Gloti* litbd